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Monday, February 22, 2016

Dinar Updates Monday Afternoon Chat  2-22-16   Part 1 of 3

Post From Dinar Updates 2-22-16
Chat Room Excerpts & Highlights

Dinar Updates Monday Afternoon Chat  2-22-16   Part 1 of 3

CanTWaitwoRV says   4m4 minutes ago   US, Russia reach deal on ceasefire in Syria to begin Feb. 27 – reports

CanTWaitwoRV says to Mrs BGG   yep...I see one side looking more from the economic side of the coin and the other side political and both overlap or cross over
rcookie says   Tamimi intends to offer 100 special ministries for corruption Integrity Commission file

He wrote: February 22, 2016  Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed on Monday its intention to deliver more than the Integrity Commission (100) the corruption of special ministries file, confirming that it has corrupted files concerning foreign, transport and electricity ministry.
He said committee member MP Magda Tamimi said in a statement it was "many private finance ministry files of corruption referred to the Integrity Commission, where it was hauling files Trade Bank of Iraq," adding that she "is now working on a customs file and there are some files pertaining to taxes."
It added that it "has corrupted files belonging to the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Transport and electricity," revealing "near delivered nearly 100 files to the Integrity Commission."
She pointed out that "the committee member Haitham al-Jubouri, works on the grill and Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari," asserting

CanTWaitwoRV says to rcookie   turd duty..maybe they'll scoop up the Badr crowd that dug in their heels last minute on amnesty today too

Mrs BGG says   Luke 6:31 (NASB)   Treat others the same way you want them to treat you.
rcookie says   that "the interrogation will be soon."  LINK

David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says   Afternoon there was a body of opinion that Iran would increase the Rial, but given the lack of interactions between the Iran MOF and the IMF thats not likely anytime soon? Unless that was part of the nuclear deal but I don't believe so. Any thoughts.
David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says   rcookie thanks for yor work much appreciated.

Mrs BGG says]   All of our News Researchers and copiers and DU daters are a blessing!! Thank you!!

David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says   Are there any plans for a BGG call in the near future?

David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says   Agreeded.

BGG says to David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..](    Probably not for a few days - this is MY WEEK

CanTWaitwoRV says   Jabouri/Sadr meet over the weekend...make a tv statement to the citizens that's all good then amensty gets stopped and meeting next tuesday. Sadr responds quickly with requesting "millions" to come out Friday to protest

jarhead says   for rv ??
jarhead says   lol

CanTWaitwoRV says   Sadr specifically stating he wants Abadi out if reforms are not met

David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says   Your week to deal with all of us.

BGG says to David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo   No - that is next week :D
BGG says to David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..](   this week I finish up the major projects I have been working on.

tman23 says to rcookie   Iraq government has a tender for 50 million food boxes........4 million per month..... This order is in the process BUT cannot get confirmation from the Iraqi government on pricing,,,,,,,, The reason for delay...... The tariffs.......
The cost of each food box, what they are requesting in those then cannot answer the simple question if the tax is applied so pricing can be figured in......
Then we have multiple containers backed up at the port because there are thousands sitting there because of the tax........AND..... then we have the port authorities adding their own special handling a union on the docks....... So dealing in these issues....... I have said to much already........
David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says   You know when you get near the end of an event which is life saving for many anxiety sets in. The issue with the tarrifs is adding cost to the goods purchased by Iraqis which they can't afford without a rate change? Is it that simple?
David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says     Every other country in the world has tarrifs but Iraq. So the importers are getting push back from exporters ?

David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says   Or is it a technical issue (s) which went over my head. Would not be the first time.

David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says   The companies importing goods bear the tarrif cost don't they?
workhard says to rcookie   GM What do you make of this news Replace Keywards?
22.2.2016 14:54 •
Deputy: the Abadi not compliment his independent personality and the nomination of the Central Bank

[Where - Baghdad]  called on Deputy Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi National Alliance to an independent person to the post of central bank governor,  who is currently run by acting on the Keywords nomination.
Awad said Al-Awadi told all of Iraq [where] "We expect the prime minister to have an economic asking commensurate with the stage, him to end the central bank crisis and away from the courtesy call and the State of Law party and be the central bank away from quotas and party and
sends the nomination of an independent national Iraqi figure professional and economic next week the House of Representatives for a vote to be the central bank governor. "
he added that" the central bank works very large continuity in reducing the monetary reserves because the state withdraws from the central bank. "
clay01 says to David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo   the importers pay to bring in their goods, yes

workhard says to rcookieHere's the link for above article   bad link
workhard says to rcookie   I think this link works
David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says   Sorry well I would resist to but the pricing mechanism is balanced out some eventually is passed through but the Iraqi consumer will have the income to absorb it.
David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says   Sorry good morning Mrs BGG. Work hard the link is in Arabic. Is everything going to work out? Of course
Mrs BGG says to David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo   No problemo :)
David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says   Thanks. I guess the we should all be comfortable with managebele mad houses its a global thing.
workhard says to David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..](11:52 AM):
If you are using the google browser there should be a tab to translate that link
David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says   I was on Safari but I can switch. Thanks
Mrs BGG says to David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo   Where are you on Safari?

