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Thursday, February 25, 2016

Dinar Updates Thursday AM Chat  2-25-16    Part 3 of 3

Post From Dinar Updates 2-25-16
Chat Room Excerpts & Highlights

Dinar Updates Thursday AM Chat  2-25-16    Part 3 of 3
Loopback says     Did everyone see the article from yesterday regarding Sadr's reform committee has already started meeting? And the three members who could not make it yet!
highstarr says to clay,,  I read chat every day and I am praying for you, your family and your business. So sorry it is not at its highest and best. Keep your expectation high. The situation is temporal--it's subject to change for your good! Not only am I thinking of you but The Lord is: Jer 29:11
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
clay says to highstarr    Amen brother you are so awesome thanks my friend
Loopback says     Sadr, the group of experts: Sofrd your recommendations of a government of technocrats force in the event of refusal
Political Since 02/24/2016 21:45 pm (Baghdad time)   Baghdad balances News
He recommended cleric Moqtada al-Sadr on Wednesday, a team of experts who called for its formation to provide advice to the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on forming a government Tknuraqrat, the necessity to maintain the "independence" in the sense of belonging and choice.
He's beginning / balances News / Sadr source told the committee that "if the rejected names that Stguetrahunha Vsoaml that imposed the street by force."
Absent from this meeting d. Ali Abdul-Amir Allawi and Shabibi to their illness and also d. Haider Saeed is busy preparing for an international conference, and will join the acting end of this month the Commission.
Loopback says    He said al-Sadr's office in a statement received / balances News / copy of the final, "he met with members of the Commission and formation of the government, which was formed in accordance with the reform program presented by Mr. Muqtada al-Sadr."
The statement added that "al-Sadr recommended that an independent committee of belonging and work in the choice be," stressing that the "government of technocrats be choosing a professional and non-tight standards". "
He pointed out that "there was a consensus of views and welcomed by the Commission to see (chest) with respect to the paper and the reform program."
Loopback says(    Sadr announced, in the (February 20, 2016), a list of the names of independents in order to form a committee to choose a cabinet of technocrats cabins, while noting the independent Baltknuaqrat proceed despite the fact that all the political blocs do not like.   Source
Loopback says    Absent from this meeting d. Ali Abdul-Amir Allawi and Shabibi to their illness and also d. Haider Saeed is busy preparing for an international conference, and will join the acting end of this month the Commission.
Loopback says(
highstarr says    I found more on the alert I posted earlier. I am not good at copying and posting in chat, here's the link. Click on "English" at the top of the page to translate, if needed.

highstarr says():
clay says    not opening for me as far as translating
Loopback says    highstarr found this article. Thanks for bringing in into the chat!! -LOOP
Urgent .. Defense Ministry announced the ratification of the compulsory service law
Thursday 25-02-2016 | 6:17:17 Twilight News / Ministry of Defence announced on Thursday for the ratification of the draft law of compulsory service in the country.
That service was in place in the previous regimes which Taakabbat to rule Iraq, and was canceled in 2003 after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein's regime by the United States and its allies, it has been the former army, which mainly depends on the cram order of civil rulers Paul Bremer, the American solution.
john09 says opened for me ...ty

Loopback says    It has replaced the compulsory military service system in Iraq to volunteer in the armed forces Balsnov all, and privileges and allowances contrary to what it was during the former regime is that those forces which are estimated in thousands quickly financial and administrative corruption swept all the joints, and may cause it to collapse and the fall of the provinces, however, Islamist militants in mid-2014.
According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Defense, the Defense Council endorsed a hearing held today, a draft military service law, "military service", in order to be submitted to the State Council for examination, and in turn brought to the presidencies of the Council of Ministers and the House of Representatives for approval.
The statement added that the vote on this law is in line with the requirements phase of political and military circumstances in the country.   Source
Loopback says    the Defense Council endorsed a hearing held today, a draft military service law, "military service",
Loopback says    Further confirmation that they a moving forward with the Conscription Law and dropping the National Guard law.
Loopback says    WHICH IS GREAT NEWS!
jarhead says    we waited for that law forever now its gonna change ??

