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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Dinar Updates Wednesday AM Chat  2-24-16    Part 3 of 3

Post From Dinar Updates 2-24-16
Chat Room Excerpts & Highlights
Dinar Updates Wednesday AM Chat  2-24-16    Part 3 of 3
Loopback says   An Iraqi parliamentary source said that "the perception and image conveyed by allies, the religious leader of Iran's leadership system, carried a warning from trying Abadi revive disagreements Shiite political blocs among themselves to gain time and to form a government from outside the cloak of Shiite political forces loyal to Iran. "
Observers believe that" al-Abadi, who threw the ball inside the dome of the parliament last Saturday, while a student blocs to nominate names of technocrats to fill the ministerial positions, already wanted to restore the political scene in the country to the pre-formation of the government,
which saw differences and Mnacfat quotas and political positions between the Shiite blocs phase, which will contribute to the disintegration of the Iranian system in the parliament of Iraq, which is usually ridden differences on the interests and stakes ministerial. " Source

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Loopback says   So IRan is worried about losing control of Iraq with these changes. So they sent an emissary, who may or may not have been Soleimani, with 3 message. We will back you in what you are doing as long as you remember that you are Shiite and if you do the Crowd is yours. IMO
tman23 says   Abadi has repeated the statement of Iraq being a sovereign state......and just about every minister has made the statement when the "foreign powers" are involved in Iraqi affairs.......
 If Abadi is true to Iraq and belief in his statement of being sovereign, then Abadi, Hakim, and Sadr should be saying the same to Iran..... This is what set Barzani and the KDP off..... Gorran invited Iran to sit in KRG Parliment and participate in the decisions to replace President Barzani.....

dinarmassa says to tman23   That's like inviting a fox into the chicken coop
tman23 says   Oil fields in the autonomous Kurdistan region have shut in the vast majority of production due to an export pipeline outage that has not been fully explained and has now lasted a full week.“
All we can say is that we understand the interruption is due to security issues, which the Turkish authorities are dealing with to enable export resumption,” said a senior Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) official, who implied the outage could be the fault of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK),..............
They are broke and losing a whole weeks worth of oil revenue.....which sets them behind at least 2 weeks when production stops....... ALL THEY CAN SAY IS DUE TO SECURITY ISSUES......
Loopback says   Here's an article that MadDScout post on the news forum.
Loopback says   Hakim sends mass resignations of ministers citizen to Abadi
24/2/2016, 17:43 Published by: Messenger of Delphi
The head of the Iraqi Islamic Supreme Council Ammar al-Hakim, on Wednesday, sending the mass resignations of ministers citizen to the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.
Hakim said in a press release that we sent an official letter documented to Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and the resignations of ministers citizen Bloc, because we are the owners of the project, and we are not the owners of sites and privileges.
Loopback says   He added that the citizen's bloc will not be a reason to stop any reform project is the construction of the Iraqi state, noting that these resignations are not separate from the project a real, clear and transparent reform.
He said al-Hakim, to accept any resignation is based on the reason shown by the relevant committee must be clear standards for replacements are available, and the political parties participating in the government to provide these replacements according to specifications set by Abadi and that there will be no exceptions    Link

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Loopback says   So at this point Sadr and Hakim have given the resignations of the ministers in their parties to Adabi. So he now controls their fates.(y)
Loopback says   As long as he has just cause..
Loopback says   Supreme Council calls for accelerating the completion of the reshuffle
Date: 02/24/2016 13:19    Information / special / ..   It called the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, Wednesday, to expedite the completion of the cabinet reshuffle announced by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, stressing the need to choose the names of ministers thoroughly.
A spokesman for the citizen of the parliamentary bloc of the Supreme Council Habib Terminal told / information /, "The situation currently faced by the country is reassuring, which requires the completion of the reshuffle scheduled in the shortest possible time."
Loopback says   Terminal and stressed the need to "study the candidates names of ministers to occupy ministerial positions accurately," calling out the importance of "firing hand to Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in the selection of ministers as is the case in democratic countries."
The citizen bloc, which belongs Oil Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, announced earlier on Wednesday, the last to submit his resignation to Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, while confirming he was still exercising his duties in the ministry.
Loopback says   The situation currently faced by the country is reassuring, which requires the completion of the reshuffle scheduled in the shortest possible time."
Loopback says   33 days left in Sadr's timeline to get the reshuffle done. Tick Toc
tman23 says   Mahdi resignation letter..........
tman23 says   Unchanged today than it was before 6 months when presenting the first hotfix package. So I made before such emergency meeting book my resignation on 9/8/2015, and not come back any answer to this day. My goal was of resignation indicate growing imbalances and move away from the clash sites,
away from honesty and institutional, and poisoned the atmosphere and disrupts progress and prevents the formation of unified vision and the will, to allow time for the Prime Minister, addressing the matter both within the Council of Ministers, or with the House
popeye7 says   What I find interesting, and telling is that these religious leaders are now suddenly applying pressure on the government after nearly 13 years...

