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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Dinar Updates Tuesday Afternoon Chat  2-23-16    Part 3 of 3

Post From Dinar Updates 2-23-16
Chat Room Excerpts & Highlights

Dinar Updates Tuesday Afternoon Chat  2-23-16    Part 3 of 3

Loopback says     Explains MP Taha defensive, a member of the parliamentary committee told the (range), he said that "any official would be forwarded to the judiciary has to prove receiving these funds, which have increased in the past periods," pointing out that "the committees of the Integrity Commission to deal with these files from where priority and importance. "
In turn, the parliamentary legal committee emphasizes that "the Integrity Commission will continue to disclose all the files to the judiciary after being studied by investigators."
He said MP Mohsen al-Sadoun, a member of the Commission told the (range), that "these files that have been forwarded by the Commission on Public Integrity to justice will be investigated by a judge and the prosecutor."
Loopback says    He called Saadoun Integrity Commission "pay all the evidence against those involved Bsrac public money from officials or others."
And calls on member of the Legal Committee to be "the trial of corrupt officials openly modeled on the High Criminal Court, as provided for in Article 19 of the Constitution, paragraph (7) which provides for a public trial."
Sadoun stresses that "corruption is a large volume in the Iraqi state institutions, accused by the big personalities," calling the Judicial Council to "make a public hearing to hold all the corrupt class."
Loopback says   "the next few days will witness the referral of six senior officials from the Integrity Commission to eliminate inflation after their money."
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Loopback says   "the existence of several lists will be issued by the Integrity Commission which shall transmit large figures to eliminate inflation after their money."
Loopback says    "the next few days will witness the referral of six senior officials from the Integrity Commission to eliminate inflation after their money."
Loopback says(    to eliminate inflation after their money."
Loopback says   testing 123. Is this thing on? Test test test...
Josie says to Loopback    Did you see the footage today of Al-Abadi meeting with Al-Sadr in Kadhimiyah over gaining Sadr's support over cabinet changes ?
rustynail says to Loopback    all aboard, we be listening
Josie says to Loopback ):     Smiles on both their faces. Al-Abadi met him with hug and kisses on the cheeks. Would appear Sadr is on board with his cabinet changes based on the footage
Elane says    The way that read Loop, looks great to me!
Elane says    Thanks for bringing that news in...
clay says to Josie    sounds like a plan
Josie says to clay   Like him or not I have learned that having Sadr's support for anything you want to do is a huge momentum benefit
Hutch says    I think this ties into what LOOP is bringing in
Parliamentary Integrity: we will be hosting the Director of Interpol in Iraq 2016-02-23
Parliamentary integrity Commission, revealed on Tuesday, host a representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Director of Interpol police in Iraq to learn their role in money smuggled out of Iraq, saying it has not charged anyone. Committee member Mohammed said the fact that l/balance of news, "report on money smuggled House will include efforts on this file and hosts that got the documents and files at the link".
He said, that "the report will include the presentation of the findings of the Committee, as well as proposals to be submitted by the Commission for the Iraqi Government," he said, adding that "the file has not been completed yet.
clay says to rustynail   and you :)
Hutch says    He noted that "the Commission will present a summary of the efforts to date of the writing of the report, stating that" there are hosters also completed where it was supposed to be hosted by the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to see the Ministry's role in this matter, as well as hosting the Director International Police (Interpol) in Iraq but because travelling to Tunisia to participate in the work of the Interpol, hosted "process was delayed.
He added, "to this moment, working on how to restore smuggled funds not implicated and accused and no charges for anyone", adding that "the reasons for not activating the legislation on this subject, the competent organs in the process of restoring Iraqi funds whether funds before 2003 or money that fled after the year, he said.
Recall that the State of law Coalition revealed to balance News earlier, call for the formation of the international committees working to recover funds smuggled outside Iraq.
clay says to Josie    you are so right
Hutch says   . The House discussed last week refund file smuggled out of the country.;LINK

