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Monday, February 22, 2016

Dinar Updates Monday Afternoon Chat  2-22-16   Part 2 of 3

Post From Dinar Updates 2-22-16
Chat Room Excerpts & Highlights

Dinar Updates Monday Afternoon Chat  2-22-16   Part 2 of 3
CanTWaitwoRV says    big stuff brewing...I got my "Alak getting booted" timer running over here catchup in a bit (y)
Loopback says    State law has custody of the "chest of the Commission" and the block wise agree, provided expanded
02/22/2016 21:10   Long-Presse / Baghdad  National Alliance expressed dissatisfaction blocks Committee proposed by the leader of the Sadrist movement and headed by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to choose a new Intergovernmental Panel that.
And put the parties in the National Alliance question marks about some of the names included by al-Sadr in the proposed list, which included 20 judicial and political figure, he described al-Sadr as "independents."
And wishes Hakim block, which supports pretty much most of what was in the proposal, leader of the Sadrist movement, change some of the names also a screening committee a broader selection of new ministers.
Loopback says    The rule of law, which belongs Abadi, turn, describing the proposal to adopt the chest, he served as the withdrawal of the government's hands. And it hints at leadership in the cluster to the possibility of persuading the Sunnis and Kurdish parties to form a majority government, as a solution to get out of trouble, "a technocrat government."
Furthermore, Sadr is willing to start talks with a tour of the three presidencies and political blocs to support the project, in conjunction with the arrangement demonstrations and a wide popular base through the support of their leader steps coming days.
Loopback says    The rule of law, which belongs Abadi, turn, describing the proposal to adopt the chest, he served as the withdrawal of the government's hands. And it hints at leadership in the cluster to the possibility of persuading the Sunnis and Kurdish parties to form a majority government, as a solution to get out of trouble, "a technocrat government."
Furthermore, Sadr is willing to start talks with a tour of the three presidencies and political blocs to support the project, in conjunction with the arrangement demonstrations and a wide popular base through the support of their leader steps coming days.
Loopback says    Read the letter of state law   But a senior member of the state law Jassim Mohammed Jaafar told (range), said his bloc "will take the word of al-Sadr and his call for a proposal to pilot and could not be adopted." "We will try to take advantage of al-Sadr's proposal and interact with positively."
He said Jaafar that "the adoption of a proposal the leader of Sadr fully means pulling the hand of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and validity to choose his ministers."
Revealed by state law for the "uncertainty" of some of the names contained in the Commission proposed that al-Sadr. He explained: "There is no doubt and unease of some personalities proposed by Mr. Sadr."
Loopback says    The Commission proposed by the leader of the Sadrist group of judges, which included are: Abd al-Qadir al-Hamdani and Sami al-Mamouri Aso and Sophie, and academics from both: Fares Kamal Nazmi and Faleh Abdul-Jabbar and peace Sumaisem.
The political group included: Sami Al paste and Abdul-Amir Allawi, Amer Hassan Fayyad, employees independents: Shabibi and Ghazi Cka and Jabbar and coffee. "
Sadr also suggested other names, said it was "advisory committee" of the committee that chooses ministers, stressing that "consulted binding" of the First Committee, and included: Ghazanfar Hamoud Hassan Humairi and Haidar Saeed Asaad al-Janabi and Abdul Redha Jawad Riaz minister Qasim care.
Loopback says    Government political majority    On the other hand, it calls for State of Law bloc, which belongs Abadi, detects "the criteria for selecting each government office or even the Minister inform the public opinion on the specifications of the new candidate."
Jafar said, "Abadi on to tell us what are the specifications of the Minister of Health or Justice or the rest of the other ministries." Likely to be "Abadi wanted figures from within the ministries in the new government if they are agents ministers or two managers of technocrats."
It is expected deputy state law that "the process of changing the government will take a long time could be up to several months because of the tension between the political blocs."
Loopback says    The MP pointed Jassim Mohammed Jaafar said "state law favors if Abadi has put pressure on the political blocs to change the nine ministers have certificates are not commensurate with the nature of the ministry that they manage."
He continued Jafar "state law proposes, as a solution to get out of the long debate which may be unproductive, recourse to the government of political majority."
The attention of the leader of the Dawa Party, said, "We do not know whether the political situation allows it," but asserts that "Abadi will ensure access to 165 votes or 170 persuading part of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and the mass change in addition to the coalition forces to achieve that."
Loopback says    Former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki demanded, in the last of his second term, to form a government based on political majority to achieve more than 50% of the seats in parliament, but failed to do so.
Abadi form in September 2014, a coalition government, it was said at the time as one of "technocrats", too.
Loopback says    Touches Hakim block   In turn confirms mass citizen, in the words of MP Salim Chawki, support for the vision of the chest, but "with some modifications, if possible."

He says Shawki, in contact with (range), "The Bloc leader Ammar al-Hakim agreed to a large extent on the ideas proposed by the chest."