March of 2003 was the beginning of the Iraqi war... Why did they wait until now before deciding to really put on the pressure via their influence, and following?... 13 years folks... I can think of several reasons...

Loopback says   Abadi form a committee to change agents ministers who assumed their duties since the governments of al-Maliki
Political Since 02/24/2016 15:29 pm (Baghdad time)  Special - balances News
Expose high-level government source, on Wednesday, for the formation of a special committee appointed by the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to change all agents ministers who took their duties in the government of former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki
Loopback says   The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity for / balances News / The "Abadi decided to form an ad hoc committee to change all agents ministers who received their duties during the previous two sessions of the government and headed by former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki."
He added, "This step is part of the reform decisions Abadi announced several days ago."
The Abadi has launched his own conduct last cabinet reshuffle in his government, calling for political blocs to support it. It ended 29     By: Ahmed Zmim

Loopback says   So according to this article if you worked for Malaki you're history.
tman23 says   Look at the 9/8/2015 date when Mahdi is saying he submitted his resignation to Abadi and ......Abadi had never answered him to this day !! Recall this date as back in September I posted as I was informed of resignations and Alak (CBI) has submitted his.......
 I am sure there were others that did so as well...... BUT......hard to figure why Abadi was slow to act........ Kinda like...... You guys are not bailing and leaving me holding the bag
boz says   Islamic State rigs currency rates in Mosul to prop up finances
boz says
Pablo says   So, are they to go ahead an honor those resignations now?
popeye7 says to tman23   Timing is essential to the BIS in all of this... BIS equals Bank of International Settlements... That certainly is a long time to finally decide to deal with these resignations... Almost 6 months later?.... Maestro continues to lead the orchestration of events IMHO>..
Pablo says   Everyone is heading for the hills and leaving Malarki holding the bag! :)
_firefly_ says   And it was that entity that declared the IQS a Donor currency
_firefly_ says(   IQD
popeye7 says to Pablo   But why the delay?...
popeye7 says to _firefly    Yep...
Pablo says   Good question.
Pablo says   Maybe wait till the investigations were done? Or maybe wait till US troops were in Baghdad to help rounds these guys up? :D
popeye7 says to _firefly    (y) You know what I am talking about...
_firefly_ says to popeye7(   There is NO more delays !
_firefly_ says to popeye7   Of course I do :)
popeye7 says to _firefly   Thats the fact jack...
firefly_ says to popeye7(   I have been advised to not pay attention to the media. Still lots of misinformation out there
_firefly_ says to popeye7(   and will be till the very last minute
popeye7 says to clay(   Tell me about my friend... I am doing great... And in the near future we will all have bank accounts that will have substancially increased...
clay says to popeye7(   please tell me soon !!!
popeye7 says to _firefly_(   Lots of that my friend... Misinfo, and learning to read between the lines... Peel back the onion to its core inotherwords...
popeye7 says to clay(   I purposely tried to avoid that word in order not to offend... :D
_firefly_ says to clay(   peel it back a couple of weeks lol
clay says to popeye7(   I know but couldnt resist anymore (lol)
_firefly_ says(    Like I've said many many times, "Watch what they do, NOT what they say"
popeye7 says to _firefly   Nothing surprises me anymore... I make sure to wear my goggles in order to ensure my eyes are well protected.... That is great advise, and certainly one that needs to be applied in all aspects of life... (y)
_firefly_ says to popeye7(    (y)
_firefly_ says(   Everybody needs to take a deep breath and relax. We are in the process
_firefly_ says(   No turning back !!!!!!!
popeye7 says to _firefly   That is right... That is right... There will always be opinion pieces, and news thrown out their via the media that tries to confuse the issue... The point is they are right on schedule concerning monetary reform in Iraq... 
_firefly_ says):   The IMF even told the world Iraq is entering the global MARKET$. How much more confirmation do you need
RickeyT says to _firefly    they have been in the global markets
RickeyT says to _firefly   who has been buying their oil?
_firefly_ says(   2 different articles both mentioning article 8 comliance
RickeyT says to _firefly   all the ships unloading in their ports, what are they unloading?
popeye7 says to _firefly   And what does that mean?... What has to be done to be article 8 compliant?...
clay says to _firefly   bba
_firefly_ says to RickeyT   I am not looking at oil as most are. The IMF had told Iraq to diversify and THEY HAVE
popeye7 says to clay   Later clay!
Pablo says to RickeyT   Camel saddles? :)
RickeyT says   cars, sugar, wheat....
_firefly_ says to RickeyT   Heck, they can sell it for 20 bucks PB and still make a nice profit with the reform
popeye7 says to _firefly_(   Very cheap for them to extract...
They said the cost per barrel to extract is $7...... The contracts with the oil companies took it to $13 per barrel..... (and why they were blaming Sharistani for making bad deals, lol ).....
And then the 2016 Budget called for $5 per barrel to the providences....... $18 in cost and revenue sharing...... $20 per barrel..... $2 profit..... Thet better diversify and get off being oil dependent....

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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