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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-2-16  Part 2 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

 BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments   2-2-16  Part 2 of 2

The introduction of tariffs in all border crossing points
2/2/2016 0:00
BAGHDAD - A morning of border crossings began working tariff to all ports and airports, including the Kurdistan region system to provide other resources for the budget, and among source at border crossing points Directorate that all the imported materials have included tariff system, he noted that the southern ports received sums very good to the treasury State since the implementation of this resolution.
The source said: "The border crossings began work applying the tariff system on imported goods in all ports and airports, including the Kurdistan region ports since the 16th of last month."
He added that "customs tariff included all subjects without exception, where were previously exempt clothing and cigarettes from customs ", adding that" all material today included tariff system such as clothing and cigarettes and materials cars and alcoholic beverages of all kinds, cosmetics, air conditioning, toys, juices and other other materials.
 "The source pointed out that" the southern border ports received amounts very good to the state treasury since the implementation of this resolution on the ports that are located in these areas.
"The General Customs Director Major General Engineer Hakim Jassim Al-Hassan has said in a statement the" morning ", that the authority has completed all administrative and accounting preparations to amend the fees rates in accordance with the law pricing tariffs in all customs centers in ports, airports, ports, land border.
it noted that the bill passed in the House of Representatives in 2010 has been postponed action whereby the request of the former central government, until a settlement with the Kurdistan region to be applied at border crossing points of the province. "
He said Hassan to train employees of the centers and the Angels Directorate on how to deal with these computational variables, to maximize the economic resources of the state and protect the national economy from commodity-dumping poor, and to ensure the smooth completion of customs formalities as soon as.

Central Bank: the government is able to overcome the expenses

Economy and Tenders    Since 01.02.2016 at 16:40 (GMT Baghdad)
BAGHDAD - scales News   The Central Bank of Iraq, on Monday, the government was able to overcome the expenditure for the current year.
The governor of the bank on the Keywords in a press conference with a number of officials and specialists of financial affairs at the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and attended / scales News /, that "the available indicators at the present time analysis on all aspects of liquidity, that the government will be able to this year exceeded within the coverages that It has been agreed upon. "
He added that "within the coverage of the budget will be put national bonds at home to buy them by the citizens at an interest rate similar to the interest that is put forward by foreign bonds", adding that "these bonds will bring good return to the citizen" .anthy 29/9 P    LINK

tlm724    DIFF SOURCE
Central Bank: the government is able to overcome the expenses during the current year
13:40:49 2016-02-02 | (Voice of Iraq) - Baghdad said the Iraqi Central Bank, on Monday, the government was able to overcome the expenditure for the current year, adding that part of the coverage of these expenditures will be through the issuance of national bonds.
The governor of the bank on the Keywords in a press conference with a number of officials and specialists financial affairs at the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and attended by Alsumaria News,
 "The indicators available at the present time analysis on all aspects of liquidity, that the government will be able to overcome this year within the coverages that were agreed upon." He Keywords that "within the coverage of the budget will be put up bonds national at home to buy them by the citizens at an interest rate similar to the interest that is put forward by foreign bonds ", adding that" these bonds will bring good return to the citizen.
 "mentions that some of the officials in charge of financial affairs, announced the failure of the Iraqi government's ability to pay employees' salaries for more than three months to come because of lower oil prices, which impact negatively on the general budget for Iraq, which relies on 95% of these exports.

