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Saturday, January 30, 2016

Dinar Updates Saturday Member Chat 1-30-16  Part 1 of 2

Post From Dinar Updates 1-30-16
Excerpts & Highlights
Dinar Updates Saturday Member Chat 1-30-16  Part 1 of 2
Pablo says():   So, I gather Iraq is going international?
subgirl says to Pablo():   did you see the new CBI website?
Pablo says():   Yes.
Signman says():   Pablo someday, but no one knows that day IMO
Signman says():   but it looking good
Pablo says():   What about all this hooking into Swift stuff?
Signman says():   probably needed but we don't know if something else is needed
Pablo says():   An RV is needed!!!!!
Signman says():   amen
Cricket22 says to Pablo():   YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pablo says():   So, what is IRan doing this weekend?
Signman says():   Pablo I will say that I told my wife that sanctions would have to be lifted from Iran before this could happen because of a speech Abadi gave in Paris in late summer
Pablo says():   It's possible.
Signman says():   Pablo I'm just not sure Iran hooking up internationally is the trigger for Iraq RVing. but I do believe one more step is taken
Pablo says():  It will put a lot more pressure on the situation.
Pablo says():  So, what are these dates in March we are looking at?
mudder says():  GM All... Here's a thought??? Maybe Iraq is waiting for Iran to do something??? There's a awful lot of dinar in Iran thanks to Maliki
Charlie&Gracie says():  GM.....saw the CBI website and no rates showing ? Is that what you all see ?
clay says():  been seeing that for years
Charlie&Gracie says():  it showed the rates yesterday
subgirl says to Pablo():  the idea behind the CBI website is that it is new! if you look at all the sections, it is all new
subgirl says to Charlie&Gracie():  was for you lol sorry pablo
larrykn says():  mudder I've been thinking for over a week now ever since they talked about those swift codes that this will all go down at the same time
Charlie&Gracie says():  thanks Subgirl !
Pablo says():  I'm thinking with 24 hours of each other.
mudder says to larrykn():  Could be??? I guess we wait and see???
magnetlady says(9:00 AM):  Well I like what I am reading. I think its all coming together.
larrykn says():  I'm also thinking this is why Obama made that deal with Iran he knew this was coming down and needed Iran off sancitoins but that is a long shot I know
Pablo says():  I was thinking that too Larry.
tman23 says():   Nechirvan Barzani is scheduled to meet with PM Abadi on Sunday......ERBIL — A top delegation form the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is scheduled to visit Baghdad on Sunday, January 31st and meet with the Iraqi officials.....
Head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) Foreign Relations, Hemn Hawrami, posted on social media that the Kurdish delegation will meet with the Iraqi PM, Haider al-Abadi, US Ambassador to Iraq, Stuart Jones, and some other officials while in the capital.....
BasNews has learned that KRG PM Nechirvan Barzani will head the delegation......Barzani’s Press Secretary, Sami Argoushi, revealed to BasNews that the Kurdish and Iraqi officials mainly discuss the Mosul dam issue.
US officials have previously warned that the dam may collapse if it is not fixed soon. And believes that they are likely to reach an agreement over the issues pertaining to oil and budget.
larrykn says():   I thought they already have agreed to the oil and budget
tman23 says():   Nechirvan Barzani is scheduled to meet with PM Abadi on Sunday......ERBIL — A top delegation form the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is scheduled to visit Baghdad on Sunday, January 31st and meet with the Iraqi officials.....
Head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) Foreign Relations, Hemn Hawrami, posted on social media that the Kurdish delegation will meet with the Iraqi PM, Haider al-Abadi, US Ambassador to Iraq, Stuart Jones, and some other officials while in the capital.....
BasNews has learned that KRG PM Nechirvan Barzani will head the delegation......Barzani’s Press Secretary, Sami Argoushi, revealed to BasNews that the Kurdish and Iraqi officials mainly discuss the Mosul dam issue. US officials have previously warned that the dam may collapse if it is not fixed soon. And believes that they are likely to reach an agreement over the issues pertaining to oil and budget.
larrykn says():   I thought they already have agreed to the oil and budget

subgirl says():   this is from HOLLY1 :)
CanTWaitwoRV says to tman23():   Iraq revives 'national oil company' to end the dispute with the Kurds
First Published: 2016-01-30   Baghdad: The company must be owned by the people by giving every citizen shares the N inheritable.
All provinces have rights in the company in proportion to its population -east-   LINK

