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Monday, February 29, 2016

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-29-16  Part 1 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

 BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-29-16  Part 1 of 2
Deputy for the National: Abadi, will present the new ministerial his booth during the next two weeks

29/02/2016 02:32 |  Direction Press / Baghdad
He favored the National Alliance MP Ali Safi said the new Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi ministerial cabin offers during the next two weeks, adding that "there can not be hidden obstacles related to the ministerial change to the unwillingness of some political blocs to abandon ministries subordinate to it."
Safi said in a statement received "direction Press" a copy of it today. "The prime minister in constant contact with the leaders of the National Alliance and with other political blocs to break formulas fruitful fit the challenges faced by the country without any override the provisions of the law or the Constitution."
He added that "al-Abadi being regular meetings with the leaders of the National Alliance on the one hand and with the leaders of the coalition of state law and the political blocs on the other hand, to coordinate the actions that need to coordinate and follow up with legislative power."
"The Prime Minister and in the framework of the evaluation of the performance of ministries and complete the reforms plan packages, specialized technical committee of experienced and efficient professional figures to assess the work of the ministries" shape.
"The Abadi pending the results of evaluation of the technical committee for the selection of candidates for ministerial cabin and a change of government," while likely to "be the date of submission of the new ministerial cabin during the next two weeks."
 [tlm724] he is saying 2 weeks baby and you will have ministerial reform
Parliamentary Finance exclude government had resorted to borrowing from the central bank stocks

Economy     Since 02/29/2016 14:38 pm (Baghdad time)

Special - balances News   Parliamentary Finance Committee ruled on Monday the government had resorted to borrowing from the central bank stocks at the moment, as pointed out that foreign loans repaid in a manner deferred payment by the government to the donor countries.

The committee member said Abdul Qader Mohammed's / balances News /, that "it is possible for the government to borrow from the central bank stocks, but it is causing negative returns where he will work on inflation in the currency market."

He added, "The government did not resort to borrowing from the central bank, but if it is forced and did not get foreign loans," noting that "foreign loans repaid like a way Palmrihh by the state where the negative impact does not affect the economic situation, so to get this type of loan is due the achievements of the current Iraqi situation. "

Little Onedo parliamentary Finance Committee Magda Tamimi stressed earlier, the need to resort to collect taxes out of the financial crisis that Iraq is going through at the moment, while expressing its refusal to resort to the stock of the Central Bank to remedy the crisis. "Ended    LINK      From: Nur al-Din Wahba     
[tlm724] "The government did not resort to borrowing from the central bank, but if it is forced and did not get foreign loans,
[tlm724] whew
The launch of a unified economic bloc to represent the private sector
2/29/2016 0:00   BAGHDAD - Hussein al - Tamimi Tgb the  form of a number of private organizations and associations concerned with economic affairs of a preparatory committee in preparation for the declaration of an economic bloc unified management of the private sector affairs and unification of orientations in international and local forums, advertisers establish gathered under the name of the Iraqi Economic Forum.
The conferees issued a statement saying with bone responsibility placed the responsibility of the private sector and their representatives to be supportive and active partner of the Iraqi government and the private sector contributes economic decision - making proper , which would build and rebuild Iraq and guarantee the right of the Iraqi people , present and future.
the statement to a meeting of a number of councils and the unions that represent the sector of the Iraqi Aacial complement the first step Founding Conference , which held in Amman last year that the Forum be a voice true to the private sector aims to rebuild Iraq and keep intruders and users and traffickers of corrupt opportunists.
President of the National business Council , the Iraqi Dawood Abdul Zayer said: the government today has inter reforms you want to apply , and the peer to apply it is the private sector, noting that the organization the relationship with the private sector and one interface (Forum) has become a necessity to implement reforms.

