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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Dinar Updates Rcookie & Member Chat 2-2-16   Part 2 of 3

Post From Dinar Updates 2-2-16
Excerpts & Highlights

Dinar Updates Rcookie & Member Chat 2-2-16   Part 2 of 3

​subgirl says to larrykn():   It resumes the House of Representatives, Tuesday, meetings to vote on the University of Defense Military Studies Act, read five laws, notably the first reading of the final accounts of the Republic of Iraq in 2007.

subgirl says to larrykn():   A parliamentary source told / information /, "The House of Representatives will resume its sessions today to hold the third session of the second legislative term by voting on a draft Defense University Military Studies Law, the first reading of the closing of the Republic of Iraq to the 2007 accounts, the first reading of the draft accession of the Republic of Iraq to the international regulations Convention for the prevention of collisions at Sea. "
subgirl says to larrykn():   The source added, "The Parliament will also discuss the first reading of the draft law of the Iraqi Syndicate of academics, and the discussion of the draft report and the First Amendment of the Law on Commercial Agency No. 51 of 2000 Act, and a report and discussion of the draft law of private security companies." Finished / 25
subgirl says to larrykn():
subgirl says to larrykn():   THIS one from rcookie too :)
ol lar says():   I don't normally put a whole lot of stock into what the so-called GURUS say, but some have been right enough of the time to lend them some credibility, with that said Wang Dang has said for years whrn the Amnesty bill is made law the Smart cards will be loaded with the HCL money at the deleted zero rate then all the valuable polititions who were exempted from prosecution will be placed in their rightful positions in the GOI, then when that happens we will see a RV bringing the rate from $1 +/- to $3-4,
jtank says():   also says Shabs needs to be in charge of the reval
jtank says():   Alaq cannot do it
ol lar says():   with Abadi's recent jumbling of Ministers positions , and the Amnesty law supposedly about to be passed he may be close to being right
clay01 says to ol lar():   Sounds to me like more Guru double talk, no offense, just not plausible
Dinar Investor says():   next parliament is on Thursday.
jd says():   How old is Sabibi?
larrykn says():   I don't think wang dang is that far off, he makes sence an he never put out bs
Dinar Investor says to jd():   Here you go.. Dinar Investor says to jd():   Sinan Al Shabibi
Dr. Sinan Al-Shabibi is an Iraqi economist who served as the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq from September 2003 to October 2012. Wikipedia
Born: July 1, 1941 (age 74), Baghdad, Iraq
Succeeded by: Abdel Basset Turki
Education: University of Bristol, University of Manchester, University of Baghdad
rcookie says to clay01():   AGREED...CONVOLUTING ISSUES...
ol lar says():
Reshuffle "psychological warfare" Abadi adopted to improve the performance of his ministers
subgirl says to larrykn():   Trade Bank of Iraq: we will adopt a new mechanism to give loans
clay01 says to larrykn():   A lot of "If's in that statement, none of which the IMF said was required
mfree05 says():   IMO only, Watching the political circus in Iraq is like watching a dog chasing it's own tail. (I believe a long flight duration aviator named- Okie said that.) But it's true.
I think all the needed laws for currency reform are complete. Therefore, like mr white says i am keeping my eye only on the economic ball, that is all that really matters at this point.
The IMF has told us very clearly what the remaining steps to Article 8 (and a likely implied change in value are; and the remaining items, as far as I can tell is to eliminate exchange restrictions and multiple currency practice (auctions).
larrykn says():   I remember him saying it will come out at something like 98cents to 1,17 to get the dollar off the streets then go to a full blowing RV 3+ rate
Baxter1243 says():   larrykn... yep.. I remember that..
subgirl says to larrykn():   It announced the Trade Bank of Iraq, on Tuesday, that the bank did not take its decision on stop giving loans, but set conditions and mechanisms to give loans to traders in cooperation with the Business Council of Iraq and the Federation of Industries of the data and be clear in front of the bank.
subgirl says to larrykn():   The Director of the bank Hamdiya dry in an interview for "tomorrow Press", "The Commercial Bank of Iraq has not made its decision on stop giving loans to traders and industrialists, but relied on a new mechanism," indicating that "the Bank has set the terms of cooperation with the boards of the Iraqi businessman and the Iraqi Federation of Industries It is known to be a merchant in accordance with the existing data. "
subgirl says to larrykn():   She said, "Trade Bank of Iraq, will adopt the mechanism of consultation with these organizations and councils to get to the correct data in order to take credit for the production of Iraqi industries."
subgirl says to larrykn():
ol lar says to larrykn():   one thing he has always said the same thing , like a broken record, so far he is not right nor wrong, we shall see
subgirl says to larrykn():   thanks rcookie for that article :)
larrykn says():   ol lar I would rather listen to him then some of the other nut cases out there lol
larrykn says():    besides he was Army :)
subgirl says():   Here is another article from rcookie! He is on a roll!! :)
subgirl says():  Change the way the province pay the financial dues to oil companiesHistory of edits::
subgirl says():   Ministry of Natural Resources announced in the Kurdistan Regional Government, on Monday, to change the method of payment of financial dues to oil companies operating in Kurdistan.
jtank says():   Alan Greenspan was 79 years old when he retired from cheif of the federal reserve--
subgirl says():   The ministry said in a statement that the monthly payments offered by the Kurdistan Regional Government to global oil production major, will be based on contractual entitlements under production-sharing according to the contract that governs all license as of January 1, 2016, to replace the temporary payment arrangements in place since last September ".
