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Thursday, February 25, 2016

News, Rumors, and Opinions Thursday Morning 2-25-16


Cowboy:  Does anyone know where to find the document that has been mentioned which says Iraq must have an international tradeable currency 90 days prior to joining the WTO? I have tried to find it on WTO site.

KenBBQ1:  Well here is one....Iraq is a member of the WTO as an be a full member they have to have a tradable currency....I do not think and this is IMO they have to do that 90 days prior...just my opinion..
Icamman: Ken that is true as it's stated on the WTO website.

DarkKnight46:  did everyone see this: Judge approves nearly $1B settlement between US and tribes  LINK




Beamer:  The central bank in Belarus, which is preparing for its third currency overhaul by dropping four zeros off the ruble this year, will make a 500-ruble ($231) note the highest denomination. Currently, a bill of 200,000 rubles, equivalent to about $9, is the largest one. The new note will become the most valuable in eastern Europe and compares with neighboring Russia’s largest bill of 5,000 rubles ($65).

from this >>


Ingenious1:  NYSE "Breaks" this morning

And Now The NYSE Also Breaks, S&P Futures Jump

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/25/2016 07:10 -0500

It's just getting ridiculous: moments after the Euronext exchange broke down unexpected duo the "technical difficulties" shutting down "part of the market", and spiking the Stoxx600 in the process, moments ago the NYSE itself decided to have a "technical glitch", one which coming alongside James "QE4" Bullard's CNBC interview has pushed S&P500 futures to their overnight highs.

From the NYSE
If and when the CME breaks next, we expect everything to lock limit up as only the upward momentum-levitating algos will be allowed to frontrun each other.


Dinar Updates:

Firefly   Everybody needs to take a deep breath and relax.

We are in the process.  No turning back!

The IMF even told the world Iraq is entering the global MARKET$.

How much more confirmation do you need?


Buckmaster:  Not a whole lot of intel out the past couple of day's ..... maybe the lack of news is the calm before the storm ?   Sure hope things start heating up Today , its just way too quiet !!!

Harambe: China Stocks Plunge More Than 6%


Loundebnc:  Could someone please push the button?????

Meltdown pushes 359 stocks under a buck

Want to see just how much pressure the stock market is under? Got a buck? There are now 359 stocks trading for under $1 a share - the highest in more than 20 years.

The number of stocks currently trading on a major U.S. exchange for less $1 a share has jumped 38% this year and is up 420% from five years ago, according to a USA TODAY analysis of data from S&P Global Market Intelligence. Seeing such a rapid jump in the number of penny stocks shows just how pummeled the market has become. This analysis is limited to stocks currently trading on a major U.S. exchange - thus omits stocks that have been delisted or bought over the years.

Krantz_Matt.png Matt Krantz, USA TODAY 7:40 a.m. EST February 25, 2016


When Currency Pegs Break, Global Dominoes Fall

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/24/2016 21:00 -0500

When a currency peg breaks, it unleashes shock waves of uncertainty and repricing that hit the global financial system like a tsunami.

Landa Global Replay from Wed. 2-24-16

Strongcbm:  Frank stated that Iraq is cleaning up Iraq from the CBI to the Streets...This may help some people....

As soon as Frank said that I got a picture of Disney World in Florida....No matter what happens all around in Orlando, Disney is the safest place in Florida...

Why?....IMO because they want your vacation dollars...People from all over the world visit Disney .... All these years there hasn't been any major incidents...and if there has been... you wont know about it....They are about security security security....

I think Iraq is trying to get to that same every inch of Iraq so the world will be at ease visiting ..Because they want to sing the same song..."It's A Small World After All'....IMO


Bucking Horse:  Just like Frank told us last night. Protest has been called off.

GO RV !!!!**

Abadi al-Sadr calls for halt his call for a demonstration on Friday

Wed, 24 Feb 2016 15:45:48
Observer news / Baghdad

Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi ended the meeting lasted for three hours, with al-Sadr in the northern Baghdad district of Kadhimiya, after one day of the last access to the capital, coming to Najaf.

According to a statement issued by the Office of the Abadi 'the two sides discussed the current political situation and government change forthcoming.'

The statement added that the two sides also discussed recent developments and challenges faced by the country in various fields and reform plan implemented by the Prime Minister.

It did not say what the outcome of the discussions that took place between the two parties, but especially in Baghdad, political sources confirmed that al-Abbadi discussed with Sadr's three main points.
First stop his call for demonstrations, and the second change of government and the need to support, and the third militia members involved kidnapping and armed robbery in the capital, which has recently increased in intensity. ... sehMDC0Qxw


Dnari131:  Markets | Wed Feb 24, 2016 2:34pm EST

IMF report urges G20 to prepare global economic stimulus plan


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) logo is seen at the IMF headquarters building during the 2013 Spring Meeting of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in Washington,

April 18, 2013. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas

The Group of 20 nations must plan now for a coordinated stimulus program to keep a slowing global economy from stalling, International Monetary Fund staff said in a report on Wednesday.

The report was prepared for senior G20 officials who are meeting in Shanghai later this week amid falling equity markets, volatile currencies and signs of economic weakness throughout the world.

"The G20 must plan now for coordinated demand support using available fiscal space to boost public investment," IMF staff said in the report.

The Shanghai meeting is already being compared to the G20 meeting in April 2009 when officials agreed on coordinated stimulus to prevent a worldwide depression during the global financial crisis.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew downplayed expectations of a G20 emergency plan this week, telling Bloomberg Television that some world economies were doing better than thought and that investors should not "expect a crisis response in a non-crisis environment."

But the IMF staff said global economic growth was slowing and financial conditions were tightening for emerging economies, where commodity exporters have been hard hit by an economic slowdown in China.

"These developments point to higher risks of a derailed recovery," according to the report.

Governments around the world may need to create new financing mechanisms to help some emerging market and commodity exporting countries that are highly vulnerable to reversals in the flows of money, the IMF staff said.

The IMF will conduct a review this year of how countries should manage capital flows and will focus its attention on the sources of capital and where the funds are allocated.

Investor cash rushed out of poorer or underperforming economies and into the United States in the run-up to the U.S. Federal Reserve's interest rate hike in December, which ended seven years of near-zero rates.

That weakened emerging market currencies, making their exports more expensive at a time when global demand for commodities had also fallen.

In January, the IMF cut its forecast for 2016 global economic growth to 3.4 percent from 3.6 percent. The staff report on Wednesday said another downgrade was likely in April.

The IMF staff also called on advanced economies to rely less on monetary policy and more on fiscal policy to support economic growth. They said emerging market economies should adopt flexible exchange rates when feasible and use foreign exchange interventions only on a temporary basis.

(Reporting by Jason Lange; Editing by Paul Simao) ... SKCN0VX2L6

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