Mrs BGG says to David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo   lol
CanTWaitwoRV says to workhard   and Sadr specifically stated Alak has to go too
David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says(   Google ?
David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says   CEO only made $200 million and many me included can't afford anything
CanTWaitwoRV says to tman23
David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says   To bad that a supreme being can't just wave the wand and put everything in order. It is a matter of how long the jostling goes on
CanTWaitwoRV says   Sadr is on a roll today...severa articles out there...he wants results and has specifically stated that Abadi is a traitor to the citizens if he doesn't implement all the reforms

CanTWaitwoRV says(     he doesn't seem to be backing off
CanTWaitwoRV says     the way we see it in the west and how they see it as citizens in the east being impacted is like apples and oranges imo

subgirl says to CanTWaitwoRV   hope he does not back off either! maybe he can move it along with the reforms!

CanTWaitwoRV says to subgirl   never thought I'd be a temprorary Sadr fan but right now I am

subgirl says to CanTWaitwoRV   me either lol
CanTWaitwoRV says to subgirl    he's been given carte blanche by Sistani from the looks of it

CanTWaitwoRV says to subgirl   lol
jarhead says   careful what u wish for

CanTWaitwoRV says to jarhead   well as long as we get a rate Jar they can deal with the rest of it

CanTWaitwoRV says to jarhead   we obviously got our own problems over here
jarhead says   true

CanTWaitwoRV says to jarhead    (y)

CanTWaitwoRV says to jarhead   the insane part is that they actually read and vote on their laws unlike another country I won't mention 8-|

CanTWaitwoRV says to jarhead   heck they should just do what we do and just put the laws on the books lol

rcookie says to subgirl   JUST PACING YOURSELF....

jarhead says   and ignore them like our officials do

CanTWaitwoRV says to jarhead    (lol)

CanTWaitwoRV says to jarhead   they're actually trying to run it right which is the amazing piece to it all..daunting of course but the irony

jarhead says   agree

Hecht says   They are now blaming "Chocolate"

Hecht says   Crazy junk coming out now??? (lol)

foxmulder says to Hecht   lol lmao

CanTWaitwoRV says to Hecht   wow lol

bigrudy says   Are we rich yet?

Hecht says   250 dinar = 20 cents.. Chocolate bars..... Man I can buy chocolate bars for the rest of my life (lol)

bigrudy says   well not yet i guess
bigrudy says   any news about dinar corp?
sheila3 says to bigrudy   not that ive seen

rcookie says   Araji: Iraq owes the oil companies $ 25 billion
Monday, February 22, 2016 20:30  Alsumaria News / Baghdad
The Deputy Prime Minister for Energy, resigned Bahaa al-Araji, Monday, that Iraq owes the oil companies $ 25 billion, saying that the reason for referring it to crack due to the issue dealt with the licensing rounds during the last period.
They said in an interview with Alsumaria's News, "The allergic by the Integrity Commission came at me from addressing the issue of oil licensing rounds continuously through the media," adding that "the head of the body responsible for licensing rounds were from a single block."
He said al-Araji, that "Iraq was indebted to oil companies $ 13 billion in 2014, and $ 12 billion in 2015, for a total of $ 25 billion," pointing out that "the government has resorted to issuing bonds to the public in order to repay the debt of these companies."
Read More :

rcookie says    Iraq presented its oil fields during the licenses for the development of tours by international companies to reach a production of at least six million barrels per day within the year 2017, and the issue of Iraq crude oil from the ports of Basra and Khor al-Amaya on the Arabian Gulf, as well as the Turkish port of Ceyhan.
Read More :
bigrudy says to sheila3    Well it is very sad that people lost they hard earn money by Dinar corp and we dont hv any updates.

sheila3 says to bigrudy    yes it is,but i dont know anything about it,BGG has been keeping everyone up to date on the information he gets
larrykn says    bigrudy there was a site that you can give your info to and the fbi will someday get your money back would you like that site

larrykn says

Comments may be made at the end of Part 3  Thank You    Part 2

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