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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Dinar Updates Tuesday Afternoon Chat  2-23-16    Part 2 of 3

Post From Dinar Updates 2-23-16
Chat Room Excerpts & Highlights

Dinar Updates Tuesday Afternoon Chat  2-23-16    Part 2 of 3
jimplants says to Loopback   well I just finished reading the chat logs you and rcookie have a best seller going if this were in novel form it would be incrediable. this thing has more twist and turns than any book on the market and what is so amazing is it is REAL 100% REAL WOW IS ALL I CAN SAY
Here's a happy thought: This is a leap year. One extra day of waiting for 1 March 8-|
eman4u55 says   29 days
Loopback says(    34 days left for the CoM to be reshuffled....
Loopback says   Only 306 shopping days left before Christmas!
larrykn says   Loop do you feel it will take them that long to do it
Loopback says   The distance to the moon currently is 238,900 mi
Loopback says to larrykn   I personally do not it will be much longer. But who really knows!

larrykn says   really, I thougth they would want that done like now
larrykn says   but then what do I know
jimplants says to Loopback   what you and Rcookie brought in this morning is amazing better than any novel HISTORY IN THE MAKING!!!!!
Loopback says to jimplants(   It sure knock me out of my chair when I first read it.
Loopback says   how many licks does it take to get to a tootsie pop?
larrykn says   one then I bite :D
Loopback says(   A group of engineering students from Purdue University reported that its licking machine, modeled after a human tongue, took an average of 364 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. Twenty of the group's volunteers assumed the licking challenge-unassisted by machinery-and averaged 252 licks each to the center
larrykn says   Loop you have way to much time on your hands :D
Loopback says to jimplants   No grey areas in what it said.. That is for sure.
Loopback says to larrykn   Google searches take no time at at.
larrykn says   yes Google is a god send :)
jimplants says to Loopback   and to think sadar knows all of it man he is one dude you dont want to cross
Loopback says to jimplants   I agree. It is clear that he is not messing around and nobody want to be in the way of this train.
jimplants says to Loopback   and he is not pollitically correct he will hunt them down no matter where they go
jimplants says to Loopback   he will not need a do over he will get them
Loopback says to jimplants   Parliament certificates verified 51 deputies
Political Since 02.23.2016 at 12:36 (Baghdad time)   Special - balances News
A parliamentary source revealed on Tuesday, sending official letters to the concerned authorities to prove the validity of the issuance of certificates of 51 deputies.
 The source told / balances News /, "it was sent official letters to prove the validity of certificates of study for 51 deputies since last November, but we have not had so far only seven answers."
He added, the source, who preferred anonymity, said that "Risah Council did not give the topic of significance because of the lack of coordination and control."
It is said that the Parliamentary Integrity Commission revealed earlier, it will audit the school certificates to all members of the House of Representatives, stressing that any file illegally handed over to the Supreme Judicial Council for decision.   From: Ola Massaol   Source
Loopback says to jimplants
Loopback says to jimplants   "it was sent official letters to prove the validity of certificates of study for 51 deputies since last November, but we have not had so far only seven answers."
jimplants says to Loopback   they better get a total makeover no games with this group that is charge
jimplants says to Loopback   only seven with sense it could beRUN FOREST RUN TIME
Loopback says to jimplants   The CoM is just the first step. Mark my words.. Sadrs will be going after Parliament and Justice as well.
Loopback says   House of Representatives directed an ultimatum to the absent of its members
Political Since 02.23.2016 at 09:52 (Baghdad time)Special scales News
Parliamentary Legal Committee confirmed on Tuesday that the House will direct ultimatum to MPs who have exceeded the maximum number of Gaabathm.
It was, Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, had threatened last week to cancel the membership of some deputies to attend the meetings of the Council during the current legislative term.
The committee member said Mohsen al-Sadoun's / balances News /, that "the president of the House of Representatives announced the separation of any vice frequent absences on time," pointing out that "this affects the functioning of the House of Representatives and the responsibility of the Attorney candidate by the people and his lack of attendance."
Loopback says   He said al-Saadoun, said that "next week will reveal the names of persons over the Gaabathm the period stipulated in the rules of procedure of the parliament."
Saadoun and, that "there is action by the board of the presidency under the direction of the ultimatum absent and their commitment warning otherwise it will be dismissed as stipulated in the rules of procedure of the House of Representatives."
He pledged Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, declaring the names of the deputies during the current legislative " .anthy 29 / P 40
Loopback says   Looks like they are getting tired of missing around 100 MPs everytime they meet. Hampering voting.
Hutch says    Mobile Money Service goes live in Iraq
February 23, 2016 in Iraq Banking & Finance News
eServGlobal has announced the commercial launch of mobile money services with Zain Iraq.