He added, "Our goal is comprehensive reform without tinkering," pointing out that "most of the Commission, Mr. Sadr's consistent with what we want from the technical committee for the selection of ministers items."
Explains bloc member Hakim as "a broader wish Commission comprising experts from home and abroad in line with the introduction of the upper reference called by earlier.
Loopback says    The MP for Basra "If we do not get on that committee will satisfy the chest with a proposal to change some of the names listed," likely that "not opposed to discussing the chest and the replacement of some of the characters."
Citizen mass and frequently criticizes the "ambiguity" of the Committee is talking about the prime minister, which is supposed to choose new ministers, demanding to reveal the identity of its members.
Loopback says    Demonstrations Sadrists   In the meantime, Sadrist lawmaker Hussein Awad revealed that the current leader Moqtada al-Sadr, who arrived in Baghdad two days ago, met the President of the House of Representatives Saleem al-Jubouri, and will meet with the Prime Minister of the Republic and the political blocs to discuss forming a new government.
He explained Awad, in his interview with the (range), "The proposal chest legal and ready and does not include the complexities and the political blocs built for professional government."
Loopback says   As seen by the Liberal bloc that the "paper-Sadr close to the demands of the street", warning at the same time ignored because it "would only complicate the political scene."
Awad revealed that "the masses of the chest will come out demonstrations in the coming days in support of the project leader of the mainstream," stressing that "in the case of non-acceptance of al-Sadr's proposal will take the blocks are other options, and it would withdraw from the political process, one of these options.";
RONDA says   2
rcookie says(   The names of involved officials of smuggling $ 15 billion shift to a secret parliamentary session

02/22/2016 21:11   Once begun Central Bank Governor and Deputy Minister of Finance, and representatives of the intelligence service, the Board of Control, who their guest the House of Representatives yesterday, displays a list of involved government officials smuggled money,
 so I decided the presidency of parliament turned the meeting into a secret, recommending the House of Representatives not to disclose any significant information.
The session discussed money and property intelligence service of the former regime smuggled outside Iraq, deposited with banks and global banks refuse delivered to the Government of Iraq. The estimated amounts of contraband and documented in the Iraqi government records, in the past 12 years, with 15 billion dollars.
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rcookie says    The shape of the parliament a supreme committee, headed by a vice president, and members include the heads of the committees on Foreign Relations, finance, defense and security, integrity, and legal, in order to recover the amounts of contraband and activate Recovery Fund.
It did not hold Recovery Fund, which was established in 2012 only 9 meetings in spite of the existence of a financial allocations in the federal budget up to 20 billion dinars annually. The fund was unable to recover any amounts remember.
Parliament lifted its to early next month, while the meeting witnessed the vote on the two bills and the other end to read and discuss the smuggling of Iraqi funds.
MP says Jabbar al-Abadi, a member of the Finance Committee told the (range), that "the parliament hosted the Governor of the Central Bank and a representative of the Intelligence Service and the Office of Financial Supervision and Deputy Minister of Finance for discussion on money smuggled out of Iraq before and af
ddboys1626 says to sheila3(    ok thanks, is it going to be a goo one
rcookie says    after the year 2003," revealing "the formation of the parliament a supreme committee to follow the recovery of these funds. "
He said al-Abadi "The committee will be headed by a vice president of the House of Representatives and with a membership of both the Legal Committee, integrity and financial security, defense, foreign affairs and a representative of the Central Bank and the intelligence service and the Financial Inspection Office and Deputy Minister of Finance," pointing out that the committee "will begin its work next week."
Iraq had founded a fund he called the (Iraqi funds Redemption Fund). Under Law No. 9 of 2012, the Fund regulates the work of the Economic and Financial Department
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sheila3 says to ddboys1626   we can hope :)
rcookie says   prosecutions and recovery of funds and deposits.
He says a member of the Finance Committee that "the attribution of responsibility to fund money to recover to the Deputy Minister of Finance, despite the large number of obligations and their concerns did not lead to activating the work of the Fund, although the allocation of 20 billion dinars a year for his work, but he did not hold only 9 meetings."
The House of Representatives has decided to convert its "secret session" after he embarked on parliamentary committees and representatives of the intelligence service and the Financial Inspection Office and the Central Bank Governor and Deputy Minister of Finance, presented a list of responsible figures in the previous government was involved smuggling money outside Iraq.session" after he embarked on parliamentary
rcookie says   committees and representatives of the intelligence service and the Financial Inspection Office and the Central Bank Governor and Deputy Minister of Finance, presented a list of responsible figures in the previous government was involved smuggling money outside Iraq.
MP says Ardalan Noureddine, a member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, said that "this committee will work to recover the amounts smuggled according to the oil-for-food program concluded in the period of the former regime, as well as the post-2003."
He said Noureddine, told the (range), "The money diverted volume during the period of the former regime did not specify a particular number, but what we knew was that these amounts are increasing continuously as they deposited in banks and international banks."
The member of the Integrity Commission, "suffer from the problems of the news about the place of these banks and the banks, because the stimulus in the existing refund smuggled Fund does not give the
rcookie says   benefit of the return of funds to these banks only 10%."
According to another member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, "the amounts of contraband and documented in the records of the Iraqi government in the past 12 years up to more than $ 15 billion."
MP says Haider Alfoada, told the (range), "The money smuggling operation to take place outside Iraq nonwoven manner and hard to come by, as well as ongoing money laundering operations to this day."
In turn, confirms the Foreign Relations Committee that "the money smuggled contraband including money during the period of the former regime and post-2003."
The Commission attributes the failure to restore the money to the multiplicity of government committees in all ministries and the central bank and independent bodies.
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