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Friday, January 1, 2016

Wealthwatch Thursday  Chat 12-31-15   Part 1 of 2

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Wealthwatch Thursday  Chat 12-31-15   Part 1 of 2
chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser Summary of phone call between #Iraq PM Abadi & Turkish counterpart Davutoglu is now up on PMO website … ht @ahmusawi
chattels: " In their phone call today, Iraq PM Abadi also made it explicitly clear to Turkish PM Davutoglu that Turkish instructors are also not wanted. "
chattels: (Voice of Iraq) - Baghdad cabinet waiting for the Presidency approval of the 2016 budget law, and published in the Gazette of Iraq to provide his appeals before the Federal Court on some items.
chattels: " The Cabinet decided, in its last session , challenged in some paragraphs of the general budget for the year 2016. The House of Representatives on 17 of this month passed, and an absolute majority, the federal budget for 2016, .............."
chattels: "the government can not make her appeal to the budget law before the Federal Court only after publication in the newspaper Official facts "
chattels: " the main points expected to be challenged are the paragraphs that included the reallocation of budgets syndicates and unions, social clubs and converted into the budgets of the crowd and displaced persons ", recognizing that" the Committee Parliamentary Finance did not take the government's opinion in this transaction. "
chattels: " .............. added 16 items to the draft budget sent by the Cabinet to the parliament."
chattels: Technically, all legislation must originate with the COM ( or the President if memory serves ) under the Iraqi Constitution and decision(s) of the Judiciary, so my understanding is that the addition of " items " to the budget as proposed / approved for submission to Parliament by the COM is problematic.
chattels: Additions by Parliament that is.
chattels: " .............. suggested the Presidency approval of the budget next week. "
chattels: If the date of passage on the budget is indeed the 17th ( Some reports have it as the 16th ) and if President Masum received the budget the same day then 15 days from that date would be January 1st / 2nd.
chattels: Legislation is deemed ratified by default of any Presidential action 15 days after receipt by the President is what the Constitution of Iraq provides I think.
chattels: My sense and belief is that the Iraqi plan for reconstruction of the liberated territories is that the world should pay for it.
chattels: They certainly cannot out of their budget.
chattels: Jubouri: the demands of the international community to shoulder its responsibilities towards the destruction of the liberated areas  
chattels: Jubouri: the demands of the international community to shoulder its responsibilities towards the destruction of the liberated areas [Baghdad-where], called on House Speaker Saleem al-Jubouri, said Thursday the international community to assume its responsibilities and consider the nature of the tragedies taking place in the liberated areas.
A statement from his office received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, for al-Jubouri, was quoted as saying, "The scale of the destruction and devastation, as well as social and psychological negative effects left by the occupation organization Daash terrorist to those areas over the potential of the Iraqi state and calls for an international joint effort to start the reconstruction of those and rehabilitation cities.
"He added that" the battle of the post-Daash is not easier than confront it, and therefore has to be a comprehensive reconciliation project removes any previous condition of congestion, "pointing out that" there are intensive effort in the framework of official, political and tribal leaders not to give it up.
chattels: " the battle of the post-Daash is not easier than confront it, ..........."
 chattels: Hakim calls for the establishment of a fund for the reconstruction of the liberated areas with international support
chattels: There is a sense of entitlement to the Iraqi psyche that is disturbing to me.
chattels: Another pool of capital to be grafted by the Iraqi political elite.
chattels: It is like donating to a charity that expends most of it's donation to pay large salaries for executives and a small % of one's donation goes to the intended benficiaries.
chattels: At least in America such entities are required to disclose such information. There is no such transparency / accountability in Iraq.
Doug_W: THUS fraud is rampant
chattels: Hakim: 2016 will be crucial for a lot of differences and to engage a large compromises :: 2015/12/30 16:49 • Hakim: 2016 will be crucial for a lot of differences and to engage a large compromises [Baghdad-where] head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq Ammar al-Hakim, said that 2016 will be a year to resolve the many differences and conflicts.
" He said al-Hakim, in his speech during the celebration of Prophet Mohammad's birth was held at his office in Baghdad today, "We will enter a year of large settlements," stressing that "there will be no division or separation and fragmentation in the region, but it will be a breakdown of the areas of influence and areas vital to its" .
chattels: Iraq is always GOING to do this, that or the other, tomorrow, in the coming time, next year, etc., ad nauseum, but TOMORROW NEVER COMES.
chattels: As we often observe here about the news, it is the difference between RHETORIC and REALITY.
chattels: Iraq is like a petulant and procrastinating child. Every aid / seems only to lead to the next problem or crisis. Very tiresome.
chattels: We need to see more government PERFORMANCE and less PROPAGANDA.
chattels: sczin11 was talking about the foregoing in his earlier post today I think.
chattels: The " same 'ole same 'ole " undermines any sense of optimism much less ebullience, eh ?
 chattels: I think that we call it " behavior modification " with our children when successful and when not it is arguably a co-dependence upon destructive behaviors.
chattels: Or just read the anecdotal " sourced " information from the gurus and look for an " RV " today, tomorrow, any and every day, if that satisfies your intellectual / emotional needs.
chattels: I am not going to spend another year like I have the past 4 1/2 is my developing resolve for the new year. I have to do something different. Not sure what it is as yet, but some things are going to change for me.
 chattels: I am certainly going to try and get healthy. These recent years have taken a terrible " silent " toll upon my health.
chattels: The foregoing is likely more information than any of you wanted. :)
SWSD: I would think that many vets in this thing have a resolution this year dinar related...   
Tootsie: detaching oneself is extremely hard ~~ after being 'extremely involved' {elsewhere} for years I have been trying to disengage - rough ~ still have to scan the news daily, more than once I am ashamed to say. It is an addiction
Tootsie: “Hope springs eternal in the human breast; Man never Is, but always To be blest. The soul, uneasy, and confin'd from home, Rests and expatiates in a life to come.” ― Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man
] Tootsie: And, so, as I have pondered the same, days, hours, months, years - yes I totally understand the comments ~ wish I were stronger and could just cut the cord and let it be, but ~~~ It’s the possibility that keeps me going, not the guarantee ~~~~  :wub:
Donnie: i stopped looking at the news (outside of here) several months ago
Donnie: and I don't look here more than twice a day and sometimes not at all
Tootsie: ‹@Donnie› I have probably 50-60 news sources in my favorites , from being involved in another site ~ It would behoove me to delete them! !!
Tootsie: ‹@Donnie› good for you!! I need to make a NYs resolution, don't I !!
Tootsie: and with that - Off to make brunch, do some shopping, and , HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL ~~
Donnie: ************ HAPPY NEW YEAR Everyone! ******************
Abraham: I pray that each one of you will find your Life Purpose. That you will be Transformed and enriched by the Word of God, empowered into your Calling, so that you will be able to walk in the fullness of Christ Jesus, and that His Glory will rest upon you!

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2   Thank You

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