Don't WAIT!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Mnt Goat Wed. Update - "While We Wait for Iraq’s Next Move"  Part 2 of 2

Update: Restructuring the Iraqi Economy

In my last news letter I brought you news of the necessity for Iraq to coordinate with the WTO and to reform the Iraqi banking system. Then we hear news of  Prime Abadi on Wednesday participating in the Davos World Economic Summit in Switzerland and later meeting with the WTO president Jim Yong Kim. 

What do you think this meeting was all about?

Many suggested to me the meeting between PM Abadi and Mr Kim was about Abadi trying to convince Mr Kim that they are ready to RV and to allow them to do it. The fact is the situation was just the opposite. According to those near the meeting, they respectfully told us that it was the WTO president Mr Kim and not PM Abadi who was encouraging strongly that Iraq is ready to RV. It was Mr. Kim who initiated the meeting and took PM Abadi aside. Mr Kim also wanted to know the progress of the other events in coordination with future WTO actions. Abadi has to brief him on this situation. 
I quote from the article below – “"the Prime Minister met today, World Bank President Jim Yong Kim and his entourage, were discussed during the meeting of the World Bank for Iraq SUPPORT EXPERTISE AND SIMPLIFICATION OF PROCEDURES AND ASSISTANCE FOR THE REFORM OF THE BANKING SYSTEM”.

I need everyone to wake up and take off your blinders as to what is going on here. Based on this new information we can see it is Iraq that is willfully holding back the RV. Why are they doing this. I discussed the many reasons in my recent news letters. I will not review this all again today. But my point now is that Iraq is stalling and holding back the RV. Yes- it could be that the CBI is the main culprit but it gets complicated real fast.

Article Begins



Information / BAGHDAD / ..He met with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Thursday, on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, the World Bank President Jim Yong Kim.

Ebadi said Office in a statement received by the agency / information / copy of it, "the Prime Minister met today, World Bank President Jim Yong Kim and his entourage, were discussed during the meeting of the World Bank for Iraq support expertise and simplification of procedures and assistance for the reform of the banking system and provide expertise resources management water. "

The statement added that it "has been discussed participation of the World Bank experts in workshops and help reform the provinces to complete the transfer of powers in addition to their support for the reforms carried out by al-Abadi."

For his part, World Bank President stressed that "Iraq's success is important to the whole world and they are ready for all that Iraq needs support in the experience."

Article Ends

I like this next article titled “urgent Iraq stands ready to cut oil production “ (see article below) because it is telling us so much. To me it was one of these WOW articles.

It is short but packed with information. Finally OPEC is making moves to adjust the price of oil. Remember it was just in late 2015 when Iraq told us not to worry about their economic situation and meeting the forecasted 2016 budget as they said “we will just pump and sell more oil”. This was their reaction to their deficit. Now it seems they have changed their minds. Why? Let me explain.

So whether you believe the price of oil was intentionally dropped (manipulated) for whatever reason, we can now maybe see that this policy (period) may be in a reversal cycle and to be over soon. Why did oil have to drop in price? I explained this in my previous news letter (LINK) and will not go over it again here. Please refer to it.

But remember as I told you that when oil is cheap they stockpile it and so the price adjustment will take months maybe more since they will have to first use up their stockpiles once the supply is lowered and prices begin to jump. They when they begin to order more to re-supply inventory then demand will suddenly shoot up and so will prices. Watch and see how this all plays out in February.

Why is all this so important?
I am not an economist and do not profess to be one but I do know something about this oil industry. I also know the factors effecting the situation in Iraq as far as currency reform. I keep telling you that you can not pin point Iraq RV to any one single event so stop trying to do it. The RV is a culmination of events that will present a favorable situation for Iraq when eventually they can RV.  Let’s put some of these events down on paper again.

-clean up ISIS and DAASH from Mosul (final phase to rid ISIS from Iraq) no indications this battle has begun
-tighten/lock down Iraqi boarders with Syria and Iran
-by this time Iraq must be ready to ascend fully into the WTO and rollout their new currency to global exchanges (new banking laws, anti-corruption, anti- money laundering, etc…)
-market oil prices would have adjusted back to $50-60 a barrel (at least $45 to meet 2016 budget)
-pass all needed legislation including General Amnesty, National Guard, Judicial law, HCL, etc..
-implement fully National Guard and anti terrorist laws (already in the making).

