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Friday, February 26, 2016

Thursday Night KTFA CC Notes 2-25-16


Aggiedad77L  Hello are notes from last night's CC......enjoy

Aloha  Randy

*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***

CC Notes for Thursday 02-25-2016

Frank26: Are you ready to talk about your dessert tonight Family, let’s get started.

Monday…….I’m not tooting horns I’m praising God….Monday was powerful….then Tuesday three of the seven things we brought you on Monday….there they were in the articles….Tuesday we talked again right after Bible Study….in fact Aggiedad actually made notes from Tuesday….he put out your notes for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and he is probably going to do them for this one… let’s make this short.
You saw articles and we went into depth about this yesterday about Fallujah….actually on Monday I told you about three tribes that got you ready to read about what is going on Tuesday and Wednesday….and here we are on Thursday….what do the articles say….oh look Fallujah….tank after tank going down the main streets of Fallujah….look flags….flags….flags….that is all wonderful…..but you know me…..I’m different….therefore….I wish to share something with you.

Family the battlefield of Fallujah just began….I want you to know that the battle that the media is hyping up….it just started yesterday…..look back at your notes….two weeks ago we walked into Fallujah but we stopped….instead we detoured and we went towards Mosul….and we told you why and we told you what was going on in Fallujah….it’s all in your notes….

Now I can tell you….you know what is interesting when you look at these articles….it seems like they are telling you they have advanced all the way in and they have conquered everything right… can do that in a matter of hours…..look again at your notes….what did we tell you two weeks ago that ISIS was doing…..look at your notes….

What did we tell you last week that ISIS was doing…..look at your notes from this past Monday….what did we tell you that ISIS was doing….first we capture everybody….then they capture themselves and turn themselves in….now they are saying…..please we are running to you capture us… we want to kill you…..the battle in Fallujah started yesterday and it sure looks…..IMO….like it ended today…..

I want you to think very hard about what I just said……look at your notes…..tribes….Sunni’s…..Iranians gone…..Americans in there….how many….where….how…..and Maliki is where….in Anbar.

Look at your notes… with all that said….are there flags…..we don’t care….we don’t need flags to tell us what is happening….but isn’t that amazing….they started yesterday early in the morning and they came in from three different sectors….from three different angles….where do you think the fourth angle leads to…..a great deal is happening in Fallujah…..and I suppose you can call it a battle…..

But there are a lot of other things happening in Fallujah….but the information is not out yet for you…..think very DEEPLY about what I am telling you…..I’m asking you from the bottom of my heart in a polite way….you can even give me your opinions on the forum…..what do you think that means….that we went in and we are victorious…..based on all your notes….well sure they were giving up and coming to us.

What happens after the 18th of February 2016….information would come so fast….because things are happening so fast….but the problem is that it is kept away from you…..I mean they just started yesterday and they tell you today they are victorious…..think about that.

ISIS arrested some of their own….can you imagine….they arrested some of their own commanders and one of them was actually in Fallujah…..they were going to send him from Fallujah to Mosul….but unfortunately we started the invasion yesterday….and to be honest with you it is not known where this commander is at… is possible that he got whacked in the rain storm that occurred yesterday… is just a ticker-tape parade in Fallujah.

We need to watch Mosul and we need to watch Fallujah….will you watch it with me….and what we are looking for is when they are cleared… keep in mind there will always be pockets of disturbances… will have a little sniper action here, fire there, small explosions…..the remaining after effects….this will not mean that these cities are no longer unstable….they are about to tell you they got every city back….

IMO….and you know that is so good….because I don’t care about no date at KTFA….we don’t do that GARBAGE…..but if you want to do something like that….wait until you see that Mosul and Fallujah are all clear…..I am different but if you’ve been with me for a while… know what I’m doing right now.

So it turns out….these little pockets….they don’t mean much….you will see them…..ISIS wants to leave Libya now…..because we are bombing the living daylights out of it…..I told you there was one place still wide open…..we attacked from three different directions.

May I tell you it is somewhere in the area of Qaddafi’s home town….when you stop and think about it…..when Qaddafi was eliminated it actually created a big vacuum in that Middle East area….and that is why terrorism filled that pocket in quickly….and found its little foothold… became filled with bad guys….and that is why we have been bombing it.

