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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments   2-23-16   Part 2 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

 BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-23-16   Part 2 of 2

Citizen: Stay tuned for the sacking of those responsible for the financial system
Economy  --  Since 02.23.2016 at 12:26 (Baghdad time)   Special - balances News
It revealed the citizen block, on Tuesday, up close and dismiss accounting based on the financial system in Iraq, including the central bank governor and the head of the Financial Inspection Office and other persons involved financial file.
The MP said the bloc's citizens Habib Terminal / balances News /, "The banking and financial system in Iraq flabby and all those who support it corrupt and non
He said the terminal, that "based on the financial system, starting from the central bank governor and the head of the Financial Inspection Office and Deputy Minister of Finance and all those who attended the secret meeting in the House of Representatives to discuss ml currency smuggling did not provide convincing answers to the Council on the subject," adding, "They are not able to deal with the sensitivity of the current situation in which the country is going through. "
He stressed that "to hosting these proved that all of them do not have the experience and Alderbh in their field," adding that "all their answers on the subject of currency smuggling were not convincing."
He pointed out that "the future meetings of the parliament will be dismissed from office and held accountable for the failure in the financial management of the situation," stressing the need to "set their replacements of" technocrats "and they have experience in the financial field."
The parliamentary session was witnessed on Monday to host the Governor of the Central Bank and a representative of the Intelligence Service and the Office of Financial Supervision and Deputy Minister of Finance for discussion on money smuggled out of Iraq.  LINK
By: Ahmed Zmim  

Herb62:   Oh NO !!, Sounds like somebody is in trouble.... Twisted Evil
[tlm724] lookin forward to it..BL
[tlm724] revealed the citizen block, on Tuesday, up close and dismiss accounting based on the financial system in Iraq, including the central bank governor and the head of the Financial Inspection Office and other persons involved financial file.
[tlm724] to quote the great one, how sweet it is !!
[tlm724] "based on the financial system, starting from the central bank governor and the head of the Financial Inspection Office and Deputy Minister of Finance and all those who attended the secret meeting in the House of Representatives to discuss ml currency smuggling did not provide convincing answers to the Council on the subject,
Protesters in Safwan demanding to compensate them for their farms, which were annexed to Kuwait

22/02/2016 05:41 |  Direction Press / follow-up
Zahir number of border farms, which were annexed to the Kuwaiti territory UN resolution in 1993 near the headquarters of the Department of Safwan in Basra province to demand regardless of the amount of compensation that the Iraqi government has pledged to pay their owners.
He said one of the organizers of the demonstration, Hadi al-Rikabi said that "at least 20 people from the border farms, which the UN Security Council decided to confiscate and attach it to the Kuwaiti territory in 1993, the owners demonstrated near the administration headquarters to demand that the Iraqi government, regardless allocated to them compensation,"
noting that "the demonstrators got before three years on a small portion of the compensation that the disposal of the remaining funds to them shortly after, but they did not get anything from them. "
Stapes He pointed out that "the participants in the demonstration, demanding the Iraqi Foreign Ministry to expedite the dues exchange," adding that "the Iraqi government got from the United Nations for many years allocated to the owners of farms confiscated compensation, and therefore the government must abide by, regardless of those amounts."
For his part, the head of the local council in the area of ​​Safwan fighter Jurani "The farmers who suffered their farms border to confiscation refused to timely receipt of compensation from the United Nations directly, and considered that it might be interpreted in the future that they have sold their land to the State of Kuwait," explaining that " the Iraqi government took it upon themselves to exchange them compensation, but did not act them anything until the fall of the regime. "
Jurani He pointed out that "the Iraqi government has a few years ago to re-evaluate (valuation) farms confiscated, and decided to compensate each farm in the amount of 120 million dinars, and then decide the amount was reduced to 90 million dinars,"
adding that "the government spent in 2013, $ 23 million each owner of a farm as part of the compensation, then the remaining compensation included in the general budget for 2015, but it did not happen to those who deserve it for unknown reasons. "
Jurani stressed that "the number of Iraqi farms that have been attached to the Kuwaiti territory the more than 100 farms, the farms that completed their owners compensation number 75 farm transactions," adding that "those farms most of which were within the terms of Safwan, others within the area of ​​Umm Qasr , but it has become part of the Kuwaiti Al Abdali area. " 
The UN Security Council issued in 1993, Resolution No. (833) which provides for the demarcation of the border between Iraq and Kuwait, which has a length of 216 km, through the formation of an international commission to demarcate the border, which was rejected by Iraq in the beginning,
and then returned and approved by the officially late 1994, which led to the deduction of Iraqi territory in terms of both Safwan and Umm Qasr, including farms belonging to Iraqi citizens, as well as reducing the water area of ​​the Iraqi regional, and after 2003, the Iraqi government agreed to install the demarcation of the border without objection, and as a result the Kuwaiti government    before three years extended metal tube at a border line between the two countries.
[BondLady] the article about the Kuwaiti border
[tlm724] yes
[BondLady]and the farmers wanting payment for those properties cause they were annexed back to Kuwait. That is part of article 140 and UN sanctions against Iraq.
[BondLady]Iraq had to return to Kuwait what Saddam stole an put his people on the Kuwaiti land now that its been returned those people want payment from Baghdad cause the UN has stopped paying it
[BondLady]the reasons I'm saying this is because a lot of art 140 is being settled on the down low imo
[tlm724] yes they seem to be working on everything at one time

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