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Sunday, February 28, 2016

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-28-16    Part 2 of 3

Post From BondLadys Corner

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-28-16    Part 2 of 3

State of Law: Government Reform Project for Ebadi popular demand

Political   Since 02.28.2016 at 12:55 (Baghdad time)  Baghdad balances News

Confirmed the State of Law coalition, on Sunday, that the government reform project for the Prime Minister popular demand and a national necessity. While stressing that blocks release of the hands of the Prime Minister in the reform.
​The MP said the coalition Jassim Mohammed Jaafar al-Bayati said in a statement received / balances News / copy of it, that "the reform project of the Prime Minister includes economic reform and the structure of the Iraqi state and conflict management, as well as providing the best services and competition for power and foreign intervention in addition to reducing the dye Mahassatah in lineup Iraqi state administration. "
Jaafar said that "the political blocs must launch Al hands of Prime Minister entrusted his reforms without preconditions or obstacles, determine the implementation of these reforms."
He stressed that "Altgsir Ministerial essential part of this project, and that its implementation needs to promote a harmonious government as a government structure at full forward."
The member of parliament, that this project is an application of this size needs a strong government in line linked to the prime minister, and that draws the Zaraha power of the prime minister and not their leaders partisan , "considering the attitude of some political blocs of the draft reformist Prime Minister negative. Ended 29 / A 43    LINK;
 [tlm724] "the reform project of the Prime Minister includes economic reform and the structure of the Iraqi state and conflict management, as well as providing the best services and competition for power and foreign intervention in addition to reducing the dye Mahassatah in lineup Iraqi state administration.
[tlm724] perfect, economic reform I like it
Jubouri: Abadi will meet with the heads of blocs in the next week to form a government of technocrats
2/28/2016 0:00  BAGHDAD Shaima Rashid    Parliament Speaker Salim al - Jubouri detect the presence of extensive meetings between the political blocs and Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi to bring about government changes.
He said Parliament Speaker Salim al - Jubouri told { the morning »: The» What is agreed upon between the political blocs must be introduced parliament to agree upon », stressing that» parliament can not never give powers to any party whatsoever , where he did not give it previously and will not give it in the future ».
he said» ministers of the blocks ready to move in their resignations if the check what brings it within the political blocs , including Ministers forces Union, alluding Jan «next week will see the campaign extended meetings between the various political parties with Prime Minister side and dialogues for fueling what has been put forward on the process for the upcoming changes».
for his part , MP Abdel Azim and Healing in a statement {Sabah »that» the demonstrations Friday was the clear message from the people that he wanted a government of technocrats and that the House of Representatives and major parties do not participate in the executive organ of the state  
and still have a supervisory role of the government «he stressed Healing» the possibility of forming a government of technocrats from professional, independent of the marginalization of the political blocs «.
he said the » political forces was her executive role within the government, and today we need to get out of the executive role to oversight in order to move away from the charge. » in turn, said Member of Parliament Harith Chanchal Harthy that» the formation of a government of technocrats is not as difficult, but there are deposits for many years in the minds of the quota owners can not be to give up her « .
He said Al - Harthy's {Sabah» that » the move away from quotas are a must, but there is a long and several steps in order to get rid of the quota system and its consequences».
Tlm724:    Jubouri: Abadi will meet with the heads of blocs in the next week to form a government of technocrats
What is agreed upon between the political blocs must be introduced parliament to agree upon », stressing that» parliament can not never give powers to any party whatsoever , where he did not give it previously and will not give it in the future ».
that » the move away from quotas are a must, but there is a long and several steps in order to get rid of the quota system and its consequences».
Iraq is about to set up a financial court to recover his money contraband
02/28/2016   [rtl]BAGHDAD / JD / .. announced the economic and investment commission in Parliament, the intention of Parliament approve the financial Court Act,

