Don't WAIT!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Dr. Clarke Thursday Update Emailed to Dinar Recaps 1-28-16

Dr. Clarke Thursday Update, emailed to Dinar Recaps

You keep asking, and we keep responding.

The Plan is right on schedule, as we've said....we just want to help you out here, amongst this plethora of information being dished out from all directions.....most of which, is well......?

MOSUL is right on schedule. Major action soon. Make no mistake, the coalition will complete this in their targeted time frame.

OIL is rising, as we indicated. Today, $33.68+.....there will be fluctuations on purpose, but steadily upward thru February into the 40's, and thereafter.

LAWS. They agree to disagree, but they realize the time frame they're in economically, so look for positive major announcements on this by Feb. 8. There is a RUSH mentality, even though it appears not. BANKING concerns in Iraq, are also in this time frame to be "good enough".

The 1st WEEK OF MARCH, is still the FULL IN-COUNTRY, RATE increase close to 1-1.This is the target week.
FULL OFFICIAL INTERNATIONAL RATE, to be active by 3rd WEEK OF MARCH, as we indicated before.

There has been some discussion about possibly extending announcement of the Official International Rate, to the 1st Week of April, because they need more time (from 2 weeks to 30 days after In-Country rate increase) to have things settled & managed, completely WITHIN Iraq, before going International.....

Such as the time involved in getting the LD's out, gathering more citizen's USD's, T & T (Taxes and Tarriffs) integration, Bank Integration, Watching Bad Guy activity etc.

This April date is not set in stone, but we wanted to mention it, because it's now a possibility......unfortunately not what anyone wants to hear at this point, because people OUTSIDE Iraq, INCLUDING ALL GROUPS & INDIVIDUALS, cannot exchange until the rate Officially goes International. This goes for ALL BANKS, as well.

Will keep you updated, as we progress on this April mentality....I don't think the extra time will be needed......but it is in the discussion.

Remember. MOSUL MUST BE secure 1ST. Before ANY SIGNIFICANT RATE CHANGE INCREASE on the Iraq's coming in a few weeks.

Many have asked this question over & over.....Most of you are really concerned about the security of your money, after you exchange, because of the size of your deposits and what to do with it. There are a million opinions on this.

Here is a simple opinion, because we're already handling these kinds & sizes of funds......and of course, I'm not in the business of professionally giving advice or licensed on finances, taxes or lawyering.....I have a slew of those folks to do this for me.......and you should too.
First of all, there's no sure thing.

2nd, spread your money out into many places and institutions of different types. Yes, everyone calls it "Diversity".

3rd, just for the record, and I'm not plugging any company over another, but you need to know that CURRENTLY, for instance, you can park your money at Fidelity Investments or Merrill Lynch, and be insured by Lloyds of London, up to 1 Billion Dollars (yes Billion) of coverage on your invested funds, at no extra charge - plus you get the security of having your money in many diversified types of funds, such as money markets, stocks, bonds etc.

Schwab is also insured by Lloyds, up to $600 Million. These are 3 places to look at, other than bank structures. I mention these 3 because they insure you the most, including the strength of each firm financially to begin with.....

Go do your homework on these, and you'll see the wisdom.....

Sit back, relax, watch, Trust and Keep your currency.

The steps to the Plan, MUST be completed in order.

We just know stuff.....

I Intend the Best for ALL,

Dr. Clarke

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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