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Monday, February 29, 2016

 BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-29-16    Part 2 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

 BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-29-16    Part 2 of 2
Central Bank calls for the success of the donors' conference and criticizing defamation banking sector

[rtl]Direction Press / Baghdad[/rtl]
[rtl] The governor of the Iraqi Central Bank on the Keywords, on Monday, the importance of the role of the banking sector to support efforts to ensure the success of the donors ' conference for the reconstruction of areas affected by the terrorist attacks in Jordan , scheduled for next April, criticizing the operations of defamation against the banking sector .
[rtl]Keywords and said in a statement during the meeting of the Central Bank of Iraq headquarters in Baghdad received a "trend - Presse , " a copy of it today, "we hope that the participation of this sector and wide in this national action to be an important point in his record holds all meanings benevolent ."[/rtl]
[rtl]Keywords and he pointed out that "heavy load withholds him , but his family, so we expect the banking sector initiatives in this area , " explaining , "We abreast of preparations for the conference , both at the local level through the costly task of the Committee, chaired by the President of the Reconstruction Fund , Dr. Abdul Basit Turkey and through international organizations ,

"noting that" the conference is an opportunity that will contribute to creating a state of stability in our country, pointing out that we are in need in this particular circumstance . "[/rtl]
[rtl]He predicted the central bank governor to "be participating in the conference to be held the Dead Sea on 16 and April 17 and a wide area, from the other hand , between the Keywords that the central bank a clear position regarding the auction sell the currency , " pointing out that "he had held meetings with the Financial and Economic Committee in the House of Representatives However other official bodies to clarify this issue . "[/rtl]

[rtl]Turning to the "reasons for defamation and accusations faced by the banking sector in general campaign, especially Maitalq window sell the currency," he said , "at the forefront of these reasons , the absence ofpublic banking culture on the work of banks and the nature of the functions of the central bank Mai_khas sell the dollar in particular ."[/rtl]

[rtl]He called for "to take the media role in educating people the functions of the banking sector in general, adding that the response to the attack easy if it is made ​​by specialists, because they understand easily and reality of the situation, while the issue is difficult when it comes to by others do not have a banking culture ."[/rtl]

[rtl]Portfolios of private banks and urged the general to "not to give the opportunity to attack it by closing loopholes and full compliance with the instructions of the Central Bank and to focus on not be the dollar sale process of a target for speculation , " and urged Association of private banks that " will be the topic at theforefront of their concerns in this particular circumstances . " .[/rtl]
[rtl]So called head of the Iraqi private banks association Wadih Handal to "increase support for the central bank to the banking sector to be able to contribute to any national action, also stressed the support of private banks to the efforts of the Central Bank in the framework of cooperation, enhance mutual trust between the two sides ."[/rtl]

[rtl]He said Handal to "Private Bankers Association initiative to establish a legal committee to be the voice of thebanks before the judicial authorities and to pay the accusations directed to it by legal means , " stressing " theimportance of the humanitarian role played by the private banks toward our people displaced explaining that liberalization Salahuddin and Anbar of terrorism It would contribute to reassure the capital that our country is on the road to recovery , especially after the start of preparations for Tharirmhafezh Nineveh . "[/rtl]

