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Friday, February 19, 2016

​Dinar Updates Friday AM Chat  2-19-16   Part 1 of 3

Post From Dinar Updates 2-19+-16
Chat Room Excerpts & Highlights

Dinar Updates Friday AM Chat  2-19-16   Part 1 of 3

Loopback says    Khatib Kufa accuse politicians to "hand over the country to terrorism" and demanding the annexation of the crowd to the security device
Author: AY    Editor: NS   19.02.2016 15:50
Long-Presse / Najaf    Called imam and preacher of the mosque of Kufa in Najaf Ali Nomani, Friday, parties in power and politicians not to stand up "bump" in front of the hopes of the Iraqi people and their aspirations, and accused them of "handing the country to terrorism,"
and was described as the political process as "sterile and will not give birth to the Iraqis is the tragedies and the loss of rights "the crowd demanded the annexation of the popular forces to the Iraqi security apparatus system.
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Loopback says    the political process as "sterile
Loopback says(    the crowd demanded the annexation of the popular forces to the Iraqi security apparatus system.
Loopback says    Khatib Kufa - Calling for the popular crowd to be put under the control of Abadi.
luvmydream says    sweet TY Loop
Loopback says    Khatib Kufa calls for politicians to stand up "seriously" with al-Sadr program
Political Since 02/19/2016 14:10 (Baghdad time)
BAGHDAD - balances News     Called preacher of the mosque of Kufa Ali Nomani, on Friday, the political parties because not be a "stumbling block" in the way of the aspirations of the people, while telling her to "stand seriously" with the reform program launched by the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, described the government of "quotas" current to "sterile The clinically dead. "
Loopback says    Said Nomani in the Friday prayers held at the Kufa mosque in Najaf, and attended by Alsumaria News, "We call on parties in power and politicians not to be a stumbling block in the way of the hopes of the Iraqi people and their aspirations,"
 explaining that "the reforms launched by Moqtada al-Sadr as a national project purely beyond partisan and factional is purely an Iraqi project is not the only one concession to the Iraqi people in all its sects and colors, which is no different in the right to see one of the sons of the people as well as the reference fair and national forces which needs to be supported by the people.
Loopback says    He said Nomani, "we draw our message to those who did not still nationally breached the political process that stands supervisor position with his people by taking into consideration the reform program launched by al-Sadr and to deal with it seriously," adding that "the political process in its current form after years of theft, betrayal and corruption became sterile and will not give birth to the Iraqis is the tragedies and the loss of rights that people have not seen from politicians is to take care of their interests.
Loopback says    And the Friday sermon of Kufa, that "the Government of the quota system has received a mandate to carry out reforms to save the country and people from the presence of the reference and the leadership of the rib line but they failed and missed a precious opportunity and this is evidence of sterility and death clinically,"
pointing out that "the current stage requires inevitably reformist project saves what is left for Iraq from energy development to be a springboard Nhiuya to bypass security and economic and service crises that have burdened the people. " Ended 29/42 g
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Loopback says    "We call on parties in power and politicians not to be a stumbling block in the way of the hopes of the Iraqi people and their aspirations," explaining that "the reforms launched by Moqtada al-Sadr as a national project purely beyond partisan and factional is purely an Iraqi project is not the only one concession to the Iraqi people in all its sects and colors,
Loopback says    "the political process in its current form after years of theft, betrayal and corruption became sterile and will not give birth to the Iraqis is the tragedies and the loss of rights that people have not seen from politicians is to take care of their interests. "
clay says to Loopback    hey buddy GM and thanks as always :)
Loopback says    Religious authority is essentially saying. Don't get in the way for the reforms or else!.
Loopback says    He said the war in a statement today," for the first time be able to integrity from taking practical legal measures to this principle, although the first bill to the integrity Commission issued in 2004, but this rule does not find application only after 12 years despite the passage of a long time to prove it in the Iraqi legal system have included material (18) to (20) of the integrity Commission Act No. (30) for the year 2011 the provisions of the graft (where did you get this?) when it considered the law, every increase in the money each binding employees by law to report financial disclosure for himself and his wife and his children. "
clay says to magnetlady    gonna be real nice
subgirl says to magnetlady    I just read it again what you put lol

