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Thursday, February 25, 2016

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-25-16  Part 1 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner
 BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-25-16  Part 1 of 2
National Alliance calls for legislation to prevent corrupt officials from traveling Act
24/02/2016 05:35 | Direction Press / Agencies
Called the National Alliance MP Zainab Sahlani, on Wednesday, the Iraqi government requires the enactment of laws to prevent officials suspected of corruption cases from traveling outside the country, as pointed out that the recent actions of the Integrity Commission is a positive step calculated for the district council body, not its president.
She Sahlani in a press statement that the recent measures taken by the Integrity Commission to refer a number of officials suspected of corruption to the courts to achieve them is considered a positive step calculated for the Judicial Council of the body and not for president, "pointing out that" the President of the Commission depends on the judicial offices scattered across the country to collect information and files related to suspicions of corruption and audited before they are submitted to the courts. "
Sahlani and demanded the Iraqi government to "enact a law requiring the prevention of corrupt officials and those who were sentenced to judicial orders banning them from traveling, as well as the enactment of the necessary return of fugitives from outside the country."
 [tlm724] the Iraqi government requires the enactment of laws to prevent officials suspected of corruption cases from traveling outside the country
[tlm724] hear hear !!!
[tlm724] that the recent measures taken by the Integrity Commission to refer a number of officials suspected of corruption to the courts to achieve them is considered a positive step calculated for the Judicial Council of the body and not for president
[tlm724] demanded the Iraqi government to "enact a law requiring the prevention of corrupt officials and those who were sentenced to judicial orders banning them from traveling, as well as the enactment of the necessary return of fugitives from outside the country."
[tlm724] yes indeed ! These crooked creeps need to be in cuffs, don't let them run !
Minister coalition forces handed over their resignations to Jabouri for submission to Abadi
25/02/2016 11:39 | Direction Press / follow-up
MP for the coalition of Iraqi forces Abdel Azim Ajman, Thursday, that the ministers of the Iraqi coalition forces submitted their resignations to the prime minister Salim al-Jubouri, inter-Jubouri that will impose conditions to pass it to the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.
Ajman, said in a press statement that " the alliance of the forces of the Iraqi people and Planning Minister Salman Jumaili Kmensaga Ministers alliance with other parties," noting that "Jumaili feet Asagalat ministers of the alliance's six ministers to Parliament Speaker Salim al - Jubouri."
He added that, "Saleem al-Jubouri will impose conditions on the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to be handed over resignations of ministers," adding that "among the conditions that the cabinet reshuffle is comprehensive, in addition to achieving the demands of the Sunni provinces."
It is said that ministers citizen Bloc's three ministers also tendered their resignations from their government positions to the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi. Sa
 [tlm724] that the ministers of the Iraqi coalition forces submitted their resignations to the prime minister Salim al-Jubouri, inter-Jubouri that will impose conditions to pass it to the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.
[tlm724] lets get this show on the road
[tlm724] that "among the conditions that the cabinet reshuffle is comprehensive, in addition to achieving the demands of the Sunni provinces."
Traders are taking advantage of legal loopholes exempting them from the payment of customs duties

