Don't WAIT!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Frank26 and KTFA "All Star" Members Thursday Afternoon 2-25-16


WesTex:  A question for anybody. I'm familiar with the electronic transfer of funds in US banks via ETF, ACH and wire. When moving money electronically in the US banking system it is done in a total amount of dollars. There are no denominations involved. Frank mentioned on the call that LD's were possibly being moving electronically. How does that work? Thanks to all for the efforts on this site.

Frank26:  WESTEX ............... FANTASTIC QT Friend:

IMO ............ The CBI autions are moving TOTALITIES of LD's. NOT the LD's physically. We SHARED that this is capable because the AMOUNT/MATH of the LD's are still on THE BOOKS of the CBI.

There is no count of denominations only the movement of it's MATH within the TOTAL that they have printed for this phase. EX: i do not care about the number of cattle ........... I only want to know the meat.

This method is controlling the stealing and counterfeiting.

Pray this helped Sir............. Pray You ask more questions.

i am a fan of Your questions ............. For they are Fantastic.  KTFA  Frank

JamJam: I feel we are in a great position of need and timing with Iraq.

Iran saying a reinstatement would bring their inflation into the required single digit world is awesome news for us.
It speaks volumes imo.  I love walking into march. I'm in a good place. We should all be.

Frank26:  This is a good observation about IRAN.   TY.


Dnari131:   "Earlier this month, Ediboglu told Russian media that "ISIL holds the key to these deposits and together with a certain group of persons, consisting of those close to Barzani and some Turkish businessmen, they are engaged in selling this oil" ("Barzani" is a reference to Masoud Barzani, President of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region)."
as the rumored story unfolds..ran across this months ago..interesting times

Frank26:  Hence the reason why i brought it to our attention this week.

AND .............. SHARED about three others and SHARED about M.

Many different types of cats are about to leave their gag bag.

KTFA  Frank...... Shoot out at the OK Coral.


DrDinar:  MO...Iraq has nothing to do with if and when the IQD will revalue...the international community took away their value and they are the ones who will reinstate it..once you understand that, you can get off the roller coaster....been in this 10+ years and nobody...nobody who really knows when this will rv is going to give that information out to be put on conference calls, forums or chatboards...anyone who is/was in the military would understand you really think the people who run the world are going to let Iraq decide when it's a good time to RV? Iraq is but a pawn on their chessboard...

Frank26:  Yes .... IMO ........ It is .......... NOW ........... That they OBEY.......... US !!!

To me ............. Nothing else in the media really ............ Matters.

Just let it unfold.  KTFA   Frank


Robdel:  Does anyone know what show of Mad Money with Jim Cramer had the segment of the dinar?

Frank26:  It was this past Monday.
StrongCBM: Hey didn't Iraq try they gonna issue these bonds without increasing the rate....Hmmmm must be changing....Another good sign..

Komeijani said there is a close theoretical correlation between inflation rate, interest rates and forex rates. “We believe that if we control inflation we can control interest rates while stabilizing the currency market and creating the conditions for a single foreign exchange rate,” he told the conferees.

Walkingstick:  IRAN............Thursday, February 25, 2016 - 02:00

CBI: Gov’t Plans to Issue Inflation-Adjusted Bonds

EconomyBusiness And Markets

The government is planning to issue inflation-adjusted bonds in order to clear its debts, Valiollah Seif, governor of the Central Bank of Iran said late Tuesday.

Speaking at a conference on Iran’s sixth economic development plan, he said lack of enough government bonds has created hurdles in the way of the CBI’s schemes in the monetary and financial markets. He added that the CBI would depend on the bonds in carrying out its monetary policies.

“Iran’s monetary and banking law and the usury-free banking law have been fully revised. Following revisions to the laws, the draft banking law is now in its final stages and will be among the first bills the government will submit to the next Parliament,” he was quoted as saying by IRNA.

Turning to the lenders’ current situation, the CBI chief said domestic banks are allowed to spend a maximum 40% of their resources for purposes other than financial intermediary activities. “However some banks have violated the law using their resources to invest heavily in speculative ventures and the CBI is trying to control them.”

Elaborating on the CBI's goal forecast in the sixth development plan (March 2016-21), he said “achieving and a sustainable single-digit inflation rate” will be one of the top priorities.

