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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Dinar Updates Tuesday AM Chat  2-23-16    Part 3 of 3

Post From Dinar Updates 2-23-16
Chat Room Excerpts & Highlights

Dinar Updates Tuesday AM Chat  2-23-16    Part 3 of 3
Loopback says(   Looks like Parliamnet might finely do something about the memebers who do not show up.
Loopback says   House of Representatives directed an ultimatum to the absent of its members
Political Since 02.23.2016 at 09:52 (Baghdad time)
Special scales News   Parliamentary Legal Committee confirmed on Tuesday that the House will direct ultimatum to MPs who have exceeded the maximum number of Gaabathm.
It was, Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, had threatened last week to cancel the membership of some deputies to attend the meetings of the Council during the current legislative term.
The committee member said Mohsen al-Sadoun's / balances News /, that "the president of the House of Representatives announced the separation of any vice frequent absences on time," pointing out that "this affects the functioning of the House of Representatives and the responsibility of the Attorney candidate by the people and his lack of attendance."
clay says to subgirl    yes you have behaved (lol)
Loopback says   He said al-Saadoun, said that "next week will reveal the names of persons over the Gaabathm the period stipulated in the rules of procedure of the parliament."
Saadoun and, that "there is action by the board of the presidency under the direction of the ultimatum absent and their commitment warning otherwise it will be dismissed as stipulated in the rules of procedure of the House of Representatives."
He pledged Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, declaring the names of the deputies during the current legislative " .anthy 29 / P 40   Source
clay says to subgirl   so have everyone here
Loopback says
subgirl says to clay(   He said al-Saadoun, said that "next week will reveal the names of persons over the Gaabathm the period stipulated in the rules of procedure of the parliament."
subgirl says to clay   So now they are getting after the ones who are not coming??
Loopback says   I read another story earlier that talked about 51 MP not having clear Certificates (Credentials) and only 7 responded with verification.
Loopback says   I'll go look for that one and bring it in.
Loopback says   Parliament certificates verified 51 deputies
Political Since 02.23.2016 at 12:36 (Baghdad time)
Special - balances News   A parliamentary source revealed on Tuesday, sending official letters to the concerned authorities to prove the validity of the issuance of certificates of 51 deputies.

The source told / balances News /, "it was sent official letters to prove the validity of certificates of study for 51 deputies since last November, but we have not had so far only seven answers.
Loopback says    He added, the source, who preferred anonymity, said that "Risah Council did not give the topic of significance because of the lack of coordination and control."
It is said that the Parliamentary Integrity Commission revealed earlier, it will audit the school certificates to all members of the House of Representatives, stressing that any file illegally handed over to the Supreme Judicial Council for decision.    From: Ola Massaol
rcookie says to Loopback   GREAT STUFF LOOP!!!
Loopback says
Loopback says    They seem to realize that after the CoM is cleaned up that there house may very well be the next in line.
subgirl says to Loopback    thanks loop for that...
Loopback says    Adabi and Sadr met today. What do you think they talked about? Bet it was not to trade recipes!
subgirl says to Loopback     lol
subgirl says to Loopback   is Sadr the one trying to get the citizens together for the Friday Protest??
Loopback says to subgirl   Yes and he is not trying to. Today his said that he is going to be there with the protestors leading them.
Loopback says to subgirl   Abadi discusses the change of government with the chest inside the threshold of Kadhimiya
Tuesday 23-02-2016 | 4:23:28   H d   H d
Twilight News / Search Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi cabinet reshuffle expected in the cabinet reshuffle with the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr.
Sadr called yesterday to demonstrate on Friday in Tahrir Square in Baghdad, in a move to support his plan launched by "to overhaul the government's performance."
Tries to chest the imposition of a list of "independent Iraqi figures" on the al-Abadi, its task will be to form a committee to choose a new ministerial cabin.
subgirl says to Loopback   WOW! so maybe just maybe that is what they will be discussing?
