Don't WAIT!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Big Call Tues. June 23 at 9 PM ET

The Big Call for Tuesday June 23 is at 9PM ET

Kent was released today from the hospital after emergency gall bladder surgery and will be assisting me tonight.

We will discuss the latest about the economic reform occurring throughout the world...  and talk about how to be ready for our exchange. Join us tonight to be part of the discussion.

Listen Only line: 530-881-1150
Q&A Line:          559-726-1150

No access code is needed for either line.

Playback number: (559)726-1159 access code 123456#

Link will be given to Dinar Recaps following the call.

Thank you for posting. We appreciate Dinar Recaps for the wonderful effort they make.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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