Josie says to clay   personally he scares the cr** out of me ha
Loopback says to Hutch   hosting the Director of Interpol in Iraq 2016-02-23.... Hey that's today!
clay says to Josie   too funny.heck me too
Hutch says to clay   Hi Clay Get that traitor next door taken care of?
clay says to Hutch   nothing I can do
Hutch says to Loopback(   Yep CURRENT NEWS !
clay says to Hutch   should have had a no compete clause
Loopback says to Hutch   Thanks for everything that you do and for being a positive force.
Hutch says to clay(    I understand,,,, havehad to deal with the same in the past..... sucks!
Geofitness says to clay    Clay, excuse my absence earlier, I had a meeting. I was not ignoring you
Loopback says to Hutch    Slackers I tell you. Just a bunch of good for nothing slackers!
Josie says    The confirmation of Interpol in town has to be very disconcerning to those that know they are guilty and in the cross hairs Love it !
Hutch says to Loopback    YEP Dang Shame !
Josie says   Kind of like TerryK being indicted on federal charges yesterday. (smiling!)
Loopback says to Hutch    Mjust be hard to get anything done with Sadr's foot on the back of their necks!
clay says to Geofitness    no its all good my friend :)
clay says to Hutch   it sure does
clay says to Hutch    hopefully we will be done w/this soon and not care anymore
Hutch says to clay   Im in total agreement with you my friend. We be smilin then !
clay says to Hutch    omg cant wait
Hutch says to Loopback   Agreed.... Better make sure his foot doesnt get inserted in other areas!
clay says to Hutch    lol
Hutch says to Loopback    And the same to you ..... Thanks for all you do !
Hutch says to Loopback    Its been about a year since they made their contact with interpol. It was maliki related at the time......
clay says to Hutch    appreciate ya bud
Loopback says to Hutch    Make sense to me. To take someone down as entrenched as Maliki is is not an easy undertaking. First there would need to erode his base and then strike.
Loopback says to Hutch(    they would..
rcookie says to Loopback    GREAT STUFF TODAY HUTCH & LOOP...YOU GUYS ARE ROCKING!!!....
Loopback says    Looks like the phenomenon of throw your buddies under the bus to save your own @$$ is starting to happen in Iraq.

Loopback says    New Iraq officials have traded accusations of corruption and open new files, they hide them     23-02-2016 11:00 PM
Paid large files of corruption, in which the involvement of Iraqi officials, some of them to exchange accusations, as revealed new corrupted files were hiding it, at a time when Iraq is going through an economic crisis, due to years of corruption in a number of institutions.
The Integrity Commission has been transmitted, week the past, both Vice-Chairmen of the previous government, Bahaa al-Araji, Saleh al-Mutlaq, and his chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Farouk al-Araji, the Mayor of Baghdad, Naim Abaob, to justice, on charges of graft and career exploitation, which prompted Araji to detect corrupted files precedent was gloss on them, accusing government officials of committing, in a move to defend himself and barter them. 
Loopback says      They said, in a press conference at the parliament building, said that the 'oil licensing rounds decades Tzbpt loss of Iraq to about $ 15 billion a year', stressing that 'move complaint about rounds files licenses and corruption, which deluded politicians the people, being not cost per barrel more than two dollars only, while it costs $ 20. "
The former deputy prime minister that the 'licensing rounds caused the loss of Iraq, and wasted money worth $ 13 billion a year', demanding Prime Minister B'cecchel a higher committee to open large files of corruption, oil, such as contracts and files, the Arab summit, weapons and electricity, trade in the previous government ', adding that' knowledge of those involved in the theft of the wealth of Iraq will contribute to save the country. "
Loopback says   He called himself the spokesman of Prime Minister B'shab hands chairman of the integrity Commission, Hassan al-Yassiri ', accusing him of B'astglal body as a Tsagaitih to defend political bloc, and to cover up the corruption files in licensing rounds, which are harmful to certain political bloc belongs Yasiri'.
It was also considered Onh'mn fortiori to the integrity Commission, knowing the reasons that caused the famine and drought in Iraq, and created and signed the contracts (in reference to former Deputy Prime Minister for energy, the current Minister of Education, Hussein al-Shahristani) '.
Loopback says    pointed out that' the movements of the integrity Commission in detecting corrupt, terrified all corrupt
Loopback says    Orange is the new GOI dress code.
Loopback says to rcookie    With news like this it's hard to miss.(y)
Hutch says to Loopback(    Do these stripes make me look fat ?
tarrog1 says    it was always going to be so much to be done before they could simply push the rv button. maliki wouldnt even be capable of getting this stuff done even if he wanted to
Pablo says    Fortunately it appears that they are at the end of the line.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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