which puts Iraq under the international standards, which help him to recover all his money contraband..
A member of the committee MP Ahmed Salim told / KD /: to invite the President of the House of Representatives to approve the financial Court Act, it means that the law will be on the parliamentary agenda in the coming period is to be read and then passed.[/rtl]
[rtl]He added that this law will be through the establishment of special financial court, which will make Iraq as part of the Great State and subject to international standards, which will help him to recover his money contraband and reduce money laundering and financial corruption. / End / 8 /
tlm724:     announced the economic and investment commission in Parliament, the intention of Parliament approve the financial Court Act, which puts Iraq under the international standards, which help him to recover all his money contraband
will make Iraq as part of the Great State and subject to international standards, which will help him to recover his money contraband and reduce money laundering and financial corruption
Three presidencies agree on the launch of community reconciliation
2/28/2016 0:00  BAGHDAD - morning Omar Abdel Latif  agreed three presidencies, the need to go to complete the project , community reconciliation, which confirmed the completion of all requirements for success, stressing the importance of initiating effectively practical steps for the national step, and applied accurately, especially in the liberated areas, which tried to «Daash »Development distinction between her sons.
invitations three presidencies, it came through community reconciliation and social cohesion, which was held yesterday the House of Representatives, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme Conference, and carrying the slogan« national reconciliation roadmap toward Iraq a secure and prosperous ».
to  build a state of citizenship of the  President, Fuad Masum, said in his speech on behalf of his advisor Dr. Qahtan al - Jubouri, that success in achieving community reconciliation « has become an urgent need to build a state of citizenship and prevent the return of the danger of extremism and terrorism in the future» , stressing the need « to move so as to create opportunities for advancement and progress to build a modern powerful country».
And he confirmed the word infallible, that «these efforts achieved and to be achieved is a dynamic process of reform that should not be undone basis of the part as well as it supports the government 's efforts to implement its program of reform and reconciliation.»
And confirmed the word al - Jubouri, said that «it is necessary to continue the activities and events that seek to progress on all tracks required to achieve this national strategic objective» pointing out that the progress of these tracks is not possible «without loud and shared sense of responsibility by everyone».

Jubouri said: that «success paths provide the reconciliation project, can not be done without the expressed initiatives leading to the strengthening of social cohesion and healing the divisions within the same society and establish the values ​​of tolerance, understanding and openness to each other with an attentive and interactive tolerant spirit.
Pointing out that those things are «national responsibilities that should be not exceeded our problems and our country in this regard, but also as to create opportunities for advancement and progress to build a modern powerful state and consolidating the principles of justice and the values ​​of citizenship , and the attainment of peace and communal security.»
Reconciliation in the liberated areas , in turn, noted Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, during his speech at the conference, that «reconciliation conference can not take place outside Iraq, where no opposition is forbidden inside Iraq, and there is no political prosecution of it, but the law prosecuted for too long those who committed crimes and terrorist acts and criminal».
He called al - Abadi, to «community reconciliation in the liberated areas after he tried {Daash} put the distinction between the people of the region per one clan» stressing the need to «bypass that challenge and that the punishment is only to overcome the law» He explained the Prime Minister,
 he said the government is seeking continuously «to restore IDPs to their homes, and there is a successful experiment in Salahuddin, Diyala , »adding that« financial austerity crisis to prevent the government compensate all the losses that have occurred ».

the Abadi said« All Iraqis are equal before the law and should have access to services and we have to achieve this societal security, we have others subsidy to reconcile among themselves , »indicating that« the region can not evolve and live safely ,
but the cooperation of their regimes and their peoples ».ozkr Abadi, that« a lot of political blocs today erected on the basis of ethnic, sectarian, and I aspire to find a large block cross-sectarian, ethnic , and this can be achieved and I wish I could be like this bloc in the upcoming elections and to be not only the names of diverse and reflect the community to cross the crisis ».