[rtl]He called Handal boards of directors of banks to "more effective humanitarian contributions, and assign Matmralamanhan scheduled to be held in Jordan in April next year , " explaining the importance of the "going success of the conference the efforts of the first two - way encouraging the human side and the second search States and international organizations to provide its capacity of support for Iraq for the reconstruction of cities ravaged by terrorism . "[/rtl]
[rtl]On the nature of the relationship between the central bank and the private banks between Handal "It's dominated by the language of trust and mutual understanding is important in the face of challenges that include everyone," .anthy
[tlm724] criticizing the operations of defamation against the banking sector
[tlm724] there he goes again defending himself
[tlm724] pointing out that "he had held meetings with the Financial and Economic Committee in the House of Representatives However other official bodies to clarify this issue
[tlm724] Turning to the "reasons for defamation and accusations faced by the banking sector in general campaign, especially Maitalq window sell the currency,
[tlm724] at the forefront of these reasons , the absence ofpublic banking culture on the work of banks and the nature of the functions of the central bank Mai_khas sell the dollar in particular
[tlm724] really ?? and why is that ??? Because you didn't do your job !
[tlm724] how can he blame the functions of the CBI when he is in control of the CBI ???
[tlm724] and if I am not mistaken the banking sector is part of that !
[tlm724] culture this *slap*
[cat] lmao
[tlm724] the CBI has laws to cover the whole banking sector including the private banks but they have not enforced the law !
[tlm724] and another thing if he were so good at his job then why do they need international experts to run the cash system ?? lemme show you from yesterday
The Central Bank's contract with the International Office to control the movement of cash
Date: 10:38 2016/06/28 | Visits: 128
Information/Baghdad/... Central Bank Governor Ali al-allaq, Sunday, hiring international Audit Office to develop procedures to sell "the dollar" to control the movement of cash.
He said the relationship was quoted in the newspaper "morning" and seen by agency/information/that "Central Bank hired an auditing office develop procedures to sell" the dollar "to control the movement of the dollar exchange.
"The central focus on financial inclusion for its positive role in the economic life, the pursuit of development financing for small and medium-sized enterprises that we will have an integrated legal framework, as well as to stimulate the field of Islamic banking, which is expanding in Iraq."
He stressed the "necessity of relationship establishment guaranteeing deposits in banks, as we are close to passing a law it passed in the House," pointing to "continue efforts to develop universal banking system which represents a major shift for Central Bank action." Finished/25 t
[tlm724] see what I mean ??
[cat] uh huh
[RCS1947] Amen!!
[tlm724] I think he is outta control but thats just me  Suspect
Tobyboy:     Timmy I agree 100% and been saying he does not know what he is doing. This Maliki puppet does not know anything about accounting banking, he has screw up the CBI royally. I feel he is following what Maliki wanted to destroy the economy and help in the stealing of funds for the crooks.
Tlm724:     Your right Toby !! He is a puppet , heres what I said in response to that article yesterday
For those people who believe Ali Alak is a capable governor or that he should stay in charge here is a strong argument against that ! It is pretty pitiful when a country needs the assistance of an international entity to control their system of cash.
Perhaps this is the best thing to come down the pike in almost 2 years. At least it won't be a bubbling idiot in charge of the money. This is probably part of the IMF's plan in overseeing the financial sector and it's a good dayum thing they are there.
There is much work to be done to rid the system of corruption. This also explains, to an extent, the reduction in the daily auction of the dollar, too many eyes upon them !  Suspect
Central: the absence of banking culture in the cause of smear campaign over the sale currency window
12:49:48 29/02/2016 | (Voice of Iraq) - Baghdad confirmed the central bank, on Monday, that the absence of banking culture cause of the smear campaign on the sale of currency window, and at the time , who pointed out that these statements do not come from specialists,
stressed the importance of the role of the banking sector in supporting efforts for the success of the Conference donors. the governor of the central bank on the Keywords in a statement Alsumaria News received a copy of the "reasons for defamation and accusations faced by the banking sector in general campaign,
especially regarding window sell the currency, is the absence of public banking culture on the work of banks and the nature of central bank functions with regard to selling the dollar in particular. " he added that" the overall private banks not to give a chance to attack it by closing loopholes and full compliance with the instructions of the Central Bank and to focus on not be the dollar sale process of a target for speculation ,
"explaining that" the response to the attack easy if it is made ​​by specialists, because they understand easily and the reality of the situation, while the issue is difficult when it comes to others Aimitlkon culture of banking. " 
on the other hand called on the governor of the bank to" a wide participation for the success of the donors ' conference to be held in April in the Kingdom of Jordan , "and expressed hope that" be the participation of this sector and wide in this national action to be an important point in his record holds all meanings benevolent. "
he Keywords that the conference is an opportunity that will contribute to creating a state of stability in our country," pointing out that "we are in need in this particular circumstance." the governor of the bank Central on the Keywords announced on the third of March 2015 that the new guidelines set by the bank is that the auction is no longer a daily window for operations for the sale of currency auctions,
noting that the new mechanisms developed to sell this currency, especially that of its functions to provide currency for foreign trade.
and founded the Iraqi Central Bank bank independent under the law issued on the sixth of March 2004, as an independent body, which is responsible for maintaining price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including exchange rate policies are being daily sessions for buying and selling currencies. Add comment
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