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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments   2-23-16  Part 1 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

 BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-23-16  Part 1 of 2

Maliki cabinet reshuffle will be announced during the month
23/02/2016 10:26 | Direction Press Special /  MP for the coalition of state law, Abdul Salam al-Maliki on Tuesday, said the coalition supports the cabinet reshuffle announced by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.
Maliki said in an interview for "trend-Presse," The State of Law coalition is open with other blocs in order to achieve the issue of cabinet reshuffle, describing the current cabinet ministry Patchwork because of the reforms that have taken place in it since the period after the cancellation of a number of ministries and merging ministries with another.
He added that there are some ministers in the current government they are some negative indicators and must be changed, stressing that the change of some ministers became a duty to work with the Prime Minister, starting from the top and down to the different state institutions as "bodies, agencies, consultants and general managers."
He said the Prime Minister when it has hosted in the House of Representatives recently raising the issue of comprehensive change that will stand some blocks obstacle face to maintain their positions in the government, but he also said that the comprehensive cabinet reshuffle will pass because there is a desire of the parliamentary majority, on this scroll, with the survival of the prime minister to form new government based on certain criteria through the formation of a supreme committee in this regard.

He said the change will be announced during the month to the Iraqi people, which is the source of authority and the source of legislation, calling for political blocs to comply with this change for the sake of the people.
It is said that Prime Minister Haider Abadi, the Iraqi parliament called for a mandate to form a government that can not rely on the basis of quotas is that most of those who spoke at the parliamentary session kept on granting Abadi mandate demanded by and stressed on the necessity of undergoing any change to the will of Parliament.
 [tlm724] He said the change will be announced during the month to the Iraqi people, which is the source of authority and the source of legislation, calling for political blocs to comply with this change for the sake of the people
[tlm724] *hallelujah* lets dance the dance
Parliamentary Integrity: there are fake companies dealing with community banks to smuggle currency abroad

23/02/2016 11:57 | Direction Press / special   He parliamentary Integrity Committee member Abdul Karim Abtan the Committee in accordance with Article 91 of the Constitution has the arms to fight corruption, a committee revealing not have the power to investigate or arrest.
Abtan In an interview with "direction," said the three arms of the Commission is the Integrity Commission and the Inspector General and the Financial Audit Department. Indicating that all the files referred to the judiciary, which the authority concerned to take appropriate decisions and judgments.
Abtan said that the amounts that were stolen in Iraq came through administrative and financial corruption. He pointed out that the money that entered Iraq since 2003 and so far exceed eight hundred billion dollars.
He Abtan that such a huge sum, as we grant that half of it went to the operating budget, we can in the second half to build a new Iraq of building comparable to what exists in developed countries.
He said a member of the Commission that there are fake companies operating in Iraq and deal with community banks are smuggling money out of Iraq in exchange for receipts and false invoices.
[tlm724] there are fake companies dealing with community banks to smuggle currency abroad
[tlm724] ya think
[cat] prolly
[tlm724] that the amounts that were stolen in Iraq came through administrative and financial corruption
[tlm724] exceed eight hundred billion dollars
[tlm724] there are fake companies operating in Iraq and deal with community banks are smuggling money out of Iraq in exchange for receipts and false invoices
[tlm724] at least they are acknowledging it now
MP for the Civic Democratic Alliance ultra Sheikh Ali
Deputy: Commission to recover the money smuggled fail because they are subject to the blocks and parties

02/23/2016 12:57   Tomorrow Press / Baghdad ruled MP for Civic Democratic Alliance high-Sheikh Ali, on Tuesday, that the Commission could retrieve money smuggled in parliament success work because it is a problem of the blocks and parties, some of them covering the others,
stressing that the parliament can smuggled money counting and detection of some of the names and not recovered. he said Sheikh Ali for "tomorrow's Press," "in these circumstances through which Iraq rule out that the House can succeed in controlling the money smuggled and recovery," noting that "Parliament is able smuggled money count and make the names of some of the smugglers Iraqi funds."
He noted that the "Committee for refund contraband problem in the House of Representatives subject to quotas partisan, ethnic, and its work will be a failure because the political blocs cover on each other," stressing "the need to form a real government of technocrats for civilian prosecution of corrupt and spoilers across it." LINK

