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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Dinar Updates Monday Night Chat  2-22-16   Part 2 of 2

Post From Dinar Updates 2-22-16
Chat Room Excerpts & Highlights

Dinar Updates Monday Night Chat  2-22-16   Part 2 of 2
Holly1 says   the customs tariff is a tax levied on goods imported by the State on the other, used several customs tariff countries to protect the industry from foreign competition by raising prices of imported goods, so the customs tariff encourage local industries to increase their production, and forced citizens to pay higher prices if they wish to imported goods, 

the Ministry of Finance has adopted a new Kmarkip fees on imported goods, this procedure has sparked mixed reactions among economists, investors and traders in the area of impact on the reduction of the entry of imported goods and rising prices.
Holly1 says   Specialists claim to the government for "activating sector Sairafi" to solve economic crisis
popeye7 says to Holly1   thanks Holly1....
Holly1 says   Called economists and politicians, the Iraqi government to the need to activate Sairafi sector to contribute to solving the economic crisis in the country, while considered aggravation of the crisis was the result of "failed economic policies" of previous governments, confirmed that the tax "an important factor" in the provision of appropriate resources of the general budget. The MP Karima slain on the sidelines of its
Holly1 says to popeye7   you are welcome
Holly1 says   participation in the founding conference of the Federation of Iraqi money changers, and attended (range Press), said that "the economic crisis experienced by Iraq today, came as a result of the accumulation of errors serious economic policy failures of previous governments since April 2003."
she maids that "all parliamentary sessions, was weak and did not exercise its supervisory role over the executive authorities, and accountable to the misappropriation of funds at the previous budgets, "pointing out that" the economic crisis has burdened the Iraqi citizen, and did not touch any economic development so far. "
for his part, adviser to the CBI and Idi Walid Abdel Nabi in an interview (range Press), he said that "the various countries of the world, when in financial crisis, starting with a search for other ways to increase the budget." and Abdel Nabi said, "the tax, if imposed will give service to the citizen in the future," adding that it "is not a factor
Holly1 says   detrimental to the economy , but an important factor in the provision of the budget adequate resources. " He said Abdul Nabi," we have noticed in the past that the total Alcomerkamih and tax revenues were not exceeding in the best conditions trillion dinars,
"noting that" It is expected today that imports up to four trillion dinars, to contribute to the supplement the budget and reduce the deficit between revenue and expenditure. " turn count and former political deputy Hassani said in an interview to the (long-Presse)," the current economic crisis, the adoption of the government's economic resource and one which is oil, "pointing
Holly1 says   out that" Iraq is a rentier state and the decline in oil prices led to exacerbate this crisis. " he called al-Hassani to" work on the new reforms, including the activation of the private sector and find other resources, as well as the development of Sairafi sector, in order to advance the current economic crisis plaguing the country. "
the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, a student, Saturday (21- 2-2016), the House of Representatives to approve the formation of a "consensus government", as called for spending cuts and get soft loans from the countries of the world. the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Saturday (02/21/2016) "we reduced the government spending is significantly to nearly half last month to less than half, "calling to" reduce spending and get soft loans from the countries of the world. "
Holly1 says   Iraq revives bond plan to raise two billion dollars
Author: HAA   Editor: BK 02/22/2016 20:13    Detection and Finance Minister, Hoshyar Zebari, on Monday, that Iraq sought to raise two billion dollars from the sale of treasury bonds globally, likely request the assistance of the International Monetary Fund to cope with the financial crisis afflicting.
Zebari said in a telephone interview with the American site Bloomberg Bloomberg economic news, followed up (range Press), he said that "Iraq may resort to the global bond markets during the second half of the year the current 2016 to raise about two billion dollars,"
noting that "the bond offering to bid It is now on the agenda, especially that Iraq is in a better position this year than the previous one, for the issuance of those bonds, where she was then very high interest rates. "
popeye7 says to Holly1   Just RV that currency... No more loans... No new taxes until RV... With love, the Iraqi Citizen...
Holly1 says   The site said that "the bond sale plan has stalled the year past 2015, because investors demanded concessions and benefits deemed too expensive government," noting that "Iraq agreed to the financial surveillance program to the International Monetary Fund, which would pave the way for other aid from the Fund."
The minister added that "officials will hold further talks with the International Monetary Fund, and that Iraq may consider the possibility of demanding more aid," he returned to the "too early to determine the potential size of the loan."
Holly1 says   The Governor of the Central Bank and the Agency, on the Keywords, announced in (the 15th of February, the current 2016), the intention of the bank to sell bonds to the public worth seven trillion dinars during the current year.
The Finance Minister, Hoshyar Zebari, said in (the third of March 2015 the past), that Iraq is considering several options to overcome the fiscal deficit, which is currently suffering from it, including borrowing from government banks issuance and the issuance of six billion dollars worth of loans, bonds, in agreement with international banks, and in the while Baghdad and Erbil renewed commitment to the agreement they reached to export oil, expected to be the next round of talks between the two "difficult because of the crisis of confidence between them," and other factors.
Holly1 says   The names of involved officials of smuggling $ 15 billion shift to a secret parliamentary session
Author:    Editor: AZ 2/22/2016 22:09   Once begun Central Bank Governor and Deputy Minister of Finance, and representatives of the intelligence service, the Board of Control, who their guest the House of Representatives yesterday, displays a list of involved government officials smuggled money,