The central bank encourages the adoption of electronic payment systems
The central bank is preparing to launch the e-dinar recommends depositing the salaries of all employees in banks
Author: BS, MK   Editor: BK, BS 2016/02/01 16:4
Long-Presse / Baghdad    The Central Bank of Iraq, on Monday, ready for the application of the electronic payment system and the launch of e-dinar about contributing up to deal with the banks and reduce the problems of the cash deal, calling on the government agencies to take advantage of them, while economic Parliamentary Committee stressed the importance of the electronic financial systems in the fight against "corruption and bribery ".
This came during a press conference held by Governor of the Central Bank and the Agency, on the Keywords, with a number of specialists economists, in the wake of a workshop payment system and collection mail in Iraq, which was held under the slogan (electronic payment methods starting point for financial inclusion), which was held within the region Green, in central Baghdad, and attended (range Press).
Keywords and said, "The central bank was prepared infrastructure for payment systems that allow the application of electronic payment for the collection or adjustments to the different agencies, including the state departments mechanism", noting that "the infrastructure done by the Bank will provide ample space to enter the collection and electronic payment and use the card systems e. "
He said the governor, that "the central bank will launch e-dinar soon to facilitate the payment of money by mobile phone," noting that "cash handling involves many of the economic and organizational problems, and that the electronic payment reduces bureaucracy and corruption as well as theft and assault."
Keywords said, that "electronic payment will go through a number of stages, the first of awareness of its advantages and apply optionally campaign," calling on government agencies to "take advantage of this service."
Said Governor of the Central Bank and the Agency, that "the Bank will recommend the government to deposit employees' salaries of all government and private banks during the next term in a move that will connect millions of new people to banks and get them used to the use of electronic financial services and take advantage of its benefits," pointing out that "ten percent of citizens only on relationship banking and financial institutions currently. "
For his part, adviser to the Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, Abdul Hussein Al-Anbuge, during the conference, said that "the success of the payment of retirees and displaced salaries through the smart card, encouraged the expansion of the experience there to be a bank account for each employee experience," he returned that "it could be an employee who gets his salary that way from paying wages collection of the State or the purchase of goods and services. "
He said the head of the parliamentary economic committee, Jawad al-Bolani, in his speech during the press conference, "The House of Representatives is keen to legislation all the associated financial and economic matters," adding that "the Commission will accelerate necessary for the application of the electronic financial systems and legislation of laws."
Bolani stressed the importance of "electronic collection and e-dinar in the fight against corruption and bribery."
The electronic financial systems scattered in abundance in various countries of the world, including many from the Arab, unlike Iraq, which is still in its infancy in this area as a result of the difficult conditions experienced by.   LINK

 [tlm724] The Central Bank of Iraq, on Monday, ready for the application of the electronic payment system and the launch of e-dinar about contributing up to deal with the banks and reduce the problems of the cash deal
[tlm724] *hallelujah*
[tlm724] The central bank was prepared infrastructure for payment systems that allow the application of electronic payment for the collection or adjustments to the different agencies, including the state departments mechanism"
[tlm724] noting that "the infrastructure done by the Bank will provide ample space to enter the collection and electronic payment and use the card systems e.
[tlm724] oh that is so sweet   Wink  we have waited a very long time to see this system !
[tlm724] that "the central bank will launch e-dinar soon to facilitate the payment of money by mobile phone,"
[tlm724] they are pushing to get the peoples money in the banks , would help to insure that money chop chop with that deposit law
[tlm724] that "the Bank will recommend the government to deposit employees' salaries of all government and private banks during the next term in a move that will connect millions of new people to banks
[tlm724] "ten percent of citizens only on relationship banking and financial institutions currently.
[tlm724] gee I wonder why  Rolling Eyes
[tlm724] The House of Representatives is keen to legislation all the associated financial and economic matters,"
[tlm724] "the Commission will accelerate necessary for the application of the electronic financial systems and legislation of laws.
[tlm724] accelerate away !!!!
that the banking sector the most important economic development axes, for providing the necessary liquidity for investment projects, which requires sound management of liquidity banks away from the scarcity shortage, which some might face from the banks.
Deposit Insurance pointed Jaber to speed up work on legislation to ensure law deposits, which encourages the currency bloc chunky transfer in homes to private banks, because it provides the necessary rights of depositors guarantees and creates bridges of trust between the parties to the process and achieve significant economic feasibility of the country by employing money chunky in investment projects that benefit all parties.
He said that the size of the Iraqi economy requires provide all banking systems, which indicate the movement of funds meticulously, pointing to the existence of sophisticated technology adopted by the international banks prefer to work on the transfer to Iraq in the coming period.
Shredd:    This proves the maturation of Iraq's economic policy. The financial infrastructure needs to be in place when Iraq moves to a market economy. Great news!

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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