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Saturday, February 6, 2016

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-6-16  Part 2 of 3

Post From BondLadys Corner

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-6-16  Part 2 of 3
Iraqi parliament building / imaging (MR)
Parliamentary Awqaf 500 personal calls to share peaceful coexistence conference tomorrow
Author: HH, MK  Editor: HH, NS 6/2/2016 12:43            
Long-Presse / Baghdad    Committee announced Awqaf and Religious Affairs in the House of Representatives on Saturday, invited 500 political and religious figure and social participation Conference peaceful coexistence to be held in the capital, Baghdad, on Sunday, and while confirming that the conference will come out with recommendations "of interest to the Iraqis,"
pointed out that the conference will distinguish between " entrenched in a row terrorism, sectarianism and create crises and advocates for the unity of Iraq and the fight against terrorism. "

Committee Chairman Abdul Azim Ajman during a press conference at the parliament building and attended (range Press), said that "the invitations to more than 500 political figures and all the ministers and a large number of clerics and provincial councils in addition to representatives of the religious components in the country and the three presidencies and heads of diplomatic missions in Iraq to attend the National Conference of peaceful coexistence and the prohibition of hate and fight against extremism and terrorism, which will be held on Sunday in the House of Representatives, the center of Baghdad. "
He Ajman, that "the Commission held meetings with the leaders of the popular crowd and security forces have everyone welcomed this conference and expressed their full support for the efforts made and the recommendations that will come out in the conference,"
adding that "the conference is an integrated program to be a distinction between who is trenched in the trench of terrorism and blasphemy and sectarianism and create crises, instability and among those who is in a ditch and unity of Iraq and the fight against terrorism and sectarianism. "
He Ajman, said "We are not in front of the Conference like other conferences even before the socially and politically broad Iraqi Front, representing the axis of moderation to counter extremism, which pays more fragmentation and division," pointing out that "the recommendations that will come out in the conference will matter all Iraqis."
The Committee of Awqaf and Religious Affairs in the House of Representatives, announced on Sunday the (15 November 2015), the establishment of a national commission for the protection of peaceful coexistence and the fight against terrorism and extremism, while confirming that the Commission has received the blessing of parliament and religious authorities.    LINK
tlm724:   "the invitations to more than 500 political figures and all the ministers and a large number of clerics and provincial councils in addition to representatives of the religious components in the country and the three presidencies and heads of diplomatic missions in Iraq to attend the National Conference of peaceful coexistence and the prohibition of hate and fight against extremism and terrorism, which will be held on Sunday in the House of Representatives, the center of Baghdad.

