Don't WAIT!

Friday, February 19, 2016

More News, Rumors,and Opinions Late Friday Afternoon 2-19-16


Rabbit:  what I have learned is that Iraq nor the world were ready for the adjustments and reestablishment of true rates and not imposed rates. We have seen the world be reshaped by each and every country in one way or another to prepare for a new financial reality.

Every day we hear great news, not perfect news. Iraq in particular had to be completely gutted and re organized in every aspect.

We are not done yet however we are a galaxy away from where we were a yr ago
It is like boiling maple syrup... you take it off too soon its watery and if you take it off too late its burnt, so be patient.... we are almost there .... is this not what you see?
Dinar Updates:

Wmawhite  the price of oil has very little to do with Iraq entering the economy market during the 1st half of 2016. 

Q: [but it might effect the price of their currency.] 

Wmawhite: will not.  The price of oil has dropped over 60% and the change in the value of the Kuwaiti Dinar changed $0.20...20 cents.  The KWD went from $3.55 to $3.35 per dinar. 

Q: [right but Iraq has no price at this point, Kwd is already established.]  

Wmawhite: Of course they know what the true value of the IQD else could the IMF tell the world that Iraq is expected to enter the economy market in 2016.  IMO...central banks do not go changing their values every time their GDPs change...their goal is to provide stability in their currency...

IMO, they know where they want to be and IMO we will see it soon.


SassyD:  The World is seeing RED....... ​-exchange/real-time-quotes/QuoteList.aspx?&t=worldmarkets

SassyD:  Just Released----- "The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man&qu​ot; - John Perkins (Author) paperback -

SassyD :Opinion: Chilling ways the global economy echoes 1930s Great Depressio​n era -- Feb 19, 2016 --

SassyD : Secret Memo Details U.S.’s Broader Strategy to Crack Phones -- Febru​ary 19, 2016 --


"What The Hell Is Going On?"

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/19/2016 12:52 -0500

The last few days have been "odd" according to one veteran trader and today's moves, with USDJPY plunging, S&P 'steady', and XIV (the inverse VIX ETF soaring) left the same trader exclaiming "what the hell is going on?"

More unwinds from equity market-neutral funds? OPEX impacts? Or just the death-throes of a Fed-fueled market gasping its last breaths...

The chaos in equity market-neutral funds continues with weak/strong momo stocks extremely volatile this week...

Thunderhawk:  Let’s get ready to do business with Iran

With other European states leading the pack; we might wonder why our own government is not doing more to ensure that UK plc is better placed to take advantage of business opportunities in Iran.

British expert in legal affairs Guy Martin in an article published in Friday edition of the Financial times which began with the above statement finds fault with the British government's lack of the required vigor for securing the British nation's interests in Iran at least as good as the French, the Italian and a handful of other European countries' governments.

A priority for the FCO must be the negotiation of a Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) — a crucial mechanism affording legal protection to investors should they encounter difficulties.

France, Italy and Germany have all concluded BITs with Iran. Second, nearly six months after reopening, the British Embassy in Tehran still does not have a visa office. Iranian businesspeople have to fly first to Istanbul to obtain a visa to enter the UK, providing a further obstacle to encouraging trade ties.

A final point: there needs to be positive and coordinated messages from both the FCO and the Treasury on Iran. While the FCO is in theory giving the green light, the Treasury’s advice is a maze of technicality that British businesses may struggle to comprehend without specialist legal advice.


Thunderhawk:  Norway clears Iran debt purchases by massive gov’t fund – World Bulletin
Norway said on Thursday it had authorized its pension fund, the world's largest sovereign wealth fund, to resume Iranian government bond purchases in the wake of a deal phasing out sanctions against Tehran.

The fund, which is worth nearly 7 trillion kroner (€735 billion, $814 billion) and targets a 35-percent share of bonds in its portfolio, had been barred from buying into Iranian debt since January 2014 because of sanctions over Iran's nuclear program. North Korea and Syria, also hit by sanctions, remain off limits to the fund, reported.

But since a deal on Iran's nuclear program, signed in July 2015, economic sanctions against Iran are being phased out, the Norwegian finance ministry noted in a statement.

'Therefore the finance ministry, in agreement with the foreign ministry ... has decided that restrictions concerning trade in Iranian government bonds should be lifted,' it said.

The Norwegian government pension fund, fed by oil income, is to help the Scandinavian country meet future pension requirements.

Its investment policy is run according to strict ethical rules, with a focus on sustainable economic, environmental and social development.
Naphtali:  he WORLD'S LARGEST WEALTH FUND resumes..... hmmm they are wanting to make money for their fund and they put 35% in the Iranian Gvmt Basket. I don't know about you Boo Boo, but they are betting a good part of the Farm on One horse. Do you think they know something that gives them confidence?


Walkingstick:  Jubouri for the people of Mosul over the radio edit of Nineveh in the next few days

History of edits:: 19.02.2016 18:40 •
[Oan- Baghdad]

Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri said the liberalization of Nineveh province, the process will be in the next few days. ", Without specifying the date.

He said al-Jubouri, in the text of his address to the people of Nineveh province, through the radio command edit Nineveh operations in the district of drunken east of the city of Mosul, the "victory Nags close and high morale in the processes of liberalization and is only a few days to see a return of Mosul and throughout Nineveh to what it was and the best , the glory of her family and Amadaifam and Bmsaahm good in order to achieve unity and harmony and stability. "

He added that" the period that has passed you over the days, months, years have been tough, shed the blood of many innocent people and the right of you a lot of injustice and violence perpetrated by terrorist groups, and displaced thousands looking for a place rushing doing so achieve immunity of evil and terrorism, but both the plight of the demise and this ordeal will be gone when collaborating among yourselves in order to achieve victory. "

He said al-Jubouri told the residents trapped in Mosul" in the House and your representatives for the province as well as the local administration and the governor and the municipal council and security leaders are cooperating with each other to draw the map through which we can achieve victory. "

the head of the House of Representatives, that" the president of the republic and commander in chief of the armed forces have made ​​is editor of Nineveh at the forefront of the tasks that we are embarking upon because we are confident that the next few days will witness the release of Nineveh support and outsourcing of the international coalition and help us countries and the crowd clan and the Peshmerga, who began getting ready for the walk steps are clear and are certain, toward liberation. "

he explained that" we think today is the post-editing stage, and how can we maintain peace, security and stability, and how they could return the land and maintained by its people and its people , and our goal is not to expel terrorism, but eliminate it completely. "

Jubouri said," promise you as sons to you, brothers, because we are aware of your suffering and circumstance through too during this period, that make editing Nineveh, the purpose and goal and the means by which we will do everything we can in order to achieve them. "

he continued "the eyes of Iraqis consider you a difficult circumstance that through too it is about to end and we will be by your side and Enainkm, as well as ask you to Taanonna every means by which that defeated terrorism, and ask the Almighty to preserve Nineveh and its people dear and we will meet one day and we stand together and our country that enjoys security and stability." . ... ryid=30677

Aggiedad77: Can you say it is time......empirical coming quicker and quicker....the is on it's way

Mosul you have long awaited your.......freedom from the terrorists......that effort will be knocking on your door.....listen for for them....all bases are covered.....EWN with the P Army......S here WE come....are you ready

SECURITY and STABILITY are at hand here for you

Get this too - "post-editing STAGE".....this is done

Who has the flag.....where did that flag bearer go....get him out of the McDonald's he can get a happy meal later

Rejoice....Rejoice   Aloha   Randy

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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