Don't WAIT!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Thursday Evening 2-25-16

From Recaps Comment Section:

Ralph: As a reminder from a previous post of mine, one (1) of my three sources is reporting that our ride will be over before the end of this month, while my other two (2) sources are stating the first couple of weeks in March 2016.

Either way, rest assured that neither China or Iran will jump the gun ahead of Iraq.

All is going and will go according to the master plan that is already in the works, with no deviation at all. GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!

Beamer:  here's what I KNOW.. we are in the middle of the GCR. ..there is no button. the process has been going on and is continuing. There are Tiers and most of us are just waiting our turn.. and I've got my bags packed by the door

wolfy : we(usa) have been given an ultimatum--it was supposed to go off then but it didnt again.. There was a 2:30 EBS to go off and it was stopped But RV is set go before the 29th and I am looking for it on the 28th but could go anytime

WSOMN Thursday CC Replay
(As mentioned by Yosef on todays CC)

"Final Peace" - Intel SITREP

Anonymous Intel SITREP
Thursday - 11:11:00 - 2.25.16


Gradual events over the past days, weeks, months, years and decades have lead up to this day.

The "final peace" of the puzzle will be put in place today between 6-8AM CST
​ (Sunrise in Beijing is 6:54Pm or anytime between ​5-7PM EST). As all macro RV matters must be completed prior to the G20 Meetings beginning on March 1 per Galactic counsel.

This includes redeeming the bulk of private groups via off site bank location centers which begins with public 800 appointment numbers being released. Everything has long been made ready at the 5,500 redemption locations and call centers. All bank branches will be brought on-line after the G20 meetings.

Yesterday's scheduled 6-8pm EST release was shut down due to severe weather conditions engulfing the entire midwest and east coast regions (40% of the US population was going to be negatively effected, as well as 30% of Canada (Ontario). So the PTB deferred the RV kick off to Thursday PM.

Be advised that this sudden weather pattern was artificially created by the Dark Nobility/Rothschild's as yet another delay to keep the RV from happening prior to the G20 meetings back wall. Also, know that their last second "performance ping pull back" created a similar delay to disrupt RV/G20 timing.

Galactic negotiators calmly laid out new terms, and it went something like this: "Either complete the agreement you have already made or lose all your central banks, as well as activate the removal of your bloodline from the face of the earth. " So in a moment of inspired enlightenment, the long-time dark nobles/cabal bankers signed off and allowed humanity forward." Oh, thank you merciful dark ones. The Light will take it from here thank you very much.

Remember, either everyone or no one moves forward. God or not God … and all must decide to follow the mandate of Heaven or be excused from existence… this is to be done by free will per Universal Law… no exceptions, even for the darkest of dark hats.

It's well known inside government/intelligence circles that there are many other discussions and announcements to be had/made during the G20 meetings that go far beyond the scope of a global financial reset.

Extra terrestrial disclosure will be a major topic of discussion: who, what, where, when and why will all be addressed (i.e. mass consciousness introduction). Also land mass is to be reset or remapped, such as ancient Babylon, plus the old Ottoman and Khazarian Empires. Both boundaries and governments will be returned to a harmonious frequency, which will greatly affect of Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Ukraine, Armenia, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Oman and Saudi Arabia.

NESARA will also be a big topic of discussion for world leaders. Exactly how to inform the mass populous of this new debt free and abundant resource reality. New technology release responsibilities, including science communication, manufacturing and press events, will also be handed out to different nations and leaders. Historical disclosures will also be handed to different nations and leaders, as its now time to find out what really happened on Pearl Harbor, 9/11, USA, Inc, New Republic, Crown Temple Bar Association, the IRS, Homeland Security & Patriot Act Fraud, Area 51, Genetic Alteration, Cloning, Black Military, Secrete Space Program, Middle East Peace, The Vatican, dark energy portals such as Syria, Haiti… etc..

The truth is all going to come out now… one, after the other, after the other, after the other… and this is why the cabal fought so hard from allowing any piece of this massive truth puzzle to be put into place… as they will ALL be fully exposed as humanity's enslavers… many who you have placed your absolute faith and trust in across a variety of cultural industries… hence why they earned the name "cabal" which literally means secrete clique or faction.

Galactic advisers will be present, just as they have always been… and obviously now a little more accessible and open to all. Remember, the universal tether of bondage has been removed… so anything that serves humanity's greatest good may now come into the light of day and on-line. Expect many positive changes rather rapidly now.