25/02/2016 12:59 | Direction Press / Baghdad
After the federal government announced the activation of the customs tariff law requiring all border crossing points to be applied in order to increase state revenues in the current financial crisis experienced by the country as a result of lower oil prices, but some traders took advantage of some of the legal loopholes which concluded with some countries that grant trade agreements exemption from customs tariff as well as falsification of some official papers to make it within the exempted from paying fees.
He says economist Maytham and coffee in a press statement, that with the start of the application of the customs tariff law of some of the challenges have emerged, including that Iraq has free trade agreements between Arab countries granted exemption from customs tariffs.
He said Iraqi traders took advantage of the gaps to get exemptions Kmarkip, which would deprive the Treasury of significant resources, and that some Cisara to falsifying papers to prove what makes him within exempted from paying customs.
He added that "it would take to cut the road to those, and because these agreements have affected the Iraq always benefit those countries that are working to freeze such agreements and unify the work of the customs tariff law to include everyone and all the ports and without exceptions."
For its part, the Committee on Economy and Investment parliamentary ruled out that some traders taking advantage of some of the legal loopholes for not including them in the customs fees on goods, stressing inclusion of all imported goods except customs tariff pertaining to the investment sector.
A member of the committee MP Ahmed Salim in a press statement that the customs tariff law covering all imported materials and any state except for materials pertaining to investment, where relieved law possessors investors an investment license from the excise tax and customs for 10 years, adding that if there were exempted dealers This fee is a violation of the law.
He added that there are no agreements between Iraq and some states exempt some goods from customs tariff, because the principle of free trade in the WTO that Iraq will be a free market for the exchange of goods, but that does not mean that the organization imposed on Iraq to exempt certain countries or goods from customs duties.
The committee of economy and investment representative, confirmed earlier lack of legitimacy of the government to exempt some imported materials from customs duties without modification of the customs tariff law by Parliament.
Said committee member Rep. Najiba Najib, said that although the customs tariff law has been enacted years ago, but has been applied in the current year, given the economic and financial circumstances of the country.
She added that the government can not exclude that some of the imported goods from customs duties unless there is an amendment to the law of customs tariff by the House, saying that if the temporary exception there is no objection to the government that excludes according to a specific period.
 [tlm724] He added that there are no agreements between Iraq and some states exempt some goods from customs tariff, because the principle of free trade in the WTO that Iraq will be a free market for the exchange of goods, but that does not mean that the organization imposed on Iraq to exempt certain countries or goods from customs duties.
[tlm724] there are no agreements between Iraq and some states exempt some goods from customs tariff, because the principle of free trade in the WTO that Iraq will be a free market for the exchange of goods

Parliamentary Integrity issued new meals the names of large whales who enriched public money
02/25/2016 14:20    Tomorrow Press / Baghdad revealed to the Parliamentary Integrity Commission member Adel Nouri, Thursday, for the issue of the integrity of large whales the names of those who favored public money soon, noting that the list of the referral of four senior officials is nothing but a meal first and flagship of the Commission and regulatory authorities.
 The Nuri's "tomorrow 's Press," that "there are several new lists of up to 10 with the Commission and the Committee on the integrity of the names who have swelled their money at the expense of public money,
which is in the process of studying," Mushir that " the Commission and the integrity Commission and regulators collaborating and formed joint committees for exposing corruption and the corrupt. "
He added that" what is released from a list of four senior officials, is nothing but the flagship of the joint committees , and there are other lists will be issued in the coming days, and will include the names of the whales grand corruption ", stressing that" the integrity Commission , its oversight, and will be watchful eye on the performance of the judiciary to resolve the files referred to it. "  LINK

 [tlm724] Integrity Commission
[tlm724] the issue of the integrity of large whales the names of those who favored public money soon, noting that the list of the referral of four senior officials is nothing but a meal first and flagship of the Commission and regulatory authorities
[tlm724] go get them !!! Enough already !
[tlm724] that "there are several new lists of up to 10 with the Commission and the Committee on the integrity of the names who have swelled their money at the expense of public money
Parliamentary Economy: territory outlets revenue will be deposited in the Federal Treasury
Economy  Since 02/25/2016 13:17 pm (Baghdad time)  Special - balances News
The Commission on Economy and Investment in Parliament on Thursday, that the application of the customs tariff on the task of border crossings to supplement the state treasury a lot of money, just like the countries of the world.
The committee member said Harith al-Harthy's / balances News /, that "the customs tariff is an essential resource in all countries of the world to supplement the Treasury countries, but we are suffering from a big problem in Iraq, where he finished Daash terrorist west side and of our limits with Syria and Jordan, as well as the dispute between the center the region, which in turn affected the lower part of these imports. "
He said Al-Harthy, that "after the recent oil agreement with the province will bid farewell to the northern ports revenues to the state treasury, this money comes to the state and then be allocated a certain percentage of them to build government complexes to conduct transactions on the border in case the need arises."

It is said that the Commission confirmed earlier, the customs tariff law will be applied to all government ports, without exception, including the Kurdistan region, while economists called for the activation of a package of support for the Law of the tariff laws.

LINK  From: Ola Massaol   

 [tlm724] that the application of the customs tariff on the task of border crossings to supplement the state treasury a lot of money            
[tlm724] that "after the recent oil agreement with the province will bid farewell to the northern ports revenues to the state treasury, this money comes to the state
[tlm724] Commission confirmed earlier, the customs tariff law will be applied to all government ports, without exception, including the Kurdistan region, while economists called for the activation of a package of support for the Law of the tariff laws.
[tlm724] thats awesome, tariff money goes to the treasury

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