Don't WAIT!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Late Sunday Night 2-28-16


DRL: : ON OPEN MIC JUST NOW 7:50 PM CST: IKO Ward said, his connection in the Wells Fargo bank said, “Last night at 12:03 am, the ping went around the world to all of the Central Banks, even the Rothschild banks, who had not participated in the past.”

[IKOWard]: Proof will be tomorrow morning when the sun rises. Everyone I’ve been talking to says we are there

Iko: intel that we are there, it is done - waiting for notifications, there seems to be some discussion as to the form of those notificaitons will come in - whether you are a group or individual and where you are, notified tonight annd be in the banks tomorrow - hearing that everywhere
WSOMN Just the Facts CC Replay and Notes  2-28-16

Emailed to Recaps:

Skiracer:  Call held on WSOMN site this evening. Some things copied come with embedded formatting I cannot get rid of, so,…   oh well.  I won't try try to do a verbatim nor report everything. I shall stick to what is meaningful to us.  

CALL FROM UST SOURCE: "Confirmed that all 70+ Rothschild banks that did not respond to system 'ping' the night before did ping the 2nd time around 100% LAST NIGHT... thus, they have finally complied!   These Rothschild banks did in fact respond to the next PING positively after their reprimand that all their Central Banks would be taken away.    [ a bit of strong arming, wouldn't you say?]   THis confirmation is now coming from at least 3 or 4 sources, saying the ping is received. Recall that it was one of the last steps.
We now understand how all this fits together with last Tues midnight deadline for Rothschild owned banks.
Contact at IMF confirms previous intel reports sent today. Next week is a go.   02:07:19 AM [don't know time zone! Pierre du Toit, so let's guess Central European time zone.]
The beautiful thing is that the IMF told them to stop the restrictions and the auctions on Monday.... awesome... On Monday....meaning by the 29th of February     WOW!!!

It is very complicated but GCR/RV now moving forward with completion goal date of Sunday, Feb 28th!

Contact at IMF confirms previous intel reports sent today. Next week is a go.

IKO, a prominent guru, said on the call, "We are there! We're done. We are waiting for notifications.  What form will they take? It depends if you are in a formal group, on the internet,  or an individual.  [we are NOT a group!  We are individuals.]  Notifications are to come tonight and we are to be at the banks by tomorrow."

IKO also said that the rates are VERY VERY Good, but they won't just be handed to you. Ask to see the screens. Then ask for rates you think are available above those rates even. Shoot for the moon. Banks themselves are getting many times the rates we would get, so ask for a share of it.  

Lastly he spoke of how you keep your wealth? YOU must make hard decisions!  Let people you tried to introduce this to but didn't buy their own currency go through the 5 stages of loss.

Another guru, Landeman, says we are waiting on the funds and expect them this week.


"This thing is not waiting until June.I've heard this thing is done and now it is just about the timing of when it is our turn."

There are street (international) rates and there are contract rates.   [Remember hearing that before?]    With the contract comes an NDA, which they have heard is a 90 day NDA, not a 10 yr NDA.  It is merely 2 pages long.  

IFFFFFFF you choose to negotiate the rates and sign an NDA, make sure you get a HARD COPY of the signature of the agent helping you and your signature; in other words, get a fully executed legal document.    [Remember I have previously advised you to bring a BLUE pen so you can be sure of original copies and xeroxed copies.] 

A person received a letter from the UST itself that she can go in and exchange her dong on Tues or Wed. THis was intel this morning from a bank in Hong Kong with gold-backed discussions. That ping was clarified and confirmed here also.

IMPORTANT: The best ID to use is your passport, but it must not be expired.  If  you use the passport supposedly only one ID is then required.    [I will of course bring a second one!]  

Iraq has until March 1 to be international. If they are not, then there will be huge trade problems. Iraq failed to meet this requirement a year ago and this is why we have waited ONE more year!.  

 [That's OK nearly all of you are now into Long Term Capital Gains if that will even apply to us!:)  ]  

 Iran is waiting for Iraq and  March 1 is Iran's deadline to Iraq.  China is in control at this point  [now that the banks have surrendered and responded to the PING.   ] 

IMPORTANT: You will be required to provide an address for this transaction. If your privacy is worth a dime to you then you MUST NOT give your home address!   Go rent a PO box from a Mail Center, UPS Center, FED Ex Mail center, or wherever and give that one.

 [ Remember my previous advice about having that new email account that you can throw away?   and that burner phone number?  It all starts the day you do your CE. ]

IMPORTANT: If you are married there was some talk that if you take the NDA (i.e. contract rates) it must be signed by both people.   So you may have to plan to take a few hours off work.


Make sure you have all your goodies in your TO GO bag.

We don't have long to wait to see if this time it is real because there are only 4 hours left of Feb 28!    Do the nighttime hours also count??

SO maybe next time I'll summarize the rates I have heard again to guide you in your negotiations as I get to tell you finally "IT is finished!"     Then again, maybe not!  I shall believe it when I get an 800# and see a bank balance :)   (I'd say keep y our phone handy so you can check emails!!)   



Sunny: From OM call  [IKOWard]: This week, I think China put their foot down. I think they told the Rothchilds (who had held this up) they let it go or they would put a cruise missile up their a*****.

Sunny: [IKO} They've (the Rothchilds) been holding out, manipulating the market, making a fast buck and manipulating the planet this whole time.


Dinar Updates:

wmawhite    ...the term "free market economy" or "activating the private sector" are another way of describing "entering the economy markets". 

In order for Iraq the have a free economic market, the individual business owner has to have the ability to buy something from outside of Iraq and automatically have it paid for using his/her Iraqi bank account using his/her country's currency.  ...

As I have stated many times...we will never hear "RV" or "RI" but we have been given the same information....only it has been described in other terms.

Frank26:  There is a WORD that Iraq does not use too often ............. i wish to TEACH You this WORD and it's definition in Iraq.

Why?   Because IMO .............. They are about to use it .......... Again.

God Bless You all ............. Aloha \m/  KTFA     Frank


IndyGuy:  Frank …Is the cleric going to issue another FATWA?

Bernice:  Doesn't BOKRA mean INTERNATIONAL?????

Delloyd:  I looked it up and it says it means 'tomorrow'



McDan:  mahsumaan Done deal. Think about it


DRUM ROLL PLEZ: ........................ THE WORD IS ====== DONE!!!!!!! LOL, LOL ----- THAT RIGHT ISN'T IT???? I LIKE THAT WORD BEST!!!!!!

Nanny1:  There is a WORD that Iraq does not use too often ----Well I'm thinking about one that fits right next to PAPPA-J's "Done"     That would be "TA-DAA!!!!!"

Toyvp:  Hmmmmmmm I would like to hear the word "DONE"


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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