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Monday, February 1, 2016

OOTW & Butifldrm  News & Comments   1-31-16   Part 3 of 5

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Wealthwatch  OOTW & Butifldrm  News & Comments   1-31-16   Part 3 of 5
Butifldrm: I told OOTW what Abadi needs to do, is issue a public statement " 312 Billion have been stolen from this country over the past 10 years and most of that is in the pockets of the corrupt. You will be tried and hung and every bit of that money will be broght back into the coffers of Iraq.
We have the backing of the IMF, the international community. So, you can either repatriate the money you have stole and invest it back into Iraq or you will hang. Plain and simple!
Butifldrm: ‹@*SCZIN11› No
Butifldrm: You had an insane thought?  Butifldrm: your kidding  :cheerful:
Butifldrm: No Shiite  Butifldrm: with the ISX?
Butifldrm: You remember in the 80's when interest rates were at 17-18%
Butifldrm: it was hell. the common person could not afford to buy a house
Butifldrm: or lost the ones they did buy
Butifldrm: Iraq is in no shape to make such a move
Butifldrm: well I think that's all about transparency
Butifldrm: I think Iraq is begging for money and now they have to jump through the IMF hoops to get it
*SCZIN11: ‹@OOTW› am i PB?   *SCZIN11: ‹@OOTW› or CHOPPED LIVER?
Butifldrm: ‹@*SCZIN11› the whole World economy is a huge mess
Butifldrm: check this out
OOTW: :)
Butifldrm: e "Time To Panic"? Nigeria Begs World Bank For Massive Loan As Dollar Reserves Dry Up
Butifldrm: do I need to send a private message  :ermm:  lol  

​ Butifldrm:
Butifldrm: Now most of us know a lot about Nigeria from studying the deletion of the zeros history
Butifldrm: they are bad shape   Butifldrm: just like most emerging economies : who are pegged to the dollar
Butifldrm: Voila' Iraq
Butifldrm: Now China on the other hand has decided to de-peg from the dollar and move their peg to a basket of currencies, much like Kuwait
Butifldrm: China Serious About Move to Unpeg Yuan From U.S. Dollar, Says Official January 21, 2016, 05:55:00 AM EDT By Dow Jones Business News Comment Shutterstock photo By Lingling Wei DAVOS, Switzerland—‘
A senior Chinese official Thursday affirmed China's intention to decouple its currency from the U.S. dollar, while the head of the International Monetary Fund urged Beijing to improve communication with markets about changes to its foreign-exchange regime.
For years, China has hitched the yuan's value to U.S. dollar, but its central bank signaled in December that it would break the peg and instead manage the Chinese currency against a basket of 13 currencies. Read more:
Butifldrm: All of these countries know what looms ahead
Butifldrm: it's the structural changes they are making through their Central Banks that will make the difference of survival
Butifldrm: After Shabibi's dismissal from the CBI Hockey Moe's have running the show. Very few economist in Iraq have a clue
Butifldrm: One promising thing I read today were the successful meeting of Barzani, Abadi and Maliki
Butifldrm: Baghdad — the balance of news Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abbadi stressed during a meeting of the Kurdish delegation on Sunday, on the need to continue joint meetings leading to a common understanding of the challenges, stressing agreement with the Kurds on the importance of adopting a programme for economic reform to reduce dependence on oil.
Statement said the Prime Minister received/balance of news copy, "Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abbadi, a meeting with a Kurdish delegation headed by nechirvan Barzani and oil Ministers, planning and construction and housing.
The statement said that "during the meeting, stressed Al-Abbadi, the importance of continuing joint meetings leading to a common understanding of the challenges and to agree on a clear programme of action takes into account the interests of the country and securing the rights and obligations to reduce lime and the provinces,"
 he said, adding that "the two sides agreed on the importance of adopting a programme for economic reform to reduce dependence on oil as the only source of national income.
Said nechirvan Barzani, the Kurdish delegation Chief as the statement "the importance of holding periodic meetings, as Park victory achieved by the security forces for the liberation of the city of Ramadi and its moral and social importance".
The statement said Al-Abbadi agreed with Kurdish delegation to adopt a plan to communicate to study the reform program and maximize resources, particularly strict observance of customs tariffs and collection of income tax as the financial resources of the Federal Government benefit to the territory and the provinces alike. "finished 29/h 33 

Butifldrm: the Kurds have always run interference with the tariffs
OOTW: MP Faleh al-Khazali, calling on the government to apply the law fairly customs tariff January 31, 2016 [Image: ff_kk_4mz_b3012016.jpg]MP Falah Hassan al-Khazali, called on Wednesday, 01/28/2016 central government to reconsider its customs tariff law and apply it fairly.
MP Khazali during a meeting held at his office in Basra province with a number with academics and economists supporting the local consumer and the product and the introduction of additional revenue.
The MP al-Khazali, the importance of supporting this law Pmaakhaddm interest of the country economically in the light of the difficult conditions experienced by the country, referring to the need to apply the vocabulary in the provinces of Basra and Sulaymaniyah and put full of checkpoints in accordance with the resolution adopted by the Council of Basra province to implement it in all official and unofficial outlets in Kurdistan .
Butifldrm:  Butifldrm: yes, it appears these talks were fruitful
Butifldrm: kurdistan has to comply

