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Friday, January 29, 2016

Wealthwatch OOTW News & Comments  1-29-16   Part 1 of 2

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Wealthwatch OOTW News & Comments   1-29-16   Part 1 of 2

OOTW: Meeting of the political blocs agreed to expeditiously address the economic crisis and the adoption of controversial laws
OOTW: Three presidencies and political leaders and leaders of the blocs meeting agreed on the need to expedite action on the executive and legislative actions that contribute to overcome the current economic and financial crisis and to move in the fight against corruption in all its forms and manifestations waste of public money.

 According to the final statement of the meeting received by the agency {Euphrates News} a copy of it today, "the interest of the supreme interests and to ensure the achievement of complete victory over terrorism, and in order to performance at different levels

and areas of development for the benefit of the country's progress on both internal and external, was held on Thursday evening 28/1/2016, meeting at the Peace Palace in Baghdad attended by Messrs President of the Republic and the Prime Minister and the leaders and heads of political blocs.
OOTW: He said he "prevailed meeting the high sense of responsibility in order to overcome the problems and obstacles, and the adoption of the principle of the unity of the national position in dealing with all the developments and internal variables
 and foreign starting points of priority interest of Iraq in light of regional and international conditions fraught differences and controlled interests intersecting with the intensification of the economic crisis. "He said the" meeting saw the discussion frank and serious about various issues of politics, security and changes taking place regionally and internationally and the location of Iraq, including, and the views are close on most of the themes of the meeting.
He said it was "an expression of the two communities on the unity of attitude and a sense of responsibility, it was agreed on the following: the security side:
OOTW: First: praise the great victories achieved by the armed forces and security services and forces the popular crowd and the Peshmerga and effort clan to organize Daash terrorist recently as a result of operations and battles that culminated in the liberalization of gray many other areas in Anbar province.
OOTW: Secondly: Call blocs and political forces to support our political and moral security and assign the Government for the development of logistics and numbers and armament plans go ahead for the Liberation of southern Kirkuk and Nineveh province.
OOTW: Third condemned the conferees terrorist bombings and the burning and bombing of mosques and places of worship, demanding the security agencies to redouble their efforts to arrest the perpetrators and bring them to justice and compensation for the victims and discouraging sectarian rhetoric and thought takfirist.
OOTW: Fourth, support the security forces in addressing the fight against organized crime, especially kidnapping Iraqi citizens and foreigners and crimes of robbery, armed robbery, prevent the arrest of any citizen without a warrant or detention in illegal places and strengthen crimes capabilities and expertise of the security services to deal with these crimes and the disclosure of the detention of hostages and detainees sites.
OOTW: Fifth: take necessary measures to restrict gun measures, however, the state and activate the circulation of arms control and use it outside the scope of the law.
OOTW: Sixth: completion appoint the heads of the security services and the leaders of military teams and government program and a package of reforms in accordance with the constitution and invite Council House of Representatives for a vote.
OOTW: Seventh: support our armed forces and the Peshmerga and the crowd folk and tribal resistance and provide all the possibilities and salaries necessary and its equipment in order to ensure continuity in the holy war against terror. economic crisis and its aftermath:
OOTW: The participants agreed on the need to expedite action on the executive and legislative actions that contribute to overcome the economic and financial crisis current, including: First: go in the fight against corruption in all its forms and manifestations waste of public money by providing support for the role of the judiciary and public prosecution and to provide support to the work of the Integrity Commission and the Office of Financial Supervision.
 OOTW: Second, to reduce the budget deficit through retrenchment and control unnecessary spending. Thirdly : Government support in their decisions and measures to overcome the financial crisis or mitigate its effects in the light of the recommendations of the Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers and advisers and experts specialists, so as to ensure fairness in burden-sharing and to ensure that the standard of living for people with limited income.
OOTW: Fourth, work with friendly countries to finance infrastructure projects soft loans or deferred payment. Fifth: activating the role of the Supreme Economic Committee and supplying them with cadres and experts specialists and charged with collaboration with relevant ministries and institutions and stimulate investment and reconstruction and the role of the private sector and prepare the required draft laws to tackle the economic crisis policy.
OOTW: Sixth: create the atmosphere by the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government to continue dialogue and solidarity to defeat Daash and terrorism, and receive an official delegation from the provincial government to Baghdad to discuss and resolve the outstanding issues between them. the issue of displaced meeting decided to call for the following:
OOTW: First: continue efforts to convene an international conference to obtain the money needed for the reconstruction of the liberated areas and help the displaced and displaced persons to return to their areas. Secondly, the allocation of a fund for the displaced and to provide scholarships for returning them immediately upon their return to their areas.
 Third: the launch of a comprehensive hold a national peace Ahli and community are activated particularly in the liberated areas. Fourth, activating the role of the state institutions and urged it to carry out its duties and its responsibilities, including Endowment for ban extremist rhetoric and encourage religious discourse moderate and tolerant.
 OOTW: stalled legislation participants confirmed in this regard as follows: First: unnecessary passage of legislation that have been agreed upon under the political agreement which formed the government or what was presented in the government program, or display in a paper reform voter them by the Council of Ministers and the House of Representatives.
Second, given doubly interesting for the completion of the basic legislation to the process of completing the building of state institutions and ensuring resolve outstanding, including the draft oil and gas law problems, and the law of the Federal Court, and the law of the Federation Council, and the law of the distribution of imports and control, and the law of the National Guard and other laws .
Third: The conferees also agreed to form a sub-committee of the three authorities to follow up on the adoption of such legislation according to a specific timetable.
The statement concluded by saying, "It was also agreed to continue similar meetings held on a regular basis, especially when emerging command on the Iraqi arena or regional to take specific and common positions .   OOTW:
 OOTW: Deputy for the National Alliance revealed that the committee which was formed to conduct a reshuffle is made up of experts in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers.
OOTW: The MP said the full-Zaidi in a press statement that "the formation of the committee is not enough without making sure of their liberation from the influence of political blocs and the pressures that may be exerted on them,"
he said, adding that the committee if it moved away from the courtesies and political pressure and were professional in their work and diagnosed Heavily Baltrhl and corruption ministries we can say it good move".
Zaidi promised to "reconsider the work of ministries and evaluate Ministers good step, especially that now the ball's playground government, after we were yesterday imagine that the government has lost the opportunity entrusted to her reform after the reference she called for reform and the fight against corruption even" Bh her voice, "They have a chance Gold can now seize. "
The prime minister Haider al-Abadi, said, yesterday, Nnath a reshuffle in his government. Ebadi said, "There is no truth to be traded from the government and feminine but there reshuffle".
The press sources indicated earlier this month to some leaks about cabinet reshuffle prospective government, Haider al-Abadi includes take over and Education Minister Hussein al-Shahristani, to the post of Foreign Minister instead of Ibrahim al-Jaafari, and the replacement of Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari, Deputy former Prime Minister [Almrhq] Rose Nuri Bhawess.
 She added, "as The Hassan Rashed be changed Interior Minister Mohammed Ghabban Prime Badr parliamentary bloc Qassim al-Araji, with the integration of the Ministry of Electricity with oil in one ministry, the Ministry of Transport with the Ministry of Communications that this position and take mass solution parliamentary chief Mohamed Karbouli the position of the Ministry of Commerce, and the abolition The Ministry of Youth, Sports and transferred to the body after the transfer of powers to the provinces.
It is said that al-Abadi, was launched in August / August last, beams reforms included the dismissal of Deputy Prime Ministers and the Republic, and the sac  

