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Thursday, February 25, 2016

Dinar Updates Thursday AM Chat  2-25-16    Part 2 of 3

Post From Dinar Updates 2-25-16
Chat Room Excerpts & Highlights

Dinar Updates Thursday AM Chat  2-25-16    Part 2 of 3

BGG says   I highly doubt Maliki is on that committee...

BGG says    in fact, I found it very curious the US had a high level delegation meeting with the judiciary in charge of that long list of prosecutions... there was at least 1 Maliki on that list...
NO WAY NURI would allow his son to be on that list had he any power - at all...
rcookie says to BGG    GREAT POINT BGG...
BGG says to rcookie   Yes SIR!! Corruption disruption - FULL STEAM AHEAD!!
BGG says to rcookie    I'll leave you to it. Thanks!!

Holly1 says   Tomorrow Press / Baghdad : MP for the Civic Democratic Alliance high-Sheikh Ali, on Wednesday, for wasting money valued at more than 400 billion dollars .
He said Sheikh Ali's " Tomorrow Press " , said that " the money that entered Iraq since 2003 until now valued at 900 billion dollars, and to this day wasted amounts of 470 billion dollars, which is half the value of what came to Iraq since 2003 to the end of 2015 ".
he was member of the Civic Democratic Alliance ultra Sheikh Ali has ruled that the Commission could retrieve money smuggled in parliament success work because it is a problem of the blocks and parties some of them covering the others , stressing that parliament can count money contraband detection of some of the names and not recovered .
Holly1 says(  Iraqi dinar exchange rate against the US dollar in the banks and the Iraqi market
1 US $ = 1,088.5500 Iraqi dinars    1 Iraqi Dinar = 0.0009 US dollars
The price in the market    100 $ US = 125.800 Iraqi Dinars   It ended .

cookie says   Inspector General of Ministry of Finance restores 510 Billion Dinars to the State Treasury
02-25-2016   Announced the Office of the Inspector General of the Ministry of Finance, on Wednesday, for the amount of re actually 510 billion dinars to the state treasury, pointing to the existence of other sums to prevent wastage and the other will be recovered.
Read More :
Holly1 says to sheila3  Container tax .   02/25/2016 12:00 am
Holly1 says to sheila3    talk about ( the tax base ) National newly remain about the problem difficult to find quick solutions to them, despite the need for swift action to maximize the wealth, resources, and face serious budget deficit, but the crises fact, inflation, political and economic manifestations, and the spread of financial and administrative corruption and the absence of a comprehensive Alqonnh tax measures will impede the factors Anjaa a real and comprehensive pot of taxes . aside from the concept of the tax base, the characterization, the legal framing him, and activate the control procedures on the
Holly1 says to sheila3   application will be a real and realistic source of investment as an effective power in the economic development, which means securing contexts necessary for work done at the level of the law, and the definition of its importance in expanding national wealth level, Valdjulat relating to trade and vocational Alsnaiei work, it can be important sources, and vistas can bet on them, but on the condition that these Logs are present in the correct and effective work contexts, commercial work still faces a lot of randomness and lack of
Holly1 says to sheila3    organization, as well as professional work lacks characterization of flour, and monitor proper, and not subject them to work contexts define the nature of the profession, and its revenues, as well as the income Alsnaiei work experience, unfortunately, a real absence due Alarbakat experienced by the Iraqi economy,
which is responsible for disabling any real program of manufacturing industries, with import policies undisciplined dominance . so many things to be supportive of expanding the tax base, which will reflect the essence of government power and seriousness in the market monitor and control the tracks, especially with regard to markets, trades property, financial transfers, and Logs that work-related and bras money trading and speculation and others . but the gravity of
Holly1 says to sheila3    the suffering of the Iraqi reality of the problems, talk to activate the tariff mechanisms, and be subject to the tax characterization of a comprehensive national, also will be more a cause for review, and to regulate and control to put it in the context of the activation and expansion of the tax base, and figured out that the cabinet decision introduction points in the approved border crossing points shall audit and ensure that tariffs are met, and the development of standardization points of quality control will be a springboard to
Holly1 says to sheila3   revitalize the legal proceedings, which necessarily requires real from the House of Representatives in support, and to consider the subject matter sovereign, but has no right to any party or political bloc to act otherwise ,
the the need for a definition of the importance of the tax base as an area of national, calls for a review of its mechanisms and modalities for its implementation and monitoring at the level of the existing laws, 

