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Thursday, February 25, 2016

Highlights From "The Big Call" Thursday Night by TNT Members  2-25-16

Highlights from The Big Call Thursday Night

Mangelo:  Bruce call: is starting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bruce call: welcome to the Big Call only 4 days left in the month!!!

Bruce call: I am excited and that you are listening in!!!!!

Vintery: wow, I'm excited and I'm excited that you are here listening in...few 100,000 listeners calling in

Vintery:  first is the format...prayer, kent does teaching, then we take prayer requests or praise requests, then intel, then speaker, and Q & A case you are new or long time listener

Vintery: Bruce going to have special guest yoself

Mangelo:  Bruce call Bruce introducing yousef now
Vintery: Bruse asking Yosef about talking openly about RV, but been ask to lay low on rates and dates, tonight no exception, but maybe you can read or we can talk

Mangelo:  Bruce, in the past we were able to talk about Intel and now that we are very close we have been asked not to talk about certain things rate

Vintery:  Yosef says he At the caboose of the RV…. Y hoping for the weekend

BJ:  Y: we know things happened in Asia this week and it was delayed a bit but things have happened… : our moment of redemption--

Vintery: Said PTB went from early this week because of Asia to the end of the week...

Vintery:  Y asking Bruce's take on things...says we are redeeming currency and there will be a lot of new light, showing what has been in the dark, have not been seen or known by that many people in the world.

BJ: B: we're redeeming currency; lot of new light exposing the dark; transparency of things not seen or known; attention in light given to technology; things being exposed for mankind--very exciting--a newness from one stone to the next

Mangelo:  Bruce call: Bruce talking about a lot of great things to happen in this new adventure we are getting into

Vintery:  talking about 9/11 and Pearl Harbor....Can give certainty to this event... Y we are imminent , 9th inning of a process that has gone on for decades...don't know exact ball count, painstakingly rolled out

BJ: Y: disclosures of 911 and Pearl Harbor; what I know and can share--we are in the 9th inning of the process that has gone on for decades.

BJ: : Ywe are benefitting on behalf of sovereign families; the whole globe will feel the ripple
Vintry:  Y everybody across the globe will feel the effects, all 7.5 billion of us...B ripple effect will be felt across the world, final piece of the puzzle was supposed to show up at 9pm tonight

Mangelo:  Bruce call: the final piece of the puzzle was suppose to be at 9pm tonight,

Vintery:  B understand Iran was given 10 days by IMF to let their currency be known throughout the world

Vintery: Y talking about military that loss life for this blessing to come… families were affected, did selflessly

BJ:  B we understand that deadline is our late tonight and another thing through another source that a very quick was made on Fox Business the gist of it was Iraq Dinar currency was live

Vintery:  B we understand that deadline is our late tonight and another thing through another source that a very quick was made on Fox Business the gist of it was Iraq Dinar currency was live… Bruce...intimated that it was international

Mangelo:  Bruce call: I heard the announcement was made on fox business the the Iraqi currency was live!!!

Vintery:  Y Jack Lew came on and intimated that central bankers, us China had to make some moves to avoid a crisis before..danced around the RV lie a ballerini, he actually speaks to a major event that is happening in real time in China

Vintery:  Y Happened on Fox Business may be the announcement we were waiting to hear...could be...2 or 3 o'clock range...Y will dance around some intel and share with us

Vintery:  Y it is his understanding that China has RV'd and participated in the reset o Tuesday also infor from banking source that the Good Admiral in Reno has done the deed but has been paid in full

Mangelo:  Bruce call: Y is putting on his dancing shoes now and China is RV'd

Vintery:  Bruce...we just report you decide...some things have transacted

Vintery:  Y Bruce has always said there will be shot gun start

Vintery:  Y through deductive reasoning, China info and Reno info, wise to infer that an irreversible process has occurred that we are in the midst of it and it should come across our path

Vintery:  B this might be a little premature, but not opening a gift on Christmas Eve...Y it is still a gift no matter when you open it

Mangelo:  Bruce call: I know we wanted to make this call a celebration call ...but it's pre mature? 

Vintery:  Y it is a celebration call, enjoy the moments, many suffered 17 years

Vintery:  I know Bruce and I are holding some cards close to our vest...there is a protocol within the intelligence community, so we are off the hook...I know Bruce has been put in a loving generous position for your audience, protecting your sources, handled magically

Mangelo:  Bruce call: Y saying that all banks are to redeem all currency

Vintery:  Y his final paragraph talking about rates, all participating banks must redeem all currency, do as if you are walking up to a buffet, initially want to eat all, might pai you , maybe look at achieving specific goal with optimum goal for your life...put enough on your plate to be content along with a doggie bag for future generations

Vintery:  Y we are always striving for the next piece of info to get us to the exchanges we are all guilty of it, a time to stop and enjoy. The train will get to the station and it stops and it's now and we have to celebrate our victories.

Vintery:  we didn't fight in the war, etc we held up our own as believers as something bigger than us

Mangelo: Bruce call: they are talking about humanitarian projects now…

Vintery: we need new technology and trust to do this… Y we might have nicer shoes but life goes on and continues for our projects

Vintery:  Y protect principle, get interest, spend interest, give not touch principle...any worthy investment advisor will tell you this...we love money, banks need partners on daily checking,credit, etc hold our banks capable for our families and all transactions

Vinery: Y Philanthropy is love of humanity, it's noble, support, dynamice...when you go in with you money and represent those veterans and lobbying during your exchange on behalf of your love of humanity and their sacrifice. Don't be bashful for asking for what veterans they cannot ask for themselves

Mangelo:  Bruce call: talking about the projects to help people, Bruce and I are aware of the programs the banks have for us

Vinery:  Y Tell them I am going to help charities, passions for vets, animals, homeless, etc...what you are passionate about and tell how you would like to help aleve suffering
Bruce got into this innocently to help people get answers, morphed into their own call and thanks for Kent and Bob, Sue, etc

Banks are aware of the programs they have for you, will be offered very large interest programs, most will (from Yosef)

Y talking about the importance of doing things anonymously… Give freely by using lawyers that can keep your name out of it to help, can use surrogates who you can trust that can drop things off for you, accounting firms can do the same thing and can audit it, use your professionals to protect your privacy

Y you don't want to be the guy on TV giving away money...don't want your name out there
Y protect your family this way

Bruce thanking Yosef to help explain how close we really are and why this is a celebration call...about to receive. Yosef is offering that we have technically received it
Mangelo:  Bruce call: I like to thank you Yosef for explaining to all of us for the blessing we are about to receive

Vintery:  we have a faithful group, am thrilled about it, about to embark on this. Thanking Yosef for talking with us, and what motivates him and us and hoping to have him back in the future, Y says it will be in a different context post RV
Vinterey:  Bruce thanking Yosef, Yosef thanking veterans out there and people in tough places in inner city, help is on the way!  B looking for the conclusion any moment...plan to come on Tuesday for follow up on what we are expecting

Bruce call: Kent is closing out the call with a prayer

The big call Bruce replay is 605-562-3198 Pin #123456

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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