chairman of the economic Commission parliamentary Jawad al - Bolani he said: We as a council deputies are working to encourage and sectors , production and service of the private sector in order to achieve real economic development, and are working to create the conditions that contribute to the achievement of a genuine partnership the private sector.
Executive Director of the Association of Iraqi private banks Ali Tariq expressed hope that an economic grouping of the private sector against the government at a time when we desperately need to unite economic visions comes this assembly to represent important segments of the private sector play a big role in the economic life and will have a positive impact in them.
The President of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce Jaafar al - Hamdani has pointed to seek to activate joint work with the government , international organizations and the formation of a real vision for investment in human resources in order to achieve economic viability of Iraq.
tlm724:    under the name of the Iraqi Economic Forum
The President of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce Jaafar al - Hamdani has pointed to seek to activate joint work with the government , international organizations and the formation of a real vision for investment in human resources in order to achieve economic viability of Iraq.
The Independent: Barzani Maliki ignored warnings and Najafi and refused to help the Kurds to prevent the fall of Mosul
translation: Range Prominent figures to tell the government of Nouri al - Maliki has ignored urgent appeals were requesting assistance to prepare for the attack , sudden, and reveal frustration in the detailed warnings were ignored.
In such a month two years ago warned Ahmed Hamidi, director of intelligence in the northern city of Mosul, Baghdad government that Daash group was planning a big order.
But since then , the warning in February 2014 until his call for the Air Force to bomb Daash fighters who were Athacdon the eve of the attack, been repeatedly ignored his warnings in addition to the warnings of prominent political figures.
Section publication of the official parliamentary report focused on the fall of Mosul , to a large extent on the repeated military failure Daash allowed to quickly take over the city when the attack five months later, at the beginning of the liberalization of a number of extremists prisoners and then on the tenth of June to impose full control and fled paranoid Iraqi army without a fight.
But the certificate is not published on the investigation and stories told by prominent figures of the Independent at the time, reveal another failure. The Prime Minister Nuri al - Maliki then ignored repeated calls urgent to prepare for an attack Daash. Certificate also reveal frustration Hamidi from the Baghdad government ignored the warnings.
The first time the flag Hamidi Daash planning an attack in June was arrested by members of the group. February 25 - According to his testimony in the investigation - informed his superiors in Baghdad, then soon discovered what he described as "something abnormal happens toward Mosul and the establishment of training camps", according to the leaked testimony.
In March of Baghdad provided a wealth of information on the six training camps for Daash outside the city, but despite the fact that the Iraqi air force missions monitor and confirm the sites camps, they did not respond to a request by Mr. Hamidi bombing.
18 of the same month received new information that Daash was preparing for an attack on the right side of the city of Mosul, and contact telephone charge of military operations commander in the city to warn him.
A few days later I learned that the attack will begin at six o'clock at dawn on June 6, warned against Baghdad again and said Daash was planning to change its efforts to Nineveh , Anbar province. I told them so in the name of the operation launched by the extremists on the next process , a "wedding."
He said they got wheels and weapons and established new positions "All top leaders will participate in the process because they plan it for a long time."
He sent warnings to more than ten times over the weeks and months through documents and phone calls to the military intelligence in Baghdad, and to the office of Mr. al - Maliki, and to the local council in Mosul and the military commanders in Mosul and Baghdad, but even so it has the commander of military operations in Mosul went leave on June 3 - the three days of the attack is expected before .
Mr. Hamidi called him and begged him to come back, later told the inquiry , "When I told him why, he was apparently shocked", though he only personally told him about Daash plans two days ago.
On June 5 , according to information Daash was planning to enter Mosul the next day from two different two destinations morning on the banks of the Tigris River, employing between 700-1000 fighters, including nine foreigners bombers. Attackers will wear - from different nationalities - a military uniform similar to the uniforms of the Iraqi army.