the« there slogans raised by many must be transformed into a realistic application, and there are the first two schools to say and another to say, work , and we do not need slogans not imagine that there are political bloc recognizing the responsibility for corruption in the country,
all of which disown »pointing out that those blocks progress on« the appointment of ministers, and Evradwnhm the Prime Minister and then disown them but they still cling to them ».
the Abadi he« can not reform society «parties powerful invalid »and can not deepen our concept of democracy and these parties undemocratic» stressing the need to «keep the security services for political differences and not allow the intervention of some of the work for these differences».
the Prime Minister emphasized the need to «fight against corruption because it leads to the division of society, stressing that «some of the most important reasons for collapses security forces is the corruption that has allowed it to spread».
roadmap for the reconciliation project  in the meantime, the President of the House of Representatives, Salim al - Jubouri , 11 , suggesting priorities for the road map for the project community reconciliation in the country.

he said al - Jubouri , in his speech during the reconciliation conference community and social cohesion, the need « a formal announcement on the grounds in 2016 - year - old community of coexistence and harness all available resources to make it a success, and with the help of the UN and the international community» ,
stressing the importance of «unification of the work of the committees in the Prime Minister and the President and parliament and providing them with personalities that provide added quality to it, and direct in its tasks within a clear timetable for all the steps that are agreed upon and unite the community reconciliation budget to transfer all provisions relating to reconciliation and distributed to several parts of the state institutions » ,
stressing al - Jubouri, the importance of the UN and the international community call to support this budget and promotion, commissioning and media officially support community reconciliation of through a commitment controls the media , which is pushing to achieve and to prevent any media effectiveness could harm the progress of community reconciliation, as well as production and broadcast of standardized ads that are in the same objective.

He held the Speaker of Parliament, Iraqi universities and departments of the Ministry of culture and the offices of the Sunni and Shiite and Christian Waqf and all the ministries that run on prejudice with the public, no matter what part of the responsibility in the education and awareness , and holding seminars and conferences, calling for the involvement of civil society organizations, trade unions and civic groups all in this great national project and in line with the civil specializations and potential.
tlm724:    The full text of the speech delivered by the Chairman of the Board of Representatives, Dr. Salim al-Jubouri, while attending a reconciliation conference of community and social cohesion
This is the road map for national reconciliation in Iraq and they have admitted that they need help from the United Nations to bring it all together. They are getting there !!!
Social protection data
2/28/2016 0:00  Baghdad morning   The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs on Sunday as the deadline for taking advantage of the network to update their data protection, at the time included the five thousand and 529 families through a program ( the network reach you field).
The first deputy chairman of the social protection body in the ministry Zidane Khalaf Obaid special permit »Sabah»: he was holding a meeting with general managers in the body which sets Sunday deadline for the beneficiaries of the subsidy social protection to update their data, especially those who were not up to them , social worker and mobile teams in Baghdad and the provinces.
 He cautioned that any beneficiary covered lag for updating its data, the ministry will work to stop the subsidy it definitively, calling covered by the subsidy who are not reached by teams of social research to review sections circle in Baghdad distributed on the sides of Karkh and Rusafa and Sadr along sections circle in the provinces , but we 'll stop it subsidies from them altogether.
Obaid noted the completion of his ministry 's special operations update data 165 thousand and 367 families benefiting from the subsidy network in Baghdad, adding that the field research teams continue to work to update the data to the families of the beneficiaries of the subsidy for coverage of the increase, according to the Law on Social Protection No. 11 of 2014,
noting that the action takes place in a streamlined and fast to ensure the completion of the process of modernization, especially teams that reached the distant and remote areas where there are poor families benefiting from the subsidy. In the same context,
he stressed that the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Mohammad Xiaa Sudanese face of those in charge of the program ( the network reach you) visited the compound (Nabi Sheet) for the displaced area Bob al - Sham in Baghdad for the buyout program, articulating it was the inclusion of more than 16 families in the complex subsidy and so they fulfill the conditions and controls in place,
along with coordination with the Representation of the Ministry 's child Welfare Authority for the distribution of materials in kind between the displaced families.
He said First Deputy Head of Social Protection Agency, said the program ( the network reach you) managed to implement 17 visit during the month of January last in Baghdad and the provinces, and through teams , which includes social workers and psychologists and the media.
tlm724:    Bob al - Sham now thats funny lmao

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