subgirl says():  There is no definite information about the imminent danger, but because the issue concerns the fate of the country and the safety of millions of citizens, it can not be underestimated the subject does not bear the risk and the government moved quickly
 and under the direct supervision of the prime minister to hold several meetings and workshops around the dam to speed up the procedures and measures required for the maintenance of the dam and the protection of citizens and this Manscher on the official websites of some government agencies.
subgirl says(9:47 AM):   Thread is relevant sources looking for some time at the highest levels but after the latest report that among the risks in the dam structure was focus and accelerate efforts since July 2015,
the advisers in the Prime Minister held a number of workshops around the dam where the officials of the ministry and Iraqi experts attended from the ministry and outside and experts from the World Bank,
United Nations and international experts have been listening to all points of view and the Prime Minister personally attended an important aspect of these meetings, and conclusions and proposals submitted to the Council of Ministers in the tenth month in 2015 and the Council decided to invite three solid companies to submit bids and authorize the prime minister the necessary powers.
The Ministry has invited companies and the opening of tenders, analysis and are now the last stages referral to a reputable international company to do its job in the maintenance and repair of the lower gate idle for
subgirl says():   1. The ministry blocked the presentation of the German company on the pretext that outside the period of time has not been informed the government that while it should be the news about it, because it will be only one company from the provided display which loses the principle of competition, which also causes a re-announcement of the delay to the speed of achievement and we need time.
The ministry after all This required re-advertising and inviting other companies while it confirmed that the companies that provided solid is the largest global companies are able .. and here we put the biggest question mark ?????
2. relevant Minister met with a company that expressed a desire to work in Beirut instead of Baghdad under the pretext that the company can not be their representatives to come to Baghdad Upon inquiry from the company directly by the supreme bodies expressed their willingness to attend and is already attending to Baghdad a week after the Beirut meeting.
3. The ministry requ
subgirl says():   (kind of long) :)
subgirl says():   level to dangerous heights.
Above accurate information on the subject of the Mosul Dam and Maihtoa of the circumstances of the thorny ....
unfortunately some media took advantage of this topic and considered rich material, without giving precise details and perhaps there are political motives to the owners of these channels ....
thanks to German television DW, which focused on the subject in Scientific through one of its programs in collaboration with a local radio is Radio Tigris ...
thanks go also to everyone who helped provide me with these facts, and during the previous two days for the origin of this final report
subgirl says():   THE END :)
subgirl says to luvmydream():   she has some more news I'll bring in in just a bit :)
subgirl says to luvmydream():   here is a shorter bit of news :) from holly!!! :)
subgirl says to luvmydream():   Parliamentary committee calls attention to religious tourism and activating the laws on border crossings
subgirl says to luvmydream():   BAGHDAD / JD / .. called for economic and investment commission in Parliament, the government has to pay attention to religious tourism because of its great importance for the Iraqi economy, as stressed
The necessity of activating the strict laws on border crossings to diversify sources of national income.
A member of the committee MP proof Mamouri told / JD /: that Iraq possessed tourist sites distinct particularly in the holy cities of the provinces of Karbala and Najaf and Kadhimiya holy in Baghdad and the city of Samarra in Salahuddin province,
in addition to the holy shrines and shrines honest in other provinces, it can interest not out of religious tourism an important economic resource for the country, on the grounds that there are foreign tourists come from around the world to it.
And border crossing points have Almamori noted that all border crossings in Iraq is working incorrectly to the absence of laws and regulations governing the court work, calling for activating the st
subgirl says to luvmydream():   calling for activating the strict laws, which is for the border crossing points which are also important economic source for the state.
Iraq has suffered from a major financial crisis as a result of the fall in world oil prices. / End /
subgirl says to luvmydream():   THE END :) 
 tman23 says to larrykn():   Not even close to agreeing.......KRG has been exporting their own oil outside of Baghdad......They have been selling it at $22 per barrel......... The 17% due to the KRG in the Budget,
WHELP........the GOI doesn't have the revenue stream to meet all obligations in the 2016 Budget....... KRG is BANKRUPT !!!!!! Just not officially announced !!!!!!! The GOI is BANKRUPT !!!!!!
Just not officially announced !!! .......Many will want to argue the point BUT......when you can't make payments, owe salaries that are months to a year past due......AND your burn rate is more then your income......... and there is nothing more you can cut from operations........ Your BANKRUPT !!
wvchsr says to tman23():   Does that mean game over or is there a way to rebound?
CanTWaitwoRV says to tman23():   Barzani of the Kurdistan region declares bankruptcy
Date: 01/27/2016 11:12 | Hits: 286   Nechirvan Barzani    Information / BAGHDAD / .. 
The President of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani, on Wednesday, for the bankruptcy of Kurdistan region of Iraq, stressing that there was no money in the region.
Barzani said in remarks reported by "Rouado" and seen by / information /, that "in fact, there are no funds with the Kurdistan Regional Government, is there worse than to have the government money and distribute it?".
Barzani said that "the biggest challenge to the Kurdistan region now is the financial issue."
Barzani pointed out that "all our attempts aimed to secure salaries, our priority is the fight against Daash and secure the salaries of the Peshmerga, then ministries and other institutions and the salaries of insurance." Finished / 25

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2   Thank You

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