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Monday, February 22, 2016

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-22-16   Part 3 of 3

Post From BondLadys Corner

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-22-16   Part 3 of 3
 The bombing of targets for (Daash) in Mosul
Alliance destroys 5 of banks Mosul. . And fears of targeting infrastructure
Author:  Editor: AZ 02.21.2016 20:15  Long-Presse / Baghdad   Targeted international coalition, five banks in Mosul is believed that some of them still includes money and important documents related to the names of the organization and functional structure in the city.
On the other hand, Vice Nineveh confirms that uses Daash fortified rooms in these banks for about a year and a half in order to hide, believing that it will not turn out to be military targets.
Local authorities do not hide in fear of Nineveh breadth of attacking the infrastructure in Mosul process, but a member of the provincial council said that the raids are without our advice.
Artillery battalion and Apache
In the meantime, the number of affiliated advisers of international alliance, in addition to trainers with American military equipment and weapons, including artillery battalion and 4 aircraft, to edit Nineveh camp.
He revealed Olokua Abdul Rahman, a member of the Nineveh provincial council in his speech (term) for "the arrival of an unknown number of experts and advisers to a drunken Americans, southeast of Mosul."
The Olokua "the arrival of an American artillery battalion, along with four Apache aircraft within 23 dedicated connector plane will arrive successively to the camp."
Conversely transfer Olokua, a senior military official at the headquarters of the Liberation of Nineveh, saying that "the band 15 Iraqi military will be completed in a drunken camp number 28 of the current month of February."
The band began Vanguards of 15 to reach the camp drunken 11 days ago. The band 15 is the new name for the second band, which collapsed after the fall of Mosul last summer.
It is expected to take part in the liberation of Mosul, 73 brigades and 72 belonging to the Iraqi army. Two brigades recently finished the Tdrebathma at the hands of US forces and grants leave open late January will end with the announcement of the start of Thariralamousel process.
It is also expected to participate Iraqi army brigade 93, who participated in the liberation of Ramadi process before that Kirkuk be drawn to his rehabilitation. It descended most of the affiliates of the Tal Afar Turkmen.
On the other hand has not yet resolved the participation of 11 battalions from the local police being trained at Camp Speicher, but, according to local officials, inevitably they will contribute in the maintenance of the land.
And held the "Edit Nineveh" camp, 10 km away from the control of Daash areas in Mosul, the vast land area of ​​1,500 square kilometers, has been leased from a farmer in a drunk.
Intensify air strikes
And intensify the international coalition aircraft, the US-led strikes on selected targets, within the city of Mosul, Daash taken elements of their base.
The Mmousine Saeed, a member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party in Mosul, in contact with the (range) that "American planes bombed since Friday night until yesterday 20 different locations in Mosul."
Mmousine pointed out that "one of the strikes targeted weapons stores to Daash in dignity Industry Zone, killing four gunmen inside." As the headquarters was bombed by insurgents in the areas of good governance, Yarmouk, the train station, garage Baghdad.
Kurdish official explained that "the bombing targeted a bank which was used as a substitute for the disbursement of the salaries of the militants."
The latter bank, is the fifth target blows the international coalition, since the first raid, which destroyed the Rasheed Bank in the flower district of mid-January.
Mmousine asserts that "the first strike, which came after nearly a year and a half from the control Daash on the connector, undone Daash millions of dollars hidden in a bank."
The military sources have revealed that the strike has using two bombs each weighing about 908 kilograms, which led to the destruction of the entire building.
How managed banks Mosul
For his part, attributes the Alloizi Rahman, MP from Nineveh, was delayed "to strike the Western alliance banks to US strategy first began to strike smuggling corridors Daash oil and then moved on to targeting their money."
It is believed Alloizi, in an interview with the (range), "Some of these banks are still where some of the money." He added that "he has his sources inside Mosul, furnish information on places to hide Daash Alliance for money."
But Mmousine, an official of the Kurdistan Democratic Party in Mosul, said that "Daash launched a massive campaign on the banks of the city after targeted the Rasheed Bank flowers district last month for fear of similar strikes."
And the bombing of Air Alliance, the middle of this month, the central bank Bank in exchange for maintaining the building, Rasheed Bank in Pedal Street, and Bank of Abu Tammam in the neighborhood officers, and mortgage bank Faisaliah district.
The sources expected the city to Rasheed Bank was Includes $ 25 billion Iraqi dinars, while the other three banks were empty.
On the other hand it is likely to be Alloizi Daash has been used heavily fortified rooms in those banks, private banks and targeting operations had been delayed for a long time after the occupation of Mosul to hide. "
In turn, says Olokua, a member of the Nineveh provincial council, he said that "Daash retain important documents and a database relating Banazare and his staff and payroll in those banks."
The Central Bank of Iraq, the end of last June, as "suspended all banking activities and electronic payment systems and clearing banks deployed in Mosul since June 10, 2014".
The Iraqi government and the House of Representatives may eternally, in June 2015, their fears of a relationship between the Jordanian Capital Bank branch in Mosul, Iraqi banks in the capital, Baghdad, and demanded the central bank Batalallma on the details of his work.
The US CNBC television the US economic news station had reported, last year, the Capital Bank of Jordan Bank owns 72% of the shares of National Bank of Iraq, a member of the Capital Bank Group, and has several branches in Iraq, one in Mosul.
On the other hand Olokua reveals a fear of the government and the Council of Nineveh of "escalation targeting the international coalition to other infrastructure in the city, along the lines of what happened in Ramadi that were largely destroyed."