Loopback says to subgirl     gave the chest to the Abadi list of names for inclusion in the committee and they both "judge Abdul Qadir al-Hamdani and judge Sami Mamouri judge Aso Sophie", as well as academics who are both "Vord Nazmi and Kamal Faleh Abdul-Jabbar and safety-law, "adding that" the Commission will also house Shabibi and Ghazi Cka and Jabbar and coffee. "
a government statement said the meeting Abadi al-Sadr was in the threshold of Kadhimiya, which is Msagba did not happen.
He said the statement, seen by Twilight News, that during the meeting, they discussed political, security and economic situation and the latest developments and challenges faced by the country in various fields, also touched on the government change the prospective Prime Minister within the reform plan carried out.
subgirl says to Loopback   wow thank you loop :)
Loopback says to subgirl   It is noteworthy that the invitation to Ebadi to make a change substantial ministerial aroused considerable criticism from within the national alliance blocks, as revealed head of the Islamic Supreme Council Ammar al-Hakim, one of the largest Abadi allies within the coalition;
his desire that extends to change the prime minister, with feet, leader of the Sadrist movement and the new paper reforms are incompatible with Abadi reforms, the rages conflict within the coalition blocks with the Prime Minister.
subgirl says to Loopback   that might be an intense meeting you think?
Loopback says to subgirl
subgirl says to Loopback   thanks for the article and link :)
Loopback says to subgirl   I do not know. It looks more like Sadr and Adabi are working together to get the reshuffle done. It is the obstructionist who are putting out the articles to the contrary. IMO
subgirl says to Loopback    oh ok, I misunderstood thank you! :)
clay says to Loopback   sorry just had 2 new auto acident patients come in
jarhead says    gm boots, clay, i see ur still grinding loop :)
tman23: Some see the glass as half full while others point out it is half empty.......And the fact is the glass is at 50% of it's capacity........ Neither the half full or half empty point of view is incorrect........  
What is incorrect is demonizing a post with personal attacks and accusations of being negative simply because they do not describe the level of the contents of the glass in the terms of endearment that the accuser desires.....
Debate with keeping an open mind is healthy and brings forth different perspectives......... The talk of booting if a post is not favorable or positive.... That is disturbing to me.......
And I have so much I could add to give a better idea on what is happening in Iraq on the streets, in the businesses, and at the import docks but it would be accepted as the view of a half empty glass.......
Loopback says to subgirl   Something that really helped me gain perspective on the news is to try to figure out the why of what someone is saying.
 If you do not just key one a single article and view all of them as a whole the picture becomes clearer...
There is that artist that makes potraits of world leaders using all the the photographs of various events in their careers. That is how a view Iraq. Each article contributes to the whole and should not be view by itself. Keeps me digging for more news.
Loopback says to tman23    Amen
rcookie says    Abadi form a committee to choose the "cabin" and new calls to abolish the ministries transferred its powers to the provinces
Author: ZJ  Editor: BK, BS  02/23/2016 18:21  Number of Views: 140   Long-Presse / Baghdad
Detecting a coalition of state law, on Tuesday, about the existence of a committee of academics and consultants from various ministries, to help the prime minister, Haider Abadi, in the selection of the new ministerial cabin, while the citizen block to view the Commission on the political spectrum called for the removal of "doubts" on them being from one side , the Kurdistan Alliance, proposed the abolition of the ministries that were transferred its powers to the provinces for the new cabin includes 14 ministries only.
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rcookie says   Law: A New Approach to choose ministerial cabin
The leader of the coalition of state law, Jassim Mohammed Jaafar, in an interview to the (long-Presse), said that there was "a committee set up in the cabinet of advisers and academics from various ministries, to work with the head of the government, to determine the mechanism for the selection of new ministers and evaluate the current ministers," He pointed out that "the Committee began its work, has been divided into three groups, the first being concerned with the assessment of current ministers, and to identify successful of them to stay within the new cabin."
The leader of the coalition headed by Nouri al-Maliki, said: "The second group involved in the selection of three professionals and honest from the ministries or universities in preparation for display on the blocks to nominate one of them instead of its minister exiled, or may nominate are Ttosm the competence, independence and integrity if they were rejected." noting that "
rcookie says      "the task of the third set Pfsh field two people directly for candidates to fill the two ministries, that the person concerned is not linked to party or movement or faction, in a new approach for the selection of ministerial cabin and soak up pressure from the street."
