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Monday, February 22, 2016

 BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-22-16  Part 2 of 3

Post From BondLadys Corner

 BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-22-16  Part 2 of 3
Bayati: Change Abadi means changing all the power structure
22/02/2016 10:26 | Direction Press Special /
MP for the National Alliance Abbas al-Bayati, said on Monday that the word mandate contained in the words of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi Aigsd to abandon the House of Representatives for his powers and therefore must Ministerial change to get the confidence of Parliament.
Al-Bayati said in an interview for "direction Press" that Rais Minister Haider al-Abadi request of the House of Representatives delegation in general at the ministerial change in the framework of prodding and encouragement.
He added that the survival of Prime Minister is a foregone conclusion locally, regionally and internationally, and there is no data to change in this regard, pointing out that the change Abadi means changing all the power structure.
He said the parliamentary atmosphere when hosting the Prime Minister has been encouraging and positive, that does not mean that the change would go on the road to the temple and it is obstacles and we have to show some obstacles to Abadi.
Referred to as the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, the House of Representatives called for a mandate in the ministerial change and the formation of the government is far from the quota system, called the parliamentary blocs to be working to support reforms and change for Iraq.
[tlm724] He added that the survival of Prime Minister is a foregone conclusion locally, regionally and internationally, and there is no data to change in this regard, pointing out that the change Abadi means changing all the power structure.
[tlm724] I hope he stays and it looks like he will  Wink 
[tlm724] He said the parliamentary atmosphere when hosting the Prime Minister has been encouraging and positive, that does not mean that the change would go on the road to the temple and it is obstacles and we have to show some obstacles to Abadi.

Arab League hails Iraq's economic measures
2/22/2016 0:00 BAGHDAD - Farah pumice
praised Chancellor of the Arab League measures the Iraqi government in the face of the financial crisis, calling for an international award for Iraq in order to overcome the challenges caused by the decline in the sale of crude oil prices in world markets.
And saw a consultant of international arbitration Arab League Najat Hussein in a statement »Sabah», that «the government's actions need an international award, especially that Iraq is passing through more than a year of economic crisis.
She pointed out that the economic situation facing the additional challenge as a result of the high financial needs to face the terrorist organizations of the security forces, which cost nearly one-third of the general budget for Iraq processing costs.
She said Hussein, a sovereign Iraqi businessman, said that «the country is not bankrupt, as described by some local media or Arab, as it has the financial reserves of about $ 60 billion, in addition to deposits and property of the bank Rafidain and Rasheed government balance is estimated at $ 300 billion, the highest in the Middle East and the region, she says.
And he praised the expert team of economic advisers working with the Prime Minister, indicating that they see and experience, but they are in dire need of international assignment.
He announced the Information Office of the Prime Minister, Dr. Haider al-Abadi Earlier this month, the government put several measures and decisions concerning the subject matter of the five economic reforms, including the file, noting that the government's past steps to achieve restructuring of the economy in the country. Regarding the rapid and results of the government's measures, Hussein have shown that activation of the tax code has achieved good earnings in early 2016, they are allowed to pay the salaries of employees and retirees, and fully secure payments for this year.
However Chancellor that the country has confirmed the need for further economic reform, especially since he has a precious natural resources, in addition to the important sectors (industry, agriculture) and the possibility monetize your properly, as well as religious, archaeological and recreational tourism resource, urging on the investment of these sectors to meet the challenges including the reconstruction of liberated areas, which represents the weight of another, as well as the need to secure displaced persons and bring them back to their areas.

Tlm724:    She said Hussein, a sovereign Iraqi businessman, said that «the country is not bankrupt, as described by some local media or Arab, as it has the financial reserves of about $ 60 billion, in addition to deposits and property of the bank Rafidain and Rasheed government balance is estimated at $ 300 billion, the highest in the Middle East and the region, she says.
And he praised the expert team of economic advisers working with the Prime Minister, indicating that they see and experience, but they are in dire need of international assignment.
Hammoudi: Parliament will vote today on a list the behavior of Representatives
2/22/2016 0:00   BAGHDAD - Omar Abdel-Latif,  first deputy chairman of the House of Representatives Hamoudi detect the presence of a media campaign Tsagaitih of parliament, between the council will vote today on a list the behavior of Representatives.
He said Hamoudi during his speech at a seminar to discuss the quarterly report on the performance of the parliament during the legislative term of the first of legislative second year of the current session and attended by «morning»: the »parliament today in front of a media campaign Tsagaitih intensive and because the political system in the country's parliamentary When Down the House fall experience, stressing that this campaign has always relied on what completed the House of Representatives?».
He said »people should know that the target for this is not the parliament alone, but people also wanting Ptsagath want the return of authoritarianism and dictatorship Needless to say, the role of the people and transparency in place at the moment »,
warning that» the second aspect of this campaign depends on determine how the members themselves and guide the permanent criticism and stinging them and hold them accountable for others such as bad services, economic and security situation ».
attributed Hamoudi reasons for the existence of this campaign is the fact that parliament is more hand appear directly on the TV screen while the executive branch appear to once a week, as well as the creation of the information department of the Board press center open to accusations of Representatives among them,
Altsagaitih and campaigns carried out by some of them if he left angry vote or discuss the interviews, and the parliament shall bear other liability when these members inaccurate and launch reckless accusations in order to gain media and provoked ».
He hinted first Deputy chairman of the House of Representatives that Monday will vote on a code of conduct of Deputies, which will include penalties determined by the competent committees at the House of Representatives who exceed their statements or positions or launch their accusations in order to protect the parliament itself,
in addition to obtaining a mandate from the Council for a transition of members between the commissions »He pointed out that» the Council will continue to negligence on the subject of the final accounts and summoned by a major financial and legal committees also noted the Office of financial supervision ».
tlm724:   people should know that the target for this is not the parliament alone, but people also wanting Ptsagath want the return of authoritarianism and dictatorship Needless to say, the role of the people and transparency in place at the moment », warning that» the second aspect of this campaign depends on determine how the members themselves and guide the permanent criticism and stinging them and hold them accountable for others such as bad services, economic and security situation ».