Gardens residential project Hussein in Karbala
Karbala continue to work with 31 investment projects and Chinese companies will implement Alfr East Airport 
Author: HH, TT    Editor: BK, HH 6/2/2016 11:07
Long-Presse / Karbala    Committee announced its investment in the province of Karbala on Saturday, all continue to work with 31 investment projects to maintain, (108 km south of Baghdad), and the reluctance of the 15 other for reasons related to government departments or investors,
it revealed assume a Chinese company implemented International Airport, the Middle Euphrates, and as confirmed Karbala that "suitable and attractive environment" for investment, she noted that several Arab and foreign companies awaiting approval and allocation of land for the establishment of projects.
Committee Chairman Zuhair Abu bombed in an interview to the (long-Presse), said that "Karbala of ten currently investment projects, productive, represented by four factories for poultry and eggs, and another feed, as well as laboratories for the Tar blown, iron and steel and the third for the production of oxygen."
Abu bombed and added that, there are "31 investment projects under construction currently maintain, ten of which are in the field of housing, as in the field of hospitality, tourism and urban entertainment, and four modern hospitals, and four large commercial centers, factory Ceramics, Alwa for vegetables, fish and farm for a cactus which is used for medical purposes,"
He pointed out that "there are 13 Mtlkia investment projects to maintain, because of the state's departments relating to the areas of housing, tourism and hospitality, shopping malls and factories, construction materials and waste recycling and breeding birds ostrich and the mobilization of oxygen and two projects, one for dairy and another for the manufacture of pots and mugs Mtlkian for reasons related to the investor."
Abu bombed and continued that "the National Investment Commission and the threshold Husseinia and signed an agreement with Chinese state company chosen by the Investment Authority and the Ministry of Transport, among 16 Arab and foreign companies specialized to implement International Airport, the Middle Euphrates, provided that they are all the requirements and Muaqath and the signing of the investment held by the Chinese company Iraqi government agencies within two months. "
The head of the investment committee in the Karbala Provincial Council, that "the conservative form suitable and attractive environment for investment, and that there are several Arab and foreign companies awaiting approval and allocation of land for the establishment of the investment projects, including plant structures of large, medium and mechanisms of specialized trucks, and another to open the marketing and plant maintenance company branch Japanese Toyota cars. "
He said Abu bombed, that "there are demands for the establishment of ten agricultural projects and animal production in the province, including projects for the thresholds Husseinia and Abbasid, and plant drugs threshold Hosseinieh Also, Dairy Factory Iranian."
The Karbala Provincial Administration, announced in (the 19 of January 2016), the formation of a supreme committee to activate the investment to maintain, and the possibility of completing some of the stalled government projects through investment, while attributing interested in investment barriers to limit Muaqath federal ministries, called for activating the "window one "in the investment Authority.
Attributed to the Investment Committee in the province of Karbala, in (the 20th of January 2015), the reasons for the reluctance of investment projects in the province to the problem of administrative red tape and lack of land handed over to the investors by the Finance and Municipalities and Agriculture Ministries, as called for amending the investment law in accordance with the new requirements, he stressed the need working to attract investment in agriculture and industry.
It is noteworthy that Karbala Investment Authority, had announced (21 July 2014), for granted investment licenses to build ten complexes with more than 16 thousand housing units to maintain,
as criticized the delay in the allocation and delivery of land by the ministries to investors, called for the activation of the banking system and to facilitate the granting of investment loans as well as activating the single-window system.    LINK
tlm724:    Karbala is booming  !!
the National Investment Commission and the threshold Husseinia and signed an agreement with Chinese state company chosen by the Investment Authority and the Ministry of Transport, among 16 Arab and foreign companies specialized to implement International Airport, the Middle Euphrates, provided that they are all the requirements and Muaqath and the signing of the investment held by the Chinese company Iraqi government agencies within two months.
the formation of a supreme committee to activate the investment to maintain, and the possibility of completing some of the stalled government projects through investment
the possibility of completing some of the stalled government projects through investment, while attributing interested in investment barriers to limit Muaqath federal ministries, called for activating the "window one "in the investment Authority.
that Karbala Investment Authority, had announced (21 July 2014), for granted investment licenses to build ten complexes with more than 16 thousand housing units to maintain, as criticized the delay in the allocation and delivery of land by the ministries to investors, called for the activation of the banking system and to facilitate the granting of investment loans as well as activating the single-window system.