Many of you readers may now be saying that Mnt Goat is a crazy woman. You may be thinking all of these events will take sooo much time. But once again I assure you there is a plan and it includes all of these events. The target is now still late Feb to early March 2016. Could it be extended? Maybe but we don’t know that yet because they have not told us yet. I will let you know if and when they adjust it. Have you ever worked as a project manager? When you manage people you never give them a far out date because they will always manage to use whatever time you give them. Instead what you do is first realize a very realistic timeline, then back if off so as to push the window. They if you must extend it you come right on the original (unpublished) timeline and you meet the target. In the eyes of your employees the target is already passed but they don’t know the real target was always extended out into the future anyhow. So if you planned to win you will win but if you planned to be on the actual target you will more often lose than win. GET IT?

We do know that every month that ticks by there is more and more pressure exerted on Iraq. But as I said before, for example, that with the needed laws, there are still opponents to them and they are fighting to prevent real progress for Iraq. These are the Iranian backed Maliki goons. These are variable hard to control.

The plan is all about physical and financial security. It always has been about these two issues. Again I say why would they unleash all this wealth for Iraq to be used by terrorists organizations for their purpose to wage war on the coalition forces fighting ISIS when,  we all know that the initial purpose of the 2003 sanctions was to cut of the money supply from the terrorists. So let us use some common sense and stop trying to override the truths of the situation just because you want the RV sooner. Your irrational thinking is not going to get the RV any sooner. In fact it will only cause you more pain and undue stress in the long run.

When these two objectives are met according to plan they will pop out the lower denominations and the reform process will continue on track, as I have described to you in the past.

Article Begins


A senior official in the Iraqi Oil Ministry said Iraq was ready to understanding with the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to cut its oil production in order to contribute to stop the decline in crude prices, which ranged at $ 30 a barrel.

The production of Iraq's current 3.7 million barrels per day this year and hopes to reach 4.5 million

Article Ends

I want to reemphasize again how bad some of the people are in this investment. I want to take this recent incident as an example and show you just how dumb and stupid some can be. I don’t mind  it if you stay in that regard and keep it to yourself. But when you come on to the forums and spread your foolishness then it becomes everyone else’s business.

So some person and I do mean person resurfaced an old article on many of the forums. The person did not search or even bother to really read the article carefully. Instead he/she was looking for something negative and thought they found it. Seems their glass is half empty and not half full.

The title of the article is “Iraq seeks to enter global economy via WTO”.  The person who resurfaced this article assumed this was a current article. The last paragraph of the article makes reference for Iraq to have wait until a “mid-December meeting of the WTO’s governing body” to review their application to join the WTO.

Based on this knowledge this person then began spreading rumors that it will be sooo long for Iraq to join the WTO and so with it hysteria breaks out in many of these forums. All of a sudden all the good information put forward recently on the IMF to help everyone i.e. IMF SMP and their MOU with Iraq just got thrown out the window as bogus news. Really? Do you really believe this?

The article you presented to thousands upon thousands of people was an article from a 2004 article when Iraq was first applying to join the WTO. Oh – so sorry! Sorry is not enough. Since 2004 we have had countless articles telling us of their progress in the WTO and so far we know that the movement is all positive and all that really remains is to fix a few outstanding issues and they will soon move and be allowed to rollout their currency and get back online to the global exchanges. It is all very positive news.

All I can say more to help you is, if you are a newbie in this investment take a seat, sit down, relax, shut up and listen to what those that have been studying this investment for a very long time. Rome was not built in a day!  Don’t attempt to be a self proclaimed “intel guru” overnight. I have been in this investment for 10 years now and I have to say I still don’t know it all and often get confused. But at least I am smart enough to read the heading on an article and know that it was 11 years old.

Should you buy Iranian Rial?

First let me say I am not a financial advisor or  attorney of any kind. I am just an investor, like you, giving you my honest opinion from my research and current knowledge of the subject matter.

Second let me help most of you lost sheep in this area of concern. The answer to the question in the title of this section is a big fat NO!  Be prepared to read sarcasm that follows since this is very touchy subject in my eyes. Are you an Iraqi veteran? Did you see the horrors of war? Do you understand fully what horrors Iranian  leadership has brought to this world? There is no other nation that is so closely aligned with the devil Satan Lucifer on this planet. Let me explain.

As I have told you in the past that Iran is still a sanctioned country and is still very much on the terrorists list. I will be the first to run to invest in their country once I know they are no longer supporting terrorism. Heck they are the haven for terrorism. Just as the Iraqi’s own prime minister Nori al-Maliki has everyone fooled so too Iraq plays the same game. Yes- Satan is very clever.

