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Thursday, January 28, 2016

Highlights From "The Big Call" Thursday Night 1-28-16 by TNT Members

TNT:   Highlights From The Big Call Thursday Night 1-28-16

Cloudwalker:  Bruce: This is not a true celebration call -- yet. Anything's possible in the next hour or so.

Mangelo:  Bruce call: welcome and we are in a waiting mode

Cloudwalker:  Bruce: Call will probably be just an hour tonight so you can catch the debate if you want to

Cloudwalker:  Bruce: Kent going to pray in call.

Cloudwalker:  Bruce: Today went dark and quiet in terms of information. Sometimes that's good.

Bruce: Need to hold on and trust that it's true.
Mangelo:  Bruce call: starting prayer request now

Mangelo:  Bruce call: prayer request done now

Cloudwalker:  Bruce: What we are hearing is limited but very positive

Mangelo:  Bruce, Intel now.....what are we hearing is limited...and the GCR is taking place

Cloudwalker:  Bruce: We understand that the GCR itself is officially taken place and dinar is at $3.71 rate in Simgapore, Phillipines and far eastern countries…Bruce: Doesn't know which countries in addition to those two

Cloudwalker:  Bruce: When Abadi was in Davos, he was given the green light by CL with IMF to go ahead and get this done

Mangelo:  Bruce : Abadi was in Davos and given the green light by CL with the IMF to ahead

Cloudwalker:  Bruce: We believe everything in Iraq has been completed -- some weeks ago, some months ago

Cloudwalker:  Bruce: Something said to Bruce yesterday that Abadi is to make announcement in mosque tomorrow morning Iraq time (tonight over here)

Cloudwalker:  Bruce: Maybe that's a trigger.

Cloudwalker:  Bruce: Whales have been exchanged, from Friday night up until last night and possibly into today

Mangelo:  Bruce call: abadi is to give announcement tomorrow morning in the Masque

Cloudwalker:  Bruce: One of the larger humanitarian finding sources we all would know has received their funds into the multiple trillions, and those funds will be accessible tomorrow night to them

Bruce: Even though we're waiting, we understand that everything is ready from a banking point of view. Rates are live, good, right where they need to be

Mangelo:  Bruce call: funds will be available to the humanitarian sources and live rates

Cloudwalker:  Bruce: What was to be 1/2 a trillion of toxic debt, from China's perspective, has been reduced down to about a billion dollars -- may even be gone now…This is to prepare for the new paradigm we're moving into (asset-backed currencies)

Bruce: We're hearing China is to put out a gold-backed yuan in April

Bruce: As of this morning, 8 million barrels of oil were in transport from Iran to China and Japan, and we know they were 100% paid for shortly after they got into international waters

Mangelo:  Bruce: understand they are going to put out a asset backed yuan in April

Cloudwalker:  Bruce: Over 5K Tier 1 and 2 bank locations have synced up and had their codes delivered for activation…Bruce: ...and they have had the proper tally of TRNs and USNs and have the proper quota for each bank location and off-site exchange locations ... as of last Sunday, even in the snow

Mangelo:  Bruce: they have over 5,000 currency exchange center shave gotten all their codes last Sunday

Cloudwalker:  Bruce: Everything from a government standpoint set; prosperity packages will go out as soon as RV is triggered in US

Bruce: vehicles have been mustered, individuals have been notified for that

Bruce: We're down to last few days, maybe hours for this to go thru

Bruce: We thought this could have gone anytime in past three or four days to go thru

Bruce: ASking everyone to hold on for as long as it takes

Mangelo: Bruce: prosperity packages are ready to go when the RV is triggered

Cloudwalker: Bruce: I'm seeing more things in evidence. He has faith. "Faith is the evidence of things hoped for but not yet seen." We have not seen this yet.

Mangelo:  Bruce: is seeing evidence of this, having faith

Cloudwalker:  Bruce: Everyone on this call is part of the internet group (will get 800 #s when they come out; he will put them out), others are part of WF group (formerly General 64 group, but not anymore), some part of a group dealing with the admiral

Mangelo:  Bruce: it's all good, don't know when it's going to happen but in a good window for this to happen

Cloudwalker:  Bruce: It's all good. We are very close to this going down. Can't tell you when. But he believes we're in a new time window for this to go down. We have to continue to be patient.

Bruce: Without getting himself in too deep, that's what he can tell us right now.

Bruce: Rates for dinar on screen higher than he told last time. Dong about the same as it was. Zin is a little higher than it's been for a little while now, and in a really good place.

Bruce: We think the Rial will come out pretty close to what the dinar is now.

Bruce: Iran/Iraq? couldn't be shipping this oil without a rate attached to it

Mangelo:  Bruce is saying the rates are good for the Dinar, Dong, Zim is higher and the Rial is close to the Dinar now

Cloudwalker:  Bruce: We are as close as we've ever been. We think there's quite a bit going on behind the scenes that is preparatory for what we are expecting.

