Don't WAIT!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Saturday Night 3-26-16


Walkingstick:  Urgent Abadi: International plans to start next week to stand with the financial plight of Iraq  03/26/2016

Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi said on Saturday during a press conference with UN Secretary - General Ban Ki -moon and the heads of the World Bank and the Islamic Pan "There are plans to start next week to stand with theplight of Iraq Almalah..itba

DustiB:  Not being the brightest bulb in the pack.....
This still makes me :   SAY WHAT????????


But then:  International plans to "START"  next week?

HMMMMMMMMMMMM:  Making me wonder:
When will the "plans" end and be "visible"????? (NO NOT ASKING FOR A DATE, I PROMISE! NEVER HAVE, NEVER WILL!)
Yes, my head hurts from thinking this much!
ALL IN GOD'S TIME, is my motto, just trying to add my 2 cents worth!


Doodlebug:  Didn't Frank say that once it is in print, it is done?

Hoot:  yup yup he sure did yup

Frank26:  YES.............. Let's Roll !!!   I am Excited at this insane Speed of Iraq ........ LOL One would think there is a a Dam Busting or something ..........

Cleitus:  Frank, can we now assume that somewhere in Mosul there is a flag planted?

Frank26:  IMO ....... There are more than ...... 3.


Mountainman:  So The BIG DOGS....Ruff Ruff RUFF...... Are There.....We Knew about that.....Notice.....The Head of the ISLAMIC BANK.........WHY is that???......

IMO.....COORDINATION and COOPERATION......Leading to A "NEW REALIZATION"......for A Soon  {INTERNATIONAL DECLARATION}.....WS Great Work.....Tirelessly might I ADD.....Blessings,Mountainman

Walkingstik:  Ki-moon: Peshmerga name became known around the world

12 minutes ago

Met the President of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, on Saturday, with UN Secretary - General Ban Ki - moon, and the heads of the World and Islamic banks Jim Yong Kim and Ahmed Mohamed Ali, confirmed Ki - moon said that the Peshmerga name known around theworld as she stands on the front lines in to defend the world from thethreat of "terrorism." the President of the Kurdistan region, for thesacrifices made ​​by the people of Kurdistan in its war against Daash financial crisis and economic challenges facing the region.

He pointed Barzani that "any party did not provide support and financial assistance to the Kurdistan region, and that the Iraqi government did not abide byits commitments and obligations towards Kurdistan in providing services for the displaced. "

for his part , UN Secretary - General Ban Ki - moon expressed his happiness to visit the Kurdistan region and theopportunity to meet the President of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, gave congratulations to Barzani and the people of Kurdistan on the occasion of Eid Nowruz.

He Ki - moon to He said, " and his accompanying delegation visiting Kurdistan in order to provide support and assistance to the Government and the people of the Kurdistan region." he praised the role of the Peshmerga forces to achieve victory on the organization Daash and defeat them and destroy their morale, stressing that the Peshmerga name became known in the world.

it was Ban Ki - moon He arrived in the Iraqi capital , Baghdad, on Saturday, accompanied by the World Bank President Jim Yong Kim and President of the Islamic development Bank Ahmed Mohammed Ali, to discuss the latest political developments and the financial crisis in Iraq.



MountainMole:  Anyone staying up tonight please don't scare the Bunny. Perhaps the Easter Bunny will hop on the RV Button. That means chocolate for everyone.

TnDr:  Lots Ray says, we look to see if the Iraqi people are just appeased or will the new price of goods and services show a leap,in dinar value....hoping the latter!
You'd think with the messages we are hearing about banks being ready for us that this is about a wrap! Wrap it up, put a bow on it!

My logical mind goes to "Murphy's law" and sometimes think that with over 200 countries coordinating such a huge event that someone wasn't quite ready....pull off the band aid!

Fireball92:  Tndr... I dont quote tony much but he did have a point that .... EVERYthing will NEVER be ready at ONCE... They need to go forth with GREAT diligence and caution fixing the rough edges as the are exposed

Fireball92: KTFA Mountainman: I'm NOT saying The New Value is Happening TODAY!!!!!!!!...... But Rather "SOMETHING".....Similar in the MONETARY CLOSING PROCESS.....You Know Like WHEN One is Closing On A NEW HOUSE.....and ALL Appropriate Parties are there W/FINAL DETAILS....and shall We say......PAPERWORK!!!!!!!!.....