Loopback says to jarhead(    IMO- There was too much contention over the National Guard law. Conscription simplifies the process. Many countries use this type of law for thier military. Works very well for them.

highstarr says    The alert I received stated that it was "ratified" but the article says "endorsed." What is the difference? (As if anyone can really know what the articles mean after translation.)

clay says to highstarr    lol Im with you
jarhead says    we need to find us an inside contact (lol)
highstarr says to clay(    I'm fairly smart, but, as Charles Capps (a preacher) once commented, my confusion about the dinar "is ignorance gone to seed!"
clay says to highstarr    lol he had that right

Loopback says to highstarr    To ratify a treaty or contract is to officially approve it by signing or voting for it. This article did not say that the Ministry of Defense endorsed it so who knows what that really means. Other then they seems to be for it.

beblessed says to highstarr    I loved Charles Capps a wonderful minister
Loopback says to highstarr    did not say that they signed it..
Loopback says to highstarr(    but they did endorse it
David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says    The article in Bloomberg today discusses all the countries that are shrinking their individual note denoms
jarhead says    its time they ratify or endorse a rate change......I approve this message :D
David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says    which I guess meam shrib=nking the total outstanding note count. Its not like a company that buys its stock back which increases earnings per share but it does add value ?
 Need an experet like rcookie to address that and the hopefully the positive implications for all on the Chat
David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says    My message goyt split up sorry.
clay says to David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo  yeah I get that myself lol all good :)
highstarr says to David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo   Take a mulligan, DU allows do overs.  
David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says to rcookie    Morning rcookie is the Bloomberg article today on countries shrink the denoms on individual notes and total outstanding note supply good ?
jeffusa says     ( Anbar – A security source in Anbar Province announced, that the headquarters of the so-called ISIS in Heet and Kabisa Districts had been destructed by a bombardment carried out by the international coalition aviation west of Ramadi.
The source said in a press statement, “The international coalition aviation, backed by the army’s 7th brigade conducted an air strike on ISIS headquarters in Heet and Kabisa south of Heet.”
The source added, “The bombardment resulted in the destruction of the headquarters, while inflicted heavy human and material losses on ISIS.”
jeffusa says     ( Nineveh – Media officials with the Ministry of Defense announced on Wednesday, that the so-called ‘masked terrorist’ arrested dozens of prominent ISIS leaders on charges of treason, while pointed out that the arrest operations were carried out by orders of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
The officials said in a press statement obtained by, “A terrorist called ‘the masked gunman’ arrested dozens of ISIS senior leaders by orders of the criminal al-Baghdadi on charges of treason,” pointing out that, “The arrested were also made to transfer their families after the arrival of the security forces near Mosul and the intensity of air strikes.”
The statement added, “The arrest operations led to noticeable collapse in the ISIS ranks.”
they are starting to explode from within.... no pay and now the leaders are being arrested..
clay says to jeffusa    they are about to lose their heads
clay says to jeffusa    implode
jeffusa says    that too lol
clay says to jeffusa   lol

wmawhite says(    David7349..Let's say you have a country and your form of currency one shiny gold coin and that coin can buy anything in your country.
So its value is equal to as much as you what it to be because iit can buy a horse, a house, anything.
But, if you cut that coin 9the only coin) in to each coin has half its value because the owner of the horse want boyth pieces before he sells to you.
Same logic applies to if the orginal coin is devided further an further. Now, if you were to start removing those extra pieces of coin and they become less available the remain pieces become more valuable.
jeffusa says    but with all thier car bombs maybe explode is the word lol
jeffusa says    another article... I like back up
jeffusa says    At least 11 Islamic State leaders have been jailed in Mosul on charges of “treachery” upon the order of the group's top leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, a Kurdish official in Mosul, told Rudaw.
"The 11 ISIS leaders were captured on charges of treachery against the organization," Saeed Mamuzini, media officer of the Kurdistan Democratic Party from Mosul, told Rudaw.
He added that an ISIS Sharia court judge is among the captured.
Meanwhile, the Iraqi Defense Ministry said on Wednesday that "ISIS has imposed curfews in Mosul following the eruption of clashes between left side (east) residents of the city and the ISIS police."
The ministry said in the statement "In three different areas on the left side of Mosul, people have started uprising against ISIS."

clay says to jeffusa    wow awesome
clay says to jeffusa    FREEDOM!!!
clay says to jeffusa(    live free or die

