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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Dinar Updates Monday Night Chat  2-22-16   Part 1 of 2

Post From Dinar Updates 2-22-16
Chat Room Excerpts & Highlights

Dinar Updates Monday Night Chat  2-22-16   Part 1 of 2
MArco says():    Millionday said last week they hve to mcomplete Article 8 before end of month. If they don;t do that don;t gove any credibility to ist half of 2016.
None because no deadline has been met so first half of 2016 has been said about a 1000 times so far by guru's , it means absolutely nothing. Article 8 will either happen or not and if it does we are good. If it does not don;t look to the ist half of 2016 thing eiter. It is just another string along.
RickeyT says to Marco     most of us have heard the promises before, wait and see is all we can do.
MArco says  atleast the article 8 is close and we will see. I cannot imagine a situation where more dates we goven and none adhered to. We also have this conferecne on March 6 and 7th which was suppose to happen Jan 21.
They must have felt confident about something and something must have been important to move something so big and within a reasonable amount of time.
The logistics of moving something so big would have to cause many problems with people booking planes trains and camels to get to some place and lose camel credits for cancelling and then rescheduling hotels and places to stay. Must be relevant.
BGG says to magnetlady   I am going to shut down both THE BLOG and OBSERVER until (at least) Saturday....
magnetlady says   OK Thanks for the heads up. Appreciate your telling us.
JETSET says to dalawr30   actually just the 30th!
JETSET says to dalawr30   and the 31st!
magnetlady says   There ya to jetset. This is leap years.
dalawr30 says   That's true, but wondcer how many cought it.
BGG says   General Announcement - I won't be on much between now and Sat - I am wrapping up those projects I have been working on... then I have surgery on both my legs on Friday..
BGG says   Any luck - you should have me back (a lot more) - after the weekend.
popeye7 says to subgirl    I have been under the radar lately... Seems that the longevity of this affair tends to ware on people from time to time, and it comes out on the sight... Only few actually know the date, and all we can do is speculate, and hope it happens tomorrow... I am doing well.. Just finished devouring tacos.. Yummy!... 8-):D
Holly1 says   We are in the beginning ...    the financial and economic crisis in the region is in its infancy and I think it will drag on for it to everyone to work together and willingness to sacrifice.
It is true that the whole of Iraq is going through crisis, but Baghdad has a ways to follow to get the money, including: -
1. Baghdad has $ 59 billion of reserve and is now trying to withdraw $ 15 billion to cover the deficit and provide salaries while the provincial government does not have anything
2. Baghdad may borrow from the World Bank, which has done well, while the province has no right to borrow because it is not a state
3-Baghdad printed Recent big four trillion dinars fifty-class thousand Dchth in the market, while the provincial government can not print currency ..
Greece passed a major financial crisis, such as those we are in. But the European Union lie in and helped them dramatically ..
But we in the Kurdistan does not have one go to him.
the only thing that makes us express our crisis is the rise in oil prices so only pray for Anmlk that prices rise to what it was before the sharp fall
Mishan al-Jubouri, after his visit to Integrity: the coming hours will see the assignment of ministers and senior officials to eliminate
Monday 22-02-2016 | 2:33:18    Twilight News / announced the Integrity Commission, member of the parliamentary Mishan al-Jubouri on Monday for the codification of his statements by investigators in the Integrity Commission on issues of financial corruption concerning departments and government institutions, had been expecting to see the next few hours refer the ministers and senior officials in the state to court.
Jubouri said in a statement responded to the Twilight News, said he met today with Chairman of the Integrity Commission in the presence of his deputy Hassan al-Yassiri Judge Ezzat Tawfiq, indicating that Yasiri "has ordered investigators commissioned by writing down my words and Alabarriet complaints against those who accused them of corruption."
Holly1 says   BGG we all well be waiting to hear from Mrs,BGG .... :)
da58 says   He added that "my words were written in the facts of corruption against Mr. former Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlaq concerning the displaced file and grab sugar pier at Umm Qasr."
He added that al-Jubouri, "recorded my words informant and complaining in the takeover business man Srjm Qazzaz file and later his son Ahmed Ali Free markets and Lands at Baghdad airport without paying the state in excess of a hundred million dollars to support and facilitate the Minister Bayan dues."