REI: If they are doing all these meetings and speeches don't you think these things have been accomplished already?

Airam:  REI that is a probability ........but who dare to bet on it .....IRAQ is IRAQ

GJHonor:  With all these big people in Iraq they are not playing games , we are witnessing one of the greatess historical event we will ever see wow come rv

Tada:  .....and we're off like a herd of Turtles....

EddyEagle:  we are moving forward but at a snails pace…actually i think i've seen snails move faster than the

Airam:  Iraq has to prove to the big wigs .....and I think this is not a matter of words .....ACTION they want action…..Praying they take IRAQ'S word as good ....Economic Reform and BOOM..RV



DrivingandCrying:  Awesome According to a parliamentary source said "the parliament speaker said during the parliamentary session today and there are 43 bill got to the stage of the vote, and called for parliamentary committees to speed up its completion, most notably the National Guard Act, the anti - terrorism law of general amnesty and the law of accountability and justice and the law defining the mandates of the three presidencies."

Dinar Updates:

wmawhite    While many behalf as if this weekend is the same as scoring the winning TD...

I believe this weekend's visit by Ban Ki Moon and Legarde is similar to the offense breaking the huddle and walking to the line of scrimmage with the ball inside the opponent's 5 yard line. 

I believe the visits are significant...but we may not learn how significant they are until after they leave.
Emailed to Recaps: 

Its a typically quiet Saturday here in "dinarland" but much of what I hear and see posted indicates disappointment or unfulfilled expectations - and for the life of me...I can't understand WHY?

We were alerted that we would receive an "Urgent Message" from Yosef last night, and we did. This was it...

"I Believe…  LINK
It had TODAY'S Date - of Saturday, March 26 on it.

Seems perfectly clear to me, and consistent with the firm belief that the GCR would take place on a US Saturday night!

Knowing the level of anticipation of many of the banks involved, and 3-letter agencies that I'm aware of expressing the same...

I'm EXCITED and in very calm anticipation.

Knowing full well, that either way "soon" is the operative word.

The reality is, I doubt even Yosef has contacts that reach to the very few at the level of absolute knowledge of "when"

For me, with my background in commercial finance - I've always just "followed the money" and watched whats actually happening on the global financial stage and looked for events within the geopolitical arena.

Its never made sense to me that the RV would occur BEFORE the demise of the old system - until CIPS came along a few months ago.

Now, I can see where its more possible - and maybe even necessary under "Plan B" since this has all been fought tooth and nail, all the way.
Regardless, China has already announced a back-wall date for the GCR of April, 2016 - some time ago.

When China announces that their yuan is "asset-backed" what do you imagine the rest of the world is going to do at that moment? Therein lies the GCR...

With recent international banking, market, and bond activity - the current system as it exists is truly just hanging by a thread.

In its wake, every worthless piece of paper representing value will go along with it. All markets, annuities, retirement accounts will all be collateral damage. Exchanges for those holding actual currencies are the one exception, as they will be redeemed.

I wish everybody the best, and wish to remind them that despite the herding that is going on by "some" urging you to "get the highest contract rates" you may want to consider other options and exercise caution before running head on toward a coming train.

Personally, there is only so much that I need to take care of immediate "issues" - digits on a piece of paper or a computer screen don't thrill me. More importantly, I'm not making any "decisions" about anything - until time presents more information.

Planning, and the need for "control" is the answer to those who dwell in fear. I find information offers a better and more flexible solution.

I've heard some say that "we should trust the banks" and that "they're different, now". Well, I was there when they promised to put the "bail-out money back into circulation", and lied - so no...this girl won't be trusting them anytime soon. 

But then, I don't have to. Anything I exchange will be almost immediately converted to real assets. 

Seems pretty simple, to me. 

As does an announcement tomorrow that the RV is now "public" - or at least available to us.

A tongue-in-cheek nod from the mostly Buddhist Chinese to all those "believers" in the official story of rebirth. 

Greek Easter is not until May 1 this year, but there is a saying that goes "Christos Anesti, Aléthos Anesti Which is Greek for : “Christ is Risen!” And then, the reply is “Indeed He Has!” 

And, while I don't personally buy into any of the religious rhetoric - I can see the Poetic Justice of the release tomorrow. 


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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