A member of the Nineveh provincial council that the last "spoke with the international coalition fears about the destruction of the city," stressing that "the coalition strikes directed to locations within the city without being consulted."
Conversely Olokua confirms that the parties to the international coalition confirmed its commitment to the provincial council not to destroy the city, "but sometimes you have to hit some sites that are holed up inside elements of Daash."    LINK 

tlm724:    Thanks BondLady !!
Targeted international coalition, five banks in Mosul is believed that some of them still includes money and important documents related to the names of the organization and functional structure in the city
Kurdish official explained that "the bombing targeted a bank which was used as a substitute for the disbursement of the salaries of the militants."
The latter bank, is the fifth target blows the international coalition, since the first raid, which destroyed the Rasheed Bank in the flower district of mid-January.
Mmousine asserts that "the first strike, which came after nearly a year and a half from the control Daash on the connector, undone Daash millions of dollars hidden in a bank."
The military sources have revealed that the strike has using two bombs each weighing about 908 kilograms, which led to the destruction of the entire building.
For his part, attributes the Alloizi Rahman, MP from Nineveh, was delayed "to strike the Western alliance banks to US strategy first began to strike smuggling corridors Daash oil and then moved on to targeting their money
"Some of these banks are still where some of the money." He added that "he has his sources inside Mosul, furnish information on places to hide Daash Alliance for money."
But Mmousine, an official of the Kurdistan Democratic Party in Mosul, said that "Daash launched a massive campaign on the banks of the city after targeted the Rasheed Bank flowers district last month for fear of similar strikes."
And the bombing of Air Alliance, the middle of this month, the central bank Bank in exchange for maintaining the building, Rasheed Bank in Pedal Street, and Bank of Abu Tammam in the neighborhood officers, and mortgage bank Faisaliah district.
The sources expected the city to Rasheed Bank was Includes $ 25 billion Iraqi dinars, while the other three banks were empty
In turn, says Olokua, a member of the Nineveh provincial council, he said that "Daash retain important documents and a database relating Banazare and his staff and payroll in those banks."
The Central Bank of Iraq, the end of last June, as "suspended all banking activities and electronic payment systems and clearing banks deployed in Mosul since June 10, 2014".
The Iraqi government and the House of Representatives may eternally, in June 2015, their fears of a relationship between the Jordanian Capital Bank branch in Mosul, Iraqi banks in the capital, Baghdad, and demanded the central bank Batalallma on the details of his work.
The US CNBC television the US economic news station had reported, last year, the Capital Bank of Jordan Bank owns 72% of the shares of National Bank of Iraq, a member of the Capital Bank Group, and has several branches in Iraq, one in Mosul.

