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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 6-23-15

Morning News Comments 06/23/2015

Jubouri calls for respect for and document the political agreement and the project of national reconciliation

[tlm724] al-Jubouri to "respect and document the political agreement, and the project of national reconciliation.

[tlm724] He added that "one of the key legislation that the government will be completed oil and gas law ".

[tlm724] sweet ! I'd really be impressed if they got that done !

Committee competent implementation of Article 140 of the center and south of Iraq declares completed 90% of its

[tlm724] Committee competent implementation of Article 140 of the center and south of Iraq declares completed 90% of its

[tlm724] 90%

[tlm724] , the central and southern Iraq completed 90% of its business

[tlm724] rut ro thats leaves the kurds lol

[tlm724] Jubouri said that most of those affected have not received the amount of compensation except retrieve some land confiscated by the former regime to their rightful owners.

[tlm724] so no dough but some land

[tlm724] it's gonna be hard to satisfy the kurds on this one but there is always hope ! if they officailly give them Kirkuk I think it would work but then again the Turkmen are also involved, it's gonna take some serious finagling to get that 10 % done


Central Bank launches amounts of medium and small loans early July

[tlm724] Central Bank announced on Tuesday the launch of loan amounts for medium and small projects by the private Iraqi banks early next month of July

[tlm724] that the loan amounts will reach up to 50 million dinars

[tlm724] that banks benefit will not exceed 5.5%

[tlm724] so max interest rate is 5.5 %

[tlm724] "The central bank's decision to allocate trillion dinars to the private banks and directed to establish medium and small projects will begin early next month (July),

[tlm724] "all Iraqi private banks covered by this decision for those who wish to work out.

[tlm724] getting that liquidity liquid lol

[tlm724] flow it to me baby *wolfwhistle*

[tlm724] banks will lend to citizens who wish to obtain a loan for the project and when given him the that the bank introduced the statements monthly amounts lent to allow the central bank by providing those amounts according to the benefits is subject to her parties mechanism

[tlm724] ah there is some oversight by the CBI, about time !

[tlm724] the Bank's initiative will enhance confidence between the citizen and the private banks and bridges make it there for a long continuous confidence and work among the branches of the banks and their clients from the citizens."

[tlm724] they better hope that works to build confidence ! I hate to tell them but they can't have a banking system without the peoples confidence, no way no how ! No money flowing = a failed system !


Parliament resumes its sessions on the first of July

[tlm724] Saleem al-Jubouri, on Tuesday, the resumption of Parliament sessions on the first of next July,

[tlm724] he Council will discuss the important laws, including the National Guard and the Federal Court, political parties, pointing out that the displaced file will be a priority for the work of the government and parliament in the coming period


Specialists: the entry of foreign banks to the Iraqi market will boost the country's economy and brings investment

[tlm724] says bank adviser "City" US Bank in Iraq Stephen Randov

[tlm724] The idea we entered Iraq came after extensive study into the Iraqi market and advanced stages where we have noticed that Iraq has become a magnet for investment in various sectors,

[tlm724] so it was necessary to have us a foothold in Iraq and open branches us.

[tlm724] "The bank Citibank important financial companies in America, so its presence in Iraq believe will have an advanced stage in support of the Iraqi economy, full and moving of foreign currency and the presence of liquidity foreign

[tlm724] that "the foreign banks can not be of a recipe supportive of the Iraqi economy in any way being far from the reality of the Iraqi economy and away from the details of the work of the Iraqi citizens and the concerns of the Iraqi trader, so it will be its non-glory. "

[tlm724] The foreign banks in Iraq only purpose of profit while the particular national banks purpose support the Iraqi economy and raising its standards by increasing their capital each year and give loans and adoption of large and medium projects. "

[tlm724] that "the entry of these banks Iraqi investment market has economic effects large, especially as the local banks in Iraq are suffering from problems and disorders

[tlm724] characterized the Iraqi market, a lack of the number of citizens who have bank accounts,

[tlm724] lack of the number of citizens who have bank accounts

[tlm724] "the central bank has long urged and continues to urge the need for the presence of international banks being Iraq

[tlm724] "the desire discreet banks internationally known Kalomrakih and English to work in Iraq evidence that Iraq a fertile environment for work and investment and has great economic elements."

[tlm724] NOW they are paying attention !!


The plight of the Iraqis with the dollar

[tlm724] In the best of our knowledge that people high-end that you like their own home and the independence of their country, proud national own currency, and refuses to deal with any other currency.

[tlm724] while we find that the vendors we have, are preparing for the holy month of Ramadan or any other occasion, and through raise prices so find themselves people in tight conditions and fatigue of living.

[tlm724] This is in cases where the dollar is fairly stable - and that did not settle on the way someday - how if witnessed this rise, which has become concerned about the financial and economic circles in general?

[tlm724] we aren't the only ones questioning this rise !

[tlm724] Most people, they know very well that high or low the dollar has a close and substantial relationship more with politics than his in finance and economics, and is a high price of the dollar in the Iraqi market,

[tlm724] they know very well that high or low the dollar has a close and substantial relationship more with politics

[tlm724] the average Iraqi is far from stupid !

[tlm724] Iraqi state facing criminal terrorist forces in the forefront of organizing (Dash) and those who stirring up riots and chaos and discord and manipulate market prices. These Jmaaa, make up the influential factors in the rise and fall of the dollar, in order to confuse the national markets,

[tlm724] the people are the ones who suffer, the fat cats in Baghdad don't feel a thing !

Iraqi dinar in the eye of the storm

[tlm724] but no one It can predict how long this will hold for a rapid solution in the market in light of the greed of the greedy speculators and under an atmosphere tainted by suspicions of many in relation to the banking behavior of speculators and some currency traders and who is supposed to control the Iraqi dinar exchange rate today and tomorrow.

[tlm724] precisely what we have have been saying ! The GOI and economist's have come out with a myriad of excuses, finger pointing and accusations ! The people recognize this erratic behavior as the wool being pulled over their eye's yet again !

 The CBI and the GOI have done a great job at deceiving the herd ! No one entity will ever take responsibility . They want to know who is in charge and how long will it take before this happens again. Iraq must move away from the dollar !!


Central Bank: the issuance of three categories of cash in 2017

Director General of the version number and inventories at the CBI Ihsan Yasiri delete the zeros of the Iraqi currency and a national project to feminine Iraqi currency, likely work on the project early in 2017.

[tlm724] thats our boy Yasiri General Manager and board member of the CBI.

"it is likely the launch of the new category from the beginning of the currency in 2017 because there are a number of opponents of the project," 

[tlm724] I call BS on this one lol there will always be objections, thats no reason IMO

monetary Asaddaramlat category 50, 100 and 200 to ease trading burdens currency after deletion of zeros

[tlm724] true it will be much easier, I just don't see it taking that long, they have been sucking dinars off the street like a super charged hoover, just sayin...

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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