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Friday, January 29, 2016

KTFA Thursday Night CC Notes by Aggiedad77 1-28-16


Aggiedad77: Good Morning come the come the NOTES from last night's awesome CC....enjoy

Thank you Frank for the kudos...and thank you Family for all your kudos as well....we are in this journey a team   Aloha   Randy

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CC Notes from Thursday 01-28-2016 (The first part of the notes were KTFA “Housekeeping” and not posted here, but they can be found at )

Frank26:  We need to talk about the Iraqi dinar, although yesterday we talked about the Iranian Rial versus the Iraqi dinar didn’t we.
Family I pray that yesterday you were able to listen and then read Aggiedad’s notes… the way….applause to Aggiedad….this man is going above and beyond the call of duty on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday he does our notes…..and I see that a lot of you are going above and beyond the call of duty and thanking him….

You see I know that I pushed that issue didn’t I…..I just feel that it is nice to thank somebody even when you have to do it every day because they do something for you every day…..

You remember the old Homer epic story about the Trojan horse….you know about the Trojan horse….well one of the things that Iran is doing….as I said I consider Iran and Iraq to be twins….but I believe them to be Siamese twins….I believe Iraq has worked hard to establish the pathway to many reforms and the main one is their Monetary Reform….

Well as Iraq does this they are pulling Iran to do the same thing….but as Iran goes into the international world economy they are pulling Iraq to do the same thing….this is good isn’t it….it’s not parasitical….it is more symbiotic….there is actually a production of goodness for both of these countries because of what they are doing even though it looks like they are antagonizing and going in opposite directions.

I call it the Trojan hose….I don’t know if it is Iraq that has snuck up into Iran or if it is Iran who has snuck up into Iraq….but I do know that closer that you get together the more of a Trojan horse scenario is created….and whether it be good or bad I don’t know….but here is the thing… can infect the other, or the other can infect one….especially in this electronic world of ours in which cyber warfare is prevalent.

Let’s see what happens….I told you yesterday I am happy to see what is going on with Iran and Iraq….I love that relationship between them and what did we call it….kind of like a marriage….like taking the pretty girl to the prom and then the other girl says….what about me….I thought I was your best and all that good stuff.

The Trojan horse is because they are so close to each other yet they are not…..they hid in the belly of the horse and they didn’t know it all night….until they snuck out and they beat them….the city of Troy was conquered….

Which one is the Trojan horse….Iraq or Iran….which one will profit more….which one will explode more into the international world…..I don’t know but I love the fact that they are both pulling each other in the correct direction…..whether they know it or like it or not….and I wouldn’t be surprised if somebody has something to do with this….who….I have no idea…but I can tell you that no idea has a remote control for the price of oil.

Tell me something…..on Monday when did we say that the oil would go back up in price….the third week of January….it did…$2….$3…..$5….then on Monday we told you get ready you will start to see fluctuations in the price of oil…..tell me what is the price of a barrel of oil today….and the answer is $35….

Good God….you see… it will go down again….it will fluctuate….but when it goes back up after going down, it will go even higher….it will stair step its way upward…..where did we say it would level off….between $42 and $45….now $35 from what it was….maybe $28…..this is a serious jump…..this is not just some fluctuation….this is literally someone taking a remote control….the ability….the power and moving the dial up or down….as they see fit….especially when we told you what would happen.

It is important Family that this past Monday Iran did something….Iran did another interesting thing…..the ban on air travel to Iran was lifted for Americans…pretty cool….it was lifted for everyone around the world….so the US lifted the ban that prevented American citizens from travelling to Iran… the individual who is out there saying it is illegal to purchase the Iranian Rial… they understand that happened on Monday….I don’t know.

So how is it that it is illegal…..I mean we travel to England and we exchange USD for pounds and we conduct business with England….we aren’t going to be able to do this with Iran who is signing contracts all over the world except with us….no….you’ve made your point Frank….shut up.

Let me tell you that Iran from a political standpoint has been punished enough….Iran and Iraq are growing up together….it’s interesting how friction can create a callous and make things a lot more secure….from a political standpoint….

IMO….Iran has been punished enough….that is why you see an explosion, a plethora of things going on with Iran….and I told you Iran is so far advanced….you can see their reforms….but Iraq….they are still coming out of the Stone Ages….they don’t want you to see anything….if you could put on glasses that would allow you to see past the garbage that Iraq is going through you would see the equivalent of what you are seeing in Iran….Iraq is signing contracts but they don’t tell you….IMO.

Look when the Ayatollah Khomeini was in charge of Iran it was kind of a cold attitude that he had with the US….but it is a lot different now and I’m not trying to be buddy…buddy with Iran….I have no plans for going there….if and only if I buy their currency that is my prerogative….but it is different now….we told you there is a new Middle Eastern philosophy that the US has brought in….and that new ME philosophy is now being adapted by many ME countries with each other….

right now the President of Iran Rhounani…..well the old President was a terrorist….he led the hostage take over in Iran of our embassy….but their leaders are all new….they want to work with the world….they are working with the US but our hands are still kind of handcuffed and that is why you see all these other countries getting contract left and right with Iran.