Experiencing the capital Baghdad and 10 Iraqi provinces are (Babil, Karbala, Najaf and Diwaniya, Muthanna, Dhi Qar, Wasit, Maysan, Basra and Diyala) massive demonstrations since (the 31st of July 2015 the past), to condemn the poor services and corruption in government departments and the judiciary, resulting in Abadi, currently several reforms, but remained " marginal or not really applicable, "according to the opinion, as well as the religious authority and the majority of the political blocs demonstrators.
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rcookie says    Citizen: it is necessary to show the committees on the political spectrum to ward off suspicions on them
For her part, the citizen's parliamentary bloc, the need to display the relevant committees to choose the new ministers, on the political spectrum, to ward off suspicions on them, especially that there are objectionable from being on one side.
A spokesman for the Bloc MP, Habib Terminal, in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The bloc welcomes the vision of the Prime Minister on the formation of committees, despite objections by being the one hand, making them vulnerable to doubts," noting that "an urgent need to view these committees on the political spectrum to ensure the acceptance of the results of their work. "
He said the leader of the Islamic Supreme Council, headed by Ammar al-Hakim, the "citizen's bloc welcomed the reforms from the outset and any step to ensure the country's progress forward," returned that "everyone should embrace reform as a way to according to a clea
rcookie says    clear strategy."
It is noteworthy that the mass of the citizen three ministers in the current government, are Adel Abdul-Mahdi, oil, Bayan Jabr, transportation, Abdul-Hussein Abtan, Youth and Sports.
Kurdistan: proposes to abolish the ministries transferred its powers to the provinces
Meanwhile, the Kurdistan Alliance called for the abolition of the ministries that were transferred its powers to the provinces for the new cabin includes 14 ministries only, are chosen ministers away from quotas and party, but within blocks quotas.
The leader of the Alliance, Mohsen al-Sadoun, said in an interview to the (long-Presse), he said that "the difficult situation that Iraq is going through made it unhealthy minister stay in office four years," returned to "Abadi should change the current ministerial cabin all to avoid blame, In order not to feel any political bloc that they target change. "
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rcookie says     He suggested al-Saadoun, said: "The abolition of the eight ministries that were transferred its powers to the provinces under the decision of the Federal Court, to form a new cab from the 14 ministries," calling for "the selection of new ministers away from quotas and partisan, to be on the shares of the blocks and be competent and independent."
He said the Kurdish leader, that "al-Abadi had not seen anyone on the committee is talking about a coalition of state law," adding that "the prime minister should be noted that the right of parliamentary blocs that the ministry is the best approach, including economic reality of the country's future.
rcookie says   The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, the AVI (the 19 of February, the current 2016), a list of independent Iraqi figures whose mission would be to form a committee to choose a new ministerial cabin, warning that non-acceptance of the political blocs that will be followed by "other steps".
The head of the government, has revealed in (the 11th of February, the current), as being still awaiting a response from the political blocs on the Ministerial amendment proposed.
The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, called in (the ninth of February, the current), to conduct a cabinet reshuffle, "a fundamental and comprehensive" out of national responsibility, while the detection of the completion of the preparation of a plan for reducing its ministries, counting that the government "succeeded in crossing the most difficult stages "during the last term.
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tman23 says   The important thing to keep in mind is the GOI is bankrupt and cannot pay it's bills..... The term being used is "liquidity issue" and "financial crisis".......But by all definitions, when you cannot pay your creditors, make your payroll, and your income is way less then your expenses, YOUR BANKRUPT.....
Now you have assets but in the real world you enter Bankruptcy Chapters for protection.... The CBI has 59 billion in reserves and the plan was described to cover the GOI expenses for 6 months with loans through purchasing government bonds..... The GOOD in all this is the pressure is also on the CBI.....
Central Banks do not relish the thought of their reserves being depleted.....And even though the GOI has a plan to open the market economy, this is no where near a quick fix that in 6 months it is flourishing....the infastructure isn't there !
Abadi is on the right path and has the support of the higher heads that matter.... And that may just be enough for the CBI and IMF....
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