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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

 BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-24-16  Part 2 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

 BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-24-16  Part 2 of 2

Safwan border port in Basra
Abadi economic adviser to announce the establishment of an "internal fence" to curb evasion Alkmarki
Author: AB, MK   Editor: AB 23.02.2016 16:21    Long-Presse / Baghdad
Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister announced the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, on Tuesday, the establishment of an "internal fence" for inspection and audit Alkmarki on goods flowing from Kurdistan and the rest of the border crossing points, as he emphasized that the fence will reduce the evasion of customs tariff, counting that it was too early to predict the size of imports Finance from the tariff are met.
Saleh said in an interview with the (long-Presse), "The government has set up a fence internal inspection and audit Alkmarki on goods border crossings,"
noting that "the function of the fence is to examine the goods flowing from the Kurdistan region and the rest of the border crossing points to ensure that the size of the paid-up of the customs tariff funds, and the extent of conformity of the goods to the standards of the Central Agency for Standardization and quality control. "
He stressed favor, that "the fence will reduce the evasion of customs tariff problems," he returned that "it is too early to predict the size of the financial revenues from customs tariffs are met."
The dozens of suppliers of goods demonstrated, in (the first of February 2016), in the Safwan border port in Basra province, to protest against the implementation of the new customs tariff law, while stressed that the tax continued in the south will push them to resort to outlets Kurdistan, Mayor Zubair pointed out the port Safwan revenue fell to 95% due to the application of customs tariffs.
The Iraqi ports Directorate revealed, in (January 29, 2016), for a reduction of trade movement and the movement of ports after the application of customs tariffs in the southern ports law, as has denied management of border crossings Directorate points obtaining tariff in the exits of the region, the Finance Committee in the Parliament refused to obey the dealers and excluded of the law, calling for the application of "justice," according to the General budget law.
The Iraqi Council of Ministers in the, he decided, (13 December 2015) the introduction of points in the approved border crossing points shall check and make sure customs tariff are met, and the introduction of standardization of quality control points.
The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, announced on Thursday the (6 August 2015), the postponement of the introduction of the new customs tariff, attributing this to ensure the readiness of the border crossing points to be applied away from the "corruption and double standards."
Customs and tariffs are taxes levied on goods imported by the State on the other, used several customs tariff countries to protect the industry from foreign competition by raising prices of imported goods,
so the customs tariff encourage local industries to increase their production, and forced citizens to pay higher prices if they wish imported goods, the Ministry of Finance has adopted a new Kmarkip fees on imported goods. this action provoked mixed reactions among economists, investors and traders in the area of ​​impact on the reduction of the entry of imported goods and rising prices.    LINK 

 [tlm724] Saleh has a plan to get Barsa and all the rest on track, this is what we just talked about , a level playing field, same % of tax at ALL outlets
[tlm724] this should give Basra the kick in the azz they need
[tlm724] "the function of the fence is to examine the goods flowing from the Kurdistan region and the rest of the border crossing points to ensure that the size of the paid-up of the customs tariff funds

Industry and Minerals: continuing the opening of a plant in every week in Baghdad and the provinces
History of edits:: 2/24/2016 10:50                                                        
{Baghdad} Euphrates News said a spokesman for the Ministry of Industry and Minerals Abdul Wahid al-Shammari, the continuation of the ministry opened a factory in every week within the capital Baghdad and the provinces to meet local need in various fields, and the advancement of the national industry.
He said al-Shammari told {Euphrates News} "This year in brand-making in Iraq, General of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, we can give a certain percentage for industrial development at the present time for the continuation of development and the opening of projects in every week and factories specialized in various steel and food and other fields. there is a real trend in front of the defense industry. "
and he finished" we have come a promised ourselves that we are in every week inaugurated a project to serve the citizen, who is keen to revitalize the Iraqi industry by inspecting local goods and heading towards it to supplement the national production, "adding that" enacting laws are in service Industry and heading in this direction. "
He noted that" the ministry has developed an integrated plan for the advancement of companies, especially after a cabinet decision the need to approach the ministries and state institutions to the national industry, which gave impetus to the ministry to promote the companies and the opening of projects, and there is progress in the various food and other areas. "
It is that Iraq is going through an economic crisis suffocating as a result of the economy's dependence on oil, which dropped its prices to a large degree which required finding outlets and other sources reap including imports, including industry, agriculture initiating State making plans and taken a number of resolutions for the advancement of the industrial and agricultural sectors, among others.
the industry has called for earlier All ministries and state institutions and citizens to the acquisition of national products and to support the local industry and dispensing imported foreign to Iraqi industry to recover, in order to thwart all plots targeting the identity and prestige of this country and trying to sabotage the economy ".anthy 1
 [tlm724] the continuation of the ministry opened a factory in every week within the capital Baghdad and the provinces to meet local need in various fields
[tlm724] *hallelujah* they are making huge progress
Mahdi: the proportion of our production of domestic need for gas amounted to 90%
Economy  --  Since 02/24/2016 13:52 pm (Baghdad time)    BAGHDAD - balances News
Oil Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi said on Wednesday that Iraq produces 90% of the domestic need for gas.
Abdul-Mahdi said in a statement received / balances News / copy, "We have reached another milestone to benefit from accompanying the extraction of oil gas," adding that "we produce what is 90% of the local need after it was burned in the past."
It is said that Adel Abdul-Mahdi had discussed, on Wednesday, with the Parliamentary Friendship Association, the stability of oil prices in world markets.
He met with Oil Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi and his accompanying delegation in the Japanese parliament shortly before the parliamentary friendship association with Iraq.
The file exported energy and oil prices and the stability of the markets, the focus of a meeting where the participants held political talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Economy. LINK

  [tlm724] We have reached another milestone to benefit from accompanying the extraction of oil gas," adding that "we produce what is 90% of the local need after it was burned in the past.
[tlm724] *wolfwhistle* that was one of the conditions set by the IMF, way to go Iraq !!!

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