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Sunday, February 28, 2016

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-28-16    Part 1 of 3

Post From BondLadys Corner
BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-28-16    Part 1 of 3
Vice reveals Abadi administration and the Ministry of Finance directly

28/02/2016 11:53 | Direction Press / Baghdad

Revealed the parliamentary finance committee member Masood Haider, today, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi Finance Ministry department directly after an absence of its minister, Hoshyar Zebari, noting that the administration Alabara the ministry will continue for months.

Haider said in an interview with radio direction, "Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi is the Minister now the Ministry of Finance and manages directly," noting that "This came after an absence of its minister, Hoshyar Zebari," added Haidar said, "Zebari currently in the illness," he said, adding that "the prime minister of the Ministry of Administration began some weeks ago, and may last for months."
The media outlets have been published earlier that Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari receives physical therapy in the British capital London, after undergoing successful surgery to his leg, while suggesting that he is now giving instructions to officials of his ministry in order to conduct the daily work of his ministry.
 [tlm724] Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi Finance Ministry department directly after an absence of its minister, Hoshyar Zebari,
[tlm724] noting that the administration Alabara the ministry will continue for months
[tlm724] "Zebari currently in the illness
[tlm724] I'll bet he is sick lol
[tlm724] The media outlets have been published earlier that Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari receives physical therapy in the British capital London, after undergoing successful surgery to his leg, while suggesting that he is now giving instructions to officials of his ministry in order to conduct the daily work of his ministry.
[tlm724] suggesting that he is now giving instructions to officials of his ministry in order to conduct the daily work of his ministry
[tlm724] Abadi knows what he's doing he chaired the parliamentary committee for Economy and he chaired the Finance Committee 

Keywords confirms start selling government bonds next March
Keywords: We will launch currency bonds during March and committed to returning citizens funds seized by (Daash)    Author: HH, MJ  Editor: BK, HH 02.27.2016 17:41   Long-Presse / Baghdad
The governor of the Iraqi Central Bank and the Agency, on the Keywords, on Saturday, on the importance of an auction of foreign currency sale to maintain the stability of the dinar exchange rate and that it "does not constitute a waste of public money or smuggled to him,"
 While the detection of the launch of the sale of government bonds through next March, vowed return of the amounts deposited by citizens in the bank branches of the Rafidain and Rasheed Nineveh and seized (Daash) after the liberation of the province.
It came through it during the post Keywords in a seminar hosted by the Institute (strategic policy), today, at his headquarters in central Baghdad, and attended (range Press).
The governor of the central bank and the agency, said that "the central bank's strategy for the years 2016- 2020 will witness a qualitative leap," noting that "the percentage of Iraqis who use the banking system as it is ambitious amounting to only ten percent."
Keywords revealed, for the "launch the first government bonds traded through next March," returned to "the auction of foreign currency is not a waste of public money or smuggled to him."
He warned the governor, of "restrictions on the sale of the foreign operation," noting that it "will lead to the lifting of the dollar's exchange rate against the dinar."
Keywords saw, that "the presence of more than fifty banks in Iraq, a large number," calling for "the integration of the private banks to reduce their number in proportion to the actual need."
He said the central bank governor and the agency, that "the banks that granted leave recent establishment will not enter sell the currency effect only after years and the investigation of the practice and commercial banking, real," pointing out that "the Central Bank is obliged to grant Muaqath to open new banks as long as it achieved the necessary conditions and guarantees" .
Keywords acknowledged, as "there are many problems in banks when retrieving loans of citizens," noting that "the loan guarantees are given real estate, and when delayed or beneficiary refuses to repay the resort to book estates come up against the intervention of the clans that prevent it."
He pledged the central bank governor and the agency, that "the Bank restores all amounts deposited by citizens in the Rafidain and Rasheed bank branches and seized by the terrorist organization Daash in Nineveh province, its center of Mosul (405 km north of Baghdad), after its liberation."
The Governor of the Central Bank and the Agency, announced, (the 15th of February, the current 2016) the determination of the bank to sell bonds to the public worth seven trillion dinars during the current year.    LINK  

 [tlm724] therealbubbie the importance of an auction of foreign currency sale to maintain the stability of the dinar exchange rate
[tlm724] that it "does not constitute a waste of public money or smuggled to him,"
[tlm724] right there he is defending himself !!!
[tlm724] launch of the sale of government bonds through next March
[tlm724] "the central bank's strategy for the years 2016- 2020 will witness a qualitative leap,
[tlm724] percentage of Iraqis who use the banking system as it is ambitious amounting to only ten percent
[tlm724] He warned the governor, of "restrictions on the sale of the foreign operation," noting that it "will lead to the lifting of the dollar's exchange rate against the dinar.
[therealbubbie] to maintain the stability of the dinar exchange rate... right there he saying the dinar won't change !!       ... in other words to keep as is !
[tlm724] so if they hold back the dollar auction or restrict it in anyway it will lead to a decrease in the value of the dinar
[tlm724] I have an idea, why not eliminate the auction and make the dinar your source for ALL payments
[therealbubbie] tlm724 yes thats why they want to keep it stable
[tlm724] Keywords acknowledged, as "there are many problems in banks when retrieving loans of citizens,
[therealbubbie] I have an idea.. get rid of the dollar !!  
[tlm724] you shoulda been doing your job then *slap*
[tlm724]I just said that bubbies pay attention  lol 
[therealbubbie] keywords is a dope !!
 [tlm724] "the Bank restores all amounts deposited by citizens in the Rafidain and Rasheed bank branches and seized by the terrorist organization Daash
[tlm724] guess they are gonna dip into the reserves
[therealbubbie] seven trillion dinars = 7 billion dollars !
[tlm724] because Daash sure isn't gonna give it back
Vice President calls for the respect of his role in the protection of the Constitution and the application of laws    02/27/2016 20:45
Tomorrow Press / Baghdad demanded an MP for the coalition of state law Huda Sajjad, said Saturday President Fuad Masum work to take care of the Constitution and respect for his role in the follow - up to the implementation of laws , particularly the customs tariff law , which hinder Kurdistan on its application.
The carpet for "tomorrow 's Press," that " President of the Republic is required to adhere duties through the auspices of the Constitution and work on maintenance and application of all legislated laws and non - discrimination between one region and another. "
she added:" We demand the president of the republic by clicking on Kurdistan and the application of customs tariff law is no justice and fairness be applied in the provinces without the other ,
"asserting that " The government has formed a follow - up committees came to Kurdistan recently and will be its duty is to apply the law of customs tariff."   LINK  

 [tlm724] that " President of the Republic is required to adhere duties through the auspices of the Constitution and work on maintenance and application of all legislated laws and non - discrimination between one region and another.
[tlm724] The government has formed a follow - up committees came to Kurdistan recently and will be its duty is to apply the law of customs tariff." *hallelujah*
[cstacy] yes
[tlm724] about time !!!!
[cstacy] tlm724 hope they do it
[tlm724] cstacy don't think they have much choice if the kurds don't play nice they won't get their money and they NEED it badly

Comments may be made at the end of Part 3   Thank You     Part 2  

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