Topping the List
“Closing the gap between interest rates and inflation, increasing credits production units, unifying foreign exchange rates and ending the problem of compulsory loans” are other main objectives of the regulator in the next development plan."

During the previous administration commercial lenders were forced by the government to lend at low rates, known as compulsory loans, to finance national projects or shore up bankrupt businesses. Most of such loans went to pet businesses which were simply not economically viable, critics say. The policy left banks with a mountain of non-performing and restructured loans.

Ali Akbar Komeijani, CBI vice governor who was among the speakers in the conference said the CBI has been keeping a tab on inflation while also trying to help “generate growth and energize production."

Inflation has been "among the challenges we had to face at the macroeconomic level. Fortunately we have been successful in achieving a continual decline in inflation."

Komeijani said there is a close theoretical correlation between inflation rate, interest rates and forex rates. “We believe that if we control inflation we can control interest rates while stabilizing the currency market and creating the conditions for a single foreign exchange rate,” he told the conferees.

Short Url : ... sted-bonds


Zerb:  After reading this article and all the articles on Iran... It is my opinion and let me use the analogy from Star Trek when they were able to turn on their cloaking mechanism so that they couldn't be detected...

Kind of feels like Iraq has their cloaking mechanism turned on and using Iran as cover to go international in the still of the night...

Everyone will be looking to Iran except for us... If DrA is given full power to by-pass all partisan boundaries...Scotty's is ready to go WARP speed baby! March is looking juicer and juicier by the hour... Especially with the announcement of flags being raised!!!! .


Mountainman:  I'm "SEEING" a Theme w/IRAN Here and Many Other Articles.....and That is Their "NEED" for "NEW TECHNOLOGY"........Well Where there is a "DEMAND" to be Filled.....There are Plenty of SUPPLIERS......ROCK n ROLL......HERE THEY GO!!!!!!!!

ThunderHawk » February 24th, 2016,   Tehran hosts Intl. Real Estate Exhibition

The 3rd International Exhibition of Real Estate (AMLAK EXPO 2016) started its operation

with the participation of 21 foreign companies at the permanent Tehran International Fairground on Tuesday.

The exhibition is being held in an area of 6,000 square meters in the presence of 53 domestic and 21 foreign companies from Britain, Turkey, the United Arabic Emirates, and Cyprus.

Investors in properties and construction projects, financing institutes, architects, construction designers, contractors, those active in management sector as well as housing associations and cooperatives, constructors and high-rise builders are present at the exhibit.

The objective behind holding the exhibition is to attract foreign investment and transfer new knowledge and technology in housing designing and construction of residential, administrative and trade projects.

The third International Real State Exhibition will run for four days and will be open to visitors from 10 a.m. up to 6 p.m.





Dnari131:  European Parliament passes a resolution calling for an EU-wide #armsembargo on #Saudi due to its bombing in Yemen.

EU parliament votes for embargo on arms sales to Saudi Arabia

Motion ratchets up pressure on Riyadh over its Yemen bombing campaign but does not force European states to halt deals

Jennifer Rankin in Brussels
Thursday 25 February 2016 09.07 EST

The remains of a house destroyed by a Saudi-led airstrike in Yemen’s capital on Thursday. Photograph: Hani Mohammed/AP

MEPs have voted for a European Union-wide arms embargo against Saudi Arabia to protest against the Gulf state’s heavy bombing campaign in Yemen.

The European parliament voted by a large majority for an EU-wide ban on arms sales to the kingdom, citing the “disastrous humanitarian situation” as a result of “Saudi-led military intervention in Yemen”.

The vote does not compel EU member states to act but it does increase pressure on Riyadh, in the wake of criticism from the UN and growing international alarm over civilian casualties in Yemen.

British and US military 'in command room' for Saudi strikes on Yemen
Read more
The resolution also turns up the heat on the British government, which has supplied export licences for up to £3bn worth of arms to Saudi Arabia in the last year. The UK has been accused of direct involvement in the bombing campaign through the deployment of UK military personnel to the kingdom.

Saudi Arabia began bombing in Yemen last March to support the Yemeni president, Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, who was under threat from Houthi forces aligned with Iran.