Meanwhile…..while all of this is going on in the battlefields….it turns out that Parliament has been reduced by about half of its population already…..IMO…….talk about advancements again…..CBI being cleaned…..GOI being cleaned….battlefields being cleaned….banks being cleaned….and Dr. Shabibi was supposed to be at the meeting to discuss things but he has a cold so he wasn’t there today…..I told you……told you….TA-DA.

So while all of this has been going on, Parliament has been reduced by about half of its population….the CBI is doing what it has to do with meetings with Dr. Shabibi and they proved it to you today.

And while all of this is going on… are you doing oil….I’m doing good….I’ve always done good on this planet…..I am the future of your past…..I know that oil…..listen….this Frank26 knucklehead said the price of oil would start to go down dramatically in December….it did…..and it would still be down in January but in the last week of January it would fluctuate and go into February and slowly go up and down but in the last week of February it would start to rise back up into March……

It is… tell me oil….how are you today….well according to you Frank26 I’m supposed to end somewhere between $42 and $45…..but today I came out at $33.15….and Brent came out at $35.45….we are getting there…..well good for you….you will probably get there during the month of March right….that is the way it is scheduled…..we will see…..yes it is very masterful…..Electric Light Orchestra could not have orchestrated this any better.

Now IMO we need to update what we shared with you….we think it will end up between $45 and $50 when it is all said and done by the end of March going into April.

Now I want to talk to you about this oil……I don’t really talk about it that much….first thing….if you go to Iraq and take a deep breath….you are going to smell it…..if you walk on the sand it will squirt out from underneath your shoes….in some areas… could even be in the taste of your food….in the water…..oil is everywhere….but one of the amazing things about Iraqi oil….that is being treated like that “pretty girl” image…..I mean it’s oil….no…no…it is Iraqi oil….oh….oh….ok……hey this is Iranian oil….fine sell it…..this is Chinese oil…this is American oil….fine sell it….

You know when you go to the pump….you have diesel….then you have regular unleaded…..premium unleaded….and….super unleaded….three diffirent grades that come from the same underground tank….well four underground tanks….because there are four different grades… know something Family…..Iraqi oil is like premium or super grade oil that you get as fuel at the gas station…..Iraqi oil is very unique….why do you think it is not being moved….they want to get the best dollar for it…..

They categorize oil under the WTI crude category and also under the Brent crude category….you with me….taking notes….I want you to know there are actually different types of crude…..light sweet crude oil versus regular oil….yes it is just under the surface in Iraq….and it is high in carbon….explosive….it readily burns….this oil is so unique and precious that the world wants it…..especially manufacturing companies….it is so unique……it is called light sweet crude oil versus regular oil….

It is easy to refine….it has a great demand all over the world in the oil industry… has a low carbon dioxide chemical composition….it even smells good….why do you think they call it sweet oil…..taste it… is in high demand….you only find this kind of oil in the Middle East….and most of it is with Iraq…yes the other ME countries have some of it too, but no where near the amount that Iraq has….Iraq has something special….I keep telling you she is the prettiest girl in town…..and the moment they do raise the value of their currency… will become the mecca of this world…..again… once was….they called it the Hanging Garden of Babylon.

Anyone want to talk about Maliki….remember last week I told you….you think Maliki stole a lot….you think the 35 trillion dinars he stole a year was a lot of money….then I told you this week on Monday……Family it is not just money….this guy stole stuff you have no idea about….houses, cars, technology, equipment….then all of a sudden today you see…..well we do have our tender….what about your currency….well our tender….we have machines that can count and detect the counterfeiting of our currency now…..oh you have DeLaRue machines….yeah….I know Maliki stole many things but it is a good thing he didn’t steal these…..IMO….this is big….almost as big as two days ago when Thor and I were pointing out they are setting up exchange offices and doing training…..for what reason….they don’t have an international currency…..another gate being filled….pay attention to this Family.

By the way Zerb and anyone else that was finding the Cramer Mad Money program…..I saw that someone put the link up, I don’t know if that is the right one….I didn’t get a chance to see it…..I want to also thank Barry166….you gave us a very indepth story from the Middle East….I made a post today about the Iraqi citizens….the Iranian citizens they are all wonderful people….very hospitable….one of their customs is to bring you into their homes and feed you….I want to thank all of you who have been posting biblical testimonies whether it be from the Bible, or your personal experience, or somewhere else….that should be what KTFA is about.