  or within the orientations included creating legal frameworks fit and transformations experienced by the Iraqi economic, and the size of the incident changes in its rings import and commercial, which requires the existence of administrative and technical expertise and arithmetic to foster its proper application, cut the road to suspicions of corruption that have come to represent a systemic threat to the reality
Holly1 says to sheila3   Modifying the sanctions laws affect companies in their stock price
02/25/2016 12:00 am   The demands of the increasing media attention actively bourse
BAGHDAD - Mostafa Hashemi  revealed Executive Director of the Iraqi market for securities, Taha Ahmed Abdul Salam all affected by exchange-traded stock prices by several factors, notably the decline in global oil prices since 2014 and continued to decline in 2015 and early 2016 and its impact on the size of public spending, especially
Holly1 says to sheila3    investment . He said Abdul Salam told the « morning » that stock prices are also affected by a decline of performance indicators for companies contributing to the year 2015 and its reflection on the profits earned and dividends size between shareholders due to increases unexplained capital companies, especially in the banking sector which led to be earnings per share low one because of the increased number of issued shares .
new products and pointed out that the lack of add services or new products acceptable to the Iraqi consumer specifications under the import policy is disciplined by   the private telecom sector is also influencing stock prices, along with unrest in the Middle East and terrorism . and stimulate investment equity proposals, said Abdul Salam must apply to attract investment in the economy,
which include follow-up and monitor the performance of joint-stock companies in accordance with international standards by the regulatory authorities of all factors , and follow-up achieved percentage of its declared plans , and attention to the annual disclosure and quarterly annual and a half .
Holly1 says to sheila3  he  stressed the importance of amending the penal laws to include punish departments Shortened violation of the laws and regulations and not to punish companies because the fines imposed on the company's cut of the profits earned and distributed size and thus its share price in the financial market declines .
attracting investment and the importance of developing ways to attract investment through the issuance of instructions and amending laws related to the year the Offering in IPO when converting limited companies to contribute or when the expansion and development of the size of contribution-based companies . He pointed to the need to increase media attention
Holly1 says to sheila3   actively Iraq Stock Exchange and familiarize citizens with the type and scope of this investment and its importance for the Iraqi economy,
which is in the service of society after achieving the goals of growth by employing the unemployed and to improve the type of product and monitor the performance of companies and increasing the proportion of the contribution of the private sector in the composition of GDP .
and on the size of the Iraqi media attention and the Arab market indicators, said Abdul Salam that the Iraqi and Arab media should give more space to the Iraqi Stock Exchange, to the size of the economy, as well as the fact that Iraq is one of the rich countries . He stressed that the
Holly1 says to sheila3   Iraq stock Exchange publishes data and prices of shares traded Online through the website of the market as well as through the agency DirectFN Arab published indicators and the price of Arab stock, and discusses some of the Iraqi stations broadcast bar prices a day Real Time Data.
media activity and the reasons that blocks websites economic Arab attention bulletin daily trading of the market at a time when publishes the activities of countries do not have large private companies and economy as an economy of Iraq said Abdul Salam shares Iraqi companies not registered in any international market through GDRs so not being published prices on the international sites . foreign
Holly1 says to sheila3   investors and on the assessment of Iraqi and foreign investors, the size of the market said Executive Director of the number of investors did not rise in the Iraq Stock Exchange after the year 2014 for reasons related to the lower volume of gross domestic product and the decline of economic indicators in addition to the economic downturn due to lower spending, both public and private .
in another question for » morning » Do you contribute to attracting investors through dividends companies managed a year , or is it
Holly1 says to sheila3   that IPOs have had a bigger role in attracting investors? said Abdul Salam IPO operations of existing companies sometimes have a negative impact on the shares traded price because its underwriting are in nominal terms on the one hand and it increases the size of the supply of stocks,
especially if they are not subscribed by the economic feasibility study and directed towards increasing and improving the productive capacities and achieving economic value added . he believed that the earnings per share are real targeted investments to attract some shares specified without the other and