Send intelligence director a final report to his superiors and informed the military commander in Mosul that terrorists now congregate in Sheikh Younis village six miles away from the city. Tell investigative committee said , "given the village coordinates but no one was any action taken, and I told them that the attack would be at five o'clock on June 6 ....
There will be four car bombs on the right side of the river and four on the left side and nine suicide attacks on the right side of the city . he added , " the attack happened in the day in question and the places that I mentioned, if cared for only ten percent of my words , what we need to battle."
so why has ignored the Baghdad government information rather than be used to prevent the attack? in addition to being prime minister, Mr. al - Maliki was in charge about two ministries two tasks are the defense and interior; the second was responsible for domestic intelligence.
cast a parliamentary commission of inquiry most of the blame for the fall of Mosul , Mr. al - Maliki, but it also cast some of the blame on the governor of Mosul wearer Liberation of Iraq , who was sacked from his position since then.
 Mr. Najafi said his office in Irbil , where he fled when the fall of Mosul , " the Committee reported six points against me , only two of which are directly related to the fall of Mosul. They say I have not informed the Prime Minister that the fall of Mosul.
But at the same time Chief of Staff of al - Maliki said in his testimony that I am the only one who contacted him by telephone to tell him that Mosul was on its way to fall and because I needed more weapons. Re - Maliki that this is not the duty of the governor. "
Najafi blames sectarian tensions between Shiites and Sunnis in the absence of communication between his office and the Baghdad government. Even he says that al - Maliki told his group not sharing information with him.
Yet he says he knew from its own sources , including plans his Daash but it also was not able to secure any help. the reason, he says, is that he was reluctant appeared to render aid to the politicians Sunnis who may have been linked to the Baath party, "Maliki was believed to have connections to the Baath party . If what he gave me his support van Baath be a big force in the city. "
I believed Najafi al - Maliki and his followers were afraid of the Baath Party to the point where they prefer Daash" they knew the existence of Sunni political power center in Mosul, no one will help them in their fight - but with Daash, the whole world will help them. Any Sunni power acceptable to the international community was for them more dangerous than Daash. "
Najafi said it is clear that some Allowahmin of former Baathists were active in Daash But Maliki was believed that they do not constitute a major force" for him was the politicians Baathists more dangerous. "
Based on his contacts with the Iraqi military command in Mosul and the plans that he heard about the bombing of the city when it falls , however Daash, Najafi said Maliki believed he meant monument trap, "Al - Maliki wants the fall of the right side of Mosul ,
however Daash Ki pinned down and Iqcefh later to the belief that all who remained says the ones with Daash. Did not think lives are being lost, he wanted the fall of Mosul , because that will give him an opportunity to reorganize the policy, and that people would need more after that. "
Bashar Kiki, president of the Kurdish National Council Mosul and member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, believes it is possible that al - Maliki had imagined that the fall of Mosul will political interest in order to present himself as the savior of her,
but Mr. Kiki prefers to blame ignorance, "politicians commanders and leaders in Baghdad did not realize that the threat was real, where he did not take the vast amount of information seriously because they were not professional enough , " he says.
before the fall of Mosul month, Mr. Kiki also provided information on Daash activities to military commanders, but he said , " have not shown interest so much because they were preoccupied with other things , " a reference to the notorious army extort money from civilians and receiving bribes and receiving astronauts soldiers ' salaries.
Finally , in the reaction of all messages that were sent to him, al - Maliki sent two senior officers - Abboud Qanbar Ali Ghaidan - from Baghdad to Mosul , where he managed Mr. Kiki of their meeting, Kiki says , " They assured me that everything is under control, but in fact the opposite was true . " .
Mr. Kiki it was known that the extremist groups - some linked to al - Qaeda and then Bdaash - were active in Mosul years ago and it took control of the surrounding villages indicates.
A lot of Mosul year residents were upset by the changes that have occurred in Iraq after the fall of Saddam has led to the provision of some of them support for extremists.
Chief of Staff Fuad Hussein , President Massoud Barzani said the Kurdish authorities also provided information to the government in Baghdad and the warnings and offered to help and passed information to US officials , too. He says , "Call President Barzani by nearly eight months of fall and talked with all of Ammar al - Hakim and US Ambassador in Iraq.