I also want to thank dnari131…..I told you last week and again this week that something unfortunate was going to happen with Barzani, Zebari, a bunch of people….and I want to thank dnari131 for finding that old article that was about 2 months old that talked about Barzani and that there might be some problems he would have to deal with.

We gave you a very long lecture yesterday and the day before on how the CBI is trying to make Iraq a cashless society….we told you about the many mechanisms they have used to try and bring people into their banks….but what do the citizens say to the CBI and Abadi….no….absolutely not….we know what you are trying to do….no….we want our money and we are not going to go and do this.

Well we told you they introduced electronic or e-commerce….we told you yesterday they lost….they will never get a check in the bank or be able to take a check to the bank to cash….I’m sorry Iraqi citizens….and I gave you examples of welfare here in the USA….how that has been secured….and that is what they are doing over there.

Check this out….e-dinars with the mechanism of electronics…you see this has become the only way to get the citizens to come into the banks….they know very well what they are trying to do with the electronic system….make them a cashless society and they don’t want to have anything to do with that….but if they want this new rate….they are going to have to come in……they are just going to have to change.

I told you from the Dinar’s Card… a credit card… a debit card….to a card now with a chip….we talked about this in depth yesterday…..all of this is being put together….in Iraq….they need t join you and me….we are almost a cashless society….crazy isn’t it.

So Dr. Shabibi wasn’t at the meeting because he was ill….TA-DA. Anyways….old-timers you remember me saying this about 2 years ago….if you think there is gold in them there hills of California…wait until you see the gold in Iraq….then we saw it…mountains and mountains….about four months later they tell you….right after that I told you… will shine like a diamond….I referenced that to water….I want you to know that the minerals they have in this country….and there is an article out today about this…..are the equivalent of the worth of their oil….which would you like to sell to the world….it doesn’t matter they are both the same amount.

When God put the four rivers together it was for us….it was the Garden of Eden…..what do you need Adam….there it is….what do you want Eve….there it is….there was plentiful….there was no want….that land is still the same….everything we needed in the garden was there….and IMO….after we destroyed the tree of eternity with our Father….that land remained the same….it was simply lost to mankind.

Baghdad, Iraq is where the four rivers meet…..Baghdad, Iraq according to our belief in Revelation is about to become.

I hope you liked your conference call I always try to bring you something to make you think….something that you don’t have….may I give you something else you don’t have then we will end it.
When you were with me at the very beginning….one of the things we taught you was that we look for patterns….as a biologist that I am we look for patterns in nature… I find an interest in looking for patterns in our studies….I want to give you a pattern….,promise you won’t try to get a date out of this….we don’t do that….we don’t come up with dates…when it happens it happens….but we enjoy studying the process don’t we.

When did the IMF….who basically has Iraq by the ear like a little kid right now…and I mean in their troops, their government, banking…..everywhere…..when did we tell Iraq we want them to become international….did we say at the beginning of the year….no we didn’t did we…..we had hopes but they didn’t did they….

So when did they tell them….by the first half of 2016…..1. Middle of 2016….now let me ask you this….when did Dr. Shabibi change the program rate from 1170 to 1166……January 17th, 2012….2. January 17th, 2012………when was the budget released… blew my mind by the way….December 16th, 2015….3. December 16th, 2015…..when did they put up the tariffs at the borders of Iraq….remember we told you our troops were then protecting the borders because they wanted to make sure no one was cheating….January 16th, 2016…..4. January 16th, 2016…..when is it that we see the financial spreadsheet of the CBI….they do this on the 17th of every month….now let’s look at this:

1. First half of 2016
2. January 17th, 2012
3. December 15th, 2015
4. January 16th, 2016
5. 17th of each month

Do you see the pattern….it sticks out…..there is a pattern or commonality about the middle…..they don’t touch the beginning of anything….they don’t touch the end of anything….this is a pattern.

Reminder…..our broker called and said we have plenty of the Iranian Rial….so if you want them we have them.

My broker told us that we are going to add another currency to our menu sometime next week….more on that later.

Dismissed with a prayer.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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