 so I decided the presidency of parliament turned the meeting into a secret, recommending the House of Representatives not to disclose any significant information.
The session discussed money and property intelligence service of the former regime smuggled outside Iraq, deposited with banks and global banks refuse delivered to the Government of Iraq. The estimated amounts of contraband and documented in the Iraqi government records, in the past 12 years, with 15 billion dollars.
Holly1 says   The shape of the parliament a supreme committee, headed by a vice president, and members include the heads of the committees on Foreign Relations, finance, defense and security, integrity, and legal, in order to recover the amounts of contraband and activate Recovery Fund.
It did not hold Recovery Fund, which was established in 2012 only 9 meetings in spite of the existence of a financial allocations in the federal budget up to 20 billion dinars annually. The fund was unable to recover any amounts remember.
Parliament lifted its to early next month, while the meeting witnessed the vote on the two bills and the other end to read and discuss the smuggling of Iraqi funds.
Holly1 says   MP says Jabbar al-Abadi, a member of the Finance Committee told the (range), that "the parliament hosted the Governor of the Central Bank and a representative of the Intelligence Service and the Office of Financial Supervision and Deputy Minister of Finance for discussion on money smuggled out of Iraq before and after the year 2003," revealing "the formation of the parliament a supreme committee to follow the recovery of these funds. "
He said al-Abadi "The committee will be headed by a vice president of the House of Representatives and with a membership of both the Legal Committee, integrity and financial security, defense, foreign affairs and a representative of the Central Bank and the intelligence service and the Financial Inspection Office and Deputy Minister of Finance," pointing out that the committee "will begin its work next week."
Holly1 says   Iraq had founded a fund he called the (Iraqi funds Redemption Fund). Under Law No. 9 of 2012, the Fund regulates the work of the Economic and Financial Department prosecutions and recovery of funds and deposits.
He says a member of the Finance Committee that "the attribution of responsibility to fund money to recover to the Deputy Minister of Finance, despite the large number of obligations and their concerns did not lead to activating the work of the Fund, although the allocation of 20 billion dinars a year for his work, but he did not hold only 9 meetings."
The House of Representatives has decided to convert its "secret session" after he embarked on parliamentary committees and representatives of the intelligence service and the Financial Inspection Office and the Central
Holly1 says   Bank Governor and Deputy Minister of Finance, presented a list of responsible figures in the previous government was involved smuggling money outside Iraq.
MP says Ardalan Noureddine, a member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, said that "this committee will work to recover the amounts smuggled according to the oil-for-food program concluded in the period of the former regime, as well as the post-2003."
He said Noureddine, told the (range), "The money diverted volume during the period of the former regime did not specify a particular number, but what we knew was that these amounts are increasing continuously as they deposited in banks and international banks."
Holly1 says   The member of the Integrity Commission, "suffer from the problems of the news about the place of these banks and the banks, because the stimulus in the existing refund smuggled Fund does not give the benefit of the return of funds to these banks only 10%."
According to another member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, "the amounts of contraband and documented in the records of the Iraqi government in the past 12 years up to more than $ 15 billion."
MP says Haider Alfoada, told the (range), "The money smuggling operation to take place outside Iraq nonwoven manner and hard to come by, as well as ongoing money laundering operations to this day."
In turn, confirms the Foreign Relations Committee that "the money smuggled contraband including money during the period of the former regime and post-2003."
Holly1 says   The Commission attributes the failure to restore the money to the multiplicity of government committees in all ministries and the central bank and independent bodies.
Says Iqbal Abdul Hussein, (range), "There are companies and real estate belonging to the intelligence service of the former regime period will be examined by the Supreme Committee for the restored", pointing out that "these properties exist in France, Britain and Switzerland."
Reveals a member of the Integrity Commission's intention to "Higher Committee" Restoring the money deposited by Iraq in the international banks under the oil-for-food program.
She said the MP Iqbal Abdul Hussain "There are negotiations conducted by the Iraqi government with these banks, but declined to deliver these amounts."   
Holly1 says   We MP Abdul-Hussein "did not know yet the size of the money due to lack of bonus stipulated in the recovery of funds and accounted with 10% Fund, and that no more than 250,000 dollars,"
pointing out that "these countries or banks consider this a pittance compared to the Iraqi amounts since the possession of the former regime. " Asserting that "a portion of the money is in the banks and the banks of Jordan and a Swiss."
Holly1 says   It confirms MP Ali gesture, vice chairman of the parliamentary bloc of Badr, that "the session the House of Representatives introduced earlier government figures involved process smuggling of funds as well as the companies and personalities non-Iraqi names."
He said the gesture, in a statement to (run), "arrived there Report to all members of the House of Representatives not to disclose any information discussed in its secrecy."
Holly1 says   ok everyone I have been up since 4am .. and really sleepy .... I will be in tomorrow .... just need a little sleep .... keep Faith ..... Please keep Mr,BGG in prayers ... with Love .... (F)

popeye7 says to Holly1   Somebodies are busted...
Holly1 says to popeye7   oh for sure .. bust all them crooks
subgirl says to quicktolegit96   yes and a secret meeting behind closed doors!!! did you read that this afternoon!
quicktolegit96 says   I READ THE HEADLINE
subgirl says to quicktolegit96   read more than the headline... you will see who and what they talked about!
quicktolegit96 says   YES TY

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