Sorry ! It may take many, many years, if even ever, to come fully out of their sanctions. I believe the government will be changed first prior to this happening. I do not see the currency government ever peacefully changing their attitude about how they see to manipulate the west using terrorism. So you are going to have a very long wait for any significant increase in the Iranian Rial value. Sorry again!

Be careful there are many layers of sanctions put on Iran and the Iranian propaganda is very good. They look at you as simple minded, dumbed, unknowing currency investors. They have their little sharks out there who are telling you that there are now new RV rates on the bank screens for Iran too. Really? Also in recent articles a little knowledge usually hurts you since you do not read carefully or understand who the source of the information is.

Iran is now on a huge misinformation campaign with the west to try to sucker you into buying  their currency. By the way- What happens when you buy Irain Rial?
What you are doing is funding terrorists. Did you know that? Funny how you only think about the potential to fill you pockets. Such greed is prevalent and will haunt you. There is a reason Iran is still on the terrorist nation list. When you are personally involved or one of your loved ones are involved in a terrorist incident only then you will understand fully what you are doing. Is this what you want? Do you have to learn the hard way? You bash the terrorists and say you support anti-terrorists measures in the world to make it safer, yet you fund terrorists by buying Iranian Rial?  Am I missing something here?   

Many of you are purchasing Rial because you read everyday that sanctions are lifted, banks are now dealing with Iran, shipments of goods are entering their ports, etc, etc. and this is all very real. But the real truth, the entire truth is they have been under sanctions since 2003 for over 10 years. They are still sanctions. This money from YOUR Rial investment goes right back into Iraq to support the Iranian Kud militia forces. These are the same forces causing a security threat holding back the Iraqi RV. Get it? You say you want Maliki gone? This money from YOUR Rial investment goes right back into Iraq to support Maliki and is goons. Get it?

The nuclear sanctions only deepens their crisis. Do you want nuclear weapons in the hands of terrorists? So yes- some of the sanctions have been lifted and enough to allow them to trade again internationally. I think it was out of pity and humanity more than anything else that these sanctions were lifted. People were starving in Iran. Remember their currency was never shut off like Iraq. It was downgraded. If a war ever breaks out with Iran is will be shut off and I can assure you of this. They will become a closed economy like Iraq. We still do not know what the overall plan is for Syria and Iran once Iraq is safe and the coalition military bases are established there. For sure what coalition forces and military establishments taking place in Iraq goes way beyond what is necessary to fight ISIS and DAASH in the long run. There is much more happening than what meets the eye and you are hearing on your news media channels I can assure you. 

So far billions have been reported invested in the “pending” RV of the Iranian currency. I laugh (cry) at the extent of the stupidity. Believe me you are not going to make money any faster investing in Iran as you would Iraq. I have told everyone over and over again that the Iraqi currency is the ONLY sure bet. Everything else is pure speculation and a long shot. I am not a financial advisor and these are only my opinions so take it or leave it. Do your own research and find out for yourselves. Stop listening to these so called intel “gurus”.

As of today this has NOT changed. Under these conditions any USA citizen is NOT allowed to posses Iranian currency…..PERIOD! Nothing else to discuss today.   
Update: Fighting ISIS

Lots of misinformation now being put out that the battle for Mosul has begun. It has not I can assure you. So stop listening to these people who can’t back up with they tell you.

One more item today:

Let’s not forget to keep praying for the success of THESE IRAQI AND COALITION SOLDIERS. I believe their success is in part some of the acceleration of the process we are now witnessing. 

Remember too to pray to the princess of peace – Our Blessed Virgin Mary. She has the ear of Christ and she can intercede in heaven and bring us the peace we all desire here on earth. We can not do it alone. I believe that if we all make this our daily prayer you will see change. It is already working even in the short time since I have been publishing this prayer section. It does not matter what religion you believe, if you pray then to your oven beliefs entity it is still the same powers and good for all of mankind. Ultimately it is all the same God anyhow.

“Lord, protect Abadi and all who stand with him in righteousness, the Iraq and Coalition Soldiers who are fighting the good fight against terrorism, that they would be shielded from the enemy and would be Victorious against them! We ask that the Victory comes swiftly and healing of the Iraqi peoples and all whom have been effected by these evil doers can begin!

We pray for the process of the currency reform, the full implementation of  the Iraqi economy to full  international status and the bringing of prosperity and wealth to its people“  Amen!

Till next time…. Auf Wiedersehen!

Peace and Luv To Ya All, 
Mnt Goat

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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