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Thursday, January 28, 2016

Reader Thoughts On 12+1 Symbolism of the Federal Reserve

Cultural, Economics, Esoteric, Free POM
A Hidden Mystery (Freepom)
January 26, 2016       JC Collins  
The 12+1 Symbolism of the Federal Reserve System
Reader Thoughts On “A Hidden Mystery (Freepom)”
Rose Shaw:  A very timely and needed insight! Yes, I do see and hope every other reader sees as well! Thanks!
Safenet:   And 12 great livery companies of City of London, from which the world financial system is run from.
Thank you so much for this beautiful article, this extends the list of 12+1 symbolism for me, wow so widespread. Obviously, same process explained in different ways, I’ll look for 12+1 symbolism in Quran too, just out of curiousity. However, as you often assert, symbols become deities and they replace the cloaked message themselves, corrupting the process.

Dane:   How about the story of Yusuf? Just googling it :)
Sura or chapter number 12 is Sura Yusuf (Joseph), and it is located in Juz’a (Arabic : الجزء) number 12. This Sura narrates the story of Prophet Yusuf and his 11 brothers, making 12.
On this wiki page we can see that this chapter/sura requires 12 ruku’s or bows also.

safenet:   Thanks Dane spot on, I clearly missed that part when I read before.
“when Joseph said to his father, “O my father, indeed I have seen [in a dream] eleven stars and the sun and the moon; I saw them prostrating to me.” This adds up to 13, or 12+1 :))
Paulette:   Im trying to “see”.
Dane:   “Johnson Controls-Tyco Deal Adds to U.S. Tax Exodus”
“Johnson Controls Inc. is set to become the latest American company to move abroad in search of tax savings—and to do so on the coattails of the dismantled Tyco empire.
Johnson Controls, an industrial-systems and battery maker whose Milwaukee roots stretch back to 1885, said Monday it will merge with Tyco International PLC and take on Tyco’s Irish tax address. The deal, valued at roughly $14.4 billion, is a so-called inversion”
“The deal is at least the 12th inversion since the U.S. Department of the Treasury moved to curb the tax-reducing deals in September 2014”
“Johnson Controls-Tyco merger teed up as political issue”
“political issue” + 12th inversion….interesting similarity.
Stewart Fenton:    JC, is it possible that 12 appears so often because it is the lowest number wholly divisible by 4 factors, apart from itself and 1. That ease and convenience of maths was a popular reason for choosing numbers in ancient times. it is the same reason we have 60 minutes and seconds. Just a thought.
JC Collins:    That is true Stewart, but there is an esoteric theme which accompanies the number twelve. As you stated, that could have originated in the depths of the first human conscious observations, and as such, a symbolic importance was placed on the number. Along with other numbers as well.
A thorough understanding of Pythagorean philosophy and its correlation with sacred geometry offers additional insight. Perhaps it’s man’s persistent ability to apply meaning and substance to all things, both micro and macro. Which in itself is fascinating. Patterns repeat.
Strip away the framework and measurements we use to define cycles and patterns, and what are we left with? Is there something there? There is just experience perhaps. Do we cheapen the act of experiencing by attempting to define it and pattern it? Numbers consume our lives, and we are less because if it. Perhaps that was the point of the post.
Peter:    That is quite a good point. You also have to wonder if our problem with tradition and stagnation stems from an inability to adjust to higher numbers and things that do not make sense to us.
Is it just superstition that unnerves us and makes us fear change that we cannot quantify therefore can’t control, or is a lack of faith and patience that blinds our ability for flexible foresight and change. Time and our understanding of mortality and eternity seem to hold the balance here. 
chaosut17:   Hello JC, Also even present in the human body – the 12 cranial nerve pairs in the brain. One wonders if the pineal gland is the “One” that the 12 nerve pairs process around.   Cheers
JC Collins:    Thanks! Now how am I suppose to sleep tonight when I want to go and research that? The pineal gland is the King sitting on his thrown in the material world. The King represents the Sun. You might be on to something.

MEM:    The pineal gland also calcifies as we age, showing up in the MRI as a calcium covered ball. I read somewhere, about de-calcifying the pineal gland, but looked suspect and unhealthy from a modern health-based approach (removing calcium from diet, etc).
Your Soul Knows:    De-calcifying the pineal gland can be done (apparently) by drinking only distilled water. YSK
Dane:    That looks like some cool research oportunities. The pineal gland is so mysterious.   Would the future bancor be supported by 12 nations currencies?

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