A month before the fall Contact telephoned Maliki to tell him that the situation in Mosul was dangerous. Maliki did not take it seriously and told our president , you can take care of Kurdistan and I will take care of the rest. "
just days before the attack, the President Barzani to send troops from the Kurdish Peshmerga to assist in the defense of the city after appeal their portfolios Najafi, according to Mr. Fuad Hussein. And again rejected al - Maliki.
On the night of the fall of Mosul when Mr. Fouad Call an co - Maliki trusted to repeat the offer , but he had received no response, Mr. Fouad "Maliki believes that he has all the power and that his officers and soldiers who were strong enough to defend the city. He did not want to help us out of fear that he says We consider Mosul Kurdish region. "
each interviewed by The Independent considered mistrust Maliki and other aggregates is a big issue. He did not trust the director of intelligence Mosul , although he was working for the intelligence of Baghdad. Mr. Fouad "The prime minister runs ( an offer for one man) he was making all the decisions, and he trusted the reports of others more than confidence in our reports."
 He says may be one of the reasons is that they believe that the little Daash actually want to seize Mosul. According to Mr. Fouad, the impression was that the group was only wants to release its members from Badush prison.
Gave al - Maliki blamed the fall of Mosul , a conspiracy is possible Kurds working with Daash for control of the city, where he wrote on his page on Facebook says , "What happened in Mosul was conspiracy was planned in Ankara and then moved to Erbil.
Apart from that, the deputy in the Iraqi parliament Khosro Goran says , "al - Maliki became very arrogant and thinks that the military were right leaders and inform them , everything. He wanted to become a hero is, this is the only plot. "
This is also what revealed by the Commission on Security and Defense parliamentary, where he says chairman of quitting" We have achieved with almost a hundred people and did not discover any conspiracy.
The only obvious conclusion is that there was a lack of professionalism and lack of the right people in the right places. The choice of leaders , non - professionals the main reason for the failure of the Forces duty, randomly selected was based on their loyalty. "
The report , which was adopted by parliament in August of last year, cast the blame on Mr. al - Maliki , in addition to the 30 officials, including the former governor of Mosul and Saadoun al - Dulaimi , deputy minister the defense in a timely manner.
report found that Mr. al - Maliki were not to have an accurate picture of the threat of Mosul because he chose leaders involved in corruption and the failure to hold them accountable.
the conclusion of the Commission President is to Mosul fell because of the military operation did not have a clear leader. army did not fit in sound of the battle, and when the leaders fled followed the soldiers the same. 
However , the Commission did not focus on the missed opportunities for a series of intelligence warnings that were ignored. Maliki 's office refused to answer the request of the Independent - through phone calls and mailings repeated - to comment on any of the allegations that have been made ​​against him.
as Maliki criticized the earlier revelations achieve the Iraqi parliament, where he said "no value for the result reached by the parliamentary Committee on the fall of Mosul, where it was dominated by political differences and a lack of objectivity."
as Mr. Zamili blamed the Americans for the lack of their response with the information they received, he said "under the agreement strategic with Iraq had to prevent Iraqi forces from the loss in this way, and they had to provide Iraqi forces with all the information that they have and protect them."
Was Mr. Maliki would agree to the Americans bombed the camps Daash questionable? Zamili "He had to approve says. But at least they had to provide information."
Mr. Fuad Hussein is confident that the Americans passed the information that they have, but he says they have not been able to act without a request from the Iraqi government, and again - says Fouad - Mr. Maliki It is to blame , "al - Maliki said he was telling them come and helped us, but he did not do."  LINK

tlm724:     Prominent figures to tell the government of Nouri al - Maliki has ignored urgent appeals were requesting assistance to prepare for the attack , sudden, and reveal frustration in the detailed warnings were ignored.
In such a month two years ago warned Ahmed Hamidi, director of intelligence in the northern city of Mosul, Baghdad government that Daash group was planning a big order.
But since then , the warning in February 2014 until his call for the Air Force to bomb Daash fighters who were Athacdon the eve of the attack, been repeatedly ignored his warnings in addition to the warnings of prominent political figures.

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2   Thank You

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