David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says    Okay mulligan, BillClinton took three a hole and look at where he is. The Russians and some earstern countries are dropping zeros that was surprising and I am wondering if thatas how the G20 gets out the monetary and fiscal screws?
jeffusa says    A picture of a diminished Islamic State (ISIS) in Iraq is emerging from recent reports and statistics.
As Peshmerga and Iraqi troops prepare for a major offensive to retake Mosul and loosen ISIS’ grip in Iraq, indications are that the terrorist group have all but conceded defeat.
In the last week alone, ISIS has suffered mass desertion and executed dissenters while a captured militant described the group as “weakened.” Experts believe that many of the leadership have relocated to Libya, leaving dwindling numbers in Iraq and Syria.
United States defense statistics released earlier this month indicate that the number of ISIS militants in Iraq and Syria had fallen to between 19,000 and 25,000, down from earlier estimates of up to more than 30,000 fighters.
It is suspected that ISIS, commanders especially, are seeking safety in Libya.
jeffusa says   "Some of their members, especially those with long-term importance to ISIS, are taking refuge here [in Libya]”, intelligence chief of Misrata, Ismail Shukri, told the BBC. “They view Libya as a safe haven."
Those militants left behind appear to be unskilled and afraid.
A volunteer bomb diffuser with the Peshmerga, Dr. Sulaiman Saeed, has observed a decrease in the quality of ISIS’ explosive devices. “A year ago, their bombs were being made by specialists,” he said. “But those we saw in [the recent liberation campaign in] Shingal have not been made by specialists. I guess the professionals are dead in ISIS, and those who work for them now are their third generation.”
An ISIS militant, Saad Sulaiman Ali, captured by Kirkuk security forces last week confirmed that the terrorist group is a shadow of what it was. “Everything is different from what it used to be,” he stated. “They are weakened now.” Ali also noted that ISIS is lacking in weapons, ammunition and explosives.
jeffusa says    The remaining militants may have seen the writing on the wall and are willing to risk the threat of execution by deserting their posts instead of facing near certain defeat.
At least 100 militants fled Mosul on Sunday according to Saeed Mamuzini, who led the office of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) in Mosul before the city was overrun by ISIS. “ISIS morale is at an all time low. People are scared,” Mamuzini reported. “ISIS militants too.”
Mamuzini indicated that among those who abandoned their posts were seven commanders. The desertion of commanding officers brings a more serious problem for the ISIS leadership.
A rudderless band of militants will be unable to offer little resistance to the forthcoming liberation offensive that Peshmerga and Iraqi troops are gearing up for.
jeffusa says   run and hide if you can....

David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says   I understand wmawhite that a split in itself does not increase value but is it a precusor to some attempt to increase the value?
jeffusa says   Members of the Islamic State (ISIS) have started moving their families out of Mosul in anticipation of an Iraqi, Kurdish and coalition attack on the city, said a local official.
Member of the Nineveh provincial council Khalaf al-Hadidi told Rudaw that the group has begun sending families and children out of Iraq and to other Arab countries in the region.
Al-Hadidi who maintains contacts inside the city said that many ISIS families have gone to Libya and the Egyptian Sinai.
ISIS captured Mosul in June 2014 and has since turned the city into one of its strongholds in the region.
US officials also announced earlier this month that many ISIS commanders have moved to Libya which they have chosen as their new hub.
A Kurdish official told Rudaw this week that more than 100 militants fled the city towards Syria last week and the group executed 36 members for desertion
jeffusa says(   the STORM is coming and right soon....
jeffusa says   to me the best thing is the news about Mosul seems to be a day or 2 behind... so this stuff has already happened.... SECURITY SECURITY SECURITY....
tman23 says   The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) announced that it has earned $650 million from oil exports in January 2016....

In a statement released on Thursday, 25 of February, KRG’s Minister of Natural Resources revealed that it has exported 18,656,131 barrels of crude oil (an average of 601,811 barrels per day (bpd)) in the month of January through the Kurdistan pipeline network to the port of Ceyhan in Turkey.

The ministry says it would re-launch the monthly crude oil export reports, to include additional information that further increases the transparency of the KRG’s direct oil sales.
“All future monthly reports will contain this new information. For the first time the monthly reports include the revenues received by KRG on account and cargoes lifted by buyers from Ceyhan.”........
David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says   Mr White I am sure you saw this. I will say monetary economics is a total bitch to understand.
David[X25SNDAUGTUKHUQWI6BTABCMVI@yahoo..] says   Back to school for me.

clay says to jeffusa(    (y) security=RV
jeffusa says    Rudaw camera zooms in on Mosul ahead of final battle By Sangar Abdulrahman 36 minutes ago
This is the newest pictures from inside Mosul that has been under ISIS control for more than a year and a half. There can be seen little movement around town.
The Rudaw camera zoomed in the city. It appears the ISIS militants have withdrawn further into town.
An offensive against Mosul is a hot topic these days. The Peshmerga and their guns are ready for that day.
A Peshmerga commander based just a few kilometers from Mosul says it is not going to be a very difficult battle.
ISIS has abandoned some towns and villages near Mosul. This is the town of Bartila. It is a big town and close to Mosul, but it appears deserted.
It is estimated that the battle for Mosul will require 60,000 men. 25-30,000 will have a direct participation. 

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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