 [tlm724] that the "Committee for refund contraband problem in the House of Representatives subject to quotas partisan, ethnic, and its work will be a failure because the political blocs cover on each other," stressing "the need to form a real government of technocrats for civilian prosecution of corrupt and spoilers across it."
[tlm724] failure because the political blocs cover on each other
[tlm724] change em out !
Sheikh Hammoudi: I will continue to expose myself smuggled money Names and Numbers
History of edits:: 02/23/2016 15:05    {Baghdad: Euphrates News} chaired by a member of the board of the Presidency of the Council of Representatives, Sheikh Hamoudi, with the Deputy Speaker of Parliament Aram Sheikh Mohammed formation of a supreme committee to direct supervision to recover the stolen funds file inside the country and smuggled abroad. "
A member of the board of the Presidency of the Council of Representatives, Sheikh Hamoudi, full keenness in the personal follow-up to detect smuggled money and identified the names and numbers in the coming period, stressing that there is a need and great responsibility to make greater efforts towards recovery of these amounts, especially at the moment.
He said Sheikh Hamoudi office said in a statement received by the agency {Euphrates News} a copy of it that "a member of the board of the Presidency of the Council of Representatives, Sheikh Hamoudi, chaired by Vice President of the Parliament of Syria, Sheikh Mohammed formation of a supreme committee to direct supervision to recover the stolen funds file inside the country and smuggled abroad,
 stressing full keenness in the personal follow-up to detect smuggled money and identified the names and numbers in the coming period, accounting and legal for both prove stolen and profaning the people's money.
and that "there is a need and great responsibility to make greater efforts towards recovery of this, especially in this circumstance financial grave, which passes by the country amounts ".
" The presidency of the Council also considers that the committee membership heads of committees of integrity, finance and foreign affairs, legal, security, defense and accountability and justice are,
"pointing out that" the Commission will choose the accession of the find appropriate and effective for this sensitive issue and the task as a main integrity Commission and the Office of financial supervision, noting that placed expose the corrupt and recover money stolen everyone's responsibility ".anthy
[tlm724] its all about the money and corruption now, better late then never 
[tlm724] gonna get hot in Baghdad  Twisted Evil
[tlm724] thats Jubouri's right hand man and he is dead serious too
[tlm724] to detect smuggled money and identified the names and numbers in the coming period,
[tlm724] stressing that there is a need and great responsibility to make greater efforts towards recovery of these amounts, especially at the moment
[tlm724] dayum right there is urgency at this moment, they have to start the recovery process of ALL things !
[tlm724] they either do it NOW or let the country fall into shambles !
Kurdistan: sure not to Abadi's ability to implement the proposed salary
Political  --  Since 02/23/2016 12:30 (Baghdad time)   Special - balances News
It confirmed the Kurdistan Alliance MP Ashwaq dry, Tuesday, that the proposal Abadi's firing provincial employees' salaries in exchange for receiving oil revenues remained "verbally" did not discuss formally excluded the Baghdad government's ability to apply it because of the financial crisis.
He's dry / balances News /, "The subject of the oil accord unleashed by Prime Minister Haider al
And I was amazed at the "sufficiency Abadi launch of this project through the media did not speak about it through constitutional and legal dialogue table."
She dry, that "the Kurdistan welcoming this project," he wondered, "Is the government could launch those salaries at a time when cash
And it showed that "in light of the fiscal deficit, the proposal Abadi is" irrational, "adding that" we are sure not to Abadi's ability to implement this project. "
It is said that the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has launched a special project requiring the payment of the salaries of the Kurdistan region in exchange for delivery of oil revenues to the center.   LINK    By: Ahmed Zmim  
[tlm724] that the proposal Abadi's firing provincial employees' salaries in exchange for receiving oil revenues remained "verbally" did not discuss formally excluded the Baghdad government's ability to apply it because of the financial crisis.
[tlm724] *wah*
[tlm724] It is said that the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has launched a special project requiring the payment of the salaries of the Kurdistan region in exchange for delivery of oil revenues to the center.
[tlm724] make it so !

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You   

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