OOTW: and meetings with baghdad
OOTW: these are very positive for all of iraq if they truly will now cooperate
Butifldrm: yes, true oil dependence is Iraq's Achilles' heel, as it is to all oil dependent states
Butifldrm: When u look at at all oil dependent states, they are doing the same things Iraq is doing economically   : and what they should have been doing all along
Butifldrm: diversing their economies, and handling corruption,
Butifldrm: IMO, they are a little too late!    Butifldrm: ok
OOTW: okThe collapse of the plug connector between the two possibilities .. hell of a terrifying traced by experts and director trivialize and Najafi: a simple treatmentSaturday 30-01-2016 | 5:21:48 [Image: dam-655x360.jpg]C b / c m Twilight News /
 has become the reality of the Mosul Dam in recent preoccupation of studies and research centers and the media and political domestic and international and popular circles the fact that its collapse would cause a humanitarian disaster may have dire consequences in the two largest cities, Iraqi women are Mosul, Baghdad and other areas in between.
US research centers specializing in the field of dams and bridges, the latest studies have indicate that the Mosul dam, which is about 50 km north of the city of Mosul suffers from several problems, especially in the base constructed on the land of loose incoherent and businessman injection of private cement carried out by the competent Iraqi authorities ineffective to protect him once and for all and to avoid the problems faced by which means the continuation of negligence will cause imminent collapse.
Mosul Dam is located north of the city of Mosul in the Nineveh province, on the course of the Tigris River, was built in 1983 with a length of 3.2 kilometers and a height of 131 meters, the dam is the largest dam in Iraq, the largest dam in the Middle East and a fourth spell floccus dam with a clay core of the medial.
It managed to organize Daash control it after the events of June 10 2014, but he quickly lost that control after a military operation carried out by the international coalition led by the United States as it was described that process by military experts as the quality of it did not cause any damage to built a dam infrastructure and limited to editing and only returned to the embrace of the Iraqi state.
He ruled out the director of the Mosul Dam Riad Izz al-Din in a statement to Twilight News the collapse of the dam at the present time and causing a humanitarian disaster, but h
OOTW: disaster, but he did not deny the existence of serious risks suffering the dam of them, particularly the large cracks appearance in the area of ​​the body that occur as a result of an increase of stored quantities of water in it and the lack of appropriate ways to be discharged into the appropriate time.
 He continues, Izz al-Din "on the central government and the Ministry of Water Resources to deal seriously with the warnings launched by the Research and US studies on Mosul Dam centers fact that many of the dams experts Americans have visited the dam after its liberation from the control of the organization Daash and briefed on his condition and prepared reports on the mess,".
 He adds Azzedine "We are trying through doing Overstuffing cement and maintenance of the dam and on an ongoing basis to maintain the status of geological and keep it in good condition," pointing at the same time that "he was reported to local and central governments and the Ministry of Water Resources status of the dam and the risks that surround it and until now did not are answered. "
In this case the Mosul dam collapsed, it will launch a four billion cubic meters of water that will generate very significant Jriana at once, which will lead to the deaths of thousands of people within two hours of time and it will be a disaster atheist twenty times.
Two possibilities for the bridge collapse in front of fact or rumor Iraqi politicians, officials say exciting Mosul Dam crisis at this time precisely behind them agendas suspicious and mafias local and international corrupt and companies seeking to win the opportunity to invest in it after learning that the central government has allocated 300 billion Iraqi dinars for rehabilitation within the international standards.
Officials see these suspicious agendas and corrupt companies began to raise the rumors of an impending collapse of the dam and causing a disaster in order to inflame public opinion against the government and push them to grant the privilege rehabilitate 
OOTW: Najafi has a "simple solution" Head of the coalition are united in Nineveh Ethel Nujaifi promised to overcome the problem of the collapse of the Mosul Dam it is "very simple" and lies through the water drainage dam so based on the seriousness of the collapse of the dam have been linked to its ability to launch quantities of water commensurate with the water coming from Turkey size. [font]
He explained Najafi in a detailed study presented by the reality of the Mosul Dam, which stated that "the gates of the dam operating capable of firing 200 m3 / s without the generation of electrical power and if I say the amount whatsoever about 200 m3 / s, the Iraqi cities will suffer from thirst and up Basra will not be enough to run projects water in,
 but in the flood season, the dam needs to launch amounts commensurate with the incoming water was up to 1000 m3 / s in some years, and this means they would need a maximum of generating electric power, but the city of Mosul, the network is the only party that could receive this electric energy ".[/font]
 Najafi study confirmed the need for the expertise of foreign companies to ensure the repair and operation of the dam gates and drainage required discharged before the flood season.
 Mosul Dam rules injection is the way back to the eighties of the last century, used to strengthen founded on an ongoing basis as used in the works Overstuffing ultra-soft cement is being produced in large quantities in the Hamam al-Alil cement plant south of the city of Mosul and transferred very quickly to the dam site to carry out Overstuffing. [font]
Ministry of Water Resources and on its official website announced that it recently received the positive results are encouraging to ward off the danger of the dam and bring it back to normal and added that he will be invited many specialized in this area and meeting global companies with two international companies with experience in the field of similar processors in multiple global dams, a company Bauer German and Italian compa   OOTW:
Butifldrm: Yes, this is a huge hurdle/ could be crisis for Iraq
Butifldrm: If this dam were to give way millions of people would die
Butifldrm: you know the Kurds saved this Dam from ISIS
Butifldrm: ISIS tried to take control of this Dam
Butifldrm: the dam is's self had problems years before
Butifldrm: yes and even in 2006 The IMF knew the Dam was a problem
Butifldrm: $650 million within the Water Sector will be used to increase water treatment capacity to serve an additional 1.7 million Iraqis. The funds will also be used to implement important irrigation and water drainage projects.
 Among the key projects to be funded are the Nasiriyah Drainage Pump Station, which will increase the amount of drained agricultural lands by 543,000 acres; grouting equipment for the Mosul Dam, Iraq's largest dam; operations and maintenance support for USG-rehabilitated and constructed facilities;
 and completion of a new sewer collection and treatment system for Fallujah (serving the entire city population of 200,000).   Butifldrm:

Comments may be made at the end of Part 5   Thank You    Part  4

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