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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

​Stevel News With Comments 1-26-16

Post From Peoples Dinar
​Stevel News With Comments 1-26-16

Stevel:   One of our team members sent me this and I wanted to share. I will find the link in a little while.
Iraqi Dinar Currency to be Powerful to Enter in the Global Currency Markets, 25 JAN

Iraqi Dinar 123 News:–   Osama Mehmoud, the global stock representative in Iraq stressed about the importance of integrative laws and economic action of law making. He also pointed out that linking the Iraqi dinar currency to the global economy has its own importance.
The Iraqi currency should achieve its value against the global currencies. It would allow in providing more power to the economic process in the country. He further added in his press interview that current economic condition in Iraq needs more care.
He pointed out that most of the laws related to the Iraqi economy are still need to get regulations for the economic management in the economic sector, according to the formula. The process in trade and economy are following an open economy as it is called market economy.
He further added that it would improve the economic management that would produce an uncertain economy. There are many industrialized nations depending on the open market that implemented the processes of production and the theory of import and export.
The commercial exchange process between a numbers of companies should adopt a unified economic system. He gave an example of Iraqi economic reality that is continuously depending on letters of guarantee issued to the traders to manage the operations of import of goods.
It is showing the limitations to the Iraqi verbal disapproval within the banks. It is also stopping to spread the Iraqi dinar currency into the international markets.
As a result, the Iraqi dinar value decreased and unable to trade outside the Iraq. He stressed that importance of presenting the Iraqi dinar currency in the global currency markets.
Creed123 said:    Looks like things are moving in Mosul? Is that still the key? Thanks for the diligent work. It's been a long haul!
Stevel:   For the most part, yes. The country has to be secure.
Stevel:   Another great team article.
Things are really starting to line up and this is yet another great article. Team put in red important things.  (No red  instead...   italic and underlined)

I love where all of this is headed. I do believe we all know what that is. 
Association of Iraqi banks sign a partnership agreement and exchange of experiences with the Union of Arab Banks
 01/25/2016 Baghdad / Muhannad Jawad
The Iraqi Association of Banks, on Sunday, has signed an agreement with the Union of Arab Banks for the development of human resources.
The legislative and executive authorities called on to capitalize on this collaboration for the development of the banking sector in Iraq, the Union need for Iraq to develop the infrastructure of its banking sector confirmed, while detect the presence of preparations for the holding of a forum of the Iraqi economy to attract investors to Iraq. 
This came during a press conference held by the Association of Iraqi banks with the Union of Arab Banks for the signing of a joint cooperation agreement in the Babylon Hotel in central Baghdad and attended (range Press). 
The head of the Association of Iraqi banks and depositary Handal in a speech during the conference that "this agreement is a great success of the association and will open us the doors of cooperation with the European Union and US Treasury" . 
Handal said that "the agreement is important because it the first agreement of its kind expected in Iraq after 2003 through serious Union of Arab Banks for the development of human cadres working in Iraqi banks through training and education and develop their ability through the use of modern technology."
 He called on the President of the Association of Iraqi banks. " the legislative and executive authorities to capitalize on this agreement. 
"For his part, Secretary General of the Union of Arab Banks and Sam Fattouh said during the conference:" we have seen during our visit to the seriousness of the Iraqi authorities the process of restructuring and the development and rehabilitation of the banking sector to put it within the international banks. 
"Fattouh added that" the agreement signed today states short of the commitment of Union of Arab Banks set up a training important program for the sector of the Iraqi banking and bring Arab and foreign expertise to Baghdad and prepare capacity building in subjects related to international accounting standards and the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing program. 
"And that" this agreement will not belong only private banks but also the government banks may start from the Rafidain and Rasheed Commercial Bank of Iraq. "
He continued:" We are serious to provide any advice or assistance in agreement with the link and the blessing of the Central Bank of Iraq.
"Fattouh confirmed that" Iraq needs to develop the banking sector infrastructure and system information and training building capacity.
"He noted that" there is an intention to hold an investment conference in Iraq named (Iraq Economic Forum) and preparations are underway to his contract and would be a good opportunity to bring in investors from Arabs and foreigners in Iraq. 
"He explained that" these investors will be briefed on the investment laws in Iraq and investment opportunities and will play Association Iraqi banks and the Union of Arab Banks, a major role in this forum.
 "He pointed out that" this will be the biggest opportunity in order to open the door for investment in Iraq's banking sector. "
He stressed the need to" expand the Association of Iraqi banks to include all Iraqi banks and foreign under the name Association of Iraqi banks. " noting that "the Union can provide assistance to establish the Association of Iraqi banks and the development of its articles of association," stressing that "this should be done in Iraq.
" The experts and officials, bankers and Financial enemy in (January 92 016) that the government go to support the private sector and face the consequences the financial crisis "will not result in" desired results "unless" available legislative and legal environment that supports the banking sector,
and accused the government and private banks that are currently not contributing to the role of a "real" to support the productive sectors. As called for the central bank to limit the granting of new banking licenses, demanded the banks to the bloc to provide the head of accumulated capital position to finance important strategic projects.
The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi called, in (the 12th of December 2015 the past), the banking sector to make a "leap the quantity and quality "in its activities, and stressed the government's determination to activate the role of private banks.

While warned of "obstacles" retard private banks work mode, pledged to "hold negligent." It consists of the banking system in Iraq from 43 banks, as well as the central bank, and are distributed according to property among seven state-owned, and 30 civil including Islamic seven, as well as six foreign banks and is distributed as follows: 600 branches throughout Iraq.
Mango62 said:  This my friends is going to be GREAT year!!!  :D

Stevel:   I am sure it will be an AWESOME year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wldcat03  said:   Man there sure has been some very telling articles about what Iraq is doing and how they are doing it to join the globe.....along with how they will back their currency....its as if they are driving the field for a touchdown and they are now on the 10 yardline....lets do this Iraq
Stevel:   Great analogy, as long as there is no fumble or interception on the final few plays. The finish line is near!
Mjm said:   Thanks, Steve! Great News!!!
Stevel:   Remember, this is for me a team effort, so when you are thanking me, you are thanking the entire team here.   Steve

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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