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Monday, February 29, 2016

Dinar Updates Sunday PM Chat  2-28-16    Part 3 of 3

Post From Dinar Updates 2-28-16
Chat Room Excerpts & Highlights

Dinar Updates Sunday PM Chat  2-28-16    Part 3 of 3
Loopback says(    So Sistani's is telling them that they made their bed and now it's time to lie in it. And this is just the start. IMO the religious authority is not going to let up until the GoI does some major spring cleaning.
Loopback says to magnetlady(     (y)
Baxter1243 says(    Dare I ask... How long is this gonna take?
Baxter1243 says(    I know.... " S O O N".... :D
Loopback says to Baxter1243(    None of this does anything to address their liquidy woes. IMO this shake up is not goes to stop the economic reforms, they are to badly needed. The shake up is icing on the cake and needed for the long term survival of Iraq.
wmawhite says(    Folks,.....most of what we are seeing now, such as what Loop posted, are the Iraqis building the foundations of institutions (banking, educations, public works/government) that will enable Iraq to be successful in the years to come. It has very little to do with the process of the CBI moving the IQD into the world markets.
Royal says(    Any news time tonight
wmawhite says to Royal(    We have news all day long. You can find it at anytime in the forum.
Baxter1243 says(    Thx WMA.... MD had some articles this month about article 8 happening by March 1... any updates on that?
Royal says(    sorry , will Millionday be in
Baxter1243 says(    not tonite
SoonRV says(    ooooooh no more dates please
Baxter1243 says(    tomorrow night   Baxter1243 says(    MD
wmawhite says to Baxter1243(    I disagree with any specific date. The CBI nor the IMF has given us a specific date. However, they did give us a timeframe...........remember, first half of?????????2016.
Baxter1243 says(    Yeh... I remember that... but she did have some articles about it
Pablo says(    Yes, quite a few as I recall.
Baxter1243 says(    yep
wmawhite says to Baxter1243(    But the articles do not stated that the CBI is moving into Article 8. However, many of our posters have given us articles that support the believe that the CBI,GOI, IMF are pushing very hard toward an event somewhere out in front of us.
wmawhite says to Baxter1243(    did not state
wmawhite says to Baxter1243    sorry......belief
Baxter1243 says(    Thats OK.... thx
SoonRV says(     dates thrown out there have been like picking lotto numbers
Baxter1243 says(  SoonRV... I agree.... not much faith in dates period...
jeffusa says(  ( Anbar – The spokesman of the Emergency Regiment of Anbar police First Lieutenant Saud Harb Obeidi revealed, that the security forces are preparing to storm Heet and Kabisa Districts, while called the people of Heet and Kabisa Districts to leave their areas during the coming 48 hours.
Obeidi said in a press statement followed by, “The security forces advanced to the entrances of Heet and Kabisa areas and informed the residents through loudspeakers and leaflets to leave their towns and stay away from ISIS gatherings.”
Obeidi added, “The security forces completed all the needed preparations to storm Heet and Kabisa, after mobilizing military and police forces in all axes backed by the tribal fighters and emergency police regiments, as well as international coalition aviation.”
wmawhite says to Baxter1243(    I do believe that these next few weeks continue to be super significant.................I believe the IMF back in November 2015 said what they said because they expect certain action on the part of Iraq........and here it is again: he stressed that Iraq will return to economic market during the first half of next year.
Baxter1243 says(    WMA.... by June 30 it is.... no longer (y)
wmawhite says to Baxter1243(    The spokeperson did not say...."hoped, wished or maybe or looking forward to it"......instead, he said "will".
wmawhite says to Baxter1243(     (y)
Baxter1243 says(    If not by end of June... the spokesperson had better run like h....
Baxter1243 says(    I have about heard it all in 11 years... believe me...
Loopback says to jeffusa(     (y)Thanks for the news.
wmawhite says to Baxter1243(    All of this ought to give comfort in knowing it will.........not if........but, will. Stop looking at dates and enjoy the activity that we see without the non-sense of the gurus.
cjquade54 says(    can someone smarter than me please have a look at this one talks about moving to market economy next year - I'm not able to translate
thomas1 says to Baxter1243(    ME TOO .. 2012 DEC 2015 AND NOW FIRST PART OF 2016 . WE CAN HOPE AND WAIT .
wmawhite says to thomas1(    The IMF never said anything about 2012..............only the gurus were.
jeffusa says(     ( Anbar- The commander of Anbar tribal fighters announced on Saturday, that the security forces were able to repel ISIS attack using six booby-trapped cars on the security headquarters west of Ramadi (110 km west of Baghdad), while indicated to the death of nine members belonging to ISIS.
Falah Qaraghuli said in a press statement followed by, “The security forces were able to foil ISIS attack on the security headquarters in the areas of Kilo 18 and Hamdaniya west of Ramadi, using six booby-trapped cars,” pointing out that, “The security forces managed to detonate the car bombs, killing the suicide bombers on the spot.”
Qaraghuli added, “The security forces also managed to kill nine ISIS elements who tried to sneak to target the military troops in those areas,” indicating that, “ISIS is trying to carry out attacks in open areas in the axes of Ramadi.”
wmawhite says to cjquade54(   If you can not translat it how do you know what it states?
SoonRV says(    poppy posted may times about march 1st
cjquade54 says(    I saw a headline only - in English
Baxter1243 says(    SoonRV... I know....
Baxter1243 says(    I cant translate it either....
SoonRV says(    and you baxter said if no RV by March you pay us all in here a 1000.00
Baxter1243 says(    I said that.... (lol)
Pablo says(    I thought it was 10 000 :D
SoonRV says(    oops yeah 10,0000
templejc says(   MARCH OF 2017 (lol)
SoonRV says(   :@
wmawhite says to cjquade54(    All of those articles are 2014 and older.
jeffusa says(    ( Nineveh – A local source in Nineveh said on Sunday, that the so-called ISIS executed 35 of its elements on charges of treason by firing squad west of NIneveh.

