Don't WAIT!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Thursday Morning 3-3-16


BIGFISH:  GOOD MORNING EVERY ONE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DONT Lose Hope in what still can Happen Today we already know certain things HAVE OCCURRED its like i said to some people last night that shared with me their DOUBT

We are watching a chess Game being played from 300 yards away and from that distance you cannot see the pieces being moved to know the plays being done sooo Lets HANG IN THERE SEE HOW THIS DAY ROLLS OUT THANK YOU,

Bigdog :  The last mile over every marathon is the hardest and requires the most faith you'll finish. There are thousands of people behind the curtain working very hard to make this process safe and pleasant for you.

With such a massive undertaking you must be prepared to cross the finish line. One thing I can assure you of is that no one is moving the line. Stay positive and finish strong!
Wolfy: Good Morning rich people---The very first email I just opened was from my best contact saying--Things are progressing great and it WILL be here any hour any minute now.. It was said it is done--and it is :)

Wolfy :  one of my contacts is a currency dealer/trader in Cali--his email late last night was he had to shut down until further notice :)

Fathertime :We must remember too that selling currencies is their business , they won't be closed for long in my opinion.

Shellbell:  This will happen as a "suddenly". People just hang in there. This investment is NOT for the weary at heart!

Wolfy:  Mass confusion--The closer we get the more confusion we will have--As we go along we are learning more and more and the PTB dont want us to. so they continually put out false hope and confusion. Decoys are being put up to have us looking in the wrong places and turning on one another--But its coming and they cant stop it.. We are almost there :)


WSOMN: JUST THE FACTS Wed. night CC Replay



Lilypad:  Interesting comments made by F26 Wed night CC. "These 3 gentlemen we talked about yesterday are UNITED … they are one. They won’t publicize that by putting that in the newspaper. Abadi and the two Holy Men are working almost “militarily” to bring Iraq into an INTERNATIONAL recognized community.

Dinarrivers: I believe someone mentioned yesterday that only dealers who were marketing the currencies as an investment have been shut down. You can definitely still get them but, take Great American Coin Company for instance. They are still selling but, they make it clear that they are only selling as collectibles and not as investment based on GCR.
SassyD: Three presidencies in Iraq agree on Abadi reform plan and a cabinet re​shuffle, one day before the mass demonstration called her Muqtada al -​ Sadr -- March 2, 2016 -- ​ ​%3Fid%3D4635367&usg=ALkJrhjOYPQbPgu-vXuEnDmBN8s27BOa8g


From Wed. 3-2-16

Landa REPLAY: 641-715-3589   

Access Code:   484-959#   press # for today's CC

Emailed to Recaps:

How The U.S. Government And HSBC Teamed Up To Hide The Truth From A Pennsylvania Couple

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/02/2016 19:00 -0500

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

The reason both the Democratic and Republican establishments are in full on panic mode about the rise of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders is a deep seated fear that the plebs have finally woken up.

Democrats rail against big corporations, while Republicans rail against big government. This scheme has been used to successfully divide and conquer the public for decades while big government and big business successfully schemed to divert all wealth and power to an ever smaller minuscule segment of the population — themselves.

It took awhile, but the people are finally starting getting it and they are royally pissed off. One of the primary mechanisms for this historic elite theft has been the creation of a two-tiered justice system in which the rich, powerful and connected are never prosecuted for their criminality.

Instead, the government actively protects them by pretending corporate entities commit crimes as opposed to individuals. Of course, this is impossible, but yet it’s how the government handles white collar crime.

The Orwellian named “Justice Department” casually utilizes deferred prosecution agreements (DPAs), in which companies pay a little fine and the criminals themselves walk away with not just their freedom, but ill gotten monetary gains as well.

Walkingstick:  MARCH 2, 2016

Three presidencies in Iraq agree on Abadi reform plan and a cabinet reshuffle, one day before the mass demonstration called her Muqtada al-Sadr

Baghdad / Ali Jawad / Anatolia: the three presidencies have agreed in Iraq (Republic, ministers, and parliament) and the leaders of the political blocs, the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's reform plan, and included a cabinet reshuffle, according to a comprehensive reform program, before and one day after a mass demonstration called her Moqtada Sadr, the leader of the Sadrist movement.

Held on Wednesday evening, the meeting of the three presidencies, Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, the President of the Republic Fuad Masum, the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, and the leaders of several political parties, including Ali al-Adeeb, president of a coalition of state law in Parliament, Zia al-Asadi, head of the political body of the Sadrist movement.

He also participated in the meeting, Ammar al-Hakim, head of the Islamic Supreme Council, and in favor of the King, chairman of the Arab bloc, and Ahmed electrodes, president of the Union of Forces bloc in Parliament, Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, a former president of the parliament, also attended by representatives of Kurdish parties.

He said al-Hakim, head of the Supreme Islamic Council in the WIN National Alliance, after the meeting at a press conference, said that "three presidencies, and the leaders of blocs agreed on a cabinet reshuffle in accordance with the comprehensive reform program."

He said al-Hakim, that "the meeting also agreed on the need to expedite the procedures to ensure reforms create reassure the Iraqi people, taking into account the diversity of sects."

He continued, "The meeting is a step in the right direction by bringing the views between the parties, and all agreed that the speed of implementation of reforms in a balanced way."

Hakim said that he "was stressed at the meeting on the need to reform not limited to changing government ministers, but should include the change agents, and the general directors and heads of independent bodies."

In turn, he stressed the president of Iraq, "the need for a cabinet reshuffle in accordance with the professional standards and efficiency, including a comprehensive reform is in the project."

And demanded in a statement, Wednesday evening, Prime Minister al-Abadi display the results of the consultations and the issue of the Special Committee in the Council of Ministers adjustable ministerial during the coming period on the presidencies Althelat and the heads of political blocs. "

The statement called al-Abadi to "seeking the views of academics, professionals, and independent, leading to the preparation of a comprehensive reform program that is in the service of citizens, and the face of economic challenges, and security, and political, which hinder the political process."

The leader of the Sadrist movement in Iraq, Muqtada al-Sadr, has called on residents of the capital, for a demonstration on Friday, at the entrances to the Green Zone in central Baghdad, after three days of threatening to storm the area.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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