Virtue attributes the recovery of money diverted to the multiplicity of actors and the lack of seriousness failure
History of edits:: 22.2.2016 14:51  {Baghdad} Euphrates News attributed the head of the Virtue Ammar Tohme, retrieve the money diverted to the multiplicity of agencies involved in combating money contraband and the absence of seriousness failure.
He said Tohme said in a statement the agency {Euphrates News} received a copy of it today that "the multiplicity of actors in this matter form a cause of the dispersion and the intersection rather than complement each other to achieve common goals for example, if it were to adopt the file management on the one hand be directly responsible or basic and the rest of those dolly and supportive working under the supervision of the core of the possible saving efforts and assembled toward a unified rather than dispersion.
He said the "absence of seriousness and follow-up to the concerned authorities to recover the money smuggled clear, for example, to recover the money smuggled Fund was established in 2012 and did not meet during these years, but nine times and did not recovers Dinara one, which requires activation controlled parliament on his work and repetition of joint meetings with his parliament committees competent. "
he pointed out the weakness of the incentive or the equivalent offered to informers, and we propose to determine the percentage of the total money to the informant determined by the Council of Ministers of each case and the approval of the parliament, noting that "BSA said that he has an important file and do not know the reasons for the delay follow-up actions and recovery to him and is supposed to clearly specify the methods and routes used by corrupt in money smuggling is it through the auction sale of the dollar, or through documentary credits phantom and others.
he "for the purpose of determining the controls those ports and closed down as a precautionary measure to combat corruption control, and at least is supposed to provide those responsible for the fight against and recover the money smuggled account for the money smuggled and registered with the authorities concerned to follow-up, as the declaration of the value of the amounts provides pressure on the regulators to continue and the completion recoverable. "
he said that" the central bank governor said the weakness of the attention of the central bank earlier in the block money out outside Iraq .. and this needs to identify people for negligence or negligent who recognizes the responsibility of the sites concerned at the central bank, and is a new administration handled this imbalance causing a great loss of foreign currency seized by speculators means illegal. "
The House of Representatives today discussed the money smuggled in the presence of the competent committees and the Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords, the intelligence chief and a representative of the Foreign Ministry and Head of Supreme Audit Salah Nouri al-Khalaf and Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance Fadel Prophet and the representative of the President board of integrity, and a representative of the Supreme Judicial Council as well as the presence of a representative of the anti-money Laundering Office. "
The head of the House of Representatives Salim al-Jubouri, the formation of a supreme committee shall prosecute and recover the money smuggled tasks.
According to a parliamentary source said" the parliament speaker face to form a higher committee takes his deputies management and membership committees of integrity, financial and legal foreign, security and defense and accountability, justice and relations shall prosecute and recover the money smuggled and hold hearings with the executive bodies of the relevant tasks, "noting that" al-Jubouri said this file is a priority for the Council in the next stage, ".anthy
tlm724:    absence of seriousness and follow-up to the concerned authorities to recover the money smuggled clear, for example, to recover the money smuggled Fund was established in 2012 and did not meet during these years, but nine times and did not recovers Dinara one, which requires activation controlled parliament on his work and repetition of joint meetings with his parliament committees competent. "

he pointed out the weakness of the incentive or the equivalent offered to informers, and we propose to determine the percentage of the total money to the informant determined by the Council of Ministers of each case and the approval of the parliament,
noting that "BSA said that he has an important file and do not know the reasons for the delay follow-up actions and recovery to him and is supposed to clearly specify the methods and routes used by corrupt in money smuggling is it through the auction sale of the dollar, or through documentary credits phantom and others.
not one dinar recovered since 2012 !
he said that" the central bank governor said the weakness of the attention of the central bank earlier in the block money out outside Iraq .. and this needs to identify people for negligence or negligent who recognizes the responsibility of the sites concerned at the central bank, and is a new administration handled this imbalance causing a great loss of foreign currency seized by speculators means illegal. "
The House of Representatives today discussed the money smuggled in the presence of the competent committees and the Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords, the intelligence chief and a representative of the Foreign Ministry and Head of Supreme Audit Salah Nouri al-Khalaf and Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance Fadel Prophet and the representative of the President board of integrity, and a representative of the Supreme Judicial Council as well as the presence of a representative of the anti-money Laundering Office. "
The head of the House of Representatives Salim al-Jubouri, the formation of a supreme committee shall prosecute and recover the money smuggled tasks
get on it quick ! Suspect
Urgent .. Council of Representatives decides the display format to a vote on ending the state management proxy process
History of edits:: 22.2.2016 15:01                                                      
 {Baghdad: Euphrates News} House of Representatives has decided to offer a formula to vote to end the state management proxy process.
The head of the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council Ammar al-Hakim, has stressed on more than one occasion the need for commitment and political commitments in the state-building and the completion of the State Administration proxy file, indicating that Government agencies, ‘
the wrong approach and will not appease or compromise on our project. several political parties and blocs have rejected the style of acting appointment of government institutions, demanding an end to the administration acting in all aspects of the state. is over
A reporter and Euphrates News Agency {} "The House of Representatives will be presented at the next meeting format to a vote on the inclusion of heads of independent bodies, the process of change, modification or voting within the Council, in a move to end the process of the State Administration proxy" follows ..
 [tlm724] House of Representatives has decided to offer a formula to vote to end the state management proxy process
[tlm724] this means if it goes through then the CBI governor will either be appointed permantly or replaced, I vote for the latter but we will see
Reflection:  If it's appointed, does that mean Maliki's boy will be in there for good? If that's the case, I doubt Iraq will change.
Tlm724:   It's hard to say which way it will go, we gotta wait this one out Reflection. I hope Abadi has a bigger plan for the CBI and it's governorship !

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