attributed Hamoudi reasons for the existence of this campaign is the fact that parliament is more hand appear directly on the TV screen while the executive branch appear to once a week,
show the people !!
Parliament plans to separate its members absent from the limit
BAGHDAD / long-Presse    Confirmed the Presidency of the Council of Representatives member Hamoudi, on Sunday, said the council would work to members who exceeded Gaabathm legal limit season, and while noting the need to adhere to "literal rules of procedure" of the parliament.
He said the Information Office of Hamoudi said in a statement received (range Press version) it, that "the presidency of the Council of Representatives member Hamoudi, attended yesterday, discussion seminar hosted by the information department of the Council, and in cooperation with the perceptions Foundation, to discuss the performance of the parliament's report during the legislative term of the first of the legislative year the second of the current session."
He stressed Hamoudi according to the statement, that "parliament will soon go to separate members who exceeded Gaabathm the legal limit," stressing the need to "abide professionally rules of procedure of the parliament."
He said Vice President of the House of Representatives that "the doors of the House of Representatives, documents and archives are open to all media and civil society organizations in order to collect accurate information." The Hamoudi "We find the lack of correct criticism to parliament, in a lot of negatives about the menu and remote continued his work, such as electricity or exceeded limits or service issues or other things that may be the responsibility of the executive bodies."  LINK 
tlm724:    that "parliament will soon go to separate members who exceeded Gaabathm the legal limit," stressing the need to "abide professionally rules of procedure of the parliament."
He said Vice President of the House of Representatives that "the doors of the House of Representatives, documents and archives are open to all media and civil society organizations in order to collect accurate information."’
National Defence processing industry products reach their final stages contracts
Baghdad / Munir al-Jubouri   She and the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, on Sunday, ready to meet the needs of the Ministry of Defense of military equipment, while confirming that the contract between the two ministries reached its final stages, indicated the Ministry of Defence that the local product is preferable to any other product.
The Secretary General of the Ministry of Defense Lt. Gen. Mohammed Jawad through a joint press conference with Director General of the leather industries Inc. Ahmed Al Kaabi, held at the company's headquarters in Baghdad, attended (range press) "a delegation from the Ministry of defense and at the direction of the commander in chief of the armed forces visited the Ministry of Industry factories to see the ministry products and raise motivating workers in the factories," stressing that "serious ministry contracted with the Ministry of Industry will not be our requests are limited to military equipment but also include other axes."
He added Jawad that "the defense convinced the production and the Ministry of Industry factories and supply contracts with them and reached the final stages," noting that "we we've become convinced that most of our contracts in 2016 it can be equipped with the Ministry of Industry if they blocked our need because we prefer the national product on any other product. "
for his part, Director General of the leather industries Inc. Ahmed Al Kaabi, during the conference that" the defense Ministry is determined to use military equipment produced by our ministry factories " noting that "the technical details regarding the contracts between the two ministries will be announced later."
Kaabi added that "the Ministry of Industry and minerals factories will meet the need of the defense Ministry, according to the required specifications."
It is said that the Ministry of Industry and minerals confirmed on Tuesday (2 February 2016), all coordinated with the defense Ministry to form a committee to evaluate the products of war, indicating that access to the necessary support to allow them to secure 70 percent of the equipment and weapons they need and the defense and interior ministries as well as the popular crowd, and provide a lot of hard currency for the country, while the leadership shown by the crowd was ready to buy the national war products If the allocated budget for that. 
the Minister of Industry and minerals in (3 December 2015) confirmed, the ability of the ministry to compete with foreign goods, on condition that the application of the customs tariff and the protection of the national product and the lack of support for the dollar exchange rate laws.
the Ministry of Industry and minerals, announced, (the 25th of November 2015), the approval of the Council of Ministers of the forty-fifth its session, which was held in the (November 24, 2015), the decision to activate the necessary ministries and government agencies of all, buy public its products.  LINK

tlm724:    Ministry of Industry and Minerals, on Sunday, ready to meet the needs of the Ministry of Defense of military equipment, while confirming that the contract between the two ministries reached its final stages, indicated the Ministry of Defence that the local product is preferable to any other product.

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