And for those skeptics reading this, please table your disbelief till after your redemption appointment. As once you experience the full weight of the blessing bestowed on you/humanity via finance, you'll perhaps open your horizons to other macro changes planned and forthcoming in the coming days, weeks, months, years and decades.

As for currency rates, they're escalating by the hour. Know that all participating banks must redeem all submitted currencies… so it may be wise to look at this redemption experience as if you were walking up ​on ​a dinner buffet with the best tasting food on the planet… and while you ​initially ​want to eat everything because you're ravenously hungry (short-term​), you know that eating too much will pain your body (long-term​)​.

So maybe look at achieve a specific goal per see, one that creates optimal balance in your life versus getting ​the highest possible number or interest rate. ​That said, by all means put enough on your plate so that when you leave your appointment you feel full/content … and make sure you get a take home doggie bag for future generations:)

It should now be obvious to all paying attention that humanity and Earth (Urantia) are coming out of financial, physical, spiritual and energetic bondage/bankruptcy together and simultaneously… as this is what the Galactics referred to years ago as "the hard way" versus slowly integrating each phase of the great transition over a much longer period of time, known as "the easy way." So be it.

FYI: Tetelestai translated from Latin means, "It is finished," was written on debt bills to show payment. This is where we get the modern term "paid in full."

So enjoy your blessing. Go slow. And remember, attaining divine consciousness is always more valuable than attaining digital credits… because what is truly occurring today and everyday thereafter is part of a continuous, larger spiritual transition versus just a singular, unprecedented banking transaction.

Aloha Ke
​Akua (God is Love in Hawaiian or ancient Lemurian)

* Oh yeah, the truth about two flood submerged continents, Atlantis (Atlantic Ocean) and Lemuria (Pacific Ocean) will be coming out as well:)

Fireball92:  Daddy what did you learn while waiting to become wealthy? Sweetie, daddy learned that governmental and international things are very complicated.

For awhile we all thot the RV was a simple ''PUSH A BUTTON" deal. Turns out EVERYTHING in International economy is a PROCESS.

When the RV PROCESS began back at the end February, many expected to exchange immediately but vwe still had to wait for the PROCESS. But sweetie even tho it took a couple weeks, after I waited for 5 years, that 2 weeks was like rocking you to sleep, it was easy to wait a couple more weeks....

Bozo:  The 90 day window was yesterday right?

Yada:  Bozo,,Iraq has until the before the end of this month,,,

Iggy: This is not the video i was looking for...but its a good one with cramer...
MOakes:  A Question for the Family:

What do you think the Bankers who say the Dinar is a "SCAM" would say if they listened to this video?

It would be interesting, wouldn't it?

Are they so uninformed or just afraid to admit the RV will happen? IMO, they are like some journalists - they can only say so much.   Any thoughts on this?


Walkingstick:  President of the Iraqi private banks association Altaki.naib former Prime Minister Ruz Nuri Shaways to discuss ways to restore citizens' dues deposited in banks in the province cr

Economy News Baghdad ....

Search head of the Iraqi private banks association Wadih Handal in Arbil, with the former Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Rosnora Shaways, ways to re-dues deposited in the banks of the citizens of the Kurdistan region, which has already KRG that put her hand on them.

Handal noted during a meeting with Shaways on the sidelines of a reception held by the Consulate General of the State of Kuwait in Erbil today, on the occasion of Kuwait's National Day, the recommendation of the Central Bank of Iraq in this area and reported to the provincial government.

Shaways and promised to follow up this issue with the provincial government to ensure the rights of depositors and banks, in the light of the recommendation of the Central Bank of Iraq in this area.

The two sides also discussed the relationship between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government issues and ways to overcome them in order to achieve the interests of Iraq and enhances economic and financial situation in the current circumstances in Iraq caused by the deterioration of Asaralinvt globally.

Handal also met on the sidelines of the reception with the MP in the Iraqi parliament Vian Dakhil and discussed with them ways to support Iraqi women economically, so as to achieve financial independence and contribute to assign Iraqi family financially, and Aaziz role in society, and noted Handal of the importance of granting Iraqi women a chance the creation of small and medium-sized projects and awarded banking soft loans to achieve this goal.

For its part, the MP expressed an intruder support for this approach and appreciation for the efforts of the Iraqi Association of private banks in this regard.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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