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Sunday, February 28, 2016

More News, Rumors, and Opinions Sunday Morning 2-28-16


DELTA: transfer of investment proceeds that gives rise to an exchange restriction



Frank26 :  Love the way You are figuring out February 29th.

Mountainman:  *NOTE*("STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION,LAUNCHED")......OF WHAT????????               (see below)
Walkingstick:   Keywords: our ultimate goal of financial stability

BAGHDAD - Hussein al - Tamimi Tgb Shokran Fatlawi

confirmed d. On the Keywords that the Central Bank is working to be the first institution in Iraq , using the best technologies and regulations governing the work of the banking sector.

He added Keywords Speaking on the sidelines of a seminar of the Institute of progress for Development Studies addressed the strategic central bank: the strategy launched by the Central recently , were the first in the history of Iraq in terms of content and method of preparation, as the first plan went through all the stages that require going through the plan, noting that he will be an active and a real role on the ground it has been adopted for implementation and follow - up mechanisms.

Central functions he said the strategy announced took into account expansion in the framework of the central functions and emerged from our perception of the economic framework of the country after the shift to a free market economy and the significant role that will fall on the private sector in the joints of the management of the economy, pointing out that they were built according to the preamble to the central bank law aimed at price stability and achieving sustainable development.

He noted that the strategy includes five goals quoted the central focus on monetary policy to other aspects, pointing to cooperate with the Iraqi private banks association to foster awareness and education campaign targeting the Iraqi street , the importance of banking transactions.

Mehdi al - Hafez said in his welcoming speech to the need to look at the subject of Alstrtejah launched by the Central Bank for five years and announced the Keywords, referring to it is rich in substance go banking work in the right direction in the future. a positive step , in turn , said Ali Tariq , executive director of the Association of private banks in Iraq: that the launch of the strategy at this time is a positive step task will determine the vision of the Iraqi Central Bank, in addition to the central plans towards the banking sector,

noting to contained many points aimed at the development of the banking private sector, pointing to the willingness of the Association to cooperate in the paragraphs that need to be combined private banking efforts with the Central Bank of the application.

Tariq said that many of the important things that have been neglected previously gave the central bank 's priority in Strutijeth this is an issue task, noting that this approach expands the horizons of cooperation between the central and private banks in order to achieve economic viability of Iraq.

defining roles returned Governor of the Central Bank says that among the strategic objectives of financial stability where we read on the challenges facing this side and we seek to put her plan in collaboration with several views and defining roles and establishing a basis for the evaluation of assets is an important financial institutions and their role in the face of financial crises. calendar banks on the subject of censorship ,

he said: it is an important aspect of the work of central banks, pointing to the hiring of an international center to evaluate the banks in terms of the physical aspects, warning of the importance of protect the financial system , where it is exposed to crimes such as money laundering, referring to the exceptional effort in the preparation of money based laundering law on the basis of international standards to be acceptable at the international level.

sell the currency Keywords revealed the contract with the Office of international scrutiny to develop procedures for the sale of currency «dollar» to control on dollar cash flow, also pointed out that the central focus on the topic of financial inclusion for the positive role in the economic life, referring to the quest to develop the financial sector and small and medium-sized projects that we will have an integrated legal framework, as well as work to stimulate Islamic banking field , which is expanding in Iraq.

He said the establishment of guarantee deposits in the banking institution, as we are now close to passing a law it will pass in the House, pointing to the continuing efforts to develop a universal banking system , which represents a significant shift for the work of the central bank. That there was extensive discussion by the participants on the strategic challenges and implementation mechanisms, also answered questions Keywords on banks regarding strategy.

Mountainman:  So "WHAT" we have Here is an APB....(ALL POINTS BULLETIN)......W/ A NEW STRATEGY LAUNCHED/IMPLEMENTED="ACTION"....For "WHAT"???....


Thus IMO DELTA'S Post and WS POST Not Only Go "HAND In HAND".....but they (FIT) A GLOVE.....

But W/"WHAT" we could "SEE" in the COMING DAYS w/IRAQ'S Economy......and IRAN'S (EXPEDITIOUS) "ACTION" w/Preparing Their ECONOMY=Trade Agreements/INFLATION etc.......