He said he was "also posted news about an incident of corruption in the Ministry of Agriculture related to the import of fertilizer from Qatar and the involvement of the former deputy," he said, adding that he will complete his testimony tomorrow, "and the facts of corruption" that he has.
da58 says   Jubouri and pointed out that "I can confirm that the next few hours will see the assignment of ministers and senior officials to the judiciary."
RickeyT says
Holly1 says   02/23/2016   Parliamentary Economy: application of the customs tariff supports the economy and diversify imports
Holly1 says\    The Commission on the economy and investment representative, on Monday, that the law of customs tariff will be applied to all government ports, without exception, including the Kurdistan region, as indicated it beginning to support the country's economy and diversify its imports, called on economists to activate a package of support for the Law of the tariff laws.
Holly1 says   The Council of Ministers Iraq decided to develop points in the approved border crossing points shall audit and make sure customs tariff are met, and the development of standardization points of quality control.
a member of the Committee on economy and investment parliamentary Nora Salem Albjara, in an interview for the "long" that "the law of customs tariff will be applied in all government ports without exception, including Kurdistan, indicating that "the Interior Ministry and agencies Almsoalh from the application of customs tariff law they set up Sitarat before border crossings for areas that suffer from the problems and differences in their application to monitor violators."
Holly1 says   "the government has formed a coordinating committees between the Ministry of planning and the provincial government about the need to apply the customs tariff as a result of objections of some provinces to apply the law to its outlets without provincial outlets. "
She said Albjara that" the economic crisis has pushed the federal government to apply the ruling economic laws, the most important customs tariff law, which provides for the state treasury billions of dinars a month. "
She noted" the existence of unofficial outlets controlled by mafias influential in most provinces prohibit the application of laws, so must the Ministry of planning and Interior departments Almsoalh cooperation and coordination for the application of the customs tariff law, to be a deterrent for offenders to commit their application. "
Holly1 says   it rose by saying that" to start activating the law, accompanied by a lot of the administrative and technical problems process which will end shortly after. "
turn, said the parliamentary finance committee member Majda al-Tamimi, in an interview for the" long "that" there are ongoing agreements on the need to apply customs tariffs in all government ports, including Kurdistan, but should be enacted this law to the circumstances of the country's economic, and the need to diversify its imports to be able to supplement the operating budget money. "
she added," we seek to develop the collection of internal laws also exist in most developed countries and the eradication of rampant corruption in government outlets by some of the staff who transfer without applied properly, "and called for" using modern technology surveillance cameras, at all border crossing points to ensure their application to everyone. "
Holly1 says   Tamimi said, and explained," border crossings employees need to be trained and to an advanced system of sophisticated technology and computers, because most of them Aimitlkon scientific qualifications and Aegedon work according to modern systems through the computer to enter information and classified in the form of tables showing the money entering numbers to each port on a daily basis. "
for his part, economist Mohammed Hammad al-Ani said in an interview for the" long ", that" the application of economic laws is a priority for any government that wants to sustain its financial system and maintain the basic pillars which manages the wheel of sustainable growth. " .
"the entry of Iraq in the realm of economic crisis, prompting the government to seek funds to bridge the budget deficit of 60% of the total state budget, while the past 13 years has not politicians pay any importance to activate the various resources of the country for their dependence on oil sales, and officials started
Holly1 says   He said al-Ani said" activation government Act without the other does not build a strong and able to cope with recurrent crises, economic system, so it should be an economic base developed through initiating the development of inter-related laws, which means an increase of internal financial resources and make it birthright of the state and upgrade services provided to citizens as a result of financial Colva hold them real. "
He said the" delay in the domestic industry and its disappearance as a result of the backward policies pursued by successive governments to make Iraq a consumer market for the products of neighboring countries which are not characterized by the characteristics of quality as in the local product. "
Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You   

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