The source reported for, “Today, ISIS executed 35 of its elements by firing squad at Gazlani Camp west of Nineveh,” noting that, “The execution was carried out after the sentencing of the so-called legitimate judge in Nineveh Court,” adding that, “ISIS handed over the dead bodies to the forensic medicine department in Nineveh hospital.”
wmawhite says to cjquade54(    Here is the title of the most recent article: english
Italy congratulates the Iraqi people elect a president and parliament
clay says to jeffusa( heads rolling lol
Loopback says to cjquade54(   Here it is.
Loopback says to cjquade54(   Consultant Abadi: 8 million Iraqis have paid from the State Council stressed opening up the country to the "market economy" next year
News Source: Ali Abd al – Salman   February 28, 2016 8:27
The government confirmed the presence of some eight million Iraqis receive their salaries from the state institutions as employees and retirees and beneficiaries of the social welfare network, pointing out that it cost the budget 41 trillion dinars per month, as I talked about measures taken in order to reduce these numbers by relying on the private sector, it reported that year the next will see the opening of the Council aims to reach a market economy.
He says the appearance of Mohammed Saleh , economic Adviser to the Prime Minister in an interview with "new morning", " the number of workers in state institutions variable due to increased associate to the security ministries, but no more than 4 million employees, in addition to the 3.75 million retired. "
Loopback says to cjquade54(    Saleh said that" such a large number , which is close to 8 million people in addition to the covered social welfare network. "
He added that" both of these sponsors at a rate of 4 members, this means that the state is responsible for granting all Iraqi families salaries . " the
government consultant and regrets that the " salaries and benefits take the budget large proportions of up to 41 trillion dinars annually. "
He pointed out that" support their so many one of the negative results of the rentier states that rely on oil as a key resource to them, and be their economic situation linked to the global market and not an internal decision. "
magnetlady says(    cjquade54 My google chrome translated it for me, but I don't know how to put it in the news. Someone want to help me.
Loopback says to cjquade54(    Saleh pointed out that" families are also no income other than the salary that you get from the state and therefore affected by what is happening in the oil market. "
He noted that" the Iraqi government , which ends its application in 2030 , private - sector strategy included a number of points to get rid of the adoption of citizens file almost entirely on state salaries. "
He added benefit that" reaching an advanced stage requires the development of real companies and the elimination of the informal sector , which accounts for 70 percent of the Iraqi market. "
magnetlady says(   Good I see Loop already did it. Thats great. Way cool. Thanks
Loopback says to cjquade54():   It was to be" market regulation will be activated taxes and apply them right and procedures that consumer protection, as well as the provision of soft loans to support the private sector. "
And goes on it , " according to the plan it will retire unite with social security in a single box gives the salaries of all Iraqis over the age of 63 years , according to his contribution to it. "
Saleh revealed that" next year will see the opening of the market Council , which includes representatives from the public and private sectors. "
concluded favor by saying that" it aims to reach a market economy , according to what exists in the private sector support strategy the government has reached an advanced stage at this level. "
Loopback says to cjquade54(   for its part binds to the Committee of economy parliamentary Najiba by Najib "adoption of the State on the staff by about a big failure in the economic and financial file management."
She Najib, an MP for the Kurdistan Alliance, that " the previous budgets , and because of not having a clear vision to promote the reality of economic was allocated a large proportion of the money to functional grades."
She pointed out that " the decline oil prices forced us during the past two years to lower grades to the lowest levels to include all the security ministries and crews educational, medical and is expected to pull this thing to the next year. "
Loopback says to cjquade54(   reported Najib that" the decline in scores came in conjunction with the increasing number of graduates , and it displays the state to the problems of unemployment security and social. "
She called for the activation of the private sector in order to absorb the unemployed, especially from the certificate owners and face a new crisis began to appear in the horizon."
The world oil prices have experienced an unprecedented collapse what make Iraq take a number of austerity measures to cope with the crisis.   Source
wmawhite says to cjquade54(    When I opened your link and translated it I found old articles.
cjquade54 says to wmawhite(   ok so it's probably an oldie then ... thanks
wmawhite says to cjquade54(   also, the subject of the article that was just posted is about their welfare system and the belief that it will not is improvement until later well after the monetary reforms.
wmawhite says to cjquade54(   see improvement
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