subgirl says():   He explained that the company payments for 2016 will reflect the income from each oil field on the basis of net return, taking into account differences in the quality of the extracted crude oil compared to prices of Brent crude oil, in addition to the discount applicable transportation fees."
jtank says():   larry--me too
subgirl says():   The statement added that in addition to benefits mentioned above, the Kurdistan Regional Government will pay a further boost, the equivalent of five percent of the monthly net revenue yield for each field, to compensate for the international oil companies that did not recover dues from the Kurdistan Regional Government ".anth
subgirl says():
clay01 says to subgirl():   I was wondering when they were going to get around to changing this, oil companies were making out like bandits, saw this coming, lol
subgirl says to clay01():   this is from madscout! Deputy Kurdish Baghdad and Erbil announces an agreement to raise the customs tariff for the region ports
subgirl says to clay01():    MP for the mass change Shirin Reza, for the Kurdish government delegation agreement with Baghdad during his visit yesterday to raise the value of customs tariffs on goods entering the province, Krdstan.oukalt satisfaction »during a visit to the Kurdish government delegation headed by Nechirvan Barzani to Baghdad has been agreed with the central government on the raise the value of the customs tariff imposed on the entry of goods to the Kurdistan region »
She added that» Login goods merchants to the Kurdistan region through the provincial ports were not imposed by the tariff Kmarkip also be imposed on the entry of goods into the province of Basra, which led to the reluctance of traders enter their goods through the ports Basra and the orientation of the outlets Kurdistan ».
subgirl says to clay01():
clay01 says to subgirl():   Thanks, yes saw it yesterday, I think, but good article, thanks, :)
subgirl says to clay01():   there is quite a bit being said about tarrifs... rcookie brot in an article about it and so did madscout!
subgirl says to clay01():   here is another article rcookie has in the forum
subgirl says to clay01():   Rafidain Bank .. serious steps to encourage citizens to save and increase customer profit
clay01 says to subgirl():   bring it!!!!!
subgirl says to clay01():   As part of his quest to contribute to the mitigation of the effects and consequences of the severe economic crisis in the country, and in order to reassure tens of thousands of citizens to their deposits and money in it, the Rafidain Bank in the current administration efficient seeks to study the proposal to increase the proportion of depositors' profits, in order to ensure access to liquidity on the one hand and compete with private banks, in addition to providing banking service to its customers it serves in hand, they get more profit.
subgirl says to clay01():   In this context, also Rafidain Bank has assured its customers on the conservation and protection of their money deposited with him, saying, Hasib senior source at the Rafidain Bank, the existence of a study of the proposal to increase the proportion of customers profit to enter the government banks to compete with other banks to stimulate the public to save the bank, rather than a freeze on assets they have without investment.
subgirl says to clay01():   According to banking and finance that would move figures to encourage the fields of financial and investment banking for customers and companies interested to develop projects in the country to contribute to the mitigation of the consequences of the economic crisis and out of it at the lowest possible losses.
subgirl says to clay01():   Bankers confirms that the Rafidain Bank is one of the most important and prominent discreet financial institutions is not at the level of the country only, but the region has never seen since the date of its establishment in 1941,
any delay or fraud and breach of money deposited with him being a follower of the government and the money deposited in it serves as the religion of the government repaid to the customer when willing, in addition to the commitment regardless of annual profits. 
subgirl says to clay01():   He noted the banking source said management of the bank assured customers their savings and urging them to deposit their money in the bank for the purpose of investment, confirming the presence of a study proposal to increase the proportion of annual customers profit to enter into competition with other banks and to encourage citizens to invest their money rather than frozen.
The experts, money and economy have pointed out that the country is suffering an economic crisis may affect the banking because of the government's borrowing from them.
subgirl says to clay01():   In order to create a reminder for this step and study the positive effects on the banking business research division and marketing the banking subsidiary of the Bank has organized a seminar entitled General principles for the concept of banking marketing touched on the definition of the concept of banking marketing and promoting missions marketing staff in order to ensure the customer flow and streamlined banking service with ease, efficiency and effectiveness.
subgirl says to clay01():   Press office of the bank said that the management of the bank is seeking to submit a set of proposals and answers to some questions the participants also discussed the work obstacles experienced by some branches for the purpose of study and deliver them to the concerned authorities to develop appropriate solutions.
subgirl says to clay01():   The Rafidain Bank has announced the expansion of issuing smart card for employees and retirees outlets in its branches in Baghdad and Mahafezat.oukal press office said in a statement that the bank deliberately to increase the number of its stations,
subgirl says to clay01():   specifically in the province of Basra, which saw the expansion work to be four stations as a result of the momentum of winning in issuing smart card categories covered by explaining that the action goal to provide the necessary facilities for employees and retirees without any obstacles or problems and alleviate the suffering they face during the release process.

Comments may be made at the end of part 3   Thank You

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