A GRAND "WEDDING" of Sorts AWAITS on The NOT So "DISTANT" (HORIZON)!!!!!!!!......If IRAQ is Showing "FINAL ACTIONS".......The NEW GLOBAL REALITY may be "CLOSER" than We THINK........(8)........IMO



Walkingstick:  Iraq is about to set up a financial court to recover his money contraband


BAGHDAD / JD / .. announced the economic and investment commission in Parliament, the intention of Parliament approve the financial Court Act, which puts Iraq under the international standards, which help him to recover all his money contraband.

A member of the committee MP Ahmed Salim told / KD /: to invite the President of the House of Representatives to approve the financial Court Act, it means that the law will be on the parliamentary agenda in the coming period is to be read and then passed.

He added that this law will be through the establishment of special financial court, which will make Iraq as part of the Great State and subject to international standards, which will help him to recover his money contraband and reduce money laundering and financial corruption. / End / 8 /

Sheila:  This is a very good article (puts Iraq under the international standards)
Thank you Walkingstick



Wolfy:  Ok everyone thats in the Admirals group that say you havent gotten an email from them---I just got an email from a very trusted contact that said the email notifications for Admirals group were being sent out as we speak---So lets just see what today brings

Wolfy:  I havent heard any thing as to what date is for us exactly--but today is our day for great exciting news……This could be a long day while we wait on the email releases so dont despair its happening


One11Freedom:  2/28, Switzerland backs Iran to join WTO, WOOOOHOOOOO!

Switzerland backs Iran to join WTO

Tehran Times Economic Desk

TEHRAN – Switzerland backs Iran to join the World Trade Organization, Swiss President Johann Schneider-Ammann said in a meeting in Tehran with Mohsen Jalalpour, the chairman of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines, and Agriculture.

Schneider-Ammann was leading a high-ranking economic delegation consisting of around 40 major companies, operating in a broad range of fields such as maritime transportation, steel industry, and also aviation, banking, tourism, and automobile sectors. 

Manufacturers of medical, cosmetics and pharmaceutical products, as well as gas turbines, nuclear reactors and railway equipments were also among the members of the delegation. 
“Iran should join international economic organizations, like WTO, and we will support this issue,” the Swiss president stressed.

The implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and the lifting of sanctions against Iran will give Iran the opportunity to expand its economic and political relations, he said, hoping that Swiss banks could start operation in Iran in the near future.
--- SMEs could drive up Iran-Switzerland trade

During the meeting, Jalalpour said small and medium-sized enterprises could drive up trade between Iran and Switzerland.

He added the two countries have the potential to boost cooperation in medicine, environment, food, and water industries.

In 2014, Iranian and Swiss business leaders launched a chamber of commerce between the two countries. It has sponsored seminars for prospective businesses, including talk from officials in Swiss government and others in the private sector on the hurdles they face.
Switzerland’s exports to Iran were worth $630 million in 2014 and could double or triple within a decade, said Switzerland’s State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, or SECO.

SassyD:  U.S. Has Record 10th Straight Year Without 3% Growth in GDP -- Februar​y 26, 2016 --

SkywardD100:  Iran: Great news

Xyz: Jubouri: Next week will see a campaign to meetings between the Prime M​inister and the political parties to implement the change mechanism ​:// the next few days will witness intensive meetings between Prime Mini​ster Haider al-Abadi, political parties, including the coalition force​s, to carry out cabinet reshuffle expected mechanism

Xyz: Jubouri, stressed the importance of ending the controversial points on​ the law of "general amnesty" ​://

Xyz: DEEP SOURCE: A source in the office of Prime Minister Haider al - Abad​i, on Sunday, to provide the names of al - Abadi group of technocrats ​to political blocs to agree upon within 10 days ​://

Xyz: " pointing to "continue efforts to develop a universal banki​ng system , which represents a significant shift for the work of the c​entral bank." ​p://

Xyz:  New crisis without reform' warns King Mervyn King, ex-governor of the Bank of England, warns in a new book that another financial crisis is 'certain' unless monetary and banking systems are reformed.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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