Mangelo: Bruce is now in Q & A one question!!!

Mangelo:  Bruce caller: what CL was taking about the reforms of the 2010 and maybe needed to happen

Cloudwalker:  Bruce caller: Can you clarify what CL said in her speech about BRICS countries? Bruce: Remember her talking about the reforms of 2010 ... was congratulations to the IMF for having passed this, and it could be something that needed to happen before this all went down. We looked at it as a positive thing.

Bruce (cont.): We heard the FDIC is going to insure accts of unlimited amount in accts that are in NOW accts and non-interest-bearing accts.

Mangelo:  Bruce: FDIC is going to insure all accounts

Cloudwalker:  Bruce caller: Can you say more about prosperity packages? Bruce: I'm not an expert in them, but there are a number of vehicles that have been set aside to begin delivery to the people who have known about and been involved in them for a long time (20 years in some cases).

Bruce (cont.): Money given to a paymaster, then divided to people who are to do positive things with the money. Up to 200 people in some cases.

Bruce (cont.): Believes those packages will go out when the green light is on for the RV.

Cloudwalker:  Bruce caller: Talking about WSOM call, and asking Bruce about it. He says they have a guy on named Josef today ... Bruce: Understands he's a wise fellow ..
Mangelo:  Bruce caller: talking about Yoesef on the wsomn call

Cloudwalker:  Bruce caller: Says that Josef says that the Zim is a bond because of the paper it's printed on. Paper you can default on in a bankruptcy, but a bond you can't….Bruce response: He heard this previously (about the bond thing). He thinks the caller is right. Thinks we will transact this as a currency exchange. Zimbabwe is a very wealthy country. Currency has great value.

Mangelo:  Bruce: talking about the Zim is a bond

Cloudwalker:  Bruce caller: What do you know that Dr. Clarke and the Billy Goat don't know?

Bruce: Does not believe the March or April time frame. He *does* believe the dong is over $2.

Mangelo:  Bruce caller: Pastor Tony got into a bad accident...Bruce is paying

Cloudwalker:  Bruce caller: When we go to the bank, we were told to mention that the zim is a historical bond ... also have heard that the zim could go to a very high rate….Bruce: Has heard .57 for zim, has heard that much higher rate (cloudwalker note: Bruce doesn't want to put that higher rate out on the call, so even tho he mentioned it, I don't want to type it)

Bruce: Ask for the best rate you can get at the bank, but let's just see what it comes out at.

Bruce: It's a great rate right now. If it gets higher, we'll do more with it.

Bruce: Rate out there now is in in the mid-30s for zim.

Mangelo:  bruce caller: on the Zim rate is good and I know it's .35 that's what I know now

Cloudwalker:  Bruce: That's the only rate I will put out there right now. Don't get your hopes up for now. We'll see where it comes out.

Cloudwalker: Bruce caller: Does the dong rate look better than .47? Bruce: It's WAAAAAY over that

Bruce (cont): Like the other caller asked, it's over $2

Mangelo:   Dong is way over .47 it's over $2

Cloudwalker:  Regarding the bond issue, Bruce said he had heard about that previously, then remembered that he had heard about it when the caller mentioned it on WSOM call (Josef). I don't believe Bruce said definitively if he thought it was true or not.

Cloudwalker:  Bruce caller: Just because we see rates right now, doesn't mean they will be that when we get to the bank. Sucker rates? If you're not in a group, what would you do?

Bruce: .47 would be a sucker rate on the dong ... you need to go in more quickly rather than less quickly. Contract rates won't be there for that long.
Bruce caller: what you do if the rates a very low, would you come can negotiate and I wouldn't wait

Bruce (cont.): Go in, you can negotiate up a bit on the rates depending on your project plans, etc. That will go a long way for you as far as getting a better rate. I wouldn't wait on this unless you really want to play the game, you are doing well financially, and you want to wait.

Cloudwalker:  Bruce caller: Does the US have to establish relevant tax law for this to RV?

Bruce: no, I don't believe so. As far as we know, from a federal point of view, this is not a taxable event. States may have something to say about capital gains tax (states that collect state income tax). Other than that, I don't think it will be an issue

Bruce: GCR is poised and ready to go and is live in some countries across the far east. Hasn't made its way here to where's known yet. Some whales exchanging ... groups, including internet group, we are waiting on the go ahead

Mangelo:  Bruce caller: there maybe taxes, state taxes, every state is different, The RV is live in Asia countries but it hasn't made it here yet!

Cloudwalker:  Bruce: Our country is last on this. Things happening behind the scenes. It's going through. We just don't have it here yet.

Mangelo:  Bruce call ended the Q & A

Mangelo:  Bruce call: Bruce is praying us out

The big call Bruce replay is 605-562-3198 Pin #123456

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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