OOTW: He met with president of the board of Integrity, Dr. Hassan al-Yassiri Motamedi supreme religious authority in the holy city of Karbala, Sheikh Abdel Mahdi al-Karbalai and Mr. Ahmed net.
[b]And accept Dr. Yasiri, during the two meetings, which Jmaah Sheikh Karbalai net and Mr. Friday 01/22/2016 separately, steps the Authority at the local and international levels as well as future plans,
adding that the body was recently taken serious steps in order to ward off citizen corruption and reduce Msaleckh was in the forefront announcing the formation of a new field teams working in the Ministries of Justice and Health and the Iraqi Trade Bank (TBI),
 indicating that these teams embarked on the implementation of the tasks entrusted to it by the Presidency of the body was that probe the depths of the institutions responsible for monitoring the work as soon as possible, and that the accuracy and professional fully take into account,
in order to referral of all the files and cases in which the diagnosed cases of corruption to justice regardless of the character of the accused.[/b] [b]He pointed to the keenness of the body was not to be dragged into squabbles and controversies that distance it from the real mission,
 indicating a need body was to support everyone, especially the national media, which finds it necessary not to underestimate the body was right, by highlighting the achievements realized, revealing the near announcement
The first phase of the financial results on follow-up money inflation "Once completion" and describing the results as "true patriots will be pleased."[/b] [b]
At the local level also Yasiri pointed to the continued operation of the difference secrecy phones that began results of its work to bear fruit, and began citizens reap the benefits of having a tangible development in the work of government departments and institutions, especially service ones, these teams worked to uncover many of the procedures and methods illegal Some institutions, which monitored its work in secret, and raised its re
OOTW: and raised its reports to the Presidency of the Authority, which proceeded to take the necessary legal action in question, and to inform the concerned ministries irregularities taken by its employees.[/b]

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2   Thank You

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