According to a statement from the company, the service was soft-launched in January and has already attracted strong interest.
The service is called ‘Zain Cash‘ and is offered by Iraq Wallet, which is an authorised company from the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI).
Through Zain Cash, customers can have a mobile wallet linked to their SIM card, enabling customers to make financial transactions easily and at any time (Cash-In/ Cash-out, transfer money from wallet to another, recharge for prepaid account & bill payment for postpaid account).
Hutch says   Scott Gegenheimer (pictured), CEO, Zain Group, said: “We are embracing the opportunity to launch new services that improve the livelihoods of the communities we serve, and through eServGlobal’s solution, we will be able to offer life-enhancing mobile services and cement our position as a market leader in the mobile-money arena across our region.”
John Conoley, Exective Chairman, eServGlobal, said: “We are proud to be working with this innovation Operator Group as they roll out market-leading solutions across rapidly evolving markets. We look forward to continued collaboration with the Zain Group to launch mobile financial services across their operations.”
Hutch says to Loopback   BUNCH OF SLACKERS IS WHAT THEY ARE!! :D
Loopback says to Hutch   I'll tell you what. The same news day in and day out. Should have played the powerball instead.
clay says to Loopback   I did lol
clay says to Loopback    lost there too
Loopback says   Integrity is preparing to issue new lists of senior officials on charges of "inflated wealth"
Long-Presse / Baghdad  Despite widening criticism of the president, who belongs to a coalition of state law, the Integrity Commission intends to continue its activities by issuing new lists of names of accused senior officials hypertrophic wealth circle.
She talks, parliamentary sources close to refer six senior officials to justice for the same charge, which was transmitted by which a deputy prime minister Saleh al-Mutlaq and Bahaa al-Araji, last week.
Loopback says    Parliamentary committees and confirms that the Integrity Commission, which began to step up oversight of its operations during the recent period, are working according to the principle of (Where did you get this?), And it will examine the wealth of senior officials, without exception.
In the meantime, the Legal Committee called for the formation of open court to hold accountable the corrupt politicians who worked as a criminal that tried Saddam's regime symbols court.
Loopback says    He revealed a parliamentary source in the National Alliance, said "the next few days will witness the referral of six senior officials from the Integrity Commission to eliminate inflation after their money." He pointed to "the existence of several lists will be issued by the Integrity Commission which shall transmit large figures to eliminate inflation after their money."
He said parliamentary source, who spoke to (range) and requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the information, that "there is a list of the names of senior officials will be forwarded to the judiciary in less than a month period." He declined to disclose the identity of these persons or entities that are affiliated with the protection of the investigation, and to prevent the exercise of political pressure.
faith1 says to rustynail    ohh thanks rusty ! rustynail....we had a resturant named that....not sure if it's still there,,, was in Ohio,,, bexely area...
Loopback says   In the meantime, MP Kamel al-Zaidi, a member of the parliamentary legal committee says that "the Integrity Commission will present a lot of politicians files to the judiciary after the availability of evidence that confirms they committed financial violations." He pointed out that "these officials files accumulated in the Integrity Commission for a long time."
He said al-Zaidi, told the (range), that "the referral of those involved with public money to eliminate will be in the form of packaged meals in order to account everyone without exception to any one." He is stressing that "the Integrity Commission procedures would not target a component or a political bloc and the coming days will prove what we are saying."
Loopback says):     He said the legal committee member, said "these corrupt would raise problems against the head of the Integrity Commission after he confronted them and openly before the public opinion," adding that "all you have to do is to move the late-Yasiri files in the body."
The Integrity Commission announced last Thursday, assign each of Bahaa al-Araji, Saleh al-Mutlaq and Farouk al-Araji and Naim Abaob to justice on charges of graft and career exploitation.
And it announced the Integrity Commission, on Monday, on the transfer of three senior officials to the judiciary, claiming inflated money and graft, as shown that the procedures aimed at a particular corruption without personal or target specific mass ends.
Loopback says   He accused al-Araji, the conference Monday, the head of the Integrity Commission to exercise defamation for political purposes, attributing it to disclose its rig contracts for oil licenses concluded during assume Hussein al-Shahristani, the oil ministry, and calculated the mass of Chairman of the Authority.
In a related development, the Parliamentary Integrity Committee confirmed that "the Integrity Commission began activating principle (Where did you get this?) And the disclosure of financial interests for its charge of financial disclosure to study the inflated money and then refer them to the judiciary for investigation."

Comments may be made at the end of Part 3   Thank You  

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