Holly1 says to sheila3    makes effective demand positive some attract new investments and to add energies were not a list .
He concluded by saying that the Iraq Stock Exchange consists of ( 98) listed company with a total capitalization of more than 8 trillion shares represented including the banking sector 5 trillion shares and thus the most sector to be actively traded, and by 65 percent of the total shares traded per day .
 it regulates the Iraq stock Exchange five trading sessions a week from Sunday to Thursday .
tman23 says    Salih, a member of the Kurdistan Parliament has criticized the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) for “misleading” the public in Kurdistan and giving “contradictory speeches” regarding the cessation of the region’s oil exports. NRT TV reported........“The KRG is deceiving the public,” he said.......
They have recently reported there was an explosion on the oil pipeline while yesterday the KRG spokesman said bombs have been placed surrounding the pipeline...
On the other hand, the Ministry of Natural Resources says the pipeline is old and will be reconstructed,” ...The Kurdish MP Salih additionally claimed the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) have information about the region’s oil sales and revenue
 but they are keeping silent.....Exports through the pipeline were halted Feb 16 and are unlikely to resume until Feb 29....... INTERESTING, EH ???

clay says to tman23    (y) lets hope ty :)
Baxter1243 says   I just read where Iran is not accepting USD for Oil payments... they will only take Euros for their oil...
Loopback says   The rats are continueing to just ship..
Loopback says    With battle near Mosul .. Daash convey its host to Libya and Egypt
By Omar Ali    one hour ago   Roudao - Erbil
Detecting board member of the provincial Nineveh behind the Iron, on Thursday, the leaders of the "Islamic state" Daash began the transfer of the vector from the city of Mosul, out of Iraq.
He spoke Iron, network Roudao media, saying that al-Daash began transferring its host city of Mosul to other Arab countries in anticipation of the launch of a military operation launched by Iraqi forces and fighters with the participation of the international coalition.
Council of Nineveh province and pointed out that the elements Daash Alkhaevh now wary of their loss to the city of Mosul.
Loopback says   Hadidi said that the families of leaders Daash been transferred to Libya and into the Sinai city in Egypt.
And take the organization Daash of the city of Mosul (400 km north of Baghdad), one of the important influence in Iraq strongholds after that dominate the city on the tenth of June 2014.
Preparations are underway for the serious participation of the band 15 of the Iraqi army, and Ninawa Operations Command, and three battalions of the local police forces and the Peshmerga fighter jets as well as the international coalition to wage the battle of Mosul, targeting elements of al-Daash.   Source;
Loopback says   Daash leaders see the writing on the wall.
sheila3 says to Loopback   THANK YOU :)
Loopback says   Yesterday there were report that the citizens in Mosul are starting to push back.
Baxter1243 says    SO tomorrow is the day of Protest with Sadr?
clay says to Loopback    sounds great ty buddy :)
clay says to Baxter1243    cant wait

Baxter1243 says    Clay.. maybe we ought to join him.

Loopback says to Baxter1243    Yes
Baxter1243 says    I hope he has a lot of people there..
Loopback says to Baxter1243    Sadr came out today to emphasize that the protest is to be peaceful and the it is inclusive of all Iraqis, so onlt flag allowed is Iraq's.

clay says to Baxter1243    sounds like a plan :)
Loopback says to Baxter1243    that..
Loopback says to Baxter1243    only..

highstarr says    I just got this alert. Loop, or anyone, do you have any more on it? I apologize if this is in the News Articles, I didn't find it.
"Urgent .. Defense Ministry announced the ratification of the compulsory service law"

Baxter1243 says    Lets hope its peaceful.....
clay says to highstarr    heyb great to see ya
Loopback says to highstarr    If that is true it is huge!

highstarr says    Good morning, Clay! Always great to see you too!
clay says to highstarr    thanks buddy
highstarr says to Loopback    I'll keep looking for more.
Loopback says to Baxter1243(   It will be.
Loopback says to Baxter1243   Sadr want's millions to protest tomorrow.

Baxter1243 says    I hope he gets his wish..:)
Comments may be made at the end of Part 3   Thank You    

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