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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Highlights From "The Big Call" Tuesday Night 1-26-16 by TNT Members 

TNT:    Highlights from The Big call Tuesday Night 1-26-16

PinkRoses:  Bruce call starting

PinkRoses:  Bruce call: 5 days since we last talked. A lot going on, a lot happening behind scenes

Mangelo:  Bruce call: lot of things have been going on since we last talked

PinkRoses:  Bruce call: Bruce: Kent and Bob online tonight. Kent teaching lesson now

Pink Roses:  Bruce call: Intel now

PinkRoses:  Bruce call: Bruce: Did I think we be here today without celebration call tonight?
NO we have to put celebration call off a bit. Hopefully not much longer. what we here now is major funds are moving for humanitarian projects.
Mangelo:  Bruce call: I didn't think we would be here with out a celebration call tonight! their is major funds are moving

PinkRoses:   Bruce: certain vehicles moving in place to board them to hand out humantarian packages to distribute throughout the country.

Mangelo:   Bruce call: GCr is being put on TV screens in Singapore

PinkRoses:  Bruce: The GCR is being put out on the TV screen in Singapore. I know some very high financial transaction taking place between certain parties using corresponding banks using some of these Asian banks. Some whales going in getting paid yesterday and today, appts tomorrow as well for exchange, not getting skr, but funds.

Mangelo:  Bruce: contacts, such has whales are getting funds not SKR's today and tomorrow

PinkRoses:  Bruce: everything out west is complete and ready to get started. certain groups have gone, some in process now. I think it is all around us. when we get to begin to get emails, 800? i feel this week. I feel we are ready to start.

Msngelo:  Bruce call: feels we are very close to get started but very surprise that we didn't start already

Mangelo:  Bruce call: everything is done, don't know if the fact that Washington was closed or not and any effect on this

PinkRoses:  Bruce: cant give actually start date. I was very surprised we didnt have it to start with today. doesnt mean we are not right there. things we been waiting for, from what I been hearing, hate to say done, apparently everything is complete. I dont know if the snow shutting down DC was a factor. crucial situation or not to be open, apparently we did get slow down a bit. 5,000 tier 1 and tier 2 banks and bank centers codes been passed on, everything that point of view.

Mangelo:  Bruce call: it could come suddenly and stay patient and know that it is very close.....almost at any moment

PinkRoses:  Bruce: Everything moving along, ready for this to begin. We will see when it occurs, we dont know. maybe come suddenly, maybe when we least expect it. stay patient like you been. know its very close, right there. information we are getting pointing to occur almost any moment. keep with that.

Pinkroses:  Bruce; Intel over

Mangelo:  Bruce call: now introduces his guest speaker Bob on Health

Pinkroses:  Bruce call: caller: If we want to pay off bills at exchange who to ask?  Bruce: you want to get, in my situation ask for a cashier check, ask with the wm. use that money when i get home to pay bills
Mangelo:  Bruce: question on exchange, to pay off your bills, Bruce is going to ask for a cashiers checks and deposit it into my bank and then make payments

PinkRoses:  Bruce caller: do the planets need to be lined up?  Bruce; laughing, seems to be. maybe just a little bit, laughing

PinkRoses:  Bruce call: Caller: where are we?  Bruce: It is all around us, the GCR is showing on the TV screens across the world, in Singapore. Looks like everything looks for us any day now. we are in good shape

PinkRoses:  Bruce: end of callers.

Mangelo:  Bruce call: Bruce thanking his guest Bob

PinkRoses:  Bruce call: Bruce: Kent taking call out in prayer

PinkRoses:  Bruce: we look forward to a great call on Thursday. Good night

Bruce call ended

PinkRoses:    The big call Bruce replay is 605-562-3198 Pin #123456

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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