Richard Howitt, the Labour MEP who drafted the key amendment, said: “This is a clear humanitarian appeal to end the bloodshed in Yemen, and call on Saudi Arabia to pursue a political rather than a military solution to the conflict.”

Howitt, who is Labour’s foreign affairs spokesman in Europe, also called on the British government to stop selling weapons to Riyadh. “The UK is one of the biggest suppliers of arms to Saudi Arabia and needs to heed this call, which has been overwhelmingly supported across the political spectrum and by a vast citizen campaign,” he said.

An earlier draft of the resolution that named and criticised the UK and other EU member states, including France, Spain and Germany, was dropped. The final version said “some EU member states” had continued to authorise transfers of weapons to Saudi Arabia since the violence started, in violation of EU rules on arms control.

The motion was passed by 359 votes to 212, as a diverse coalition of Socialists, Liberals, Greens, Leftists and Eurosceptics overcame opposition from the leadership of the two main centre-right groups, including Britain’s Conservatives. A separate resolution calling for a ceasefire in Yemen was supported by a larger number of MEPs.

Under a 2008 code of conduct, EU member states promised not to sell weapons to countries where they might be used “to commit serious violations of international humanitarian law” and undermine regional peace and stability.

Britain is at war with Yemen. So why does nobody know about it?
Owen Jones
Owen Jones Read more
The final resolution on arms control criticised the “intensification of airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition”, despite a heavy lobbying campaign from the Gulf state in Brussels.

Howitt, who has had two meetings with Saudi government officials in recent weeks, said this campaign against the resolution showed its significance. “[The Saudis] don’t like it, they are calling it sanctions,” he said. “It is not sanctions, it is an obligation not to sell arms.”

The Saudi ambassador to Brussels, Abdulrahman al-Ahmed, has defended his country’s military intervention, saying that the kingdom had set up a “high-level independent committee” to “assess incidents” and develop “targeting mechanisms”.

In a letter to MEPs ahead of the vote, he said Houthi rebels being bombed by the Saudi-led coalition had bombed civilians, deployed child soldiers and used starvation as a weapon.

Since the start of the conflict about 7,000 people have been killed and more than 35,000 injured. Earlier this year a UN panel investigating the Saudi-led bombing campaign said it had found “widespread and systematic” attacks on civilian targets in violation of international humanitarian law.

Nearly 740,000 people have signed a petition calling for an arms embargo against Saudi Arabia, organised by the campaign group Avaaz.

Alex Wilks of Avaaz said: “For too long Europe has profited from massive arms sales to Riyadh even while the Saudi regime crushed democracy and human rights across the Middle East. Today the European parliament listened to the people and have for the first time stood firmly against Saudi impunity. Now it’s up to capitals to heed this leadership and stop turning a blind eye to massacres in Yemen.” ... udi-arabia
Walkingstick:  Call for the adoption of communications technology to maximize financial resources

At the time initiate global communications companies to the convergence between IT and telecom sectors information is renewed calls to expand its investment in the financial resources of Iraq.

The student member of the Baghdad Economic Forum Jaafar Yassin working on bringing their global technology to maximize Alaguetsidih imports by building bridges of cooperation in this field with specialized international companies wishing to work in Iraq.

He pointed out a lot of specialized international companies are able to work in Iraq and can employ technology in the national telecommunications company achieved significant economic feasibility of Iraq, especially after the rise in the number of subscribers and higher demand for telecommunications services, noting that Eriksson International Telecom confirms the possibility of working in most of the Middle regions East.

She supervisory Ibrahim, head of Ericsson Middle East, that the decline in mobile phones, costs, and benefits of use of undeveloped, coverage increased to networks, are all influential in transforming mobile communications technology to the global phenomenon of factors it will soon become available for the overwhelming majority of the world population and the Middle East in particular.

Mountainman:  I AGREE as GLOBAL VALUES unfold......The BUSINESS MODEL between CORPORATIONS and GLOBAL NATIONS will PERMEATE the Globe....Especially the Middle East....

A NEW "MINDSET" Arising as The NEW REALITY is being BIRTHED Into Places Like IRAQ/IRAN and so Many Others......For We WILL "SEE" The "DIGITAL AGE" EXPLODE in This GENERATION......IMO........Bless You WS....

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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