Here check this out….WSJ…..Oil and ???? is Marching in Lock Step….many times people tell me Frank….the price of oil has nothing to do with our investment….ok…whatever….but I think now that years have gone by since I first said that it is a different story now, I think people do understand.

WSJ from yesterday….there it is….the President of Iran meeting with the Vatican Pope….everyone knows around the world that Iran is a hot spot….everyone knows that Iraq is a hot spot….but Iraq is being so…..don’t you wish Iraq was like Iran….you know boisterous, loud, demanding and bragging a little bit more instead of being forced to tell us about their Monetary Reform….well I do….but they don’t do that….now because we have TEAMS we are able to see.

Now check this out….WSJ…..Where Have All the Oil Speculators Gone….think about that….well where they have gone to is Iran….to sign contracts with Iran as quickly as possible.

My news paper from Toledo…..Iran Leader Courts European Businesses….New Sanctions Possible Over the Missile Tests….no….no.

So oil is really causing an uproar…..all over the place….we know we need it for the funding of the budget….but oil is doing a lot all over the world….and didn’t they just sell billions to China….Iran…and also recently to Japan……and the price of oil is going up.

Again the WSJ…..Investors Hedge Bets on Crude Oil Revival….so Wall Street knows that oil is getting ready to go back up.

The current Ayatollah of Iran, he is a very influential Shiite Muslim and he is a scholar….he believes that the 40 year sanction that Iran has gone through has hurt them badly….is he a pro-Westerner….no not really…..

But he has come to the realization that the world is not as big as he thought….in other words as the world opens to Iran….the world becomes smaller to Iran….they are isolationists….but this new Ayatollah that I told you about….IMO…he is a great influence in all that you see going on….the same way the Holy Man in Iraq demands and wants the same thing that the Holy Man in Iran is already getting.

Trojan horse huh… this Trojan horse scenario for the first time nobody loses….the philosophy…and by the way…..what I am giving you this is INTEL…..and the problem with this…in the Middle East they don’t necessarily like each other….it has been that way for over 2,000 years.

When one Arab meets another Arab they don’t say hello, good day….they say…..are you a Shiite…..are you a Sunni….what are you…what does it matter whether I talk to you or not.

The US when we arrived there over 12 years ago it drove us crazy and we didn’t understand their culture….our soldiers had to be educated on the Arab culture.

To conclude this thought…..the purpose of this thought….the sharing of this file with you Family…..was to share that a unity in the Middle East was born and started by the US and it will be good because this new ME policy is now within almost all of the Arab countries….they know it is not about killing each other….or calling them names….it’s about swallowing our pride, getting into bed with them and making money.

So yesterday and what I just gave you…..those two things go together.
I want to tell you there is a dam….there is a dam that is really important and there is only one article that came out…

What did I tell you about Mosul…..what did I say on Monday….if you see Mosul….then you will see what you want to see with the Monetary Reform.

Look there is a dam and the article that came out, I don’t think I saw anyone talking about it….there is a dam in Mosul and it it is really close to collapsing right now….it is dangerous… you think that ISIS is there….I would say that this dam could kill more people that ISIS will….this dam is a serious disaster that is very close to happening….it could become a very catastrophic collapse of the country….

If this dam breaks it will kill many….if this dam breaks it could flood Baghdad….talk about collateral damage….this is a serious issue….why do I bring it up to you…..if it breaks….you talk about delays….if this dam breaks….look out….but here is the thing….the US has control of the dam….I just wanted you to know that.

We as TEAMS are expecting in the coming weeks that the battle of Mosul will be over with….the reason why….IMO…..there are plans that were drawn up to do the ground attack now….IOO those plans were approved….when will they do this….I don’t know….but we do need Mosul and you know why… continue the RV….

You know the main branch of the CBI is there….just between us, we will always do the work….military-wise….but we will never get the credit….we can’t we are infidels….now the credit will go to Iraq and you will be reading about it when it is over it will be an Arabic victory….and we have information about what is going on….but again military stuff you don’t talk about….but pray in these next two weeks you will see an Arab victory in Mosul.

Look for the US to start bombing the only safe exit out of Fallujah….within these next two weeks….the US will start bombing this route because it is booby-trapped and they need to get rid of those bombs….and we are not being helped but we are going to say they did it all….IMO….they were told to stand down….let us do it….we will do it a lot faster, a lot quicker, more accurate….you guys can get all the credit we don’t care…..and that is exactly what is going on.

One more thing…..Iraq is trying to find money….and again that is just that….I don’t want to say laziness….they are trying to find money for whatever reason….because they got no money….Iraq will probably start to sell Saddam Hussein’s properties….very soon….watch for it….there are about 70 of them….Parliament will sell 600,000 state owned properties that will bring Parliament about $150 billion USD….in order for them to find funds.

How much do they use per month….then you know how long this money will last.

Dismissed with a prayer.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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