Diwaniyah implements a program to encourage the cultivation of potatoes
Parliamentary economy reveal peasants dues owed by the government and calls for the issuance of treasury remittances for funding
Author: HH, MK    Editor: HH 6.2.2016 13:53            
Long-Presse / Baghdad     A commission of economy and investment in the House of Representatives, on Saturday, about the size of the money owed by peasants government since 2014, and confirmed that it is about four trillion Iraqi dinars, while calling for the issuance of treasury remittances for funding.
Said committee member Rep. Najiba Najib told a press conference held at the parliament building and attended (range Press), he was "three months ago and we are waiting for the Presidency of the Council of Representatives to inform government agencies to answer in a special session on the reasons for the delay dues of farmers for the years 2014-2015 and processors drafted by the government to pay those benefits. "
Najib added that "the government justify non-payment of dues of farmers that it did not have enough money to cover those benefits," calling on the government to "the issuance of treasury bonds to secure the cash needed to pay the dues of farmers, estimated to pan areas B924 billion dinars in 2014, while the amount of receivables during the past year about 2015 trillion and 700 billion Iraqi dinars. "
Najib stressed that "a large number of farmers in the province of Kurdistan did not receive any portion of their dues, amounting to 2014, about 148 billion dinars last year and in 2015, about 986 billion dinars."    LINK
tlm724:    Najib added that "the government justify non-payment of dues of farmers that it did not have enough money to cover those benefits," calling on the government to "the issuance of treasury bonds to secure the cash needed to pay the dues of farmers
shame on them *slap*
Iraq is preparing to launch the e-dinar
Central believes the pillars of the protection of "electronic dinar" civil and banks confirms its readiness for use 
Author: ASJ Editor: BK 5/2/2016 16:34                   
Long-Presse / Baghdad    The Central Bank of Iraq, said Friday that the e-dinar technology facilitates financial transactions and sings for the cash payment and its problems, noting that it has developed a lot of technical and regulatory foundations for the launch and insurance protection in collaboration with the companies "solid", while expressed Association of Iraqi banks, private banks ability to dealing with that technology, particularly that 20 of them have e-services currently.
A member of the Board of the Central Bank, Ahmed Rehn, said in an interview to the (long-Presse), said that "electronic payment (e-dinar) technical issue concerned with facilitating financial transactions to the public, and Ngnehm for cash payment, which cause a lot of delays and problems,
as well as it reduces costs, "adding that" the Central Bank was attended by a lot of technical and regulatory foundations for the launch and insurance protection in collaboration with specialized and reputable companies. "
He added Rehn, that "private banks suffer several problems, including those related to liquidity, as a result of mistakes in the management of its financial resources and employ them," noting that "the private banks did not anticipate the risks, one of the most important banking controls, which expanded by about more than potential, but Zllk not It prevents them from exercising the electronic payment process of being separate from the availability of liquidity. "
He stressed Rehn, that "electronic payment is not the first step the central bank in the development of the banking system, as it worked since 2004 on the intraday settlement system (RTGS) in settling the high interest payment orders, where she has electronic trading taking place between the banks and the central bank on the one hand, and banks with each other hand, "pointing out that" the e-dinar step in a series of steps the central bank to develop banking business and to facilitate things citizens. "
For his part, Executive Director of the Association of Banks, Ali Tariq, said in an interview to the (long-Presse), he said that "a lot of private banks are able to move to electronic payment and dealing with the system," noting that "among those banks electronic services developed working on nearly a daily basis, in various dealings. "
Tariq said, "The 20 banks waged operate electronic payment cards for years," she returned to "electronic dinar service will lead to increased competition among private banks by about contributing to the development potential and mechanisms of its work."
In turn called financial expert, on behalf of Jamil Antoine, in an interview to the (long-Presse), to "educate citizens about the benefits of e-dinar, and improve the ability of the banking system and training to deal with the new technology which supports liquidity and reduce cash use of paper and the problems that accompany it," attributing it to "weakness of the banking sector the confidence of citizens."
He called Antoine, the need to "address the private banks problems, some of which are suffering serious problems," following the "worrying signs have emerged in 2012 on the development of banks in Iraq, as a result treated 11 percent with the Iraqis only with them, according to Central Bank statistics, and the small number of its branches and other negative indicators. "
And saw a financial expert, that there is "an urgent need to prepare the banks for dealing with electronic payment technology to ensure not get negative reaction on them," returned that "the reform of the banking business and the enactment of necessary laws to require, as well as tighter controls on banks."
The Central Bank of Iraq, announced in (the first of February, the current 2016), his willingness application of the electronic payment system and the launch of e-dinar, about contributing up to deal with the banks and reduce the problems of the cash deal, calling on government agencies to take advantage of them, while the Economic Commission parliamentary stressed importance of electronic financial systems in the fight against "corruption and bribes."   LINK  
tlm724:    A member of the Board of the Central Bank, Ahmed Rehn, said in an interview to the (long-Presse), said that "electronic payment (e-dinar) technical issue concerned with facilitating financial transactions to the public, and Ngnehm for cash payment, which cause a lot of delays and problems,
 as well as it reduces costs, "adding that" the Central Bank was attended by a lot of technical and regulatory foundations for the launch and insurance protection in collaboration with specialized and reputable companies. "
pointing out that" the e-dinar step in a series of steps the central bank to develop banking business and to facilitate things citizens.
Antoine, in an interview to the (long-Presse), to "educate citizens about the benefits of e-dinar, and improve the ability of the banking system and training to deal with the new technology which supports liquidity and reduce cash use of paper and the problems that accompany it,"  Very Happy
The Central Bank of Iraq, announced in (the first of February, the current 2016), his willingness application of the electronic payment system and the launch of e-dinar, about contributing up to deal with the banks and reduce the problems of the cash deal
Comments may be made at the end of PART 3   Thank You

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