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Friday, January 29, 2016

News, Rumors, and Opinions Friday Morning 1-29-30


Iko Ward:  So once again the PTB has managed to maintain the illusion, this time by getting the Japanese to go with negative interest rates, causing the dollar and euro to still look strong. Just like their rice paper doors, they look solid, but don't talk too loud and don't play with matches.  And oil is uo to 35...who does that make sense to?

Iko Ward:  We may have one more week of this nonsense before the markets truly crash. The shame of it is so many hard working people are gonna get screwed, and screwed big time, and this all could have been avoided months ago but the fat cats just had to have one more play and go out with another trillion or so.

DeeMoney:  Iko- so that means no live rates until the markets crash?
Iko Ward:  dee...looks that way to me. Hope I'm wrong

Blueblaze:  iko what do the the numbers being blue on 4x chart represent thankyou

Iko Ward:  Blue, forget Forex, that's just another fiction. Blue just means the set for the day.

Zebragirl:    One thing's for certain, the law of the harvest is real. We all reap what we sow! Sow goodness today :)

SassyD:  Take a HINT: ....

10 Dumbest Lottery Winners Ever ---

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Beamer:  before I go.. this is a great YouTube "DOLLAR EXCHANGE IS NOW IN ​PROGRESS" >>>


Dinar Updates:

firefly   Items that needed to be completed ...were...  Not all...most.  There is one more timeline I'm looking at...Not necessarily for the currency shift but an obligation...

Though nobody knows the date it can now literally happen at any time.


Dinar Chronicles:
"Standby" - Intel SITREP from Deep Source(s) for January 29

1/29/2016 04:21:00 AM  Deep Source, Intel 

SITREP (Situation Report)   1-29-16   7:14 PM ET

Deep Source (RV/GCR):

"Major banks have received notice. Current rate is $3.48-3.72. Schedule to initiate exchanges has been given."

Deep Source (Resistance):

"The Congress of the New Republic have assembled. Joseph Dunford, the interim President of the New Republic has been alerted to standby. All Dragon Societies are on standby."

Deep Source (The Alliance):

"No information available at this time."

Note from Deep Source(s):

"Please note: Intel that is being provided from us to you is indeed accurate but completely raw and does have a tendency to not follow through. There is no denying that we are all in frustration and loss of patience. It is entirely a fact that intel being provided is real, but there are constant on-going activities that change the situation. This is agonizing but you mustn't lose hope. Nothing lasts forever."

Sydneysam2:  since we all know when Iran is raising their currency and the currencies most likely will go simultaneously, then IMO, I guess that is when we will be waiting till.

Unless, Iran decides to go sooner ... which would be great!   Praying the latter happens.
Aggiedad77:  Hello SS, I would like to point out a few things.....all we know is "when Iran has said they will add value to their currency"....we have not seen any verification of that....

IMO....just talk from a country that IMO has yet to prove they can be trusted on anything.

Aggiedad77:   Frank has reiterated over and over again....on just about every CC and especially so last night...that IHO....Iraq will go first...and even in the instance you quoted from earlier today about a simultaneous event....don't overlook the idea/concept that I believe he was truly pushing towards....that Iraq will go and quickly behind them will be Iran...MAYBE....MAYBE....nothing concrete on that yet IMO.....and definitely nothing that pushes this out to June for Iraq.
This is a strong opinion of mine.....Iran has not a clue how severely they are liable to get slapped by the the PTB if they even so much as make a ripple in the pool that they have reserved for Iraq.....don't sell that group short....their power is global in ways we can't even imagine....IMO.
Yes Iran is pushing Iraq....for good or bad.....but's not likely they will steal the thunder from Iraq very definitely needs to get its house in order and get a move on....the people are stirred up, investors are stirred up, the Holy Man...well we know he's mad....don't make the Holy Man mad....just ask Maliki.
I'm wondering what is Dr. Shabibi up to....he's been quiet for a bit.....and I wonder how things are in Mosul this week.....I see dust from the south....who is that kicking up such a thing for isn't ISIS on their way to Baghdad.
Blessings to you brother....keep studying   Aloha   Randy


FBS:  Frank forgive me if you answered this already. But what do you mean by saying "July disappointed me " what about July? Thank you.

Aggiedad77:  Hi fbs,   Check your notes from recent CC's.....I think and I could be wrong on this...but I think the IMF came knocking on Dr. Shabibi's door and Abadi's door "last July".....and they simply said....uhhhhh what do you want....we aren't ready....remember this was when Frank was in Hawaii with TINK....

I'm thinking that there might have been hope of some permanent time there at the at point....but disappointment was felt by many starting with the IMF......just some thoughts.
Aloha    Randy




Published on Jan 27, 2016
IMF’s Managing Director Christine Lagarde welcomes the 2010 Quota reforms which have come into effect on Jan 26.


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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