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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Wednesday News Summaries By Aggiedad77 at KTFA

aggiedad77 » June 24th, 2015, 2:10 pm

Wednesday News Summaries and Commentaries

Jumaili: the central bank is ready to expand the amount of loans to small and medium future

More news on the readiness of the CBI to jump start things with small and medium loans in the coming days/weeks, up to 50 million dinars per loan.....they talk of this being just a "down payment" with more to come....we shall see what happens and how this first round of loans go.

Conscious / Secretariat of the Council of Ministers: the formation of the largest e-government network
The numbers of governmental departments and ministries that are jumping onboard the electronic format for performing government business continues to grow, the latest to join in the techie crowd is the Defense Ministry....coming of age it would seem in Iraq....a long time in the making.

Keywords: dollar reserves enables us to issue large sections of the local currency

The "acting" governor of the CBI talks of a new currency coming early next year....a 50k denomination.....however, from the benefit of the public on the street I do not see this having any great consequence for anyone....and will he even be around to see this possibly happen...what are Dr. S's thoughts in this direction....does he have other motives that could change things...

I think of greater notice is the remarks now stating that the $68 billion dollars in reserves now covers "three times local currency" that speaks volumes....the reserves have changed little in the last six months....but they have gone from the reserves covering 1.5 times the currency on the streets to 3 times....

I find that remarkable.....highly remarkable....the currency continues to be drained from the streets and in a big way.....big things to come IMO.

Source: House of Representatives will reconvene on Wednesday, the first of next July, and not Thursday

Parliament will crank things back up on Wednesday next week, not Thursday....get your JAM on and be ready for some law passing activities.

Parliamentary Legal: 6 laws ready to vote pending the beginning of the legislative term blocs agree

Walkingstick does these segues so well.....speaking of laws to be voted are 6 or so biggies in some books.....National Guard Law.....Federal Court Law.....Law of Parties.....Amnesty Law.....Law amending Criminal Procedures.....Money Laundering Law....and maybe on a side note......the HCL...the king of all laws....if COM will let go of it.

Iraq signed an agreement with the European Union to give him more than 27 million euros

The Planning Ministry received 27 million euros from the EU for social justice and local development projects.....this particular money will be earmarked for criminal justice and improvements in how detainees are handled.

Parliamentary Economic calls for activating the role of confidential informant to recover funds looted

This strikes me as sort of we have a Maliki supporter stating that the Economic Committee is going to be offering up to 10% rewards for those who become informants and aid in the recovery of funds that were taken as a result of corrupt activities.....a Maliki supporter supporting informants who turn on their own and getting paid for their efforts....Maliki better watch his back big time.....10% of a boat load of money is sure going to be enticing to a bunch of people....just saying.

Kurds turn backs on Baghdad as Iraqi Kurdistan runs out of oil money

The Kurds want to sell oil on their own again.....saying this time it is legal to do so.....same thing they said last year....where did it get them.....a number of ships sitting on the high seas with crude oil loaded to the gills and no where to sell careful what you claim to be your homework and check it twice.....look deep into the constitution and read the fine print I am sure it has some say in this matter, not just the budget law of 2015....sure you are expecting more from Baghdad, but so is everyone else in the country....austere times are just that....tough on everyone.....patience my friends, patience.

Maliki submitted his answers about the fall of Mosul, the beginning of the legislative term of Parliament

Why is it that when a politician....any politician gets called on the carpet, gets brought in for questioning, they suddenly can't be allowed to speak for themselves....ever notice that.....reeks of a guilty feeling to me....just my opinion. So Maliki has allegedly provided his "version" of answers to the fall of Mosul.....wonder how that went....Najafi has provided his as what remains must be the answers from the Kurd President Barzani.....I'm not really worried too much about his answers but am most interested in what tales Maliki chose to tell.

Najib: Article 50 of the Budget Law has failed

Yes I've already posted on this article.....this woman who crosses over between the Finance Committee and the Economy and Investment Committee quite often is finally admitting the Article 50 part of the budget was a failure....of course it and demand laws will tell you that before it even became law.....yet you still had and have the audacity to point fingers at the CBI for wrong-doing....get a life and an wonder it must be so difficult to build a worthwhile and meaningful budget within the Finance Committee organization....sounds like a house-cleaning is in order.

Chihod calls to speed up the passage of oil and gas law to solve problems with the Kurdistan region

So which way does the State of Law really and truly favor of the HCL or opposed to it....guess that depends on whether you are in favor of Maliki or not.....yes there has been a slowdown of laws being passed....yes indeed....look to those who either openly or behind closed doors claim to be in Maliki's camp as being the culprits behind this slowdown as attempt to overthrow PM Abadi's government of sorts.....people are wising up to their crafty attempts though and I expect to see a rededicated effort from Parliament and those political blocs with enough pull in the government to make things start to happen again.

The dollar continued to smuggle out and campaign .. "Hrtaiwih" to prosecute speculators to "green"

I only point to this article to illustrate a couple of things....firs this is STILL the Finance Committee pointing fingers at the CBI for wrong-doing....put up or go sit in the names of who is doing corrupt things...turn them over to the Integrity Commission....or otherwise take a time out and stew with your nose in the corner....your hot air is growing stale and suffocating....give it a break.

Parliamentary oil: increase Iraq's oil production fills the deficit does not need to mortgage

Increases in production of oil need to lead to an increase in exports of the oil......and oil prices need to continue to climb.....Iraq is just now at the break-even point with their revenues of oil sales hovering at or around the $56/barrel mark....the budgeted amount....they need to start hitting over that amount to start generating enough revenue to pay down the budget deficit....but we are on the last half of the year and will they have time to make a dent in that.
Keywords: Abadi complain silhouette of government led by al-Maliki

PM Abadi spokespeople are talking of a "shadow government" by Maliki....put in other terms "50 Shades of Maliki"....IMO....the snake in the grass has never really left the yard....intruders such as PM Abadi beware.....especially of coup attempts.

Iraqi dinar fall to its lowest level since 9 years

Notice the name spewing this out....another Maliki.....more cannon fodder....just pass on by this and don't let this upset the apple cart.

A new crisis looming on the horizon ... the dismissal of al-Maliki from office!

How shall we start this....."HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN"........"HIP HIP WOORAAAHH"......I'm seeing this as anything but a crisis....unless they allow Maliki to go underground...then that could indeed be a crisis....they call him a wounded tiger....I prefer the name of snake....even injured he will still prove to be deadly if not dealt with swiftly and completely....and beware of the head of the snake it still contains venom.


Dr. Saleh to the rescue...this is what I was referring to just a short while ago about oil and oil prices.....push that price above $56/barrel and reap the rewards.

Food prices keep on rising rates, ignoring the low dollar exchange rate

The exchange rate falls significantly....but things like food prices and other commodities don't follow as quickly.....there must be a law even an unwritten law on this phenomena....never do commodities fall as fast as they rise.....price of oil and the price of gasoline is a prime case in equality there at all.....the middle man syndrome I believe, taking profits as long as possible.....but given time....the prices should turn around and fall.

A security source: Iraqi forces in full control of the Baiji

This is big news, the town of Baiji is back in Iraqi hands....and hopefully the nearby refinery will soon be as well.

Breaking for a rest....enjoy what we have here today.   Aloha     Randy

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