Loopback says    He said," If it is to ensure financial disclosure funds are not commensurate with the employee's resources or his wife or his children, it is a gain is a project that employee that did not prove the money was won any legitimate sources that the general rule is that any increase in the funds is to increase illegal and on the employee to prove that this increase increase legitimate in order to avoid the procedures prescribed by law against him and which referred to the courts to achieve integrity to question and investigate the source of the money. "
subgirl says to clay    63 for a high today! yaayy and full sun but real windy lol
Loopback says    He said the war" if this employee proved that the money obtained by the increase was from a legitimate source are closing the investigation against him either if they did not prove it, the penalty of imprisonment for five years and the death confiscation of money increases and the death fined as much money increase waiting for a law that is to say the death of the charge stiff penalty clause and highly financially example imprisonment for a period of quite a few penalty confiscation of money as if the penalty fine of ten billion dinars, not a few well done COI pedicure on the move after he failed to take since its inception till now. "
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Loopback says(    So the 4 senior officials that were referred to the Judiciary are the first ones that did not pass the "Where did your get that?" principal.
Loopback says    I bet there will be many more to follow!
subgirl says to Loopback    I bet you are right!!
Loopback says    Dry reveal a general amnesty exceptions
Political Since 02/19/2016 15:09 pm (Baghdad time)
Baghdad balances News   It revealed a member of the Human Rights Commission Parliamentary Ashwaq dry, for exceptions to the general amnesty law, as confirmed send comments to the Commission on Human Rights on the law to the Legal Committee, pointed to a difference of views between the members of the House of Representatives on an exception covered by the law of amnesty No. (19) for the year 2008, or a special pardon, where he sees some lawmakers to give them another chance, while others oppose it. "
clay says to Loopback   much corruption
clay says to subgirl   loving it though
subgirl says to clay    me too lol :)
Loopback says    She said dry in the statement reported its press office and received / balances News / copy of it, that "the Human Rights Commission did not engage in a general amnesty law has objected to this, and sent its observations in writing to the Legal Committee for discussion and study and included,
 indicating that the Commission proposed in the first article of the law which states that exempted a general amnesty for Iraqi Mahkmom the death penalty or a penalty, or in one of deprivation of liberty measures or a fine, to raise the fine because they are dealt with in Article III which it raises from the first article with pay Mapzmth to the state treasury requirement of inclusion in the law. "
Loopback says    She noted that "the Commission has proposed, the failure to extend all kinds of money-laundering offenses in the law, not just the crimes of money laundering with a view to financing terrorism, as stated in the letter of the law."
She continued, "The committee has proposed raising the fifth paragraph, which is within the exceptions where the Constitution reads: does not include all of the cursing of the Parliament (House of Representatives), but Aiqid who wants to criticize the House of Representatives and it is not justice that does not include amnesty only because he insulted the parliament."
subgirl says to Loopback():  [] Loop: Dry reveal a general amnesty exceptions
Do you know what Dry means???
Loopback says    8-| The dry, it was "in paragraph 11 of the Act, which speaks of, crimes of bribery, embezzlement, and theft of state funds and crimes of financial and administrative corruption, the Commission proposed a condition, which is to be fined double the six times the amount that was embezzled or stolen, or that includes actor amnesty clause Estrada amount that was embezzled to the state treasury. "
subgirl says to Loopback    thank you WOW you type really fast!
Loopback says    And on paragraph 14 of the Act, dry indicated, "The Human Rights Commission has proposed the inclusion of counterfeiters primary certificate for the purpose of appointment exclusively and earn a living for Mahdoah income, and therefore, the Commission considers that fraud but to Aatsawy with counterfeiters other certificates for senior positions in the state."
Loopback says    She drew dry, that "the exceptions contained in the law, any crime that will not be coverage of amnesty is, the former regime, criminals and not bringing them a general amnesty,
and terrorist crimes, and offenses against the external security of the state and the rules of procedure, and the crimes of possession of and trade in silenced weapons, and weapons with special classification and offenses against statutory bodies, such as the killing of the President and the Prime Minister,
or forcing the president to a particular work, as well as human trafficking, and kidnappings, and crimes of smuggling of prisoners and those arrested, or harboring the convicted for the crimes, in addition to drug crimes, and crimes of sodomy, adultery and incest and crimes of embezzlement and theft of state funds, and crimes of financial and administrative corruption, and crimes of smuggling antiquities, and the crimes of money laundering and counterfeiting crimes. "
Loopback says    She said the dry, "we wish the law was passed in the current period because it includes so many exceptions as to achieve some sort of balance between the families of the victims and prisoners, and must be seen from the viewpoint of a humanitarian, not political, in order to reduce the number of detainees and prisoners, does not mean that the perpetrators of terrorist crimes and crimes but serious crimes that can be relieved by and reintegrated to society again ".anthy 29 / d 24
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subgirl says to LLN65   LLN65 whenever you want a break, I can give it to you ok? I am here!!

Loopback says to subgirl   I beleive that he exceptions reffered to in the title is that the Commission on human rights to submitted it's thoughts on the Amnesty Law and is not pleased that they were not asked.
subgirl says to Loopback   thank you! I appreciate you very much loop :)
rcookie says    Iraq vows to activate the banking and financial dealings with Iran
History Tahrir:: 2016/2/19 9:11 • 161 times mqrw’h   [Where - Follow-up]
Iraq vowed to activate the banking and financial dealings with Iran, which has promised to turn the Iraqi side to continue serious this issue and remove the problems between the two sides in this area.
According to Iranian sources, he met Minister of Industry, Mines and Trade of Iran, Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh Thursday in Baghdad, President of the Central Bank of Iraq Ali Mohsen Keywords, which was considered one of the necessities of trade cooperation and investment placement, activate trading banking and finance between the two countries promised to the Iraqi side to follow-up the serious to this topic problems and the removal of before the transaction banking and finance between the two sides.
he also met with President of the National Council for the Iraqi investments Sami al-Araji in Baghdad ready corporate Iran announced to employ join 
rcookie says    joint investments in industrial projects in Iraq.
the al-Araji was proposed in the meeting to conclude a memorandum of understanding for the recruitment of joint investments between the two countries and said that the National Council for investment has a number of projects under construction.
he pointed out Rumaila to generate electricity station in southern Iraq capacity of 300 MW, he said companies Iranian involved in this important project.
Araji said that "there are good opportunities for cooperation with Iran in agriculture, electricity, oil and gas, communications and take advantage of the technical sciences for companies Iranian sectors . "
during a meeting with the Minister of Industry and minerals Mohammed Darraji said Nematzadeh Iran's readiness to set up towns, industrial and investment in the challenged and the reconstruction and construction of industrial units new in Iraq.
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rcookie says   for his part, the Iraqi minister said that the number of industrial units Iraqi Mthrih and in need of modernization and reconstruction and that Iran due to their experience and technical sciences Bamکanha help Iraq in this area.
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